cpd: An R Package for Complex Pearson Distributions
:1. Introduction
2. Complex Pearson Distributions
2.1. Brief Description and Properties
2.2. Maximum Likelihood Estimation
3. Using the cpd Package
3.1. Overview
R> install.packages(“cpd”) R> library(cpd)The package is open-source, so it is also available from GitHub (https://github.com/ujaen-statistics/cpd, accessed on 1 September 2022), where updates and comments can be submitted.
dcbp(x, b, gamma) pcbp(q, b, gamma, lower.tail = TRUE) qcbp(p, b, gamma, lower.tail = TRUE)where x is a vector of the non-negative integer values, q is a vector of the quantiles, p is a vector of the probabilities and b and gamma are the parameters of the distribution. In the pcbp and qcbp functions, the argument lower.tail has to be specified to consider (if it is TRUE ) or (if it is FALSE ). It is also possible to generate n random numbers from a CBP distribution with parameters b and gamma using the rcbp function, whose sentence is rcbp(n, b, gamma).
dctp(x, a, b, gamma) pctp(q, a, b, gamma, lower.tail = TRUE) qctp(p, a, b, gamma, lower.tail = TRUE) rctp(n, b, gamma)
debw(x, alpha, gamma, rho) pebw(q, alpha, gamma, rho, lower.tail = TRUE) qebw(p, alpha, gamma, rho, lower.tail = TRUE) rebw(n, alpha, gamma, rho)
fitcbp(x, bstart = NULL, gammastart = NULL, method = “L-BFGS-B”, + control = list(), …),for the CTP distribution
fitctp(x, astart = NULL, bstart = NULL, gammastart = NULL, + method = “L-BFGS-B”, control = list(), …)as well as for the EBW distribution
fitebw(x, alphastart = NULL, gammastart = NULL, rhostart = NULL, + method = “L-BFGS-B”, control = list(), …)
3.2. Examples
3.2.1. Probability Mass, Distribution, Quantile and Random Generation Functions
R> library(cpd) R> cpd::dcbp(c(0, 1, 2), 3, 2.5) [1] 0.02985882 0.10749176 0.15355965The following sentences allow for computing , and :
R> cpd::pcbp(c(3, 5), 3, 2.5) [1] 0.4387825 0.6528353 R> cpd::pcbp(c(2), 3, 2.5, lower.tail = FALSE) [1] 0.7090898To obtain the quartiles of X and the 95th percentile, the sentence and the R output are
R> cpd::qcbp(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), 3, 2.5) [1] 2 4 7 17Finally, to generate 300 numbers from X, we type
R> set.seed(123) R> x <- cpd::rcbp(300, 3, 2.5) R> table(x) x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 5 28 54 48 35 27 24 14 14 6 4 9 6 4 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 28 29 30 45 1 1 2 1Figure 1a shows the bar plot of the random generated data which is obtained with the code
R> barplot(table(x), xlab = “values”, ylab = “frequencies”)
R> cpd::dctp(c(0:3),−1.5, 2, 2) [1] 0.1331089 0.4159654 0.2946422 0.1043524Now, the cumulative probabilities and are
R> cpd::pctp(c(1,3), −1.5, 2, 2) [1] 0.5490744 0.9480690 R> cpd::pctp(1, −1.5, 2, 2, lower.tail = FALSE) [1] 0.4509256The quartiles and 95th percentile are obtained as follows:
R> cpd::qctp(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), −1.5, 2, 2) [1] 1 1 2 4To generate 500 random values from Y, we use the code
R> set.seed(123) R> y <- cpd::rctp(500, -1.5, 2, 2)The frequency table is
R> table(y) y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 57 227 142 41 21 8 2 1 1
R> cpd::debw(c(0:4), 2, rho = 5) [1] 0.53571429 0.23809524 0.10714286 0.05194805 0.02705628 R> cpd::debw(c(0:4), −1.2, gamma = 0.75) [1] 0.3396452713 0.6521189210 0.0074527877 0.0005781556 0.0001248816The cumulative probabilities , and are obtained as follows:
R> cpd::pebw(c(2,4), 2, rho = 5) [1] 0.8809524 0.9599567 R> cpd::pebw(2, 2, rho = 5, lower.tail = FALSE) [1] 0.1190476 R> cpd::pebw(c(2,4), −1.2, gamma = 0.75) [1] 0.9981288 0.9998974 R> cpd::pebw(3, −1.2, gamma = 0.75, lower.tail = FALSE) [1] 0.0002048643The corresponding quartiles and 99th percentile are given by
R> cpd::qebw(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99), 2, rho = 5) [1] 0 0 1 8 R> cpd::qebw(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99), −1.2, gamma = 0.75) [1] 0 1 1 1To generate 1000 random values of and , we type the code
R> set.seed(123) R> x1 <- cpd::rebw(1000, 2, rho = 5) R> x2 <- cpd::rebw(1000, -1.2, gamma = 0.75)The respective frequency tables are
R> table(x1) x1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 542 236 105 51 25 16 8 6 5 3 1 1 1 R> table(x2) x2 0 1 2 3 332 657 10 1
3.2.2. Fitting Functions
R> fireoutbreaks.cbp <- cpd::fitcbp(fireoutbreaks)
b gamma 1.486206 1.494944 (0.08849089) (0.12183708)Using the summary method, the output is more complete. The argument grouping = TRUE is the setting for grouping in classes with an expected frequency greater than or equal to five in the goodness of fit test, since the default value is FALSE:
R> summary(fireoutbreaks.cbp, grouping = TRUE)
Parameters: Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|) b 1.486206 0.08849089 16.79502 2.654186 × 10−63 gamma 1.494944 0.12183708 12.27003~1.312062 × 10−34
Loglikelihood: −1637.21 AIC: 3278.43 BIC: 3287.5 Goodness-of-fit tests: Chi-2: 60.05902 (p-value: 5.11525627536094 × 10−7) Kolmogorov-Smirnov: 0.04732388 (p-value: 0.033) Correlation Matrix: b gamma b 1.0000000 0.9296264 gamma 0.9296264 1.0000000The AIC for the CBP fit is lower than the AIC related to an usual NB fit for these data:
R> library(MASS) R> fireoutbreaks.nb <- MASS::fitdistr(fireoutbreaks, “negative binomial”) R> fireoutbreaks.nb size mu 0.80061445 3.52752644 (0.05537946) (0.16624492) R> AIC(fireoutbreaks.nb) [1] 3292.707 |
R> fireoutbreaks.ctp <- cpd::fitctp(fireoutbreaks) Error in fitctp(fireoutbreaks) : The method of moments does not provide any estimates. Enter initial values for the~parameters. R> fireoutbreaks.ctp <- cpd::fitctp(fireoutbreaks, astart = 0, bstart = 1, + gammastart = 2.1) R> summary(fireoutbreaks.ctp, grouping = TRUE) Parameters: Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|) a 1.880214 0.8151401 2.306615 0.021076319 b 1.579993 0.5102531 3.096489 0.001958269 gamma 6.441561 2.1065484 3.057874~0.002229130 Loglikelihood: −1623.73 AIC: 3253.45 BIC: 3260.53 Goodness-of-fit tests: Chi-2: 23.21167 (p-value: 0.0569114065884523) Kolmogorov-Smirnov: 0.01796262 (p-value: 0.746) Correlation Matrix: a b gamma a 1.0000000 −0.9502083 0.9952855 b −0.9502083 1.0000000 −0.9193242 gamma 0.9952855 −0.9193242 1.0000000 |
R> fireoutbreaks.ebw <- cpd::fitctp(fireoutbreaks) R> summary(fireoutbreaks.ebw, grouping = TRUE) Parameters: Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|) alpha 2.749528 0.1621672 16.954903 1.770541× 10−64 rho 3.139183 0.3171861 9.896977 4.290494 × 10−23 gamma 8.638240 0.6293458 13.725746~7.119262 × 10−43 Loglikelihood: −1624.12 AIC: 3252.25 BIC: 3261.32 Goodness-of-fit tests: Chi-2: 24.05791 (p-value: 0.0641165517298056) Kolmogorov-Smirnov: 0.01778027 (p-value: 0.773) Correlation Matrix: alpha rho alpha 1.0000000 0.9247998 rho 0.9247998 1.0000000This is the most accurate of the four fits using the AIC. Moreover, the goodness-of-fit tests show that the EBW distribution is a reasonable model for the fire outbreak data. Figure 2 includes the observed and expected frequencies, CDFs and PP plots for this fit obtained with the following sentences:
R> plot(fireoutbreaks.ebw) R> plot(fireoutbreaks.ebw, plty = “CDF”) R> plot(fireoutbreaks.ebw, plty = “PP”)
R> cpd::varcomp(fireoutbreaks.ebw) Value Ratio Randomness 3.534015 0.1019654 Liability 11.631922 0.3356107 Proneness 19.493035 0.5624239The results indicate that 10.1965% of the variability in fire outbreaks was due to ramdomness, 33.5611% was due to liability (which refers to the general and external conditions of the municipality), and 56.2424% was due to proneness (related to the specific and internal characteristics of the municipality).
R> table(cs_schools) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 20 201 437 67 31 17 6 6 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1~1 26 28 47 48 1 1 1 1First, we fit an NB model:
R> schools.nb <- MASS::fitdistr(cs_schools, “negative binomial”) R> schools.nb size mu 1.19336385 1.43057377 (0.10212557) (0.06330097) R> AIC(schools.nb) 2584.456As expected, the results for the CTP fit (with initial values and ) improved remarkably with respect to the previous ones:
R> schools.ctp <- cpd::fitctp(schools, astart = 0, bstart = 1, + gammastart = 0.5) R> summary(schools.ctp)
Parameters: Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|) a −0.5141782 0.03519091 −14.611108 2.386050 × 10−48 b 0.4165253 0.09994774 4.167431 3.080518 × 10−5 gamma 0.2020829 0.05620251 3.595620~3.236198 × 10−4
Loglikelihood: −1058.91 AIC: 2123.81 BIC: 2131.14 Goodness-of-fit tests: Chi-2: 40.81333 (p-value: 0.649840570375861 Kolmogorov-Smirnov: 0.007734697 (p-value: 0.932) Correlation Matrix: a b gamma a 1.0000000 −0.8066776 −0.7935876 b −0.8066776 1.0000000 0.9637505 gamma −0.7935876 0.9637505 1.0000000The goodness-of-fit tests also support the adequacy of the model fitted. Figure 3 includes the observed and expected frequencies, CDFs and PP plots for the CTP fit obtained with the code sentences
R> plot(schools.ctp) R> plot(schools.ctp, plty = “CDF”) R> plot(schools.ctp, plty = “PP”)
R> syllables.ctp <- cpd::fitctp(syllables) R> summary(syllables.ctp)and the output
Parameters: Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|) a −5.7319721810 0.8127761 −7.0523387550 1.759352 × 10−12 b 0.0008637403 6.0264402 0.0001433251 9.998856 × 10−1 gamma 6.9298746437 3.3472112 2.0703428298~3.842025 × 10−2
Loglikelihood: −159.33 AIC: 324.67 BIC: 328.19
Goodness-of-fit tests: Chi-2: 0.6018625 (p-value: 0.437868271837147) Kolmogorov-Smirnov: 0.01181905 (p-value: 0.994)
Correlation Matrix: a b gamma a 1.000000000 0.002883042 −0.970588862 b 0.002883042 1.000000000 −0.001203176 gamma −0.970588862 −0.001203176 1.000000000
R> syllables.ebw <- cpd::fitebw(syllables) R> summary(syllables.ebw)
Parameters: Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|) alpha −5.731882 0.812740 −7.052541 1.756792 × 10−12 gamma 6.929558 3.347026 2.070363~3.841840 × 10−2
Loglikelihood: −159.33 AIC: 322.67 BIC: 328.19
Goodness-of-fit tests: Chi-2: 0.6019236 (p-value: 0.74010605961245) Kolmogorov-Smirnov: 0.01181588 (p-value: 0.994)
Correlation Matrix: alpha gamma alpha 1.0000000 −0.9705887 gamma −0.9705887 1.0000000
R> plot(syllables.ebw) R> plot(syllables.ebw, plty = “CDF”) R> plot(syllables.ebw, plty = “PP”)
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Min | Max | ||||||
Fire outbreaks | 3.528 | 28.964 | 1 | 2 | 4.75 | 0 | 56 |
Schools | 1.431 | 10.3807 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 48 |
Syllables | 1.889 | 0.910 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
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Olmo-Jiménez, M.J.; Vílchez-López, S.; Rodríguez-Avi, J. cpd: An R Package for Complex Pearson Distributions. Mathematics 2022, 10, 4101. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10214101
Olmo-Jiménez MJ, Vílchez-López S, Rodríguez-Avi J. cpd: An R Package for Complex Pearson Distributions. Mathematics. 2022; 10(21):4101. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10214101
Chicago/Turabian StyleOlmo-Jiménez, María José, Silverio Vílchez-López, and José Rodríguez-Avi. 2022. "cpd: An R Package for Complex Pearson Distributions" Mathematics 10, no. 21: 4101. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10214101
APA StyleOlmo-Jiménez, M. J., Vílchez-López, S., & Rodríguez-Avi, J. (2022). cpd: An R Package for Complex Pearson Distributions. Mathematics, 10(21), 4101. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10214101