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Analysis of Three Complement-Taking Predicates in Spoken Turkish: bil, san, and zannet

Department of Cognitive Science, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06800, Turkey
Languages 2025, 10(2), 27;
Submission received: 29 September 2024 / Revised: 9 January 2025 / Accepted: 21 January 2025 / Published: 29 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue (A)typical Clauses across Languages)


This paper presents a corpus-based synchronic investigation of three Turkish mental–cognitive verbs in the present tense: san ‘guess, believe’ and zannet ‘suppose, assume’ (in the first person) and bil ‘know’ (in the second person), in spoken discourse. These verbs, known as complement-taking predicates (CTPs), tend to appear without clausal complements in discourse and function as idiomatic units conveying epistemic modality. This paper characterizes the distribution of occurrences of the three predicates based on frequency to determine the extent to which usage frequency has led to routinization and greater autonomy for the CTPs under investigation, showing that the clause-medial variants deserve attention, as they clearly demonstrate the parenthetical behavior, autonomy, capacity to fulfill pragmatic functions, and projective force of foreshadowing new information of the predicates.

1. Introduction

This study conducts a synchronic analysis of three Turkish verbs in the present tense, namely, san ‘guess, believe’ and zannet ‘assume, suppose’ (in the first person) and bil ‘know’ (in the second person), in spoken discourse. All three verbs are mental attitude predicates denoting cognitive or psychological states.
These predicates are semantically similar in that they encode knowledge, a mental state of certainty or uncertainty, belief, or confidence in a proposition (i.e., they convey epistemic modality). Pragmatically, bil (in the second person) asserts that the addressee also has knowledge of the upcoming proposition, akin to English ‘you know’, as discussed by Östman (1981). San and zannet (encoded in the first person) present the speaker’s subjective judgment about the proposition.1 Syntactically, as all three verbs require clausal objects, they are typical instances of complement-taking predicates (CTPs), Noonan’s (2007, p. 53) term for verbs that take subject or object complements (e.g., remember, see, think, cause), later used by researchers working within the framework of usage-based linguistics, notably Thompson (2002).
Drawing on a corpus of spoken English, Thompson (2002) argues against the standard view that complements occur as subordinate clauses in a grammatical relation with a CTP with reference to clauses formed by CTPs like I think, I thought, I guess, and you realize as “CTP-phrases” (Thompson, 2002, pp. 132, 134, 148), which she argued should rather be understood as fragments functioning to indicate an “epistemic/evidential/evaluative stance towards the issue or claim at hand” (Thompson, 2002, p. 142).
Exploring the systematic isomorphism between the semantic and syntactic dimensions of complementation, Givón (2001, p. 40ff) argues for a principle of event integration and clause union: “The stronger is the semantic bond between the two events, the more extensive will be the syntactic integration of the two clauses into a single though complex clause” (Givón, 2001, p. 40). This iconic principle yields a scale of verbal categories organized by their strength of syntactic integration that is manifested by several syntactic devices, such as co-lexicalization of the CTP and the complement clause, case marking of the subject of the complement clause as an argument of the CTP, the finiteness status of the complement verb, and whether subordinator morphemes are present or absent. The scale states that the looser the syntactic integration of a complement, the more likely it is to become detached from the rest of the clause. PCU (perception–cognition–utterance) verbs, including think-type verbs and the corresponding Turkish predicates san ‘guess, believe’, zannet ‘suppose, assume’, and bil ‘know’, lie at the bottom of Givón’s scale. Givón’s principle of clause union and his scale predict that cognitive–semantically, these verbs’ main and complement events are syntactically less integrated.
The usage-based linguistics literature has adduced quite rich evidence for an emergent simple argument structure of mental-process verbs (e.g., see Tao (2003) for remember and forget). Such research extends beyond English to a range of languages, including, for example, continua from the literal usage of the verb for ‘know’ in Hebrew to the function of projecting constructions of the discourse marker variety (Maschler, 2012), positions and functions of the Mandarin expression corresponding to ‘I feel/think’ (Endo, 2013), and the emergence and routinization of Finnish verbs equivalent to ‘know’ and ‘think’ (Laury & Helasvuo, 2020). Equivalents of the negative construction I don’t know have also been examined in multiple languages and convergences across languages have been documented (Lindström et al., 2016; see also the references cited therein).
Boye and Harder (2007, 2021) approach CTPs from a different angle, aiming to strike a balance between traditional accounts of the main clause as central and usage-based accounts that regard the complement as central. They offer a picture that is fully committed to the role of structural subordination while remaining faithful to usage-based linguistics by presenting a typology of CTPs and the clauses they form, based on utterance-level discourse prominence (or simply discourse prominence) and the traditional notion of structural status. Discourse prominence is a relative notion understood in terms of attention and involves two levels: the primary level, which concerns the attentional main-point, and the secondary level, which refers to the alternative prominence level (Boye & Harder, 2021). Only discursively primary information can be addressed in subsequent discourse. The second aspect of the typology depends on structural status, namely, “lexical” versus “grammatical(ized)” CTP clauses. A lexical CTP clause “by convention has the potential to be discursively primary,” and a grammatical CTP clause is “a CTP clause which is by convention discursively secondary” (Boye & Harder, 2021, pp. 3–4). Furthermore, grammatical(ized) CTP clauses refer to the class of “non-predicating, non-argument assigning” and “non-profile imposing” clauses, to use Langacker’s (Langacker, 1991, p. 436) term (Boye & Harder, 2007, pp. 570, 581).
The authors define two types of lexical CTP clauses, discursively primary and discursively secondary, that take an S-complement (for English). The authors’ example below (example (1)) illustrates a case where the lexical CTP clause I think could be either discursively primary or secondary. To the extent that it can be addressed in subsequent discourse, as by the question Do you really think so? (rather than Did they really let it go?), the clause is discursively primary (and not parenthetical) and is discursively secondary to the extent that new and significant information is presented in the complement clause. Example (2) presents a clear manifestation of a discursively secondary, parenthetical usage of the lexical CTP clause I think.
(1)A.I think they let it go.
B.Really? (i.e., Do you really think so? or Did they really let it go?)
(Boye & Harder, 2021, pp. 3–4, example = (9))
(2)A.What happened to the dog?
B.I think they let it go.
(Boye & Harder, 2021, p. 3, example = (5))
Boye and Harder’s (2007) discussion of the primary or secondary status of CTPs or CTP clauses invokes the notions of foregrounded/backgrounded or old and new information. As they argue, primary status is compatible with the main, asserted content (foregrounded information); contrariwise, backgrounded (or old) information is not compatible with primary status.
The parenthetical aspect of CTP clauses plays an important role in Boye and Harder’s (2021) diachronic scenario of the development of lexical and grammatical parenthetical CTP clauses. This diachronic perspective lies outside the scope of this study, but their description of a parenthetical CTP clause is useful. In their terms, CTP clauses are parenthetical on the basis of several key criteria: being optional, being expressed by non-complementizing items or constructions (i.e., being secondary relative to the complement), and being discursively secondary.2
Huddleston and Pullum (2002, p. 1350) define a class of supplements that can appear as “appendages” or “interpolations”. The former refers to linguistic elements that are loosely attached at the beginning or end of a clause. Example (2) above would be an appendage in Huddleston and Pullum’s (2002) sense. The latter class of supplements refers to cases where the main clause is interrupted by linguistic elements, as illustrated with underlining in example (3) below. The status of appendages and interpolations can be assessed under Boye and Harder’s (2021) criteria of parentheticals. For example, I believe in (3) is optional, does not hold main-point status in the clause, and does not add anything to the propositional content. In addition, it fails the addressability test. That is, Do you believe that the best solution would be to readvertise the position? is not a likely question for which the sentence serves as an answer. Therefore, I believe in (3) would safely be characterized as a discursively secondary parenthetical CTP clause.
(3)The best solution, I believe, would be to readvertise the position.
Adapted from Huddleston and Pullum (2002, p. 1350, example = (1ii))
In the rest of this paper, I use the following terms for the variants of mental–cognitive CTPs observed in the data:
  • Lexical CTP clause (henceforth, lexical CTP) refers to the occurrence of the three mental–cognitive verbs with tense/aspect/modality and person markers in a main clause together with their clausal object complements, displaying a tight integration with the complement clause in the sense of Givón (2001).
  • CTP-phrase refers to the occurrence of the three mental–cognitive verbs with tense/aspect/modality and person markers, passing the tests of parentheticals discussed by Boye and Harder (2021) and displaying a loose syntactic integration with the complement in the sense of Givón (2001).
The term “lexical CTP clause” follows Boye and Harder’s (2007, 2021) use and refers to cases where san/zannet/bil both convey their usual mental–cognitive meanings and appear with a clausal complement forming a main clause. Whether or not the clause has a clausal complement is assessed by the presence of syntactic rules pertinent to complementation in Turkish, which involves the presence of a nominalizing suffix (refer to example (4)), the subordinating conjunction ki (example (5)), or a direct complement appearing just before the main clause (example (6)). I consider the occurrence of san/zannet/bil with morpho-syntactically marked complements a clear sign of tight integration with the complement clause, as discussed by Givón (2001).
My use of the term “CTP-phrase” follows Thompson (2002). In my analysis, a CTP-phrase anchored to san/zannet/bil still functions as a main clause that reports a mental state but shows no evidence of the morpho-syntactic signals typically associated with a clausal complement in the construction where they appear (e.g., example (7)). I categorize them as epistemic expressions with the potential to act as idiomatic units. CTP-phrases are always discursively secondary.
Research on CTPs in English and other languages is ongoing, as demonstrated by a collection of articles by Van Linden et al. (2023), which highlight the convergences and divergences of existing approaches. However, to the best of my knowledge, no analysis of mental–cognitive CTPs in spoken Turkish has been conducted, although researchers have addressed parts of the issue. For example, Turan et al. (2014) examine various cognitive and emotive predicates in sentence-initial position (which is a marked position in Turkish) in a written corpus. In a recent study, Çeltek et al. (2024) analyze I think-clauses beginning with and in spoken English and their translations into Turkish to understand the behavior of and in translation and its relation to clauses beginning with I think. Çeltek (2024) further explores I think in spoken English, emphasizing its role as a commenting speech act in maintaining discourse coherence and discussing translation choices in Turkish.
Against this background, this paper addresses the patterns of usage of san/zannet/bil in spoken corpora by characterizing the frequency and distribution of their lexical CTP and CTP-phrase occurrences. It has been shown that frequency of occurrence could result in routinization (Mithun, 2003) and greater autonomy for a construction, ultimately leading to the frequent phrase becoming entrenched in the language (Bybee, 2003).
Furthermore, routinized patterns can project what comes next, where projection refers to one discourse piece or an act foreshadowing another (Auer, 2005). Laury and Helasvuo (2020) show that in Finnish, the cognitive verbs meaning ‘think’ and ‘know’ are projective framing devices, e.g., the verb meaning ‘think’ projects information about the speaker’s own thoughts, stance, or plans. In studies of clause-combining, it has been shown that the German wenn-unit (the protasis in conditional clauses) more commonly occurs in the initial position, projecting a subsequent main clause (the apodosis; Günthner, 2020). Günthner argues that the wenn-clause, through its projecting force, plays an important role in discourse by helping speakers claim their right to keep their turn until the end of the conversation (also see Doehler et al., 2020, pp. 2–3, and the references therein).
This paper not only examines the three predicates’ clause-initial occurrences but also compares these cases with those where they appear in clause-medial and canonical clause-final position. It then investigates whether medial CTP-phrases have a projecting function. I do not wish to claim that only medial CTP-phrases are projective or that they determine entirely what comes next in social interaction, but rather that medial CTP-phrases merit attention in this respect. Thus, the paper broadens the empirical basis for our understanding of CTPs in spoken discourse with data from a morphologically rich, predominantly verb-final language.
This paper adopts an annotation methodology to enhance the systematicity of the approach by yielding numerical results that would unravel various characteristics of the predicates and identify potential convergences and differences between them and their variants.
The research questions of the study are the following:
  • Is complement-taking a typical behavior of san (‘guess, believe’), zannet (‘suppose, assume’), and bil (‘know’) in the corpus data?
  • Have san/zannet/bil become routinized? Is there evidence for their increased syntactic autonomy, i.e., (a) how often do they appear in non-final positions in a clause and (b) do CTP-phrases occur as interpolations?
  • Is there evidence for the projective behavior of CTPs? In particular, what do medial CTP-phrases project?
For the first research question, evidence will be sought by examining the cases in which the predicates appear without any signs of complementhood and the findings will be compared to the cases where they occur with a complement. In answering the second research question, the frequency of the clause-initial pattern identified by Turan et al. (2014) is expected to be confirmed. Going beyond their findings, answers to part (a) will focus on the comparative frequency of CTP-phrases and lexical CTPs in not only initial but medial and final positions, where a frequent occurrence of CTP-phrases in non-final positions will evidence their increased autonomy. Then, examining (b) the frequency at which CTP-phrases occur clause-medially and as interpolations (see Section 4.2.2), more evidence will be sought for the increased autonomy of CTP-phrases. Finally, to answer the third question, the investigation will focus on medial CTP-phrases to understand whether they have a projective nature.
Given the standard assumption in syntax that CTPs occur with their object complements, I begin by analyzing the occurrence of the three predicates in constructions with and without clausal complements in spoken Turkish. I tentatively refer to the complement-taking variant (lexical CTP) as the typical case and regard the non-complement-taking variant (CTP-phrase) as atypical. I then present an analysis of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases in the corpus data with a balanced approach that pays attention to structure as well as function; that is, a balance between a structural approach that takes into account the complement-taking properties of the three Turkish predicates and usage-based accounts that stress the marginality of the main clause.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 outlines Turkish complement types, while Section 3 introduces the data and method, followed by a data analysis in Section 4. Section 5 further discusses the findings. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the paper, draws some conclusions, and provides avenues for further research.

2. Notes on Turkish

In this section, I outline word-order preferences and grammatical considerations pertinent to Turkish complementation to establish the criteria with which to distinguish lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases. Information-structural notions like old information and new information will be invoked while examining the projective nature of medial CTP-phrases.

2.1. General Characteristics and Word-Order

Turkish belongs to the Turkic subfamily of the Altaic language family. It is an agglutinating language that can add up to six or seven inflectional suffixes to a verb, including markers for number, tense, and person (Bickel & Nichols, 2013). Additionally, it is a pro-drop (null subject) language, where the subject is expressed through agreement morphology on the verb. Turkish has variable word-order; that is, all six word-order permutations are allowed, although the unmarked word-order is subject–object–verb (SOV; Göksel & Kerslake, 2005, p. 337). According to Slobin and Bever (1982), adults’ use of SOV orders amounts to 48% of a sample of spoken language. Batman-Ratyosyan and Stromswold (2002) show that this ratio is followed by the ratios of SVO (25%), OVS (13%), OSV (8%), and VSO (5%). VOS orders were not observed by Slobin and Bever (1982) and recent research shows that VOS orders are rare in written Turkish (0.15%; Akkurt et al., 2024). These works reveal that verb-final orders (SOV, OSV) make up the most significant portion (56%) of all word-order permutations.
Information structure refers to the way information is packaged to meet the communicative needs of speakers (Chafe, 1976; Krifka, 2008). The main aspects of information structure include topic (given or old information) and new information. Given information refers to “that knowledge which the speaker assumes to be in the consciousness of the addressee at the time of the utterance” and new information is “what the speaker assumes he is introducing into the addressee’s consciousness by what he says” (Chafe, 1976, p. 30). In Turkish linguistics, numerous researchers (e.g., Erguvanlı, 1984; Erkü, 1983; Hoffman, 1995; İşsever, 2003) have investigated the extent to which word-order alternations are regulated by information structure. In her widely accepted account of the functions of Turkish word-order, Erguvanlı describes three syntactic positions constrained by information-structural notions: sentence-initial position (topic), immediate pre-verbal position (focus), and post-predicate position (backgrounding), demonstrating that word-order has the pragmatic function of moving the subject or object to the focus position.

2.2. Complement Structure

Turkish is a heavily nominalizing language. Nominalization is signaled by genitive case marking on the subject, a nominalizer suffix on the verb, and the accusative (objective) case marking of the entire embedded clause. Most complements are nominalizations and display non-finite syntax, as exemplified in the constructed example (4). Typically, the complement (shown in square brackets, with the nominalizing suffix in bold) precedes the CTP. In all of the examples, English glosses are only approximations; the morpheme-by-morpheme analysis provides a better picture of syntactic structure.
‘Ayşe believes that Ali is knowledgeable.’ (Lit. ‘Ayşe is believing that Ali is knowledgeable.’)
(Nominalized complement [constructed example])
The complementizer ki ‘that’, borrowed from Persian, serves as the primary subordinating conjunction. Its canonical position is clause-initial, directly preceding the complement, as illustrated in (5). The complement clause (refer to (5)) has the finite structure typical of main clauses, featuring a fully articulated subject and finite verb morphology with tense and person markers. Apart from ki, Turkish lacks subordinating conjunctions in the Indo-European sense (Kornfilt, 1997, p. 138).
‘Ayşe assumes that her dad left.’ (Lit. ‘Ayşe is assuming that her dad left.’)
(Subordinating conjunction ki [constructed example])
Turkish also has other types of non-nominalized complements, referred to as direct complements, that lack a subordinating conjunction like ki or a morphological marker like a nominalizing suffix. In these constructions, the CTP occurs in its canonical clause-final position, and the complement, which immediately precedes it, features a fully expressed subject and finite verb morphology (George & Kornfilt, 1981). Direct complements are not widespread but can appear with raising predicates such as san, zannet, and bil (Moore, 1998). This type of complement is illustrated in (6).
(6)Aylin[toplantı-ya gel-ecek]sanı-yor-um.
‘I guess Aylin will come to the meeting.’
(Direct complement [constructed example])
In summary, a typical CTP in Turkish can be identified by the specific morphological and syntactic aspects of the complement. Therefore, whether a predicate occurs as a CTP-phrase can be judged by the absence of these criteria. San/zannet/bil can also take nominal complements, but this paper focuses on the clausal complements of the predicates.
I analyze the three mental–cognitive predicates with a focus on their usage with two frequently occurring tense/aspect markers—the aorist and the progressive. San (‘guess, believe’) and zannet (‘assume, suppose’) will be examined in the first person, while bil (‘know’) will be analyzed in the second person, as this form is very common in spoken Turkish. Given the T/V distinction in Turkish, both informal (singular) and formal (plural) forms of these predicates will be examined for a comprehensive overview.
Let us now examine the following excerpts from the data in preparation for the upcoming analysis. Examples (7) and (8) illustrate both the lexical CTP and CTP-phrase forms of one of the predicates (bil ‘know’). In the rest of the examples, the position of the CTP will be discussed in relation to the subject, object, and verb of the host clause. Furthermore, since the data include samples extracted from existing spoken corpora, the source corpus is cited: the Tokyo University Foreign Studies (TUFS) Corpus of Spoken Turkish or the Turkish National Corpus (TNC; see Section 3).
In (7b), bilirsin ‘you know’ appears clause-initially, considered an atypical position for predicates given the rare occurrence of verb-initial word-orders (VSO, VOS) in Turkish. In terms of the parameters proposed by Givón (2001) to measure syntactic integration of the two clauses, the CTP is very loosely connected to the complement, mainly because it lacks a nominalizing morpheme and precedes rather than follows the complement. Regarding the parameters discussed by Boye and Harder (2021), it is optional, does not have main-point status, and is discursively secondary, as demonstrated by the inappropriateness of (7c) as a continuation of the discourse. Therefore, bilirsin is regarded as a CTP-phrase in this example.
againstnegaux-1sgwell let goummlet-be
‘I’m not against [rock songs remixed as hip-hop or rock], well, let go, uhm let it be.’
b.yanibil-ir-sin (…)türküherkes-ehitapet-me-ye-bil-ir
I meanknow-aor-2sgfolk songall-datappealdo-aux-neg-abil-aor
‘I mean, you know (…) folk songs may not appeal to everyone.’
c.# Türkünün herkese hitap etmeyebileceğini bilir misin?
‘Do you know that folk songs may not appeal to everyone?’
Conversely, in (8), biliyorsun ‘you know’ follows an embedded clause that is marked by a nominalizing suffix. In terms of Givón’s parameters, it is tightly integrated with the complement clause due to these features. In terms of Boye and Harder’s (2021) criteria, it holds main-point status with respect to the complement verb, and it is discursively primary (e.g., question (8b) can follow the discourse). In this context, then, biliyorsun is considered a lexical CTP describing a cognitive state.
(8)a.o-nun da3nasılbirtarzasahipol-duğ-un-ubil-iyor-sunaz çok
he-genfphowastylehavebe-nmlz-2poss-accknow-prog-2sgless more
‘also, you pretty much know what kind of style he has.’
b.Onun nasıl bir tarza sahip olduğunu biliyor musun?
‘Do you know what kind of style he has?’

3. Data and Method

The data were collected from the spoken section of the Turkish National Corpus (Aksan et al., 2012), comprising approximately 1 million words, and the Tokyo University Foreign Studies Corpus of Spoken Turkish (Kawaguchi, 2009), consisting of around 62,000 words. Both corpora contain transcriptions of spoken language, primarily derived from conversations among friends and colleagues. The Turkish National Corpus includes interviews, meetings, news broadcasts, and public and academic speeches.
The dataset was formed in several stages. First, all relevant usages of the three predicates were manually extracted from these corpora. After eliminating vague or irrelevant cases, 757 excerpts containing san ‘guess, believe’, zannet ‘suppose, assume’, and bil ‘know’ predicates were collected and saved in spreadsheets for further analysis, and then coded following the procedure described below. Statistical analyses were conducted using JASP (JASP Team, 2023).
As in any annotation task, a set of guidelines was prepared for use in the annotation task (some examples of the guidelines are provided below and in Appendix A).
The annotations were carried out in separate rounds. First, following the guidelines, each predicate was manually coded for its status, i.e., a lexical CTP or a CTP-phrase. Then, in the second round, each form was coded for its position within its host clause: initial, medial, or final. This round was carried out independently of the preceding.
The following guidelines were used for annotating the placement of the predicates:
  • Initial: left periphery (first position) or post-discourse connective/post-discourse marker position, i.e., the position that fills the slot after expressions such as yani ‘I mean’, işte ‘so’, valla ‘well’, or filler or hesitation markers like ee ‘uhm’ (Appendix A, examples (21), (22), (26)).
  • Medial: post-initial position (Appendix A, examples (23), (24)). Medial position refers to (a) the position of the CTP within a clause, after subject, object, or verb, and (b) the occurrence of CTPs in specific constructions, i.e.,two-part constructions, which consist of two syntactically interdependent linguistic elements that are typically marked by a dedicated morpheme on each element.
  • Final: post-clausal, i.e., post-verbal position (Appendix A, example (25)).
  • Where available, clues such as pauses and disfluency markers were used to assess a clause’s lexical CTP or CTP-phrase status.
  • At each stage, the annotations were checked and re-checked for consistency.
In summary, the annotation process was carried out according to the methodology outlined in Figure 1, which illustrates the individual steps involved.

4. Results

This section gives an overview of the results related to the answers to the research questions in Section 1.
The overall results from 757 excerpts indicate that san occurs very frequently in the data, followed by bil and zannet (Table 1).

4.1. Research Question 1

The first research question asks, Is complement-taking a typical behavior of the predicates san (‘guess, believe’), zannet (‘assume, suppose’), and bil (‘know’) in the corpus data?
For this research question, evidence was sought by examining the cases in which the predicates were annotated as CTP-phrases, and the findings were compared to the cases where they were annotated as lexical CTPs. Table 1 presents descriptive statistics from the annotated corpus. The raw and relative frequencies of the corpus data show that the CTP-phrase usage of the three predicates outweighs their lexical CTP usage both in the overall and individual analyses of the predicates. Overall, CTP-phrase occurrences constitute more than half the number of CTP occurrences in the data (69.09% vs. 30.91%).
Binomial tests were conducted to determine whether the difference was statistically significant for each predicate. The results revealed a significant difference in the proportions of lexical CTP and CTP-phrase occurrences of two predicates, namely, bil and san. These findings suggest that the CTP-phrase occurrence of these predicates is a more common and routine feature than the CTP-phrase occurrence of zannet (see Table 2).4

4.2. Research Question 2

Have san/zannet/bil become routinized? (a) Is there evidence for their increased syntactic autonomy, i.e., how often do they appear in non-final positions in a clause and (b) do CTP-phrases occur as interpolations?

4.2.1. Research Question 2a

Evidence to answer Question 2a was sought by examining the frequency at which the lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases occurred in different positions in the clause and to address Question 2b, two-part constructions were examined.
Table 3 displays the overall distribution of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases in initial, medial, and final positions. We see that lexical CTPs mainly occur clause-finally, as one would expect given the verb-final preference of Turkish. Conversely, CTP-phrases predominantly occur in non-final positions, i.e., clause-initially or -medially, indicating a process of change. A chi-square test was performed to assess the relation between CTP status and the likelihood of occurring in each position in the clause. The relation between these variables was significant, χ2 (2, N = 757) = 406.7, p < 0.001, such that CTP-phrases were more likely than lexical CTPs to occur in non-final positions. Furthermore, chi-square tests were conducted to examine the relationship between each predicate’s status and its likelihood of appearing in each position within the clause. The relationship between these variables was significant for each predicate as well.5 These results suggest that CTP-phrases are not rare or coincidental forms of the three predicates but rather indicate a routinized behavior.

4.2.2. Research Question 2b

To address Question 2b, I focused on medial CTP-phrases (N = 198). Before considering two-part constructions, I examined whether medial CTP-phrases occurred before all major syntactic constituents in a clause. If this expectation is fulfilled, we will have obtained more evidence for the emergent autonomy of CTP-phrases, due to their routinization. The data confirmed these expectations, revealing a pattern where clauses with verb-final orders (SOV and OSV), which constitute more than half of all word-orders in Turkish, were (unsurprisingly) the most common hosts for medial CTP-phrases. For illustration, consider (9), where the CTP-phrase occurs just before the object, marked by a caret (S^OV), and (10), where it lands between an adverb and a fully inflected clause (ADV^SOV).
(9)aabuçay molasısan-ır-ımhepimiz-eiyi gel-di
uhmthistea breakbelieve-aor-1sgus-datgood come-pst
‘Uhm, this tea break, I believe, has been good for all of us.’
‘Now, I believe I significantly exceeded my time.’
We also find medial CTP-phrases in clauses with less common word-orders. Example (11) illustrates a CTP-phrase occurring just before the subject in a clause with verb-initial order (V^S).
(11)her günbiraz dahazorlaş-ıyorsan-ır-ım(…) ilerleme-miz
each dayincreasinglydifficult-progbelieve-aor-1sg(…) progress-1plposs
‘Each day, our progress (…), I believe, is becoming increasingly difficult.’
Among medially occurring CTP-phrases, the category of interpolation constitutes 11.11% of the data. Two particularly intriguing constructions within this category include two-part constructions, namely genitive–possessive constructions and clefts. Thus, to answer Question 2b, I examined these constructions and explored their morpho-syntactic aspects.
Genitive–possessive construction: The genitive–possessive construction is a composite NP consisting of two NPs, where the genitive case marks the first NP and the possessive suffix marks the second NP (NP+Gen NP+Poss), shown in bold letters in the examples. The possessive-marked NP is the head of the construction, and the genitive-marked NP modifies it. The genitive must agree with the possessive in person and number (Göksel & Kerslake, 2005), as shown in constructed examples (12a) and (12b).
‘your hat’
‘our article’
The CTP-phrase can land within this construction. An example is provided in (13), extracted from a semi-formal speech given by a university professor, where biliyorsunuz ‘you know’ lands between the genitive-marked NP and the possessive-marked head NP:
(13)Bu-nunda bil-iyor-sunuzbaba-meşhur Atina’lı Sokrat-tır.
that-genfpknow-prog-2plfather-possfamous Athenian Socrates-cop
‘Also, his father, you know, is the famous Athenian Socrates.’ [Lit. ‘Also, his, you know, father is the famous Athenian Socrates.’]
[Interpolated Composite NP|TNC]
Clefts: Clefts are another type of two-part construction into which CTP-phrases may be inserted. The Turkish cleft construction includes a free (headless) relative clause and a copular verb, which may be zero (Turan, 2002). Headless relative clauses are constructions where the head noun that a relative clause modifies is absent because the referent of the relative clause is either evident from the previous context or is inherently self-identifying (Göksel & Kerslake, 2005). Relative clauses are formed by participle suffixes. Example (14) provides a cleft construction that encompasses these characteristics, with the relative clause and the copular verb highlighted in bold:
‘My student was the one who won the lottery.’
[Constructed example]
CTP-phrases may occur between the participle clause and the copular verb within clefts. Example (15) illustrates this placement from a conversation between two friends about rock music. Interestingly, this example shows that the two parts of the cleft construction can be widely separated to host (a) a CTP-phrase: sanırım ‘I guess’, (b) a sentential parenthetical, that is, an interpolation that is “syntactically complete and can stand alone as an independent sentence” (Dehé, 2009, p. 579): İngilizce bir tabir ‘an English expression’, or (c) a pause and a disfluency marker (ee ‘uhm’). The co-occurrence of a CTP-phrase with a parenthetical in this example shows that medial CTP-phrases are indeed parentheticals, confirming their autonomous status in the clause.
(15)beniçek-ensan-ır-ım.. ee İngilizce bir tabirsound’u
meattract-ptcpguess-aor1sguhmEnglish an expressionsound-3sgposs
‘What attracts me, uhm .. I guess, is the sound, to use an English expression.’
[Lit. ‘Its sound, an English expression, is .. uhm what I guess attracts me.’]
[Interpolated Cleft|TUFS]

4.3. Research Question 3

Are CTP-phrases projective?
Finally, to address the third research question, this study focuses on medial CTP-phrases to determine whether they have a projective nature.
First, all medial CTP-phrases in the data share common characteristics. They fit all the criteria of parentheticals presented by Boye and Harder (2021), e.g., they are optional, do not hold main-point status, and are discursively secondary because they are not addressable in the subsequent discourse. In addition, the construction in which they appear lacks a nominalizing morpheme, which indicates that the main verb is loosely integrated with the complement, according to one of the parameters of clause union discussed by Givón (2001). Second, medial CTP-phrases introduce the most important and newsworthy part of the message. For example, in excerpt (16), the CTP-phrase biliyorsun ‘you know’ appears immediately before a full main clause, signaling the most interesting and informative part of the entire sentence (‘one drop of petroleum is more valuable than one drop of blood’).
(16)a.Özellikle depetrolbölge-leri-ndebil-iyor-sunuz
Especially fppetroleumregion-plu-locknow-prog-3pl
‘Also, especially in the petroleum regions, you know’
b.bir damlapetrolbir damla kan-dandaha kıymetli-dir
one droppetroleumone drop blood-ablmore valuable-cop
‘one drop of petroleum is more valuable than one drop of blood.’
While medial CTP-phrases occurring in examples like (16) usually carry a very general projection, I would like to extend this idea to the information structure level. The Turkish data demonstrate clearly that speakers frequently use medial CTP-phrases to project new information. For illustration, consider (17), where the CTP is inserted before the (direct) object in a clause with SOV order (S^OV). Here, two friends are discussing the role of technology in their daily lives (the Internet; cellular phones). The speaker states, ‘this [technology] was given to us’, i.e., people use these technological devices without knowing or wondering about the scientific facts that lie behind these devices. The speaker comments that ‘this [situation] pushes us to laziness’, implying that people do not feel the need to investigate how it came about that they have access to these devices or what technology created them.
‘This was given to us.’
b... bu-nukullan-ıyor-uz
‘We’re using it.’
I meanthissomewhat
d.san-ır-ım.. eebizitembelliğ-eit-iyor
guess-aor-1sg.. uhmuslaziness-datpush-prog
‘I mean, this (situation), I guess .. uhm pushes us somewhat toward laziness.’
In (17c, d), sanırım appears clause-medially after the subject, i.e., the topic or old information (bu ’this [technology]’) and immediately before new information (bizi tembelliğe itiyor ‘pushes us to laziness’). By appearing in this position, the CTP-phrase serves to foreshadow new information.
In yet another excerpt (example (18)), we find the CTP-phrase zannediyorum ‘I suppose, I assume’ before the subject (O^SV) in a clause with the OSV order. In a discussion of the life and works of a famous early-20th-century Turkish poet, the speaker addresses the audience; in (18a), he asks whether there is any need to rephrase one of the poet’s famous lines in modern Turkish: ‘Friends, is there need to explain or rephrase this [line]?’ In the subsequent sentence (18b), the speaker states, ‘I suppose all of you understand this [line]’. As in the previous example, zannediyorum not only fulfills the criteria of parentheticals discussed by Boye and Harder (2021) but also projects new information—the speaker first asks a question to the addressees, then provides new information in the answer (i.e., ‘all of you understand’) immediately after the CTP-phrase.
(18)a.Arkadaşlarbunu yanian-anlatmayasadeleştirme-yegerek var mı
friendsthisI meanex-explainrephrase-nmlzneed exist q
‘Friends, is there any need to explain [or] rephrase this?’
thissuppose-prog-1sgall of youunderstand-3pl
‘I suppose all of you understand this.’ [Lit. ‘This, I suppose, all of you understand.’]
To summarize Section 4, the patterns identified in the annotated data indicate the autonomy of CTP-phrases involving the mental–cognitive verbs under investigation. The frequency analysis of the annotated data shows that CTP-phrases have attained autonomy distinct from their lexical CTP forms. Thus, given their frequent usage and patterns of occurrence, it can be stated that in contemporary spoken Turkish, these high-frequency items have evolved into robust, independent representations. In particular, medial CTP-phrases anchored to all three mental–cognitive predicates strongly illustrate the predicates’ function as epistemic parentheticals with projective functions. It is important to note, however, that not all predicates exhibit identical characteristics as CTP-phrases, as will be discussed in the next section.

5. Further Analysis of the Findings

This section is divided into two parts. Section 5.1 considers the differences between the three predicates, while Section 5.2 quickly looks at the pragmatic functions of some CTP-phrases.

5.1. Differences Between the Predicates

Although the predicates being examined share many formal and semantic properties, there are also differences between them.
In Section 4.1, it was demonstrated that zannet (‘suppose, assume’) differs from bil (‘know’) and san (‘guess, believe’) primarily in its limited ability to occur as a CTP-phrase. This difference can be attributed to the different registers in which these predicates are used: While bil and san are used both in formal and informal contexts, zannet tends to be more prevalent in formal speech. It may be the case that formal registers resist linguistic change more strongly, thereby constraining the rate of change in zannet’s shift toward autonomy and routinization.
The predicates exhibit varying degrees of preference for tense/aspect markers, specifically the aorist or progressive forms, both of which are grammatically acceptable with mental–cognitive verbs in Turkish. The aorist generally indicates a broadly defined present tense (Kornfilt, 1997), while the progressive is typically associated with states, including psychological verbs (Göksel & Kerslake, 2005). In the dataset, bil (‘know’) and zannet (‘suppose, assume’) predominantly co-occur with the progressive form (91.10% and 81.94% of occurrences, respectively), whereas san ‘guess, believe’ is more commonly used with the aorist form (82.18% of instances).6 Nevertheless, despite different preferences, san and bil with particular tense/aspect markers in particular have developed into highly frequent expressions that are stored and can be retrieved as autonomous units.
Bil (‘know’), unlike the other predicates, is found within an adverbial clause conveying ‘as far as I/we know’ or ‘to the extent that I/we know’. There are 74 occurrences of this construction in my dataset, where bil consistently appears in a nominalized form, indicating its subordinate clause status. However, the adverbial clause can function as an autonomous unit that moves around within the clause. For example, in (19), the adverbial clause does not occur in its canonical clause-initial position but in the post-predicate position, which is the typical backgrounded position for Turkish (Erguvanlı, 1984). In this position, it reflects the speaker’s uncertainty, doubt, or tentativeness with regard to the content of the proposition. It could also be stated that it behaves like a “disjunct,” akin to English forms described by Quirk et al. (1985, p. 612).
‘Do they accept [candidates] without interview?’
B.Valla mülakat-ıyok-tu[ben-im bil-diğ-im kadarı-yla]
wellinterview-poss3sgnegex-pst[I-gen know-nmlz-poss1sg extent-com]
  ‘Well, their interview did not take place, as far as I know.’

5.2. Pragmatic Aspects

Thompson (2002) has characterized the function of CTP-phrases as “epistemic/evidential/evaluative frames for the clauses they accompany” (Thompson, 2002, p. 136). In subsequent analysis, many other authors discovered further roles at the pragmatic level (see, e.g., Beeching, 2016; Brinton, 2009).
Although I did not aim to examine the pragmatic roles of the three predicates in detail, it was easy to see in all the cases in the data that the functions identified in the literature apply to our data. For example, consider the clause-initial CTP-phrase bilirsin ‘you know’ in excerpt (7b), presented here again as (20). This instance occurs within a conversation between friends about transforming folk songs into hip-hop or rock remixes. The clause-initial CTP-phrase not only frames its accompanying clause within subjective/epistemic terms but also serves other functions like attention-getting or discourse organization (e.g., it precedes the speaker’s clarification, ‘folk songs may not appeal to everyone during their youth’). Furthermore, akin to its English counterpart, it helps the speaker to establish common ground and invite the interlocutor to accept the propositional content of the utterance, similar to the function specified by Östman (1981) for the English ‘you know’.
(20) yanibil-ir-sin (…)türküherkes-ehitapet-me-ye-bil-ir
I meanknow-aor-2sgfolk songall-datappealdo-aux-neg-abil-aor
‘I mean, you know (…) folk songs may not appeal to everyone.’

6. Conclusions

To summarize, a synchronic spoken corpus was built to investigate the occurrences of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases including three Turkish predicates. A methodology was developed to differentiate these occurrences through annotation for morpho-syntactic indicators of complementhood, as well as the positions of the lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases. Boye and Harder’s (2021) criteria for parentheticals and Givón’s (2001) parameters for clause union were also taken into account when assessing the lexical CTP versus CTP-phrase status of the predicates within a clause. The findings of this study are as follows:
  • CTP-phrases were predominant across all examined discourse contexts, appearing more often than lexical CTPs.
  • The CTP-phrase forms anchored to all three predicates, especially san and bil, exhibited routinized patterns of usage. Thus, the CTP-phrases we looked at are not atypical or unusual forms; to the contrary, the corpus evidence supports the view that they are autonomous expressions and can have projective functions, as the analysis of medial CTP-phrases has shown.
  • Medial CTP-phrases were observed before the subject or object of a clause, as well as occurring as interpolations, where the two parts of certain grammatical constructions can be extended to accommodate CTP-phrases.
  • Verb-final orders (SOV and OSV) make up over half of all word-orders in Turkish, and clauses with these structures were also the most common hosts for medial CTP-phrases. While this result may not be surprising, it is significant for three reasons: it confirms the reliability of our data (indicating that we cover all word-orders), demonstrates the systematic distribution of medial CTP-phrases across clauses with different word-orders, and highlights their epistemic parenthetical role along with their function of projecting new information.
Nonetheless, this study has several limitations. First, prosody was excluded. Prosody could significantly influence the distinction between lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases. This limitation also complicated the analysis, as the transcripts sometimes proved insufficient to differentiate between lexical CTP and CTP-phrase forms, resulting in data loss through the exclusion of ambiguous cases.
Third, the study presented evidence that CTP-phrases have acquired new pragmatic functions. Identifying pragmatic roles precisely is challenging due to the diverse discourse contexts in which CTP-phrases occur and the potential influence of prosody. In addition, a single CTP-phrase often fulfills multiple roles, necessitating meticulous coding by multiple annotators. Consequently, the discussion focused on unambiguous instances of pragmatic roles. Nevertheless, the analysis has shown that CTPs have gained not only syntactic but pragmatic autonomy.
These limitations underscore the need for further research into the projective functions, pragmatic functions, prosody, and other factors that might impact our understanding of CTPs. All in all, it is hoped that the findings of this research will contribute a new set of data from Turkish to the literature and establish a baseline for future studies of CTPs in this language, as well as in other flexible-word-order, morphologically rich languages.


An earlier version of this work was presented at the panel “Pragmatics of the ‘(a)typical clause’ across languages” in 2023 during the 18th International Conference of the Pragmatics Association (IPrA) in Brussels, with support from a travel grant provided by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), program no. 2224A, 2023/2.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this article is not readily available because one of the corpora used in the study is not publicly available but shared by the creators of the dataset upon request.


I thank Yuji Kawaguchi for sharing the transcripts of the Tokyo University Foreign Studies (TUFS) Corpus of Spoken Turkish with me. I would also like to thank Yoshi Ono, Ritva Laury, the audience at the IPrA panel “Pragmatics of the ‘(a)typical clause’ across languages” in 2023, and two anonymous referees for their insightful comments on earlier versions of this paper, Mustafa Akkuşçu for advice on the statistics, and Alan Libert for theoretical comments and proofreading the paper. Any remaining errors are, of course, mine.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.

Abbreviations and Symbols

abilAbilitative marker
accAccusative case
comComitative case
datDative case
doDirect object
dmDiscourse marker
exExistential predicate
frFree relative
fpFocus particle
genGenitive case
ioIndirect object
lex.ctpLexical CTP
lit.Literal translation
negexNegative existential predicate
pstPast tense
possPossessive suffix
qQuestion particle
(…)Deleted material
#Discourse-inappropriate usage

Appendix A. Coding Data with Initial, Medial, and Final Positions: Sample Annotations of Constructed Examples

(21)Sanır-ım Ayşegel-me-yecek.[ctp-phr, I]
‘I guess Ayşe will not show up.’
(22)Valla san-ır-ımAyşe gel-me-yecek[ctp-phr, I]
Well guess-aor-1sgAyşe come-neg-fut
‘Well, I guess Ayşe will not show up.’
(23)Ayşe san-ır-ımgel-me-yecek[ctp-phr, M]
Ayşe guess-aor-1sgcome-neg-fut
‘Ayşe, I guess, will not show up.’
(24)Ayrıcagel-me-yeceksan-ır-ımAyşe[ctp-phr, M]
‘Additionally, Ayşe will not, I guess, show up.’
(25)Ayşe gel-me-yeceksan-ır-ım [lex.ctp, F]
Ayşe come-neg-futguess-neg-fut
‘Ayşe will not show up, I guess.’
(26)Bil-iyor-sunkiAyşe gel-me-yecek [lex.ctp, I]
know-neg-futthatAyşe come-neg-fut
‘You know that Ayşe will not come.’


For example, in a sentence such as ‘I believe Max snores loudly’, the clause ‘I believe’ expresses how certain the speaker is about that proposition. Krifka (2023) argues that the clause ‘I believe’ conveys a private epistemic state of the speaker which is difficult to challenge by others. So, by uttering the sentence, the speaker makes a commitment that is safer to defend.
According to Boye and Harder (2021), CTP-clauses have a further function: they can modify a propositional clause, in the sense that they add an optional modification to the clause they accompany. For example, in They let it go, I think (Boye & Harder, 2021 = example (10)), the part of the sentence shown in bold has a modifying role.
In Turkish, da and de are focus/topic-associated enclitics that typically convey additive sense (Göksel & Özsoy, 2003). Thus, they are glossed with ‘also’.
For bil (N = 281), a binomial test revealed that the proportion of lexical CTP occurrences was significantly less (30%, p < 0.001) and the proportion of CTP-phrases was significantly more (70%, p < 0.001) than the test value of 0.5. Similarly, for san (N = 404), a binomial test revealed that the proportion of lexical CTP occurrences was significantly less (29%, p < 0.001) and the proportion of CTP-phrases was significantly more (71%, p < 0.001) than the test value of 0.5.
Chi-square results for each predicate were as follows: bil: χ2 (2, N = 281) = 170,6, p < 0.001; san: χ2 (2, N = 404) = 219.6, p < 0.001; zannet: χ2 (2, N = 72) = 25.2, p < 0.001. In each case, the CTP-phrase forms were more likely to occur in non-final positions than lexical CTP forms.
Krifka (2023) argues that private judgments are expressed in a Judge Phrase (JP) and can be semantically specified by modifiers (e.g., epistemic modal adverbs). The predicates san/zannet (in the first person) convey the subjective epistemic states discussed by Krifka, both in their lexical CTP and CTP-phrase forms. Using the aorist or the progressive expresses an epistemic modality that holds in the present and hence presents modal evidence at the time of utterance.


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Figure 1. The annotation procedure.
Figure 1. The annotation procedure.
Languages 10 00027 g001
Table 1. Raw and relative frequencies of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases.
Table 1. Raw and relative frequencies of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases.
PredicateLex. CTP CTP-Phrase Total
Bil—‘you know’8429.8919770.11281100.00
San—‘I guess, I believe’11929.4628570.54404100.00
Zannet—‘I assume, I suppose’3143.064156.9472100.00
Table 2. Occurrence of individual predicates as lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases. *** Significant at p < 0.001 according to binomial tests of significance.
Table 2. Occurrence of individual predicates as lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases. *** Significant at p < 0.001 according to binomial tests of significance.
Bil—‘you know’CTP-phrase197***
Lexical CTP84***
San—‘I guess, I believe’CTP-phrase285***
Lexical CTP119***
Zannet—‘I assume, I suppose’ CTP-phrase41
Lexical CTP31
Table 3. Distribution of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases by clausal position.
Table 3. Distribution of lexical CTPs and CTP-phrases by clausal position.
CTP Status IMFTotal
Lexical CTPCount29.016.0189.0234.0
% 12.4%6.8%80.8%100.0%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zeyrek, D. Analysis of Three Complement-Taking Predicates in Spoken Turkish: bil, san, and zannet. Languages 2025, 10, 27.

AMA Style

Zeyrek D. Analysis of Three Complement-Taking Predicates in Spoken Turkish: bil, san, and zannet. Languages. 2025; 10(2):27.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zeyrek, Deniz. 2025. "Analysis of Three Complement-Taking Predicates in Spoken Turkish: bil, san, and zannet" Languages 10, no. 2: 27.

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Zeyrek, D. (2025). Analysis of Three Complement-Taking Predicates in Spoken Turkish: bil, san, and zannet. Languages, 10(2), 27.

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