The Impact of Programs Aimed at Raising Awareness About Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Schools: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Type of Study
2.2. Data Sources and Search
2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.4. Selection of Studies
3. Results
3.1. Search Process
3.2. Identification of the Techniques Used and the Impact Generated
3.3. Impact of Awareness Programs on Attitudes Towards Disability
3.4. Most Effective Awareness-Raising Techniques
3.5. Demographic Factors Influencing Awareness
3.6. Duration of Intervention
3.7. Family and Community Involvement
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Limitations of This Study and Recommendations for Future Research
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Article | Sensitization Technique | Intervention | Tool | Sample | Stage | Country | Type of Disability |
Abellán et al. (2018a) |
| Number of sessions: 7 Duration: 2 months Didactic Unit Boccia | The Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Physical Education (AISDPE) (Reina et al., 2016b); Attitude Scale for Students with Disabilities in Physical Education (ASSDPE) (Iñiguez-Santiago et al., 2017); Questionnaire to measure opinion (J. Robles et al., 2017) | n = 28 Average age: 14.86 | High school | Spain | Intellectual disability |
(Pan et al., 2023) | Duration: 8 Weeks | The Inventory of School Climate—Student Scale [ISC-S] (Acun-Kapıkıran & Kapıkıran, 2011); Attitudes toward Persons with an Intellectual Disability Questionnaire [APIDQ] (Boo & Nie, 2018); Adjective Checklist [ACL] (Behling & Law, 2000); 2 open-ended questions | n = 164 Average age: 14.9 | High school | East Asia (Taiwan) | Intellectual disability | |
(Rillotta & Nettelbeck, 2007) |
| Intervention A. Number of sessions: 3 (45 min each) Intervention B. Number of sessions: 8 (45 min each) Duration: 4–6 weeks | Attitudes Toward Persons with an Intellectual Disability Questionnaire | n = 259 Group A average age: 11.7 Group B average age: 13.12 | High school | Intellectual disability | |
(De Boer et al., 2013) |
| Number of sessions: 6 (45 min each) Duration: 3 weeks Program “Special Friends” | Acceptance Scale for Kindergarten—revised (ASK-R) (Favazza & Odom, 1996); Attitude Survey Towards Inclusive Education (ASIE) (De Boer et al., 2012) | n = 271 Group A (aged 5–6): Control group (n = 31) Experimental Group (n = 22) Group B (aged 7–11): Control group (n = 127) Experimental group (n = 91) | Elementary education | The Netherlands | Intellectual disability + physical disability |
(Lindsay & Edwards, 2013) |
| Intervention A. Number of sessions: 1 (60 min) Intervention B. Number of sessions: 1 (45 min) Duration: 1 month | Questions created by them | n = 165 Average age: 9.3 | Elementary education | Physical disability | |
Abellán et al. (2018b) |
| Intervention A Number of sessions: 1 (2 h) Intervention B Sessions: 2 (2 h each) Duration: 1 month | The Attitudes towards Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Physical Education (AISDPE) (Reina et al., 2016b); Attitude Scale for Students with Disabilities in Physical Education (ASSDPE) | n = 83 Average age: 15.18 Control group (n = 33) Experimental group A (n = 25) Experimental group B (n = 25) | High school | Spain (Castilla- La Mancha) | Intellectual disability |
(Nowakowska & Pisula, 2021) |
| Number of sessions: 2 (90 min each) | Seven-point semantic differential with 30 adjective pairs (Janusz Kirenko, 2007; Osgood & Suci, 1955; Otrebski et al., 2012) | n = 93 Control group (n = 43) Average age: 16.31 Experimental group: 50 Average age: 16.15 | High school | Poland | Intellectual disability |
(Fırat, 2020) |
| Number of sessions: 7 (40 min each) Duration: 7 weeks | Guttman-type scale (Versluijs et al., 2020) | n = 100 Control group: 50 Experimental group: 50 Average age: 13.3 | High school | Turkey | All types of disabilities |
(Trufero Miguel, 2021) |
| Number of sessions: 4 (55 min each) | Students’ attitudes toward integration in physical education (CAIPE-R) (Ocete et al., 2017) | n = 43 Age: 10–11 age | Elementary school | Spain (Canary Islands) | Intellectual disability, visual, motor, and auditory |
Article | Technique of Sensitization | Intervention | Results |
Abellán et al. (2018a) |
| Boccia Didactic Unit. | Attitudes improved after implementing the didactic unit. They considered adaptive sports to be suitable for awareness but not for working on motor skills. |
(Pan et al., 2023) | One teacher, one student with intellectual disabilities, and one student without disabilities participated from each school. | Girls had greater school awareness than boys (regardless of whether they viewed school positively or negatively). Boys had higher scores in cognitive values. The importance of including these programs at earlier ages was noted. Participation by family and community members was highly valued. The implementation of these programs was highly valued both by people with and without disabilities, since their learning process was more meaningful. | |
(Rillotta & Nettelbeck, 2007) |
| Group A → 3 sessions:
| The attitude of the students participating in the awareness programs improved. The results of the participants in group B (who took part in 8 sessions) were better than those of the participants in group A (who took part in 3 sessions). Students who spent more time with people with intellectual disabilities had a better attitude. Age had no influence. Girls had better attitudes than boys. |
(De Boer et al., 2013) |
| “Special Friends” program. A proposal for each age group, with the same structure but with adaptations:
| Attitudes improved. There was no guarantee that this improvement would be maintained for a long time (5–6 years old). Similar or more negative results were obtained. The older the age, the lower the awareness and the worse the attitude. Girls were more sensitized than boys. There was greater awareness of physical disability and less awareness of intellectual disability (7–11 years old). |
(Lindsay & Edwards, 2013) |
| Two different programs:
| They indicated that they had little knowledge about disability and that they had learned from this intervention. They saw that people with disabilities also had abilities and that they could have a good time. They learned how to adapt the games to seek the participation of all. They said they would like to learn more. |
Abellán et al. (2018b) |
| Group A:
| Group B had the greatest positive impact, and their attitudes improved. Direct contact helped to raise awareness. Although Group A improved, the results were less significant. Previous information about the life of people with intellectual disabilities and having direct contact with them afterwards were the most highly regarded experiences. |
(Nowakowska & Pisula, 2021) |
| There were no significant changes. People with intellectual disabilities were nicer and calmer than they imagined. Students felt that they lacked emotion and were more mature. The program helped to reduce the stigma toward people with intellectual disabilities. |
(Fırat, 2020) |
| Seven sessions, in which they talked about a specific disability.
| Greater recognition was given to physical, hearing, visual, and learning disabilities. Less tolerance for intellectual disability and autism. Recognition of all disabilities increased or improved. Students with high intellectual abilities had greater acceptance at both the pre and post stages. |
(Trufero Miguel, 2021) |
| Four sessions. Each of the following disabilities was worked on in each session: visual disability, hearing disability, motor disability, and intellectual disability. | No significant results were obtained; there was a significant change in only one of the 3 dimensions: subjective beliefs in boys and girls. The other dimensions (behavioral beliefs and control beliefs) were neutral or without major changes. There were rather high values in the pre stages, which lessened the positive impact. |
Article | Positive Results | Results Showed No Effects | Negative Results |
Abellán et al. (2018a) | x (AISDPE) | x (ASSDPE) | |
(Pan et al., 2023) | x | ||
(Rillotta & Nettelbeck, 2007) | x | ||
(De Boer et al., 2013) | x | x | |
(Lindsay & Edwards, 2013) | x | ||
Abellán et al. (2018b) | x | ||
(Nowakowska & Pisula, 2021) | x | ||
(Fırat, 2020) | x | ||
(Trufero Miguel, 2021) | x |
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Uria-Olaizola, N.; Yurrebaso Atutxa, G.; León-Guereño, P. The Impact of Programs Aimed at Raising Awareness About Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Schools: A Systematic Review. Educ. Sci. 2025, 15, 151.
Uria-Olaizola N, Yurrebaso Atutxa G, León-Guereño P. The Impact of Programs Aimed at Raising Awareness About Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Schools: A Systematic Review. Education Sciences. 2025; 15(2):151.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUria-Olaizola, Naroa, Garazi Yurrebaso Atutxa, and Patxi León-Guereño. 2025. "The Impact of Programs Aimed at Raising Awareness About Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Schools: A Systematic Review" Education Sciences 15, no. 2: 151.
APA StyleUria-Olaizola, N., Yurrebaso Atutxa, G., & León-Guereño, P. (2025). The Impact of Programs Aimed at Raising Awareness About Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Schools: A Systematic Review. Education Sciences, 15(2), 151.