Uses, Knowledge and Extinction Risk Faced by Agave Species in Mexico
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology and Analysis
2.1. Risk Level Based on the IUCN Red List
- CR: Critically Endangered;
- EN: Endangered;
- VU: Vulnerable;
- EW: Extinct in the Wild;
2.2. Endemism in Mexico
- E: Endemic;
- NE: Not endemic;
2.3. General Uses
- The species has anthropogenic use;
- The species has no uses;
2.4. Knowledge of Pollinator, Floral Visitor and/or Reproduction
- Assuming that less knowledge puts the species at greater risk than more known species
IUCN Red List |
NT: Near Threatened VU: Vulnerable EN: Endangered CR: Critically Endangered EW: Extinct in the Wild |
Species | Common Names | Uses | Pollinator | Floral Visitor | Reproduction | Distribution | IUCN Red List Category | Importance Score | References |
Agave abisaii * A. Vázquez and Nieves | Medical use (anti-inflammatory) | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Choeronycteris mexicana | Sexual: Pollination | Jalisco | EN | 7 | [34,37,38] | ||
Agave aktites Gentry | Food | Sinaloa, Sonora | VU | 4 | [4,34,38] | ||||
Agave americana L. | Americano, Arroqueño (Oaxaca), Blanco, Castilla (Oaxaca), Cenizo (Tamaulipas), De Pulque (Oaxaca), Ruqueño (Oaxaca), Serrano, Sierra Negra (Oaxaca), T’ax’uada (otomi), Teometl (náhuatl), Yavi-Cuan (mixteco), Agave amarillo, Maguey serrano, Maguey cebra, Maguey cenizo, Maguey chichimeco, Maguey chino, Maguey pinto | Pulque production, distilled beverage production, ornament, textile source, food | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis Choeronycteris mexicana | Asexual: clonal sexual: pollination | Chihuahua, Oaxaca, Coahuila, Jalisco, South EU (Texas) | 3 | [4,6,13,38,39] | ||
Agave andreae Sahagún and A. Vázquez | Maguey de Piedra | Ornament | Michoacán | VU | 7 | [34,37,38,39] | |||
Agave angustifolia Haw. | Espadilla (Puebla), Espadín (Oaxaca), Ixtero verde, Amole, Bacanora, Chacaleño (Durango), Chelem (maya), Cincoañero (Oaxaca), Delgado (Guerrero, Oaxaca), Doba-yej (zapoteco), Gubuk (Chihuahua y Durango), Gusime (Chihuahua), Guvúkai (Chihuahua y Durango), Hamoc (seri), Juya-cuul, Ki’mai (Chihuahua y Durango), Kuúri (Chihuahua), Lineño (Jalisco), Maguey de Campo, Pelón Verde (Oaxaca), Tepemete (Durango), Yavi-incoyo, Zapupe, Henequén, Maguey de flor, Maguey de ixtle | Distilled beverage production, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Choeronycteris mexicana | Mimus saturninus, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, night moths | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal bulbils | Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Costa Rica | 4 | [4,38,39,40,41,42,43,44] | |
Agave antillarum Descourt. | Maguey Antillano | Dominican Republic | 2 | [38,45] | |||||
Agave applanata Lem. ex Jacobi | Ki’may, Maguey blanco, Maguey de Castilla, Maguey de ixtle | Pulque production, medicinal use, fiber source, food | Sexual: seeds | Chihuahua, Durango, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz | 3 | [4,13,38,40] | |||
Agave asperrima Jacobi | Maguey Bruto | Food, mead production, distilled beverage production, fiber source | Asexual: clonal sexual: seeds | Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas | 3 | [38,40,41,42,45] | |||
Agave atrovirens Karw. | Agave pulquero, Flor de jiote, Flor de maguey, Flor de mezcal, Flor de pitol, Flor de quiote, Flor de sotol, Maguey de montaña, Maguey de pulque, Maguey manso, Maguey de cumbre, Tepeme | Mezcal production, fiber source, living fence | Asexual: clonal sexual: seeds | Puebla, Oaxaca | 3 | [4,13,38] | |||
Agave aurea Brandegee | Lechuguilla, Lechuguilla mezcal, Maguey | Ornament, fiber source | Asexual: clonal | Baja California Sur | 5 | [38,44,46,47] | |||
Agave avellanidens Trel. | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Baja California | NT | 5 | [34,38,46,47] | |||
Agave azurea R. H. Webb and G. D. Starr | Sexual: seeds | Baja California Sur | VU | 4 | [34,38,47] | ||||
Agave bovicornuta Gentry | Lechuguilla de la Sierra (Sonora), Masparillo (Durango) Cerial | Ornament, food, mezcal production (not so common), fiber source | Sexual: pollination, seeds | Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua | VU | 4 | [4,34,38,39,40] | ||
Agave cantala(Haw.) Roxb. ex Salm-Dyck | Cincoañero (Oaxaca), Maguey del Cinco (Oaxaca) Henequén | Fiber source, fistilled beverage production | Asexual: clonal | Oaxaca, Jalisco | 3 | [4,34,38,39,40] | |||
Agave capensis Gentry | Mescalito | Food | Baja California | EN | 8 | [4,34,38,39,40] | |||
Agave chrysantha Peebles | Food, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Apis mellifera | Bats, birds, insects | Sexual: pollination seeds asexual: clonal | Sonora, Southwest EU (Arizona) | 2 | [30,38,40,42,44] | ||
Agave colorata Gentry | Ceniza (Sonora), Haamjö, Caacöl | Food, mead production, mezcal production, ornament | Leptonycteris, hummingbirds | Hummingbirds | Sexual: pollination, seeds asexual: clonal | Sinaloa, Sonora | 2 | [4,38,39,40,44] | |
Agave congesta Gentry | Maguey Tzotzil | Ornament | Sexual: Seeds | Chiapas | 6 | [4,38,40,48,49,50] | |||
Agave cupreata Trel. and A. Berger | Papalometl, Papalote (Guerrero), Ancho, Chino (Michoacán), Cimarrón, Tuchi, Yaabendisi (mixteco), Maguey bravo, Tobalá | Mezcal production, food, mead production | Sexual: seeds | Guerrero, Michoacán | EN | 5 | [34,38,39,40,41] | ||
Agave datylio F. A. C. Weber | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Baja California Sur | 5 | [4,38,44,47] | ||||
Agave decipiens Baker | Asexual: clonal | Southeast EU (Florida), Yucatán | VU | 2 | [4,34,38,45] | ||||
Agave delamateri W. C. Hodgs and Slauson | Food, fiber source | Birds, insects | Asexual: clonal | Southwest EU (Arizona) | 5 | [38,51] | |||
Agave deserti (complex) Engelm. | Maguey del desierto | Ornament, food, fiber source, mead source | Hummingbirds, insects | Sexual: seeds asexual: clonal | Baja California Sonora Southwest EU | 3 | [4,38,40,44,47,52] | ||
Agave deserti Agave cerulata (complex) Trel. | Mescal | Fiber source, food, Mead production, distilled beverage production | Baja California, Sonora | 4 | [38,40,44,47] | ||||
Agave deserti Agave subsimplex (complex) Trel. | A’amxw | Food | Bombus, Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Lepidoptera | Bats | Sexual: pollination | Sonora | VU | 5 | [34,38,40,44,53] |
Agave desmettiana Jacobi | Maguey de pita | Ornament, mead production, distilled beverage production | Glossophaga soricina | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal | Sinaloa, Southwest EU (California) | 3 | [4,38,40,54] | ||
Agave durangensis Gentry | Cenizo (Durango), Bayuza | Ornament, mezcal production, food | Sexual: seeds asexual: clonal | Durango, Zacatecas | 3 | [4,38,39,40,55] | |||
Agave flexispina Trel. | Ornament | Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas | VU | 5 | [4,34,38] | ||||
Agave fortiflora Gentry | Haamjö, Caacöl | Food, mead production | Asexual: clonal | Sonora | 5 | [4,38,40] | |||
Agave fourcroydes Lem. | Henequén, Jenequén, Maguey sisal | Fiber source, ornament, food | Asexual: clonal nulbils | Yucatán, Cuba | 3 | [4,38,40,55] | |||
Agave gentryi B. Ullrich | Maguey del Bosque | Food, mead production, fiber source | Chiroptera | Sexual: pollination | Nuevo León, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Mexico, Puebla | 3 | [38,40,56,57] | ||
Agave gigantensis Gentry | Ornament, mezcal production | Sexual: seeds | Baja California Sur | 5 | [4,38,40,46] | ||||
Agave gracilipes Trel. | Maguey de Pastizal | Chihuahua, South EU (Texas), Nuevo Mexico | 2 | [4,38] | |||||
Agave grijalvensis B. Ullrich | Maguey del Grijalva | Ornament, food | Sexual: seeds | Chiapas | EN | 7 | [34,38,58] | ||
Agave guadalajarana Trel. | Mascarreño | Distilled beverage production, ornament, medical use | Sexual: seeds | Jalisco | EN | 7 | [4,34,38,40,42] | ||
Agave gypsophila Gentry | Maguey de Ixtli, quiote | Used for rural house construction | Asexual: clonal | Guerrero | CR | 9 | [34,37,38,49,50] | ||
Agave havardiana Trel. | Maguey norteño | Mezcal production | Leptonycteris nivalis, Choeronycteris mexicana | Zenaida asiatica, Icterus parisorum | Sexual: pollination | Chihuahua, Coahuila, South EU (Texas) | VU | 3 | [34,38,59,60] |
Agave hiemiflora Gentry | Wild | Sexual: seeds | Chiapas, Guatemala | 1 | [4,38,48] | ||||
Agave hookeri Jacobi | Maguey Ixquitécatl | Pulque production, food, fiber source, living fence | Sexual: seeds asexual: clonal | Michoacán | 5 | [4,13,38,40] | |||
Agave inaequidens K. Koch | Hocimetl (náhuatl), Largo (Michoacán), Lechuguilla | Pulque production, mezcal production, food, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Icterus bullockii | Apis mellifera, Vespidae, Bombus, night moth, hummingbirds, hooded warbler | Asexual: clonal sexual: pollination seeds | Jalisco, Michoacán, Colima | 2 | [13,38,39,40,42] | |
Agave isthmensis A. García-Mend. and F. Palma | Maguey Istmeño | Ornament | Chiapas, Oaxaca | VU | 5 | [34,38] | |||
Agave jaiboli Gentry | Food, mezcal production, fiber source | Sexual: seeds | Sonora, Chihuahua | VU | 4 | [4,34,38,40] | |||
Agave karwinskii Zucc. | Al-mal-bi-cuish (chontal), Barril: Verde/Amarillo/Blanco, Bicuixe (Oaxaca), Cachutum (popolca), Cirial (Oaxaca), Cuishi (Oaxaca), Dob-cirial, Madrecuixe (Oaxaca), Manso, San Martinero (Oaxaca), Tobasiche (zapoteco/Oaxaca), Tripón (Oaxaca), Verde (Oaxaca), Candelilla, Candelillo, Canelillo corazón, Espadilla, Cuishe, Greñudo, Cuish, Madre cuish | Mezcal production, ornament, living fence, fiber source, food | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal | Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz | VU | 4 | [4,34,38,39,40,61] | |
Agave kewensis Jacobi | Maguey del Grijalva | Food | Asexual: clonal | Chiapas | 6 | [38,40,48,49,50] | |||
Agave kristenii A. Vázquez and Cházaro | Maguey de Piedra | Medical use, ornament | Asexual: clonal | Michoacán | CR | 8 | [34,37,38] | ||
Agave lexii * García-Mor., García-Jim. and Iamonico | Wild | Tamaulipas | 4 | [38,62] | |||||
Agave lurida Aiton | Maguey de la Luna | Ornament, food | Oaxaca | EW | 13 | [4,34,38,49,50] | |||
Agave lyobaa García-Mend. and S. Franco | Maguey Coyote | Mezcal production | Oaxaca, Puebla | EN | 6 | [63] | |||
Agave macroacantha Zucc. | Barril Verde (Oaxaca), Cincoañero (Oaxaca), Cachrolochje’, Espadilla, Estafalalate | Ornament, mead production, distilled beverage production, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Choeronycteris mexicana Lepidoptera (Noctuidae, Sphingidae, Microlepidoptera | Bats, Colaptes auratus, hummingbirds | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal bulbils | Oaxaca, Puebla | EN | 4 | [34,38,39,40,42,61,64,65] |
Agave macroculmis Tod. | Maguey verde | Food, mead production | Asexual: clonal | Chihuahua, Coahuila | 3 | [4,38,66] | |||
Agave mapisaga Trel. | Aguamiel, Maguey manso, Maguey pulquero | Pulque production, distilled beverage production, food, fiber source, ornament, mead production | Asexual: clonal sexual: pollination | Chihuahua, Tlaxcala, Puebla, Hidalgo | 3 | [13,38,40,41,66] | |||
Agave margaritae Brandegee | Distilled beverage production | Asexual: clonal | Baja California Sur | 5 | [38,40,47] | ||||
Agave marmorata Roezi | Tepeztate o Tepextate (Oaxaca), Curandero, Lechuguilla, Maguey de Caballo, Pitzometl (náhuatl/Puebla), Tdu-cual ó Du-cual (zapoteco), Tecolote, Pichomel, Pitzomel, Pichometl | Mezcal production, food, mead production, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae Choeronycteris mexicana | Bats, Colaptes auratus, hummingbirds | Sexual: pollination, seeds | Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala | 2 | [4,38,39,40,53,61] | |
Agave maximiliana Baker | Lechuguilla (Jalisco), Manso, Masparillo (Durango), Tecolote, Raicilla | Mezcal production, mead production, food, medical use | Jalisco, Nayarit, Durango, Southwest EU (California, Arizona) | 4 | [4,38,39,40,67] | ||||
Agave mckelveyana Gentry | Hummingbirds, Xylocopa, wasps | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal | Southwest EU (Arizona) | 3 | [4,38,44] | ||||
Agave montana Villareal | Ornament, mead production, fiber source | Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Coahuila | 4 | [38,40] | |||||
Agave moranii Gentry | Food, fiber source | Baja California | 6 | [4,38,46] | |||||
Agave murpheyi Gibson | Agave hohokam | Food, distilled beverage production, fiber source | Sexual: seeds asexual: clonal bulbils | Sonora, Southwest EU (Arizona) | 3 | [4,38,40,51] | |||
Agave nayaritensis Gentry | Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit | VU | 3 | [4,34,38,48] | |||||
Agave oroensis Gentry | Zacatecas | 2 | [4,38,40,48] | ||||||
Agave ovatifolia G. D. Starr and Villareal | Ornament, fiber source | Nuevo León | 4 | [38,40,48] | |||||
Agave pablocarrilloi A. Vázquez, Muñiz-Castro and Padilla-Lepe | Colima | 4 | [37,38] | ||||||
Agave pachycentra Trel. | Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guatemala | 2 | [4,38,48] | ||||||
Agave palmeri Engelm. | Lechuguilla (Sonora) | Food, fiber source, distilled beverage production | Bombus, Leptonycteris nivalis, Choeronycteris mexicana | Hummingbirds, insects | Sexual: pollination | Southwest EU (Arizona), Sonora | 2 | [4,30,38,39,40] | |
Agave parrasana A. Berger | Noa | Ornament, fiber source | Coahuila | VU | 8 | [4,34,38,40,49,50] | |||
Agave parryi Engelm. | Maguey mezcal | Mezcal production, food, fiber source, ornament | Asexual: clonal | Chihuahua, Durango, Southwest EU (Nuevo Mexico and Arizona) | 3 | [4,38,40] | |||
Agave phillipsiana W. C. Hodgs. | Food | Asexual: clonal | Southwest EU (Arizona) | 3 | [38,68] | ||||
Agave potatorum Zucc. | Tobalá o Dob-ala (Zapoteco/Oaxaca), Biliá (Oaxaca), Dob-be, Maguey de Monte, Papalometl (Puebla/Oaxaca), Yauiticuxi (mixteco), Arruqueño, Magueycillo | Mezcal production, food, ornament | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis, Apis mellifera, Bombus sp., Tabanus sp. | Bats, birds | Asexual: clonal (occasional) Sexual: pollination, seeds | Oaxaca, Puebla | VU | 3 | [4,34,38,39,40,42,69] |
Agave pringlei Engelm. ex Baker | Asexual: clonal | Baja California | 3 | [38,47] | |||||
Agave promontorii Trel. | Ornament | Sexual: seeds | Baja California Sur | CR | 8 | [4,34,38,47] | |||
Agave rhodacantha Trel. | Cimarrón amarillo, Maguey de campo, Ixtéro amarillo | Mezcal production, fiber source, ornament, living fence | Sexual: seeds | Sonora, Nayarit, Jalisco, Oaxaca | 3 | [38,40,70] | |||
Agave salmiana Otto ex Salm-Dyck | Amarillo (Puebla), Bronco Mbänuada (otomí), Cimarrón, Del Valle (Oaxaca), Doba gashon ó Doba lash (Oaxaca), Llano (Oaxaca), Maguey de Pulque, Manso, Potosino, Verde (San Luis Potosí), Xagarcia (Oaxaca) Maguey pamilla, Maguey pinto | Pulque production, mead production, mezcal production, food (“Pan de Pulque”) fiber source, ornament | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis, Choeronycteris mexicana, Bees, Hummingbirds | Bats, birds | Asexual: clonal sexual: pollination seeds | Puebla, Hidalgo, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Tlaxcala, Southwest EU (California and Arizona) | 2 | [4,13,15,38,39,41,42,56] | |
Agave scabra Ortega | Lamparillo | Ornament | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal | Chihuahua, Coahuila | 3 | [4,38,56,59] | ||
Agave scaposa Gentry | Maguey de Macho | Used for construction, food, living fence | Leptonycteris sp. | Bombus, hummingbirds | Sexual: pollination asexual: clonal | Puebla, Oaxaca | 2 | [4,38] | |
Agave sebastiana Greene | ornament | Asexual: clonal | Baja California Sur | 5 | [4,38,47] | ||||
Agave seemanniana Jacobi | Biliaa, Maguey chato | Mezcal production, food | Sexual: seeds | Oaxaca, Chiapas, Nicaragua | 5 | [4,38,40] | |||
Agave shawii Engelm. | Amal | Ornament, food, distilled beverage production | Hummingbirds Leptonycteris, Bombus | Sexual: seeds asexual: clonal | Baja California, Southwest EU | 3 | [38,40,44,47] | ||
Agave shrevei Gentry | Lechuguilla (Sonora), Ceniza, Lechuguilla ceniza, Mezcal blanco | Mezcal production, mead production, food | Sonora | 6 | [4,38,39,40,71] | ||||
Agave sisalana Perrine | Henequén, Henequén verde, Maguey tuxtleco, Sisal | Fiber source, ornament | Asexual: clonal bulbils | Yucatán, Chiapas | 3 | [4,38,40,55] | |||
Agave sobria Brandegee | Lechuguilla, Mezcal pardo | Mezcal production, food, ornament | Sexual: seeds asexual: clonal | Baja California Sur | 5 | [38,40,44,46,47] | |||
Agave stringens Trel. | Jalisco | 4 | [4,38,45] | ||||||
Agave tequilana F. A. C. Weber | Azul (San Luis Potosí, Jalisco), Chato (Michoacán), Tequila, Agave tequilero, Bermejo, Mano larga, Pata de mula, Chino azul, Chino bermejo | Tequila production, Food, fiber source, ornament, soap production | Asexual: clonal Sexual: pollination (minimum) | Jalisco | 3 | [4,38,39,40,41,55] | |||
Agave turneri R. H. Webb and Salazar-Ceseña | Asexual: clonal | Baja California | EN | 5 | [34,38,47] | ||||
Agave valencianaCházaro and A. Vázquez | Relisero (Jalisco) | Mezcal production, raicilla production, ornament | Sexual: seeds | Jalisco | CR | 8 | [34,39,40,72] | ||
Agave vivipara L. | Lechuguilla | Food, mead production, fiber source, distilled beverage production | VU | 5 | [34,38,40] | ||||
Agave vizcainoensis Gentry | Maguey de El Vizcaíno | ornament | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Asexual: clonal Sexual: pollination | Baja California Sur | 6 | [38,47,49,50] | ||
Agave weberi J. F. Cels ex J. Poiss. | Maguey mezcalero, Maguey verde | Mezcal production, pulque production, ornament, fiber source | Asexual: clonal Sexual: pollination, seeds | Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas | 3 | [4,13,38,40] | |||
Agave wocomahi Gentry | Maguey verde, Ojcome | Mezcal production, food, fiber source, mead production | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Sexual: pollination, seeds | Sonora, Durango, Chihuahua, Jalisco | 3 | [4,38,40] | ||
Agave x glomeruliflora (Engelm.) A. Berger | Durango, Coahuila | 2 | [38,73] | ||||||
Agave zebra Gentry | Áamxw, Káokt’ | Ornament, mezcal production, food | Sexual: seeds Asexual: bulbils | Sonora | VU | 6 | [34,38,40,44,74] |
Species | Common Names | Uses | Pollinator | Floral Visitor | Reproduction | Distribution | IUCN Red List Category | Importance Score | References |
Agave albomarginata Gentry | Maguey de márgenes claros | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Coahuila, Chihuahua, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas | EN | 5 | [4,34,38,40,48] | ||
Agave albopilosa I. Cabral, Villareal and A. E. Estrada | Maguey viejito | Fiber source, ornament | Sierra Madre Oriental (exact location not given for protection) | CR | 9 | [34,38,40,75] | |||
Agave angustiarum Trel. | Lechuguilla suave, Maguey de ixtle, Cacaya | Fiber source, food | Guerrero, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla | 4 | [38,48,76] | ||||
Agave arizonica Gentry and J. H. Weber | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Southwest EU (Arizona) | 5 | [4,38] | ||||
Agave arcedianoensisCházaro, O. M. Valencia and A. Vázquez | Maguey de Arcediano | Ornament | Jalisco | VU | 7 | [34,38,48,61] | |||
Agave attenuata Salm-Dyck | Maguey del Dragón | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Guerrero, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Durango | 3 | [4,38,77] | |||
Agave bakeri H. Ross | Ornament | Asexual: clonal Sexual: seeds | 3 | [4,38] | |||||
Agave bracteosa S. Watson ex Engelm. | Maguey araña | Ornament, fiber source | Asexual: clonal | Coahuila | 7 | [4,38,40,49,50] | |||
Agave calciphila G. D. Starr | Oaxaca | 4 | [38,78] | ||||||
Agave celsii Hook. | Maguey comezonudo, Maguey de Peña | Medical use | Bombus, Leptonycteris, hummingbirds Sphingidae | Hidalgo, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas | 3 | [38,79] | |||
Agave chazaroiA. Vázquez and O. M. Valencia | Ornament | Jalisco | VU | 7 | [34,38,76,77] | ||||
Agave chiapensis Jacobi | Maguey Chamula | Ornament, food | Chiapas, Oaxaca | VU | 8 | [4,34,38,40,49,50] | |||
Agave chrysoglossa I. M. Johnst. | Hasot, Amole | Ornament, local use for clothes washing, food | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, hummingbirds | Insects, hummingbirds | Sexual: pollination, seeds Asexual: clonal | Sonora | 4 | [4,38,40,44] | |
Agave colimana Gentry | Maguey de Colima | Ornament | Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit | 4 | [4,38,48] | ||||
Agave convallis Trel. | Jabalí (Oaxaca), Maguey Escobeta | Distilled beverage production | Oaxaca | VU | 7 | [34,38,39,48,67,80] | |||
Agave dasyliriodes Jacobi and C. D. Bouche | Maguey intrépido | Ornament | Sexual: Seeds | Morelos | EN | 9 | [4,34,38,48,49,50] | ||
Agave difformis A. Berger | Lechuguilla | Ornament, fiber source, soap | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis, Choeronycteris mexicana | Apis mellifera, Lasioglossum lasioglassum, Bombus, Centris, Polistinae, Agrius cingulatus, Pachylia ficus, Sphinx lugens, Erinnyis ello | Sexual: pollination Asexual: clonal | San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo | 2 | [4,38,81] | |
Agave doctorensis L. Hern. and Magallán | Querétaro | CR | 7 | [34,38,82] | |||||
Agave ellemeetiana Jacobi | Asexual: clonal Sexual: seeds | Veracruz, Oaxaca | 1 | [4,38,83] | |||||
Agave felgeri Gentry | Food | Asexual: clonal | Sonora | VU | 8 | [4,38,40,44] | |||
Agave filifera Salm-Dyck | Amole, Maguey de maceta | Pulque production, fiber source | Asexual: clonal Sexual: pollination | Hidalgo, Morelos | 3 | [4,13,38,40] | |||
Agave garcia-mendozae Galván and Hern. | Ornament, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis, Choeronycteris mexicana | Apis mellifera, Agrius cingulatus, Pachylia ficus, Sphinx lugens, Erinnyis ello | Sexual: pollination | Hidalgo | VU | 5 | [34,38,81] | |
Agave garciaruizii A. Vázquez, Hern.-Vera and Padilla-Lepe | Asexual: clonal | Jalisco, Michoacán | 1 | [38,76] | |||||
Agave geminiflora (Tagl.) Ker Gawl. | Palmilla | Ornament, fiber source | Hummingbirds | Sexual: pollination | Jalisco, Nayarit | VU | 4 | [4,34,38,40] | |
Agave ghiesbreghtii Lem. ex Jacobi | Living fence | Asexual: clonal | Oaxaca, Puebla | 3 | [4,38] | ||||
Agave glomeruliflora (Engelm.) A. Berger | Ornament | Sexual: seeds | Coahuila | 3 | [4,38] | ||||
Agave gracielae Galvan and Zamudio | Food, ornament | Querétaro, San Luis Potosí | 4 | [38,84] | |||||
Agave guiengola Gentry | Maguey plateado | Ornament | Asexual: clonal Sexual: seeds | Oaxaca | EN | 9 | [4,34,38,48,49,50] | ||
Agave gypsicola García-Mend. and D. Sandoval | Maguey blanco (xavi kuiji) | Food, living fence | Oaxaca | 6 | [45,63] | ||||
Agave horridaLem. ex Jacobi | Maguey bueno | Ornament, food, fiber source, distilled beverage production | Leptonycteris nivalis Choeronycteris mexicana | Tegeticula, Apis mellifera | Sexual: pollination Seeds | Morelos | 4 | [4,38,40,59,85] | |
Agave impressa Gentry | Maguey Masparrillo | Medical use | Asexual: clonal | Sinaloa, Nayarit | EN | 9 | [4,34,38,49,50,61] | ||
Agave jimenoi Cházaro and A. Vázquez | Veracruz | 4 | [38,86] | ||||||
Agave kavandivi García-Mend. and C. Chávez | Food | Oaxaca | CR | 9 | [34,38,87] | ||||
Agave kerchovei Lem. | Cacalla, Rabo de León | Food, fiber source, mead production, distilled beverage production | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Sexual: pollination | Puebla, Oaxaca | VU | 4 | [4,34,38,40,61] | |
Agave lechuguilla Torr. | Amole, Lechuguilla, Istle, Ixtle | Fiber source | Hyles lineata, Xylocopa californica, Bombus pennsylvanicus, Eugenes fulgens, Calothorax lucifer, Archilochus alexandri, Selasphorus sp. | Apis mellifera, Selasphorus sp., vespidae, small bees | Asexual: clonal Sexual: pollination | Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Chihuahua, Texas, Nuevo Mexico | 2 | [4,30,38,40,88] | |
Agave lophantha Schiede | Maguey Estoquillo | Ornament | South EU (Texas), Chihuahua, Veracruz | 4 | [4,38] | ||||
Agave manantlanicola Cuevas and Santana-Michel | Asexual: clonal | Jalisco | EN | 5 | [34,38,77] | ||||
Agave maria-patriciae * Cházaro and Arzaba | Veracruz | 4 | [38,89] | ||||||
Agave megalodonta * García-Mend. and D. Sandoval | Maguey espumoso | Occasional mezcal production | Oaxaca, Puebla, Guerrero | NT | 4 | [63] | |||
Agave mitis Mart. | Maguey de Peña | Food, fiber source | Chiroptera, Bombus, Sphingidae, hummingbirds | Guanajuato, Coahuila, Puebla | 3 | [38,40,90] | |||
Agave montium-sancticaroli García-Mend. | Jarcia | Mezcal production, food | Asexual: clonal | Tamaulipas | CR | 8 | [34,38,40,73] | ||
Agave multifilifera Gentry | Chahuí | Ornament, fiber source, food, mead production, distilled beverage production | Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Sinaloa | 4 | [4,38,40] | ||||
Agave muxii * Zamudio and G. Aguilar-Gutiérrez | Asexual: clonal | Querétaro, San Luis Potosí | 1 | [91] | |||||
Agave nizandensis Cutak | Maguey de Nizanda | Ornament | Oaxaca | CR | 12 | [4,34,38,49,50] | |||
Agave nussaviorum García-Mend. | Maguey Papalometl | Food, medical use, construction material, forage, distilled beverage production | Oaxaca | 6 | [38,40,69] | ||||
Agave obscura Schiede ex Schltdl. | Lechuguilla Bronca | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Oaxaca, Puebla, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, Veracruz | 3 | [4,55] | |||
Agave ocahui Gentry | Amolillo | Ornament, fiber source | Sexual: pollination seeds | Sonora | NT | 5 | [4,34,38,40] | ||
Agave oteroi * G. D. Starr and T. J. Davis | Oaxaca, Puebla | 2 | [38,92] | ||||||
Agave ornithobroma Gentry | Maguey Pajarito | Fiber source | Psitaciformes | Asexual: clonal | Sinaloa, Nayarit | VU | 5 | [4,34,38,49,50] | |
Agave parviflora Torr. | Tauta (Sonora) | Ornament, food | Bombus sonorus, Xylocopa | Sexual: pollination Asexual: clonal | Chihuahua, Sonora, Southwest EU, Argentina | 5 | [4,30,38,39,40,49,50,81,93] | ||
Agave peacockii Croucher | Amol, Lechuguilla, Maguey de Ixtle, Maguey fibroso | Fiber source, food, mead production, distilled beverage production | Asexual: clonal | Hidalgo, Puebla, Oaxaca | VU | 5 | [4,34,38,40,49,50] | ||
Agave pedunculifera Trel. ex Standll. | Lechuguilla | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Sinaloa, Jalisco, Nayarit, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero | 3 | [4,38] | |||
Agave pelona Gentry | Bacanora, Mezcal pelón | Food, distilled beverage production, ornament, fiber source | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae | Sexual: pollination | Sonora | CR | 8 | [4,34,38,40,44,78] | |
Agave pendula Schnittsp. | Ornament | Asexual: clonal | Veracruz, Chiapas, Oaxaca | 3 | [4,38,48] | ||||
Agave petrophila A. García-Mend. and E. Martínez | Ornament | Oaxaca, Guerrero | EN | 6 | [34,38,84] | ||||
Agave polianthiflora Gentry | Chahuí | Ornament, food, mead production | Asexual: clonal | Sonora, Chihuahua | 5 | [4,38,40,49,50] | |||
Agave polyacantha Haw. | Tamaulipas, Veracruz | 2 | [4,38] | ||||||
Agave potrerana Trel. | Ornament | Coahuila, Chihuahua | 4 | [4,38] | |||||
Agave quiotepecensis García-Mend. and S. Franco | Agave Rabo de León | Fiber source, food, forage | Oaxaca | NT | 6 | [63,78] | |||
Agave rzedowskiana P. Carrillo, Vega and R. Delgad. | Sinaloa, Jalisco | 2 | [38,94] | ||||||
Agave schidigera Lem. | O’r, Lechuguilla Mansa | Fiber source | Chihuahua, Jalisco, Zacatecas, Sinaloa, Durango, Aguascalientes, Guerrero, San Luis Potosí, Michoacán | 4 | [4,38,40] | ||||
Agave schottii Engelm. | Icapánim, Amole | Leaves used as clothing soap, food, mead production | Bombus, Xylocopa, Leptonycteris | Hummingbirds, Xylocopa, Apis | Sexual: pollination Asexual: clonal | Northwest Chihuahua, Sonora, Southwest and South EU (Arizona and Nuevo Mexico) | 2 | [4,38,40,44,81,93] | |
Agave striata Zucc. | Junquillo, Estoquillo, Maguey espadín, Palmita, Peinecillo | Ornament, fiber source, mead production | Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, Leptonycteris nivalis, Choeronycteris mexicana | Apis mellifera, Lasioglossum lasioglassum, Bombus, Centris, Polistinae, Eugenes fulgens, Cynantus latirostris, Agrius cingulatus, Pachylia ficus, Sphinx lugens, Erinnyis ello | Sexual: pollination Asexual: clonal | Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Queretaro, Puebla | 2 | [4,30,38,40,81] | |
Agave stricta Salm-Dyck | Pelo de ángel | Ornament, fiber source, food | Puebla, Oaxaca | 4 | [4,38,40] | ||||
Agave tenuifolia Zamudio and E. Sánchez | Maguey de la Sierra Madre Oriental | Querétaro, Tamaulipas, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí | 2 | [38,95] | |||||
Agave titanota Gentry | Cachitún | Ornament, distilled beverage production | Sexual: seeds | Oaxaca | EN | 8 | [4,34,38,40,49,50] | ||
Agave triangularis Jacobi | Cacalla, Maguey tunecho | Ornament, food, fiber source | Asexual: clonal | Puebla, Oaxaca | VU | 4 | [4,34,38,40] | ||
Agave univittata Haw. | Estoquillo, Lechuguilla (Sonora), Mezortillo | Distilled beverage production, fiber source | 4 | [4,38,39,40] | |||||
Agave vazquezgarciae Cházaro and J. A. Lomelí | Food | Jalisco | 6 | [38,77,96] | |||||
Agave victoriae-reginae (complex) T. Moore | Noa | Food, Fiber source, distilled beverage production | Asexual: clonal | Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Durango | 6 | [4,38,40,49,50,55,97] | |||
Agave victoriae-reginae (complex) | Maguey del Rey Fernando | Asexual: clonal | Coahuila | CR | 6 | [34,38,97] | |||
Agave nickelsiae Rol.-Gross | |||||||||
Agave victoriae-reginae (complex) | Ornament | Sexual: seeds Asexual: rhizomes | Durango | CR | 8 | [34,38,97] | |||
Agave pintillaS. González, M. González and L. Reséndiz | |||||||||
Agave vilmoriniana A. Berger | Ahué, Amole | Ornament, mead production, food, fiber source | Apis, Leptonycteris, Hummingbirds | Asexual: clonal bulbils Sexual: seeds | Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Jalisco, Aguascalientes, Southwest EU | 3 | [4,38,40,44] | ||
Agave warelliana De Smet ex T. Moore and Mast. | Guatemala, Chiapas | EN | 4 | [4,34,38,45] | |||||
Agave wendtii Cházaro | Veracruz | EN | 6 | [34,38,48] | |||||
Agave xylonacantha Salm-Dyck | Kuat’ ma’ ye | Food, fiber source | Bombus, Leptonycteris, hummingbirds, Sphingidae, Choeronycteris mexicana | Sexual: pollination, seeds | Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Nuevo León | 3 | [4,38,40,59] | ||
Agave yuccifolia DC | Ornament | Hidalgo | 4 | [4,38] |
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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CR: 3 points EN: 2 points VU: 1 point EW: special case (4) | E: 2 points NE: 0 points | Has uses: 2 points Zero uses: 0 points | Knowledge of pollinator, floral visitor and reproduction: 0 points Knowledge of two or one aspects: 1 point No knowledge at all: 2 points |
Subgenus Agave | Subgenus Littaea |
Severely endangered: facing possible extinction; avoid use of wild plants | |
Agave lurida | Agave nizandensis |
High risk of extinction: minimize use | |
Agave capensis | Agave albopilosa |
Agave gypsophila | Agave chiapensis |
Agave kristenii | Agave dasyliriodes |
Agave parrasana | Agave guiengola |
Agave promontorii | Agave impressa |
Agave valenciana | Agave kavandivi |
Agave montium-sancticaroli | |
Agave pelona | |
Agave titanota | |
Agave pintilla (complex) | |
Threatened: ensure and prepare a management and recovery plan | |
Agave abisaii | Agave arcedianoensis |
Agave andreae | Agave bracteosa |
Agave congesta | Agave chazaroi |
Agave grijalvensis | Agave convallis |
Agave guadalajarana | Agave doctorensis |
Agave kewensis | Agave felgeri |
Agave moranii | Agave gypsicola |
Agave shrevei | Agave nussaviorum |
Agave vizcainoensis | Agave petrophila |
Agave zebra | Agave quiotepecensis |
Agave vazquezgarciae | |
Agave victoria-reginae (complex) | |
Agave nickelsiae (complex) | |
Agave wendtii |
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Alducin-Martínez, C.; Ruiz Mondragón, K.Y.; Jiménez-Barrón, O.; Aguirre-Planter, E.; Gasca-Pineda, J.; Eguiarte, L.E.; Medellin, R.A. Uses, Knowledge and Extinction Risk Faced by Agave Species in Mexico. Plants 2023, 12, 124.
Alducin-Martínez C, Ruiz Mondragón KY, Jiménez-Barrón O, Aguirre-Planter E, Gasca-Pineda J, Eguiarte LE, Medellin RA. Uses, Knowledge and Extinction Risk Faced by Agave Species in Mexico. Plants. 2023; 12(1):124.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlducin-Martínez, Cecilia, Karen Y. Ruiz Mondragón, Ofelia Jiménez-Barrón, Erika Aguirre-Planter, Jaime Gasca-Pineda, Luis E. Eguiarte, and Rodrigo A. Medellin. 2023. "Uses, Knowledge and Extinction Risk Faced by Agave Species in Mexico" Plants 12, no. 1: 124.
APA StyleAlducin-Martínez, C., Ruiz Mondragón, K. Y., Jiménez-Barrón, O., Aguirre-Planter, E., Gasca-Pineda, J., Eguiarte, L. E., & Medellin, R. A. (2023). Uses, Knowledge and Extinction Risk Faced by Agave Species in Mexico. Plants, 12(1), 124.