Linguistic and Communicative Diversity in Inclusive Settings—Effects, Challenges, and Opportunities
:1. Introduction
1.1. Classification
1.2. Theoretical Background
1.3. Empirical Background
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Objectives
- Which language levels do children with typical age-appropriate language development (TLD) and children with developmental language disorder (DLD) have difficulties with in their linguistic utterances across different pair constellations?
- To what extent do children with TLD and DLD produce phones, words, and sentences across different pair constellations?
- How is the dialog behavior characterized in terms of the frequency of turn taking, and how often do children with DLD imitate linguistic markers from their conversation partners’ models across different pair constellations?
2.2. Data Collection and Analysis
2.3. Case Selection
- 8 child pairs (9 female, 7 male), both having typical age-appropriate language development;
- 8 child pairs (4 female, 12 male), both having linguistic impairments in multiple language components as a genuine developmental language disorder (primary developmental language disorder, not a consequence of other impairments);
- 8 child pairs (6 female, 10 male), in heterogeneous constellations concerning typical age-appropriate language development and genuine developmental language disorder (Stitzinger, 2021, 2023, 2024).
3. Results
3.1. Linguistic Difficulties
3.2. Phones, Words, and Sentences
3.3. Turn Taking and Effects of Modeling
4. Discussion
4.1. Addressing the Research Questions
4.2. Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Phones
Appendix A.2. Words
- -
- Appellative interjections (e.g., head, hey, psst,)
- -
- Greeting formulas (e.g., ahoy, bye, cheers, hello, hey, hi, hi there)
- -
- Secondary interjections (e.g., cool, damn, dude, man, my God)
- -
- Particles of affirmation or negation, as well as hesitation sounds, when used with a communicative function, such as expressing doubt (e.g., exactly, good, hmm, yes, no, okay, right, well, well yeah)
- -
- Primary interjections (e.g., ah, aha, oh, oops, ouch)
- -
- Inflexive interjections (e.g., groan)
- -
- Adverbial interjections (e.g., bang, swoosh)
- -
- Call and shooing sounds (e.g., putt-putt-putt)
- -
- Structuring or conversation particles (e.g., huh? right?)
Appendix A.3. Sentences and Grammar
Appendix A.4. Turn Taking and Effects of Modeling
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Stitzinger, U. Linguistic and Communicative Diversity in Inclusive Settings—Effects, Challenges, and Opportunities. Educ. Sci. 2025, 15, 157.
Stitzinger U. Linguistic and Communicative Diversity in Inclusive Settings—Effects, Challenges, and Opportunities. Education Sciences. 2025; 15(2):157.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStitzinger, Ulrich. 2025. "Linguistic and Communicative Diversity in Inclusive Settings—Effects, Challenges, and Opportunities" Education Sciences 15, no. 2: 157.
APA StyleStitzinger, U. (2025). Linguistic and Communicative Diversity in Inclusive Settings—Effects, Challenges, and Opportunities. Education Sciences, 15(2), 157.