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Steady State Analysis of Impulse Customers and Cancellation Policy in Queueing-Inventory System

Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630003, India
Ramanujan Centre for Higher Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi 630003, India
Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, University of Madras, Chennai 600005, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul 05006, Korea
Department of Software Convergence, Daegu Catholic University, Gyeongsan 38430, Korea
Department of e-Business, Yuhan University, Bucheon-si 14780, Korea
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Processes 2021, 9(12), 2146;
Submission received: 30 October 2021 / Revised: 23 November 2021 / Accepted: 24 November 2021 / Published: 28 November 2021


This article discusses the queueing-inventory model with a cancellation policy and two classes of customers. The two classes of customers are named ordinary and impulse customers. A customer who does not plan to buy the product when entering the system is called an impulse customer. Suppose the customer enters into the system to buy the product with a plan is called ordinary customer. The system consists of a pool of finite waiting areas of size N and maximum S items in the inventory. The ordinary customer can move to the pooled place if they find that the inventory is empty under the Bernoulli schedule. In such a situation, impulse customers are not allowed to enter into the pooled place. Additionally, the pooled customers buy the product whenever they find positive inventory. If the inventory level falls to s, the replenishment of Q items is to be replaced immediately under the (s, Q) ordering principle. Both arrival streams occur according to the independent Markovian arrival process (MAP), and lead time follows an exponential distribution. In addition, the system allows the cancellation of the purchased item only when there exist fewer than S items in the inventory. Here, the time between two successive cancellations of the purchased item is assumed to be exponentially distributed. The Gaver algorithm is used to obtain the stationary probability vector of the system in the steady-state. Further, the necessary numerical interpretations are investigated to enhance the proposed model.

1. Introduction

In a queueing-inventory system, customers arrive at the service system on an individual basis if the item is needed. Inventory must be present if customers are to pick up the service. Once the service is completed, the items are removed from inventory for those who have earned the services. This system has emerged as an immense aspect in the mathematical modelling of predicament commotions issuing in a tremendous application, transportation system, grocery store, computer network system, and many other systems. Many researchers have worked with queueing-inventory systems in the last few decades. When ordered products are plentiful, backlogged demands are fulfilled quickly; but, when the item is replenished, backlogged demands may have to wait for fulfillment. This type of backlogged demand is called postponed demand [1].
Customers that buy on the spur of the moment are referred to as impulse customers. Customers who buy on the spur of the moment have little regard for planning, budgeting, or the necessity for a certain item. It is, in reality, a sudden event in which our emotions take over our brain and drive us to go ahead and purchase that object, even though we may not need it right now or even immediately. For instance, perfume and body spray, their attractive smell often encourages customers to buy them even if they do not have any need for it, dress, shoes, and cosmetics for other examples.
Cancellation is a very frequent occurrence that happens in life. For instance, after purchasing any garment or dress, later, if it is found to be unfit or not liked, we go for cancellation. Similarly, we cancel an advance travel reservation, including Bus, Train, and Flight, if we happen to come across some unexpected and sudden circumstances that don’t allow us to make our journey as planned.
Aspects of this work are as follows: The model representation of the queueing-inventory with the cancellation policy and impulse customers governed by the Markovian arrival process portrayed in Section 2. An investigation has been made in Section 3 to show the joint probability distribution of the number of pool customers and stock level in a steady-state case. Section 4 is a delineated discussion of a few numerical instances.

Literature Review

Sigman and Levi [2] and Melikov and Molchanov [3] commenced to discourse on the queueing-inventory problem. The MAP is one of the emerging trends in the queueing-inventory system, and Neuts [4] has put forward the Markovian arrival process. Berman et al. [5] have commenced the idea of postponed demand in the inventory model.
Correlated along with the postponed demand article, Sivakumar and Arivarignan [6] scrutinized the perishable inventory model along the infinite size waiting for a place, customers appear under MAP, and when the customer appears in the stock-out, either they move to a pool or fall out. In addition, Paul Manuel et al. [7] deal with a perishable inventory model having infinite waiting space, two kinds of customers arrive according to MAP, and service time follows PH distribution.
Krishnamoorthy et al. [8] commenced inter-cancellation into the queueing-inventory system. Dhanaya Shajin and Krishnamoorthy [9] scrutinized a queueing-inventory model with the MAP, service time under PH distribution, all the items have a common lifetime, and items are overbooked. The waiting customers are fall out when the system is full, forthwith S items are formed. Dhanya Shajin et al. [10] explored advanced reservation and overbooking with MAP in the queueing-inventory model. There are only a few papers related to inter-cancellation. Some notable work done by Sung-Seok Ko [11], Srinivas R. Chakravarthy [12], and Krishnamoorthy et al. [13] on the Markovian arrival process.
Nair and Jose [14] considered the retrial customers, the customers appear according to MAP, the service time is exponentially distributed, and the process of production complies with PH distribution. Production begins and service at a reduced rate up to the zero level of inventory when the inventory goes to a pre-assigned level s. Incoming customers are aimed at a buffer of finite capacity equal to the existing inventory level. Suppose that buffer is complete, customers move to an orbit of infinite size or fall out. Punalal and Babu [15] contemplated a model in which the customers appear, governed with MAP, and all customers are treated as ordinary at the moment of arrival. During busy periods, incoming customers fill the orbit’s infinite capacity. Every orbit customer, regardless of others, makes a priority with the time that occurs. Once, the customer got precedence rabidly taken service during the free period; otherwise, the customer went right into a waiting space that is reserved only for precedence generated customers.
Ayyappan and Gowthami [16] considered a queueing model along with the arrival types, such as incoming and outgoing calls. Customers who appear on the system under the MAP make incoming calls, and the server makes outgoing calls during idle time. Service times of incoming or outgoing calls under phase-type distribution. Seokjun Lee et al. [17] contemplated the queueing system with a single server and heterogeneous the arrival flow is under the marked Markov arrival process. There is distinct impatience for customers of several kinds. It is assumed that the difficulty of setting non-preemptive priorities for various types of consumers is solved within the assumption that customers can improve their precedence while being in the buffer. The distribution of service time is of the phase type. Valentina Klimenok et al. [18] analysed the queueing system with a single server. They categorized two kinds of customers who appear under a batch-marked Markov arrival process. Customers with low priority are entitled to obtain higher priority after a random period. Non-priority customers are also allowed in the buffer, but fix the timer. If the timer is expired, the customer falls away from the system with some probability. The high priority acquires the complementary probability. Alexander Dudin and Sergei Dudin [19] analysed the queueing model along with a single server and arrival types, such as customers of type 1 can be queued into the buffer with infinite capacity and customers of type 2 have a finite capacity buffer. Customers of both types can be impatient, and the arrival harmonizes with the marked Markovian arrival process. The author introduces a new form of distribution called phase-type with failures (when a failure can occur while a customer is being served in generalizes of phase-type distribution). The distribution of service time is PHF. In a related bibliography [20,21,22,23], the stochastic inventory system with MAP arrivals is shown.
The findings of the previous poll sparked our work, and to our knowledge, there has been little research into impulsive customers with MAP.

2. Model Description

This paper investigates the two classes of customers in a queueing-inventory system with a cancellation policy. The two classes of customers are defined as ordinary and impulse customers. In real-life phenomena, we observe two types of customers who may approach the inventory system to buy a product. Many customers visit an inventory system without planing to buy the product. Suppose at the end of the visiting process, a customer decides whether to buy a product or not. This type of customer is called an impulse customer. On the other hand, once the customers enter into the system, they buy the product compulsorily. These kinds of customers are called ordinary customers. In such a way, the proposed model allows these two classes of customers to purchase inventory items. The arrival pattern of both ordinary and impulse customers are assumed to be independent MAP.
The arrival process of ordinary customer representation is ( E 0 , E 1 ) , where E i ( i = 0 , 1 ) are square matrices of dimension k 1 , such that E 0 governs transitions corresponding to no arrival and E 1 governs transitions corresponding to an arrival. The underlying Markov chain U 3 ( t ) of the MAP has the generator E is a square matrix of dimension k 1 , where E = E 0 + E 1 .
The stationary rate λ 1 of an ordinary customer is defined by λ 1 = η 1 E 1 e , where stationary row vector η 1 of dimension 1 × k 1 is to be obtained by using η 1 E = 0 and η 1 e = 1 .
Similarly, ( F 0 , F 1 ) represents the arrival pattern of an impulse customer, where F i ( i = 0 , 1 ) are the square matrices of size k 2 , such that F 0 governs transitions corresponding to no arrival and F 1 governs transitions corresponding to an arrival. The underlying Markov chain U 4 ( t ) of the MAP has the generator F is a square matrix of size k 2 , where F = F 0 + F 1 .
The stationary rate λ 2 of an impulse customer is defined by λ 2 = η 2 F 1 e , where stationary row vector η 2 of dimension 1 × k 2 is to be obtained by using η 2 F = 0 and η 2 e = 1 . The parameters k 1 and k 2 represents the phase of the arrival process of ordinary and impulse customers, respectively.
The service process of the system is assumed to be instantaneous when the inventory level is positive. Any arriving customer finds that there exists a positive inventory, he/she starts purchasing their product. After the purchase completion of the customer, the inventory will be decreased by one unit of an item. In this system, at the end of the visiting process of impulse customers, they leave the system either under the transition rate p F 1 if they buy the product or q F 1 if they do not buy the product. Suppose the inventory system is empty, the arriving impulse customers are considered as lost. In contrast, the ordinary customers may join in the finite size, N of pooled place under the Bernoulli schedule. That is, the arriving ordinary customer enters into the pooled place with probability r 1 or leave the system with probability r 2 , where r 2 = 1 r 1 . The customers in the pool approach the inventory system whenever they find the positive stock in the inventory with the rate θ . The time between two successive approaches of a pooled customers follows an exponential distribution.
Cancellation policy:
The customers return the purchased product due to their dissatisfaction. Suppose the purchased item is damaged and the system has at most S (maximum inventory level) items in the inventory, they can not be allowed to return the product. Whenever there exists a ( S i ) item in the inventory, where i ( 1 i S ) represents the purchased item, the transition rate of the return or cancellation of the product is defined by i β . The time between two successive cancellations of the product is assumed to be exponentially distributed.
Further, if the storage of the system falls to s, there must be Q ( = S s > s + 1 ) items immediately replenished with the transition rate μ ( > 0 ) . The lead time follows an exponential distribution.

3. Analysis

In this sector, we construct the transition rate matrix on the queueing-inventory system. The Markov process of the form { ( U 1 ( t ) , U 2 ( t ) , U 3 ( t ) , U 4 ( t ) ) , t 0 } with state space
C = { ( u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , u 4 ) : u 1 = 0 , 1 , , N ; u 2 = 0 , 1 , , S ; u 3 = 1 , 2 , , k 1 ; u 4 = 1 , 2 , , k 2 }
U 1 ( t ) : The number of customers in pool of finite size waiting place at time t . U 2 ( t ) : The number of items in the inventory at time t . U 3 ( t ) : Phase of the ordinary customers arrival process at time t . U 4 ( t ) : Phase of the impulse customers arrival process at time t .
Transition rates are:
  • Transition due to ordinary customers arrival
    ( u , v ) ( u , v 1 ) : rate E 1 I k 2 , u = 0 , 1 , , N ; v = 1 , 2 , , S .
    ( u , 0 ) ( u + 1 , 0 ) : rate r 1 E 1 I k 2 , u = 0 , 1 , , N 1 .
  • Transition due to impulse customers arrival
    ( u , v ) ( u , v 1 ) : rate I k 1 p F 1 , u = 0 , 1 , , N ; v = 1 , 2 , , S .
  • Transition due to cancellation
    ( u , v ) ( u , v + 1 ) : rate ( S v ) β I k 1 I k 2 , u = 0 , 1 , , N ; v = 0 , 1 , , S 1 .
  • Transition due to approach from pooled customers
    ( u , v ) ( u 1 , v 1 ) : rate θ I k 1 I k 2 , u = 1 , 2 , , N ; v = 1 , 2 , , S .
  • Transition due to replenishment
    ( u , v ) ( u , v + Q ) : rate μ I k 1 I k 2 , u = 0 , 1 , , N ; v = 0 , 1 , , s ,
where u = u 1 , v = u 2 .
The process’s infinitesimal generator A is generated by
A = 0 1 2 3 N 1 N 0 1 2 3 N 1 N ( A 00 A 01 0 0 0 0 A 10 A 11 A 01 0 0 0 0 A 10 A 11 A 01 0 0 0 0 A 10 A 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 11 A 01 0 0 0 0 A 10 A 22 ) ,
where [ A 10 ] v v = { θ I k 1 I k 2 v = v 1 , v = 1 , 2 , , S , 0 otherwise .
[ A 01 ] v v = { r 1 E 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 0 , 0 otherwise .
[ A 00 ] v v = { E 1 p F 1 v = v 1 , v = 1 , 2 , , S , ( S v ) β I k 1 I k 2 v = v + 1 , v = 0 , 1 , , S 1 , μ I k 1 I k 2 v = v + Q , v = 0 , 1 , , s , ( r 2 E 1 + E 0 ) F ( μ + ( S v ) β ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 0 , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) ( μ + ( S v ) β ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 1 , 2 , , s , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) ( S v ) β I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = s + 1 , s + 2 , , S 1 , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) v = v , v = S , 0 otherwise .
[ A 11 ] v v = { E 1 p F 1 v = v 1 , v = 1 , 2 , , S , ( S v ) β I k 1 I k 2 v = v + 1 , v = 0 , 1 , , S 1 , μ I k 1 I k 2 v = v + Q , v = 0 , 1 , , s , ( r 2 E 1 + E 0 ) F ( μ + ( S v ) β ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 0 , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) ( μ + ( S v ) β + θ ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 1 , 2 , , s , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) ( ( S v ) β + θ ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = s + 1 , , S 1 , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) θ I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = S , 0 otherwise .
[ A 22 ] v v = E 1 p F 1 v = v 1 , v = 1 , 2 , , S , ( S v ) β I k 1 I k 2 v = v + 1 , v = 0 , 1 , , S 1 , μ I k 1 I k 2 v = v + Q , v = 0 , 1 , , s , E F ( μ + ( S v ) β ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 0 , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) ( μ + ( S v ) β + θ ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = 1 , 2 , , s , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) ( ( S v ) β + θ ) I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = s + 1 , , S 1 , E 0 ( F 0 + q F 1 ) θ I k 1 I k 2 v = v , v = S , 0 otherwise .
It may be noted that the matrices A 10 , A 01 , A 00 , A 11 , and A 22 are all square matrices of dimension ( S + 1 ) k 1 k 2 .

3.1. Steady State Probability Vector

The Markov process { ( U 1 ( t ) , U 2 ( t ) , U 3 ( t ) , U 4 ( t ) ) , t 0 } on the state space C and the limiting distribution Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , u 4 ) =
lim t P r [ U 1 ( t ) = u 1 , U 2 ( t ) = u 2 , U 3 ( t ) = u 3 , U 4 ( t ) = u 4 | U 1 ( 0 ) , U 2 ( 0 ) , U 3 ( 0 ) , U 4 ( 0 ) ]
exists and is independent of the initial state.
Θ = ( Θ 0 , Θ 1 , Θ 2 , , Θ N 1 , Θ N ) ,
  • Θ u 1 = ( Θ ( u 1 , 0 ) , Θ ( u 1 , 1 ) , Θ ( u 1 , 2 ) , , Θ ( u 1 , S ) ) , u 1 = 0 , 1 , , N
  • Θ ( u 1 , u 2 ) = ( Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , 1 ) , Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , 2 ) , , Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , k 1 ) ) , u 1 = 0 , 1 , , N ; u 2 = 0 , 1 , , S
  • Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , u 3 ) = ( Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , 1 ) , Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , 2 ) , , Θ ( u 1 , u 2 , u 3 , k 2 ) ) , u 1 = 0 , 1 , , N ; u 2 = 0 , 1 , , S ; u 3 = 1 , 2 , , k 1 .
Our general matrix A has same structure in Gaver [24], so we make use of the same arguments to determine the limiting probability vectors.
We present the Gaver algorithm here.
Gaver Algorithm:
  • Determine the matrices Z n recursively by initializing,
    Z 0 = A 00
    Z n = A 11 + A 10 ( Z n 1 1 ) A 01 , 1 n N 1
    Z N = A 22 + A 10 ( Z N 1 1 ) A 01 .
  • Compute the limiting probability vectors Θ n using,
    Θ n = Θ ( n + 1 ) A 10 ( Z n 1 ) , for n = 0 , , N 1 .
  • Determine the system of equations
    Θ N Z N = 0 ;
    n = 0 N Θ n e = 1 .
From the above system of equations Θ N Z N = 0 , vector Θ N could be determine distinctively, up to a multiplicative constant. The constant is resolved by Θ n = Θ ( n + 1 ) A 10 ( Z n 1 ) , n = 0 , , N 1 and n = 0 N Θ n e = 1 .

3.2. Few Significant of the System Peculiarities

In this segment, we acquire a few significant peculiarities measures.
  • Mean inventory level
    Let η I is mean inventory level in the steady state. Since Θ ( i 1 , i 2 ) denote the limiting probability vector with the inventory level represents as i 1 and the number of customers in the pool represents as i 2 . This is given by
    η I = i 1 = 0 N i 2 = 1 S i 2 Θ ( i 1 , i 2 ) e .
  • Mean reorder rate
    Let η R denote the mean reorder rate in the steady-state. When the inventory level reduces to s from s + 1 due to any of the following situations, a reorder is triggered:
    The purchase of an ordinary customer.
    Any one of pooled customers approaches.
    The purchase of an impulse customer.
    This is lead to
    η R = i 1 = 0 N Θ ( i 1 , s + 1 ) ( E 1 I k 2 ) e + i 1 = 1 N Θ ( i 1 , s + 1 ) θ I e + i 1 = 0 N Θ ( i 1 , s + 1 ) ( I k 1 p F 1 ) e .
  • Mean number of customers in the pool
    Let η P C denote the mean number of customers in the pool. Since Θ i 1 denote the stationary probability vector with the inventory level i 1 . Hence, the mean number of customers in the pool is given by
    η P C = i 1 = 1 N i 1 Θ i 1 e . Mean rate of arrival of impulse customers
    Let η I C denote the mean rate of arrival of impulse customers in the steady state. Then, η I C is given by
    η I C = i 1 = 0 N i 2 = 0 S Θ ( i 1 , i 2 ) ( I k 1 F 1 ) e .
  • Mean number of lost customers in the system
    Let η L denote the mean number of lost customers in the system. This is given by
    η L = i 1 = 0 N 1 Θ ( i 1 , 0 ) ( r 2 E 1 I k 2 ) e + i 2 = 0 S Θ ( N , i 2 ) ( E 1 I k 2 ) e + i 1 = 0 N Θ ( i 1 , 0 ) ( I k 1 F 1 ) e + i 1 = 0 N i 2 = 1 S Θ ( i 1 , i 2 ) ( I k 1 q F 1 ) e .
  • Mean cancellation rate of return product
    Let η C denote the mean cancellation rate of return product in the steady state. Then, η C is given by
    η C = i 1 = 0 N i 2 = 0 S 1 Θ ( i 1 , i 2 ) ( S i 2 ) β e .

3.3. Construction of the Cost Feature

The expected total cost function per unit time is constructed by
C ( S , s ) = c h η I + c w η P C + c s η R + c c l η L + c i η I C ,
c h : The inventory carrying cos t per unit time . c w : Waiting cos t of a customer in the pool per unit time . c s : Setup cos t per order . c c l : Cos t of a customer lost due to the zero stock per unit time . c i : The cos t due to the arrival of impulse customer per unit time .

4. Numerical Illustration

We give a few descriptive numerical examples that expose the convexity of the expected cost rate and the MAP for ordinary and impulse customers’ appearance. We consider, E 0 = F 0 and E 1 = F 1 .
  • Hyper-exponential (HEX):
    E 0 = F 0 = 15 0 0 5 ; E 1 = F 1 = 13.5 1.5 4.5 0.5
  • Erlang (ER):
    E 0 = F 0 = 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 ; E 1 = F 1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
  • Negative Correlation (NC):
    E 0 = F 0 = 2.35 2.35 0 0 2.35 0 0 0 3.5 ; E 1 = F 1 = 0 0 0 0.0235 0 2.3265 3.465 0 0.035
  • Positive Correlation (PC):
    E 0 = F 0 = 2.35 2.35 0 0 2.35 0 0 0 3.5 ; E 1 = F 1 = 0 0 0 2.3265 0 0.0235 0.035 0 3.465
The ordinary customer process has negative(positive) correlated arrival with coefficient of variance c v a r = 2 λ 1 η 1 ( E 0 ) 1 e 1 = 0 . 9342 ( 0 . 9342 ) and coefficient of correlation c c o r = ( λ 1 η 1 ( E 0 ) 1 E 1 ( E 0 ) 1 ) e 1 ) / c v a r = 0 . 2595 ( 0 . 2595 ) with arrival rate λ 1 = 1.7594 . By our consideration, the values of c v a r and c c o r for the impulse customer are the same as the values of c v a r and c c o r for ordinary customers.
Table 1 gives the behaviour of the cost function of two variables C ( S , s ) for the case of hyper-exponential distribution. The values are divulged bold in each column indicate the minimum cost rate whereas, the least cost rate is specified in each row by underlining the values. Thus a value (bold and underlined) spectacles the local minimum of the function C ( S , s ) . The optimal cost value C * ( S , s ) = 34.3798 is achieve at S * = 23, s * = 7 with the values r 1 = 0.6 , r 2 = 1 r 1 , p = 0.6 , q = 1 p , θ = 6.5 , λ 1 = 12.5 , λ 2 = 12.5 , μ = 0.5 , β = 1 , N = 7 , c h = 0.9 , c w = 3 , c s = 10 , c c l = 0.1 , c i = 0.3 . Table 1 and Figure 1 shows that the function C ( S , s ) is convex.
Table 2 scrutinized the ramifications of lead time rate μ and a customer’s approach rate from the pool θ , the total cost rate C ( S , s ) * and analogous optimal value ( S * , s * ) with values r 1 = 0.6 , r 2 = 1 r 1 , p = 0.6 , q = 1 p , λ 1 = 12.5 , λ 2 = 12.5 , β = 1 , N = 7 , c h = 0.9 , c w = 3 , c s = 10 , c c l = 0.1 , c i = 0.3 . We observe, the total expected cost rate decreases whenever θ and μ increases. Table 3 and Table 4 are bestow the total expected cost rate is increase when c w , c h and c s increase but total expected cost rate is decrease when c c l increases.
Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7 give the mean inventory level. The arrival rate of impulse customers, reorder rate, the number of lost customer, and the mean cancellation rate decreases, and the mean number of pooled customers increase whenever θ , μ , and β increase under hyper-exponential, erlang, negative correlation and positive correlation.
Table 8 indicates the ordinary and impulse customer appears under erlang, a negative and positive correlation on the optimal total cost rate values at optimal value S * and s * . Table 9 bestow the ordinary customer appears under erlang, and impulse customer appears with various distributions (erlang, negative and positive correlation) on the various measures and also negative and positive correlation. Table 10 bestow the effect of λ 1 for various MAP(ER, NC and PC) with λ 2 = 0.1 . The value of λ 1 increase as C ( S , s ) increase with different MAP(ER, NC, and PC) and the values r 1 = 0.4 , r 2 = 1 r 1 , p = 0.6 , q = 1 p , θ = 10.5 , μ = 2.5 , β = 2 , N = 7 , c h = 9 , c w = 3 , c s = 10 , c c l = 0.1 c i = 0.3 . Table 11 bestow the effect of λ 2 for various MAP(ER, NC and PC) with λ 1 = 1 . The value of λ 2 increase as C ( S , s ) increase with different MAP(ER,NC and PC) and the values r 1 = 0.4 , r 2 = 1 r 1 , p = 0.6 , q = 1 p , θ = 10.5 , μ = 0.5 , β = 02 , N = 7 , c h = 9 , c w = 3 , c s = 10 , c c l = 0.1 , c i = 0.3 . Figure 2 shows the correlation values of ordinary customers are plotted against the C ( S , s ) values. It is possible to see that the C ( S , s ) is increase as correlation coefficient values increases and impulse customer pursuant to MAP(ER, NC and PC) with the values r 1 = 0.5 , r 2 = 1 r 1 , p = 0.5 , q = 1 p , λ 1 = 12.5 , λ 2 = 12.5 , β = 1.5 , N = 7 , c h = 0.9 , c w = 3 , c s = 9 , c c l = 0.1 , c i = 0.3 . Figure 3 shows the correlation values of impulse customer are plotted against the C ( S , s ) . It is possible to see that the C ( S , s ) values non-decrease as the correlation coefficient values increases and ordinary customer under MAP(ER, NC, and PC).

5. Conclusions

In this article, we introduced the impulse customer with cancellation policy in the queueing-inventory system. This work helps improve the QoS of an inventory management system. We presented the behaviour of the total cost function with variables s and S under hyper exponential distribution. We analysed the total cost function with various distributions like erlang, negative correlation, and positive correlation for ordinary and impulsed customers’ arrival streams. We analysed the effects of the pooled customer approach, lead time, and cancellation rates with various arrival streams like hyper-exponential, erlang, negative correlation, and positive correlation. The effects of an average number of impulse customer arrival rates and the average loss rate are indicated. Finally, we showed the effects of ordinary and impulsed customers’ arrival correlation with total cost rate.
In the future, we will be interested in extending this model with multi-server, and service time follows PH distribution.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, V.V.; data curation, V.V. and K.J.; formal analysis, V.V.; funding acquisition, G.P.J. and S.S.; investigation, W.C.; methodology, N.A. and K.J.; project administration, G.P.J.; resources, S.S.; software, S.A.; supervision, G.P.J., W.C. and S.S.; validation, S.S.; visualization, N.A. and S.A.; writing—original draft, V.V.; writing—review and editing, G.P.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


Anbazhagan and Amutha would like to thank RUSA Phase 2.0 (F 24-51/2014-U), DST-FIST (SR/FIST/MS-I/2018/17), DST-PURSE 2nd Phase programme (SR/PURSE Phase 2/38), Govt. of India.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following Notations and Abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
[ A ] i j The element submatrix at ( i , j ) the position of A
0 Zero matrix
e A column vector of 1’s appropriate dimension
SMaximum inventory level
A B Kronecker product of matrices A and B
A B Kronecker sum of matrices A and B
MAPMarkovian Arrival Process
PHFPhase-type with Failure.


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Figure 1. Convexity of the total cost with two variables S and s.
Figure 1. Convexity of the total cost with two variables S and s.
Processes 09 02146 g001
Figure 2. Ordinary customer arrival correlation vs. total cost rate.
Figure 2. Ordinary customer arrival correlation vs. total cost rate.
Processes 09 02146 g002
Figure 3. Impulse customer arrival correlation vs. total cost rate.
Figure 3. Impulse customer arrival correlation vs. total cost rate.
Processes 09 02146 g003
Table 1. The function of total cost rate with two variables S and s.
Table 1. The function of total cost rate with two variables S and s.
S / s 5678
Table 2. Ramification of the rate of lead time ( μ ) and approach from the pool customer ( θ ) on the optimal values.
Table 2. Ramification of the rate of lead time ( μ ) and approach from the pool customer ( θ ) on the optimal values.
μ / θ
Table 3. Ramification of the cost rate of a lost customer during the stock out period ( c c l ) and cost rate of waiting customer in the pool ( c w ) on the optimal values.
Table 3. Ramification of the cost rate of a lost customer during the stock out period ( c c l ) and cost rate of waiting customer in the pool ( c w ) on the optimal values.
c cl / c w 12345
Table 4. Ramification of the cost of setup cost ( c s ) and holding cost ( c h ) on the optimal values.
Table 4. Ramification of the cost of setup cost ( c s ) and holding cost ( c h ) on the optimal values.
c s / c h
Table 5. Ramification of MAP with ER, NC and PC for ( S , s , μ , β ) = (21, 7, 2.5, 0.1).
Table 5. Ramification of MAP with ER, NC and PC for ( S , s , μ , β ) = (21, 7, 2.5, 0.1).
Customer Arrivals θ η I η R η PC η IC η L η C
MAP with HEX67.14895.55420.94920.19550.96554.9701
MAP with ER610.47161.56054.77010.19070.27183.9203
MAP with NC611.93610.81363.61260.50720.18696.5235
MAP with PC611.81790.00553.00610.49160.15558.2835
Table 6. Ramification of MAP with ER, NC and PC for ( S , s , θ , β ) = (21, 7, 10.5, 0.1).
Table 6. Ramification of MAP with ER, NC and PC for ( S , s , θ , β ) = (21, 7, 10.5, 0.1).
Customer Arrivals μ η I η R η PC η IC η L η C
MAP with HEX0.59.25111.25432.35330.75300.95326.2472
MAP with ER0.59.53251.20293.83550.64170.80137.2472
MAP with NC0.56.24592.00543.68720.74900.15957.8643
MAP with PC0.55.81842.00514.52121.70600.96546.9637
Table 7. Ramification of MAP with ER, NC and PC for ( S , s , θ , μ ) = (21, 7, 10.5, 2.5).
Table 7. Ramification of MAP with ER, NC and PC for ( S , s , θ , μ ) = (21, 7, 10.5, 2.5).
Customer Arrivals β η I η R η PC η IC η L η C
MAP with HEX0.54.39154.78841.055438.83449.95144.2575
MAP with ER0.56.57332.55661.02141.16025.10510.7440
MAP with NC0.57.76804.15440.92910.03020.11300.0098
MAP with PC0.50.32340.16161.18712.26193.40101.0797
Table 8. Ramification of ordinary and impulse arrival on optimal value.
Table 8. Ramification of ordinary and impulse arrival on optimal value.
Ordinary/Impulse ArrivalsMAP with ERMAP with NCMAP with PC
MAP with ER237238247
MAP with NC237238247
MAP with PC237238247
Table 9. Ramification of MAP of ordinary and impulse customer arrivals on various measures.
Table 9. Ramification of MAP of ordinary and impulse customer arrivals on various measures.
Impulse Customer Arrivals η I η R η PC η IC η L η C
MAP of ordinary arrival with ER
MAP with ER4.07490.30741.03700.31220.53640.2604
MAP with NC2.83860.29350.94440.27830.08780.0417
MAP with PC1.83690.00381.01980.01890.05620.0154
MAP of ordinary arrival with NC
MAP with ER1.75860.00550.57860.54310.16350.1720
MAP with NC0.67410.01610.00160.92800.47870.0128
MAP with PC0.01640.00860.00290.85910.25630.0031
MAP of ordinary arrival with PC
MAP with ER8.07590.00190.01940.01610.01582.1521
MAP with NC2.25890.01710.00150.85940.50841.2315
MAP with PC0.09090.88070.22350.13000.14861.1763
Table 10. Effects of λ 1 with various MAP.
Table 10. Effects of λ 1 with various MAP.
λ 1 Ordinary/Impulse ArrivalsMAP with ERMAP with NCMAP with PC
1.0MAP with ER309308319
MAP with NC337337319
MAP with PC318348337
1.5MAP with ER337357358
MAP with NC359338338
MAP with PC318348337
2.0MAP with ER337357358
MAP with NC359338338
MAP with PC318348337
Table 11. Effects of λ 2 with various MAP.
Table 11. Effects of λ 2 with various MAP.
λ 2 Impulse/Ordinary ArrivalsMAP with ERMAP with NCMAP with PC
0.2MAP with ER309308319
MAP with NC337337319
MAP with PC318348337
0.4MAP with ER383383383
MAP with NC359338338
MAP with PC318348337
0.6MAP with ER359338338
MAP with NC3393111358
MAP with PC318348337
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MDPI and ACS Style

Vinitha, V.; Anbazhagan, N.; Amutha, S.; Jeganathan, K.; Joshi, G.P.; Cho, W.; Seo, S. Steady State Analysis of Impulse Customers and Cancellation Policy in Queueing-Inventory System. Processes 2021, 9, 2146.

AMA Style

Vinitha V, Anbazhagan N, Amutha S, Jeganathan K, Joshi GP, Cho W, Seo S. Steady State Analysis of Impulse Customers and Cancellation Policy in Queueing-Inventory System. Processes. 2021; 9(12):2146.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Vinitha, V., N. Anbazhagan, S. Amutha, K. Jeganathan, Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, Woong Cho, and Suseok Seo. 2021. "Steady State Analysis of Impulse Customers and Cancellation Policy in Queueing-Inventory System" Processes 9, no. 12: 2146.

APA Style

Vinitha, V., Anbazhagan, N., Amutha, S., Jeganathan, K., Joshi, G. P., Cho, W., & Seo, S. (2021). Steady State Analysis of Impulse Customers and Cancellation Policy in Queueing-Inventory System. Processes, 9(12), 2146.

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