Assessment of Asteroid Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
This is an interesting paper describing application of convolutional neural networks to detecting asteroids from astronomical imagery. The paper appears sound with no problems except the very minor issues listed below.
Line 86. No need to define CNNs again since it was already defined on line 54. Consider moving that definition to the first use, which is in the abstract, and/or line 51 for the main text.
Line 247. Spelling of “fine-tuning”
Eq. 1. I can guess what TP, TN, FP, and FN mean, but I think it might be helpful to define them for readers who may not be able to guess so quickly. For example, in line 334 you might put “(TP)” after “true positives” in the text, etc.
Author Response
Thank you for the comments. Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 2 Report
General aspects
The manuscript is about the evaluation of convolutional neural network based automatized asteroid identification methods. The topic is relevant, both regarding asteroid identification and the neural network based methodological approach. The structure of the manuscript is moderately good, the language is very good, there are new results obtained. The context is moderately well described, but some further links and references are needed. However there are several basic problems that should be corrected. The main issues are the followings:
· The basics are not well described, some very simple statements are missing from the Introduction. Please indicate that for asteroid identification the main point is to separate the moving objects (visible in different images) from non-moving stars. This should be stated.
· Indicate what are the main criteria for classifying an object as asteroid.
· The used “classification” term is good, however at the beginning it should be noted that here the “identification” of asteroids and their “separation” from the stars is the aim.
· There are several further terms, which should be briefly explained, see among the specific suggestions below.
· Some information is also needed to lay down the stage (science case as reason to use the convolutional neural network), suggest to indicate in the introduction that asteroids are being discovered by sky surveys in large numbers recently (, recently used automatized classification about asteroid spectral classes (, correlating to meteorite laboratory spectra (, with automatized methods (especially important for Earth asteroids (, which have impact risk (
· Size does matter much for asteroid brightness, would be useful to indicate the role of observed brightness in the asteroid identification, especially approaching the limiting magnitude.
Specific aspects
3-4 lines
“objects that pass through the Earth’s vicinity.”
OK, but asteroid identification is also relevant for more distant objects, actually main belt asteroids are much more numerous than NEAs, so the identification / classification activity is also releavnt (and even more frequent) for main belt asteroids
“their proximity to the Earth”
also mention with the possibility of impact with the Earth
„It is very important”
suggest to delete „very”
“dataset of asteroid images”
does it mean series of subsequent images of the same asteroids?
“asteroid classification”
this is not the proper term and formulation. Asteroid classification is used in the literature for classification of known asteroids between different classes (e.g. S type, C type etc.), here this work is about selection of asteroids from stars or other objects and their identification. Classification is not the proper term.
„accomplish the inference”
not clear what do the authors mean
“supervised and unsupervised learning problems”
if there is a work to cite, please indicate
„machine learning techniques”
also cite:
suggest to mention that automatized identification of transient objects like supernovae, novae, variable stars, as well as artificial satellites that also need to be separate from all other objects
“identifying such small planets mainly”
not clear, do you mean transit related brightness decrease for exoplanet identification?
around 170-180
indicate for asteroid identification the movement between subsequent images compared to the “standing” stars does matter
“softmax function”
cite relevant reference
„geometrical representation of an asteroid and the patterns that are specific to asteroids.”
not clear what do you mean, motion of asteroids?
„low level features”
explain briefly
„edges or corners”
of what?
„Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU).”
is there citation for this?
„At the same time, the relevant information (features) are retained.”
not clear, please explain differently
„like maximum or average”
suggest to complete to „like maximum or average calculation”
explain briefly
please reformulate this part, difficult to understand
“relatively small”
the number or memory size? if possible please quantify or compare to something
“Full training”
„fine-tunning approach”
explain brielfy both
around 7 of 20 page
explain the role of connection(s) between different layers briefly
“residual connections”
please explain briefly
“3 image bands.”
explain what are these bands
„resolution is (299, 299,3)”
explain for non experts what does it mean
“Dense layer”
explain for non expert what is it for
„class imbalance”
explain for non-experts
333 (1) fromulae
explain the acronyms, „where TP is for…”
„F1 score”
explain what is it
„moving sources”
more info is needed on the motion identifiation, it is very important
Figure 5
suggest to put here regular star image also
„availability of valid training data”
suggest to give more info on it
around 410
more info on the spatial accuracy would be useful on idetified coorinates or other mean of apatial loction
Table 1
why are there only a „bit” more non-asteroid than asteroids? Not all stars were counted?
„images initially had a dimension of 32x32 pixels”
were this the size of the „whole images”? whole images should have been several orders of magnitude larger in pixel size than indicated
„The accuracy of this model increased to 0.92”
some more explanation would be useful on what this values mean
„unfroze starting”
give some further info on this for non-experts
Table 5 and 7
the title of the last two columns might becompleted with „members of predicted…”
„only 144 valid detections out of a total of 2331”
give in % also
also in 512: „218 out of a total of 2331”, and 617: „10 more valid detections”
it would be quite useful if there was a list of mentioned specific layers, indicated their tole and connection with others to see the whole system and interactions. This might be supporting online material.
„Due to the small dimensions of an asteroid”
please clarify this, the specific pixel size? and what about various brightness star sizes on images?
„techniques an technologies”
modify to „and”
„classifying astronomical objects”
do you mean to classify to asteroids, stars, various dim objects (clouds, galaxies) and artificial satellites?
„we lose the least”
modify to „loose”
around the end of the conclusion some suggestions toward future use or further steps would be important
The language is OK.
Author Response
Thank you for the very useful comments. Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Round 2
Reviewer 2 Report
Thank you for the revission, the manuscript is almost ready for publication. Last requests:
- please refomulate the line 268, a bit difficult to understand
- 330 line: please explain in brackets "number of bands"
- a final language checking would be useful
The English is moderately good.