Louis Pasteur: Between Myth and Reality
:1. Introduction
2. From Molecular Chirality to Fermentation
3. Fighting against Spontaneous Generation and Germ Theory
4. Fighting against the Silkworm Disease
5. Identifying the Germs of the Infectious Diseases (1877–1881)
5.1. Puerperal Fever
5.2. Anthrax
5.3. Cholera
5.4. Plague
6. Pasteurization, Filtration and Sterilization
7. Elaboration of Four Vaccines
7.1. Fowl Cholera
7.2. Anthrax (1881)
7.3. Pig Erysipelas
7.4. Rabies
8. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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1848–1858 | Studies on molecular chirality: crystallography of tartaric and paratartaric acid |
1857–1879 | Studies on fermentation; First patent on alcoholic fermentation (1857) |
1861 | Discovery of anaerobic bacteria |
1861–1879 | Refutation of the theory of spontaneous generations. Discovery of germs |
1863–1873 | Studies on diseases of wine, vinegar, and beer |
1865 | Pasteurization of wine; Patent on wine preservation |
1865–1870 | Study on the diseases of silkworms |
1871 | Patent on beer preparation and preservation |
1877 | First observation of antibiosis |
1877–1881 | Studies on infectious diseases (anthrax, puerperal sepsis, boils) |
1878 | Demonstration in a vineyard that isolation of grapes from environmental air prevents fermentation in the further wine-making process |
1880 | Co-discovery with Alexander Ogston (UK) of Staphylococcus aureus |
1881 | Co-discovery with George M. Sternberg (USA) of Streptococcus pneumoniae |
1880–1885 | Preparation of vaccines (fowl cholera, anthrax, pig erysipelas, rabies) |
1887 | First bacteriological war: elimination of rabbits by Pasteurella multocida over the cellar of Champagne of Mrs. Pommery (Reims) |
27 December 1822 | Birth in Dôle (Jura) (third child of Jean-Joseph Pasteur (1791–1865) and Jeanne-Étiennette Roqui (1793–1848) |
1827 | The family moved to Arbois |
1831–1843 | Studied in Arbois, Besançon, Dijon, and Paris |
1844–1847 | Studied at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris) |
1846 | “Agrégé préparateur” at ENS |
1847 | Thesis for his Doctorat ès-Sciences (physics and chemistry) |
1848–1853 | Taught physics in high school in Dijon and chemistry at the University of Strasbourg |
29 May 1849 | Married Marie Laurent, daughter of the Strasbourg university’s rector |
1850 | Birth of Jeanne, first child (deceased in 1859, 9 ½ years) |
1851 | Birth of Jean-Baptiste, second child (deceased in 1908) |
1853 | Birth of Cécile, third child (deceased in 1866, 12 ½ years) |
Knight of the Légion d’Honneur | |
1854 | Professor of chemistry and dean of the faculty of sciences of Lille |
1857 | Failure of his application to the Academy of Sciences |
1857–1867 | Administrator and director of scientific studies at ENS |
1858 | Birth of Marie-Louise, fourth child (deceased in 1934) |
Set up his research laboratory in the attics of ENS | |
1862 | Election at the French Academy of Sciences |
1863 | Birth of Camille, fifth child (deceased in 1865, 2 years) |
Professor of geology, physics, and applied chemistry at the School of Fine Arts | |
1867–1888 | Director of a laboratory at ENS |
1867–1872 | Professor, chair of organic chemistry at the Sorbonne |
1868 | First severe brain stroke that paralyzed his left side |
1873 | Election at the French Academy of Medicine |
1875 | Failure to be elected Senator for Jura |
1879 | His daughter Marie-Louise married René Valéry-Radot (1853–1933) |
1881 | Election at the French Academy; Great Cross of the Légion d’honneur |
1888–1895 | Director of Institut Pasteur |
28 September 1895 | Death in Institut Pasteur annex (Marnes la Coquette) |
26 December 1896 | The coffin of Louis Pasteur was transferred in the crypt of Institut Pasteur |
Before JC | Marcus Terentius Varro (Varron) (116 BC–27 BC) (Roman) |
1st century | Galen of Pergamon (129–216) (Greece) |
1546 | Girolamo Fracastoro (1483–1553) (Italy) |
1658 | Athanasius Kircher (1601 or 1602–1680) (Germany) |
1663 | Robert Boyle (1627–1691) (Ireland) |
1668 | Francesco Redi (1626–1697) (Italy) |
1714 | Nicolas Andry de Bois-Regard (1658–1742) (France) |
1718 | Louis Joblot (1645–1723) (France) |
1720 | Benjamin Marten (1690–1752) (UK) |
1721 | Jean-Baptiste Goiffon (1658–1730) (France) |
1762 | Marcus Antonius von Plenčič (1705–1786) (Austria) |
1765 | Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799) (Italy) |
1836 | Theodor Schwann (1810–1882) (Germany) |
1836 | Franz Schulze (1815–1921) (Germany) |
1837 | Jean Hameau (1779–1851) (France) |
1839 | Sir Henry Holland (1788–1873) (UK) |
1840 | Jakob Henle (1809–1885) (Germany) |
1844 | Agostino Bassi (1773–1856) (Italy) |
1846 | Gideon Algernon Mantell (1790–1852) (UK) |
1866 | Auguste Chauveau (1827–1917) (France) |
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Cavaillon, J.-M.; Legout, S. Louis Pasteur: Between Myth and Reality. Biomolecules 2022, 12, 596. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12040596
Cavaillon J-M, Legout S. Louis Pasteur: Between Myth and Reality. Biomolecules. 2022; 12(4):596. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12040596
Chicago/Turabian StyleCavaillon, Jean-Marc, and Sandra Legout. 2022. "Louis Pasteur: Between Myth and Reality" Biomolecules 12, no. 4: 596. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12040596
APA StyleCavaillon, J.-M., & Legout, S. (2022). Louis Pasteur: Between Myth and Reality. Biomolecules, 12(4), 596. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom12040596