Spatial–Temporal-Correlation-Constrained Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- To effectively capture the long-term temporal features, a TFE-HCM module is proposed to capture the dynamic correlation of different nodes over time with a GTF block and LTF block. Specifically, the GTF block utilizes an attention mechanism to capture the global dynamic correlation of various nodes across different time steps, while the LTF block relies on the attention scores to encode the impact of temporally adjacent nodes for future predictions.
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- To overcome the limitation of the GCN-based models using the manually predefined graph structure to capture the spatial features, an SFE-DCM is devised to extract dynamic spatial correlations by an SDM block and an ASM block. The SDM block uses an attention mechanism to explore and quantify the influence nodes in the spatial dimension, and the ASM block is used to capture the dynamic correlations for all nodes at each time step.
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- An STM-GM module is designed to effectively fuse the spatial features and temporal features, where a gated fusion unit is explored to effectively learn and leverage the inherent spatial–temporal relationships within the traffic data.
2. Related Works
2.1. Traffic Flow Forecasting
2.2. GCN-Based Traffic Forecasting
3. Spatial–Temporal-Correlation-Constrained Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network
3.1. Preliminaries
3.2. The Proposed Model
3.2.1. Spatial–Temporal Embedding Encoder Module (STEM)
3.2.2. Temporal Feature Encoder Module with Heterogeneous Time Series Correlation Modeling
3.2.3. Spatial Feature Encoder Module with Dynamic Multi-Graph Modeling (SFE-DGM)
3.2.4. Spatial–Temporal Feature Fusion Module Based on Gating Fusion Mechanism (STM-GM)
4. Experiments
4.1. Datasets and Evaluation Metrics
4.2. Experimental Settings
4.3. Some State-of-the-Art Methods
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- ARIMA [5] (auto-regressive integrated moving average): an auto-regressive model that utilizes auto-regression and a moving average model for time series data prediction.
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- VAR [29] (vector auto-regression): an auto-regressive model that uses a statistical method to model the time correlation of traffic data.
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- LSTM [30] (long short-term memory): a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based traffic flow forecasting model that utilizes multi-layer LSTM and an auto-regressive model to capture time series dependency of traffic signals.
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- GRU-ED [31] (gated recurrent unit encoder–decoder): a variant of the LSTM model that construct an encoder–decoder model with multiple GRU units for time series forecasting.
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- ST-GCN [16] (spatial–temporal graph convolution network): a graph convolution network (GCN)-based model that combines the gated 1-D convolution layer and spectral GCN to capture the spatial and temporal dependencies of traffic signals.
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- DCRNN [18] (diffusion convolutional recurrent neural network): a GCN-based model that adopts a seq-to-seq framework for forecasting, it combines diffusion GCN with GRU to extract the spatial and temporal dependencies of traffic signals.
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- GWN [19] (Graph WaveNet): an adaptive GCN-based model that combines spatial GCN and gated TCN with an adaptive adjacency matrix to capture the spatial and temporal dependencies.
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- AGCRN [27] (adaptive graph convolutional recurrent network): an adaptive GCN-based model that combines the adaptive graph and GRU units with a node-adaptive parameter learning module for capturing the spatial–temporal correlation of traffic flow data.
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- DSANet [32] (dual self-attention network): an attention-based model that utilizes a dual self- attention mechanism to capture spatial dependencies and extracts temporal correlations using a convolution with a kernel size of 3.
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- ASTGCN [20] (attention-based spatial–temporal graph convolutional network): an attention-based model that combines a self-attention mechanism with GCN to capture spatial–temporal dependencies for traffic data.
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- STG-NCDE [21] (spatial–temporal graph neural controlled differential equation): an ST-GCN-based model that combines the neural controlled differential equations with GCN for processing the time series data.
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- STGODE [28] (spatial–temporal graph ordinary differential equation networks): an ST-GCN-based model that utilizes ordinary differential equations to overcome the over-smooth issue in GCN, where a spatial adjacency matrix, semantic adjacency matrix, and two temporal dilation convolutions are designed to capture the long-term temporal dependencies of traffic flow data.
4.4. Ablation Study
4.4.1. Ablation Study for STC-DGCN
- (1)
- w/o STEM: to verify the effects of STEM, we remove the STEM module, only using the original traffic data for prediction.
- (2)
- w/o TFE-HCM: the TFE-HCM module is replaced by the traditional TCN for capturing temporal correlation.
- (3)
- w/o SFE-DGM: the SFE-DGM module is replaced by a pre-defined graph structure to capture the spatial features, letting the model rely only on a fixed adjacency matrix to extract neighborhood node features.
- (4)
- w/o STM-GM: removing the STM-GM module and directly using the last layer output of the STC-DGCN model for traffic flow forecasting.
4.4.2. The Effect of TFE-HCM
- (1)
- w/o TCN: this variant uses the traditional TCN for capturing temporal correlation instead of the TFE-HCM module.
- (2)
- w/o GTF: the TFE-HCM module is replaced by only using the designed GTF block to capture the temporal correlation of nodes in road network.
- (3)
- w/o LTF: the TFE-HCM module is replaced by only using the designed LTF block to capture temporal correlation.
4.4.3. The Effect of SFE-DGM
- (1)
- w/o SCN: this variant uses the traditional pre-defined graph structure with spectral convolution to capture the spatial feature instead of the SFE-DGM module, where in Equation (11) measures the spatial correction between nodes.
- (2)
- w/o SDM: the SFE-DGM module is replaced by only using the designed SDM block to capture spatial correlation of nodes in the road network.
- (3)
- w/o ASM: the SFE-DGM module is replaced by only using the designed ASM block.
4.5. Comparison with SOTA Methods
4.5.1. Results on PEMS04
4.5.2. Results on PEMS07
4.5.3. Results on PEMS08
4.5.4. Visualization of the Prediction Error with Different Time Steps
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | PEMS04 | PEMS07 | PEMS08 |
Nodes | 307 | 883 | 170 |
Time steps | 16,992 | 28,224 | 17,856 |
Time interval | 5 min | 5 min | 5 min |
Start time | 1 January 2018 | 1 May 2017 | 1 July 2016 |
End time | 28 February 2018 | 31 August 2017 | 31 August 2016 |
Type | traffic flow | traffic flow | traffic flow |
Area | San Francisco | San Francisco | San Bernardino |
Models | PEMS04 | PEMS07 | PEMS08 | |||||||
MAE | RMSE | MAPE/% | MAE | RMSE | MAPE/% | MAE | RMSE | MAPE/% | ||
Statistical-based models | ARIMA | 33.73 | 48.80 | 24.18 | 38.17 | 59.27 | 19.46 | 31.09 | 44.32 | 22.73 |
VAR | 24.54 | 38.61 | 17.24 | 50.22 | 75.63 | 32.22 | 19.19 | 29.81 | 13.10 | |
RNN-based models | LSTM | 26.81 | 40.74 | 22.33 | 29.71 | 45.32 | 14.14 | 22.19 | 33.59 | 18.74 |
GRU-ED | 23.68 | 39.27 | 16.44 | 27.66 | 43.49 | 12.20 | 22.00 | 36.22 | 13.33 | |
GCN-based models | ST-GCN | 21.16 | 34.89 | 13.83 | 25.33 | 39.34 | 11.21 | 17.50 | 27.09 | 11.29 |
DCRNN | 22.74 | 36.58 | 14.75 | 23.64 | 36.52 | 12.28 | 18.18 | 28.18 | 11.23 | |
Adaptive GCN-based models | GWN | 24.89 | 39.66 | 17.29 | 26.39 | 41.50 | 11.97 | 18.28 | 30.05 | |
AGCRN | 19.83 | 32.26 | 12.97 | 22.37 | 36.55 | 9.12 | 15.95 | 25.22 | 10.09 | |
Attention-mechanism-based models | DSANet | 22.79 | 35.77 | 16.03 | 31.36 | 49.11 | 14.43 | 17.14 | 26.96 | 11.32 |
ASTGCN | 22.42 | 34.25 | 15.87 | 21.22 | 34.10 | 9.05 | 15.07 | 24.80 | 9.51 | |
Differential-equation-controlled GCN-based models | STG-NCDE | 19.21 | 31.09 | 12.76 | 20.53 | 33.84 | 8.80 | 15.45 | 24.81 | 9.92 |
STGODE | 20.84 | 32.82 | 13.77 | 22.59 | 37.54 | 10.14 | 16.81 | 25.97 | 10.62 | |
Our model | STC-DGCN | 18.27 | 30.37 | 12.12 | 19.36 | 32.79 | 8.06 | 14.32 | 23.74 | 9.34 |
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Share and Cite
Ge, Y.; Wang, J.; Zhang, B.; Peng, F.; Ma, J.; Yang, C.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, M. Spatial–Temporal-Correlation-Constrained Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting. Mathematics 2024, 12, 3159.
Ge Y, Wang J, Zhang B, Peng F, Ma J, Yang C, Zhao Y, Liu M. Spatial–Temporal-Correlation-Constrained Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting. Mathematics. 2024; 12(19):3159.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGe, Yajun, Jiannan Wang, Bo Zhang, Fan Peng, Jing Ma, Chenyu Yang, Yue Zhao, and Ming Liu. 2024. "Spatial–Temporal-Correlation-Constrained Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting" Mathematics 12, no. 19: 3159.
APA StyleGe, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, B., Peng, F., Ma, J., Yang, C., Zhao, Y., & Liu, M. (2024). Spatial–Temporal-Correlation-Constrained Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Forecasting. Mathematics, 12(19), 3159.