1. Introduction
Urbanization has been the core reason for the unequivocal shift of production in all sectors of the economy. Moving across countries, from farmlands, has cost and benefited economies worldwide. Trade is one of the many factors that push toward globalization. Thus, countries have taken advantage of their geographical position to strengthen their comparative advantage. Moreover, as scarcity is inevitable, the costs have soon exceeded the benefits of urban life. One of the main blocks that sustain urban life is energy (
Jones 1989). It is not possible to preserve fossil fuels let alone produce them. The fossil fuel energy will be depleted over time and the world will suffer from the lack of energy. Many pieces of literature examined the drawbacks of the use of this kind of fuel, as it can decrease the rates of economic growth over the long run (
Martins et al. 2019) and increase sulfur dioxide emissions, in addition to carbon dioxide emissions (
Ahmad and Zhao 2018;
Vo et al. 2019). Therefore, the demand for renewable sources of energy is at an all-time high. Renewable sources can be extracted from all forms of natural earth resources. Countries are trying to acquire such technological progress that allows them to govern power for their daily activities.
Renewable energy contributes to all activities surrounding us but the main activity that humans and government look at is electricity. Electricity is considered as an indicator to measure the poverty of individuals. International energy agency (IEA) recognized the consumption of electricity as an indicator in measuring energy poverty as the absolute poverty countered at 100 Gwh per annum and 300 Gwh per annum to satisfy the basic access and 1500 Gwh per annum (
IEA 2023). As there are many types of renewable energy resources, hydropower comes to cope with the claims of climate change and how to use them on a wide range. The main types of renewable energy are wind (generated by wind turbines), solar (nuclear infusion by the sun), geothermal (heat energy produced by the planet), hydro (dams altering the natural flow of water), and bioenergy (recycling of living organisms). Additionally, renewable energy extraction has impacted many developed and developing countries in terms of human development. Renewable energy will increase the productivity of the countries without causing negative impacts on human health or the surrounding environment. The impact of the shift in energy sources has caused a tremendous impact on the fluctuations in the standard of living, quality of life, and gross production.
Hydropower has become a crucial source of energy in northern Europe. Furthermore, Nordic countries have replenished their economy after the financial and oil crisis by the enormous production of hydropower over the past decades (
Tellefsen et al. 2020). Yet, hydroelectricity dams have not contributed to human development in Nordic countries but in fact caused unforeseen damage for some time. Clearly, there is an impact from hydroelectricity production on the standard of living and GDP (
Ohler and Fetters 2014).
Growth rates were remarkable during the first few years of the use of hydropower in Europe. Specifically, hydropower was heavily dominated by Nordic countries a century ago. Additionally, the past decades have been used in extensive research and development to ensure technological progress to ease renewable energy extraction (
Vik and Smith 2009). Therefore, the main explanatory variable is electricity production from hydroelectric sources (%) on the Human Development Index. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite measure that determines the level of well-being in a country. The three dimensions of the Human Development Index are ealth, knowledge, and standard of living measured by an equal weighted average (
UNDP 2024). To achieve better economic development, there should be more mindfulness when sustaining scarce resources. Sustainability, as a goal, can be achieved through efficient allocation of resources and control over environmental factors (
Costantini and Monni 2005). The top 15 list includes Nordic countries at the top. Norway’s HDI has risen by 6.6% reaching 0.936 in 2015. Furthermore, Norway is a mixed economy heavily depending on its private sector; thus, allowing more labor participation rate and equal distribution of income. Additionally, the surplus in the trade of oil has led to increased public funding of educational and healthcare systems (
Ozturk and Suluk 2020). From 2002 to 2004, Finland experienced extreme fluctuations in HDI. The rapid increase from 0.874 to 0.907 and the slight decrease to 0.902 was caused by the focus on the management of four natural resources (water, land, forest, and environment) as shown in
Figure 1. Additionally, Finland has offered Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Vietnam; therefore, increasing welfare and foreign direct investment. Denmark and Sweden’s freedom from poverty policy allows for enhancement in human welfare and equality among citizens. However, there are fluctuations in their HDI due to increased income gaps between immigrants and citizens (
Blume et al. 2007). In the case of Iceland, the urban population grew rapidly after 2008. Consequently, urbanization increased in Iceland due to government policy on housing prices. Therefore, low-income families were able to cover rental costs and move from rural to urban areas, thus increasing employment.
Hydroelectricity is a form of renewable energy generated through water dams placed in rivers and basins where kinetic energy spins the turbines (
Delrio and Burguillo 2008). Hydropower remains the oldest way of energy production (
Bakis 2007). Nordic countries have a larger sea area than land, which allows them to produce hydroelectricity much easier than other developed countries. Norway’s main exports include oil and renewable electricity. Therefore, there is an average steady production of 98% of hydroelectricity. From 2014 to 2015, Norway experienced an oil crisis which slightly dropped the hydroelectricity production by 3%. Norway was able to make up for hydroelectricity exports by the ripple effect made by the central bank (
Sivramkrishna 2019). Moreover, the stocks of foreign currency reserves aided this loss in GDP. Denmark holds a steady level of hydropower production of 8% annually with no fluctuations as it has a net-zero commitment from hydropower production since 1990. Finland’s production of hydropower is fluctuating due to increased carbon dioxide emissions from other sources (
Ericsson et al. 2004). Iceland’s main exports are aluminum and fish products. Furthermore, Iceland is known for its glacial rivers. Recently, due to climate change, the glaciers have been melting, which has increased the flow of water (
Steingrímsson et al. 2008). Moreover, 75% of Iceland’s energy is hydropower making it the second highest after Norway as shown in
Figure 2.
Therefore, the main aim of this paper is to highlight the gaps and identify a relationship between hydropower and HDI in Nordic countries. This will be done by depending on hydroelectricity consumption and to what extent it helps the countries that are recognized as pioneers in the field to achieve higher rates of economic development. This study will be divided into five sections:
Section 1 is the literature review that will be divided into theoretical and empirical framework, and background.
Section 2 will handle the methodology, while
Section 3 deals with the discussion, and finally, conclusion. Consequently, the conclusion will provide some policy adjustments to efficiently benefit from Nordic’s comparative advantage.
3. Methodology
This section will use annual secondary data provided by the World Bank and United Nations Development Indicators (UNDP) from 2002 to 2021 for five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and Norway. We will use six variables that are shown in
Table 2. There was a huge difference between the maximum and minimum values in both hydroelectricity and trade; therefore, a logged form was conducted for both variables.
The paper will begin by analyzing the cross-panel data properties by applying unit root tests using two main techniques that are Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) and Phillips Perron (PP) tests. This can be expressed by the following equation (
Dickey and Fuller 1979):
Moreover, a vector autoregression (VAR) model test was conducted ending with a Granger causality test to examine cointegration over the long run.
VAR is one of the econometric models used to control the relationships between different variables across time and is known as the theory of free model (
Sims 1980). This model explains a set of variables over a statistical period to investigate the impact of random shock (
Dizaji and Badri 2020). The use of the VAR model is widely used in many literatures that tackle the link between clean energy and HDI (
Akbar et al. 2021;
Amer 2020;
Hao 2022). In order to estimate the VAR model, some steps were adopted as follows in Equation (2):
where log (
URB) is the logarithmic form of the variables hydroelectricity, trade openness, rule of law, corruption index, and urbanization growth rate, respectively.
CV standards for the control variables,
u for error term, and p for optimal lag length.
The error terms in the VAR model should be uncorrelated; therefore, lag length will be the second point after the unit root test. That will be examined by the following Equation (3):
Then different diagnostic tests will be performed to test the heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, stability, and serial correlation.
Moreover, the Granger causality test was conducted to examine the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 0 (H0). The variable X does not Granger cause Y.
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Variable X Granger causes Y.
Finally, the impulse response analysis will be conducted to examine the impact of shocks on HDI over the next 10 years. This analysis will use Monte Carlo over 200 confidence intervals. The variance inflation decomposition will depend on Choleski’s decomposition techniques.
4. Results
In the investigation of the relationship between hydroelectricity and HDI in Nordic countries, the VAR model will be used. This will be examined through four main steps that begin with the descriptive data, correlation, and unit root test. Moreover, Johansen’s maximum likelihood will be tested in the second step. Then the checkup of the VAR model will take place in the third step. The model diagnostics will be examined in the fourth step. These results will be implemented in step five. Finally, Granger causality test will be used to evaluate the causal relationship between hydroelectricity and HDI in Nordic countries in the final step.
4.1. Descriptive Data and Unit Root Test
Before conducting the econometric tests, descriptive data, correlation tests, and unit root tests will be examined in
Table 3. The number of observations is 100 after interpolating 10 missing data in the rule of law and control of corruption for each country during the year 2001. The mean for HDI is 0.92 with a minimum of 0.886, which is relatively high given that Nordic countries are developed. The median of HDI is 0.199701, which is close to zero indicating less variation and homoscedastic data. The average production of hydroelectricity is 2.5523 with a median of 2.776552. The minimum of hydropower production is negative indicating that there is a supply shock due to European crises. The institutional measures such as control of corruption (average of 2.15) and rule of law (average of 1.88) data are very close, which means that there is a strong institutional power. Trade has a mean of 4.40 indicating variability due to trade disruptions and changes in policies. Lastly, urbanization in Nordic countries is relatively close as the mean is 86 and the minimum is 76.7 indicating an increase in movement in population from rural lands to cities.
A correlation test was conducted in
Table 4. There is a weak negative correlation between HDI and Hydroelectricity, which is significant at 10%. There is a weak negative correlation between HDI and the urban population, significant at 10%. The reason behind the negative impact is that increased saturation by people in cities will cause an increase in electricity and water usage. Lastly, there is a strong negative relation between control of corruption and HDI, significant at 1% because the government has firm regulations and policies to protect social interest from private gains due to public power. Thus, controlling trade regulations in the Nord pool prevents illegal exports and policies to prevent illegal migration by foreigners.
By conducting the unit root test using two different techniques, ADF and PP, the results of the data used for the variables were stationary at first difference I (1), whether in interceptor with “trend and intercept”, as shown in
Table 5 at 1%.
4.2. Maximum Likelihood
The log length table was estimated in
Table 6. The results showed that the first lag is allowed to select the maximum lag due to the small period and the small number of countries found in Nordic countries (
Wooldridge 2013) by using FRE, AIC, SC, and HQ tests.
4.3. VAR Model Estimation
The results of
Table 7 were consistent with the results of lag length criteria that were created in
Table 6 at VAR2. In the first VAR period (VAR1), HDI has a positive relation with all variables except with urban population growth compared to the second VAR period (VAR2) that were negative only with trade openness and hydroelectricity capacity
Regarding HDI, it had a negative relationship with the rule of law and trade openness in VAR1 and only corruption in VAR2 according to
Table 7. Compared to the relation of the corruption that was positive for all variables except for HDI in VAR1 and trade openness in VAR2.
Rule of law had negative relationships with hydroelectricity capacity, corruption, and trade openness in VAR1 and with HDI, hydroelectricity, rule of law, and urbanization rate in VAR2. Trade openness had only positive relationships with HDI, and trade openness in VAR1. Finally, urbanization had only negative relationships with hydroelectricity consumption and the rule of law in VAR1 and with HDI, corruption, trade openness, and the rule of law. Therefore, these results showed that there is a positive relationship between HDI and hydroelectricity consumption in the short run and a negative relation in the long run. This was validated by the value of adjusted R2 which comes at 95%.
4.4. Model Diagnostics
Here the diagnostics tests for VAR were conducted to test the heteroscedasticity, multicollinearity, stability, and serial correlation.
Table 6 confirms that there is no serial correlation as it lies at the VAR 1 and VAR2 according to (
Liew 2004) who found that the assumption of absence of the serial correlation is accepted till the fourth lag length criteria.
Also, the results of variance inflation factors (VIF) show that all values for all variables are less than 10 according to (
Aljandali and Tatahi 2018) as shown in
Table 8 below. Therefore, there is no multicollinearity between variables.
Table 9 shows the results of heteroscedasticity as it tests the null hypothesis that assumes that there is no heteroscedasticity between variables. As the probability is high and exceeds 0.05 then the null hypothesis is accepted.
In order to ensure the stability of the VAR model, (
Altman and Krzywinski 2016;
Hatemi-J 2004) concluded that the VAR model is stable if its residuals are less than 1 and inside the circle. Therefore,
Table 10 and
Figure 3 below shows that the roots lie inside the circle that satisfies the stability condition. Then variance decomposition of HYDRO, HDI, and all other variables results were estimated and shown in
Appendix B. This was conducted for the next 10 years using Monte Carlo of 200 intervals.
4.5. Impulse Response Results
This section will deal with the relationship between HDI, oil prices, and government expenditures over 10 years. The impact of the variables was different as sometimes it appeared above zero (with a positive effect) or below zero (in other words with a negative effect).
Figure 4 shows the value of all variables to HDI. The results show that the variables have negative shocks on HDI over the next 10 years in both the short and long run. This implies that the increase in trade openness and urbanization rate transmit negative shocks to HDI with a negative slope, which is consistent with the results of the VAR model. This can be explained by the good policies in the field of education and human welfare, which will decrease HDI, bringing it closer to 1. In contrast, the increase in the use of hydroelectricity will increase the HDI which can be explained by the increase in a clean environment that has positive impacts on human health and therefore, welfare.
4.6. Granger Causality
Finally, these relationships that were concluded in
Table 7 were tested by the Granger causality test to come with a result that these relations were not significant as shown in
Appendix A.
5. Discussion
The results indicate an insignificant positive relationship between hydroelectricity production (independent variable) on HDI (dependent variable) in the short run but an insignificant negative relationship in the long run (
Tomczyk and Wiatkowski 2020). Hydropower has dominated many parts of Europe over the last several years. Additionally, the European Union aims to increase the domestic use of renewable electricity to sustain its environment. Upon the available results, the null hypothesis is rejected. This proves that there is a relationship between the dependent variable (Human Development Index) and the main independent variable (hydroelectricity production).
According to (
Espoir and Sunge 2021), carbon dioxide emissions showed no effect on HDI. Hence, carbon dioxide measurement was not used in the model. Thus, the coefficient of HDI is less than 1. Nordic countries such as Norway and Denmark are two of the largest exporters of hydropower energy as rainfall peaks. However, Norway has plans to cut its exports of hydropower as its reservoirs dropped by 10% to prevent an energy crisis. Evidently, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark are bound to suffer as they depend on Norway for their hydro exports (
IEA 2023). Sweden is not able to afford hydro energy as plant costs increase. In contrast, the increase in overall long-run expenditure on reducing environmental degradation through controlling temperature will enhance HDI. Especially since increased global warming will lead to a decrease in water distribution efficiency (
Opoku et al. 2021). Also, investments in hydro dams have led to advancements in human innovation and development in technical knowledge of labor (
Pietrosemoli and Rodríguez Monroy 2013). Nordic countries prosperity had sparked from social capital which decreased corruption. Social capital has flourished in renewable energy production as employment levels have risen (
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and Patonia 2020).
Finally, the hypotheses examinations show that hydroelectricity has a positive impact on HDI in Nordic countries in the short run which implies the acceptance of the first hypothesis and rejection of the null hypothesis.
6. Conclusions
This paper aimed to study the nexus between hydroelectricity and HDI. The similarities between Nordic countries in terms of institutions, geographical advantages, and policies have led to similar growth in human development. For example, immigration policies to limit refugees forming the labor market as it was linked to increased crime rates (
Tiwari et al. 2022). Although the short-term fluctuations, depending on hydropower for improved ecological footprint are negatively impacting human development, the cooperation in policy implementation is becoming stricter to sustain the green and blue environment. The use of hydroelectricity is very essential for these countries as they are characterized by the high rate of migration whether internally or externally (from other countries) and low corruption with a high rule of law. This helped us to choose the variables that may affect the Nordic countries—that are consistent with the economic and social environment in them. These variables are the rule of law, corruption, and urbanization that have a negative impact on the economic development in Nordic countries. Also, hydroelectricity and trade openness are positively related to economic development. The data regarding these variables were used in the period from 2002 to 2021 in this region.
Subsequently, Nordic could broaden its use of renewable energy to wind, solar, geothermal, and bioenergy, and not limit it to just hydropower. Therefore, the main policy implications include:
Increase public funding in research and development as well as cutting carbon emissions through carbon tax, subsidies, or tradable permits.
Allow investments in the technological sector as well as boost European cooperation for enhanced energy infrastructure and distribution.
This study has some limitations that can be used in further research as HDI is a multidimensional index that has some variables that can be discussed separately with the new sources of clean energy. Additionally, a comparison between these developed countries and developing countries can be used to fill the gaps between them but this acts as an obstacle due to the limited availability of data among many developing countries. Finally, the study focused on the short run rather than the long run that can be applied in the long run.
Recently, electricity prices have risen in Denmark. Moreover, inflation remains very high in Denmark and in many countries in Europe. Especially after the COVID-19 crisis, the purchasing power parity of consumers has weakened. However, in efforts to minimize such disparities the Swedish invention of water batteries has shifted the renewable energy industry. Water batteries, also known as pumped storage hydropower, are dually used in storing electricity from seawater to charge the battery and the reversal of water to generate turbines. Although lithium is considered a costly substance used in water battery manufacturing, the battery itself does not require any additional construction. In fact, water batteries are meant to save time and money in hydro dam renovations.