Real-World Data Simulation Comparing GHG Emissions and Operational Performance of Two Sweeping Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
- Designing an on-board data acquisition system and processing large datasets using machine learning (ML) for supervised dual multi-classification algorithms;
- Developing GHG emissions models based on fuel consumption (FC) models through regression analysis and probability distribution;
- Developing, implementing, and validating simulation models for complex sweeping logistics systems, integrating GHG emissions models;
- Conducting an extensive sensitivity analysis across 240 scenarios to strengthen simulation recommendations and guide decision-makers on effective system configurations, considering operational and environmental performance.
3. Materials and Methods
- Description of sweeping systems: provides a detailed description of the sweeping systems being evaluated;
- Data acquisition and processing methodology: outlines the methods used to collect and process data relevant to the sweeping systems’ operations;
- Development and validation of the simulation model: describes the development and validation process for the simulation model that will replicate the sweeping systems’ behavior;
- Creation and integration of a GHG emissions model: details the development and integration of a GHG emissions model based on the sweeping systems’ fuel consumption patterns;
- Result presentation, sensitivity analysis, and interpretive discussions: incorporates methods for presenting the results, conducting sensitivity analyses, and interpreting the findings to provide valuable insights.
3.1. Description of Sweeping Systems
3.2. Simulation Models Building
3.2.1. Sweeping Process Description
For the ISS
- (a)
- The system initiates the sweeping activity, with all participating vehicles assumed to move at the same speed and in the following sequence:
- The leading tanker sprays water to control dust.
- The collector truck follows, trailed by the novel broom performing the primary sweeping activity.
- The second collector truck follows, if any are available.
- The conventional broom performs the finishing sweeping activity following the novel broom or the second collector truck, when present.
- The impact attenuator truck brings up the rear to ensure the safety of the fleet and highway users.
- (b)
- The entire sweeping system enters a waiting state when the truck transports the sweepings for unloading, in the case of a single collector truck. However, when two trucks are available, the sweeping activity continues using the second collector truck.
- (c)
- The truck then travels to the designated dump area to empty its load and returns to serve as the collector truck directly if any truck is present or comes behind the novel broom, ready to replace an upcoming full collector truck
- (d)
- The broom resumes sweeping as soon as the truck arrives, in the case of a single collector truck. However, when two trucks are present, the arriving truck assumes the position behind the brooms as the secondary collector truck.
- (e)
- Steps (a) to (d) are repeated until the scheduled work concludes, accounting for various waiting periods and transitions between different sweeping areas, all conducted at the same speed.
For the CSS
- (a)
- The system begins the sweeping activities, with all involved vehicles moving at the same speed and in the following sequence:
- The leading tanker sprays water to control dust.
- The two conventional brooms follow; the first performs initial sweeping, and the second provides finishing.
- One or two collector trucks follow.
- The impact attenuator truck brings up the rear to ensure the safety of the fleet and highway users.
- (b)
- When a conventional broom reaches full capacity, it unloads its contents onto the available truck at the nearest highway exit.
- (c)
- When a truck is full, it drives to the designated dumping area to empty its load and then returns to the next highway exit near the broom’s location. If only one truck is available and one of the brooms is full when the truck is unavailable, the sweeping system halts at the first highway exit until the collector truck arrives.
- (d)
- Steps (a) to (c) are repeated until the scheduled work concludes, factoring in various waiting periods and transitions between sweeping areas, all carried out at the same speed.
Deterministic Parameters
Stochastic Parameters
- States Frequency: The frequency of each state—sweeping (Fs), waiting (Fw), and moving (Fm). The frequency Fi for each state i (where i corresponds to “m” for moving, “w” for waiting, and “s” for sweeping) is calculated by dividing the number of occurrences of that state Ni by the total sum of occurrences for all states ∑Ni (i: s, w, m).
- Sweeping Speed: This is the speed of the broom in the sweeping state and is assumed to be constant during a particular state for the different vehicles within the same system (whether ISS or CSS).
- Moving Speed: This is the speed of the broom in the moving state between sweeping areas and is assumed constant during a particular state for the different vehicles of both the ISS and CSS.
- State Time Duration: This refers to the duration of the sweeping, moving, and waiting states.
- Sweepings CR: Sweepings are collected at this rate per unit of distance (tons/km).
- TUD: This is the time required for unloading a truck, including the round-trip travel time to the depots (temporary storage of sweepings) and the actual unloading time.
Variables and Performance Indicators
- Time allocated to sweeping, waiting, and transition during a given work shift or simulation duration.
- Distance covered and amount of material collected over a work shift or simulation duration.
- Fuel consumption, which varies based on the system’s state and type of vehicle involved.
- GHG emissions, broken down by state of operations and vehicle type.
- Emissions per tonne of material collected, serving as an environmental performance metric.
- Distance swept per unit of time or per work shift, used as an operational performance indicator.
3.2.2. Methodology for Gathering and Refining Simulation Parameters
Data Collection
Data Processing
- Sweeping and moving speeds;
- Sweeping, moving, and waiting duration;
- State frequencies (proportion of observations for sweeping (Fs), waiting (Fw), and moving (Fm));
- Additional parameters, such as CR and TUD, were inferred from video observations, and probability distributions were then fitted to these observations to generate random variables for the simulation models.
3.2.3. Simulation Models Design
- P1: Initiating states;
- P2: Monitoring states;
- P3: Reinitiating triggered states;
- P4: Managing truck’s fill levels;
- P5: Supervising truck unloading;
- P6: Regulating truck shifts.
P1: Initiating States
P2: Monitoring States
P3: Reinitiating Triggered States
P4–P5: Managing Truck’s Fill Levels and Unloading
P6: Regulating Collector Truck Changeover
3.2.4. Validation of Simulation Models
3.3. Greenhouse Gas Emission Models
3.3.1. Data Collection Methodology
3.3.2. Data Processing for State Classification
Data Cleaning
Classification and Clustering
3.3.3. Construction and Verification of Fuel Consumption Models
3.3.4. Development and Application of Greenhouse Gas Emission Models
For the ISS
- Fuel consumption in liters () due to waiting periods is calculated by summing the fuel usage from all waiting states during a work shift as illustrated in Formula (12). For each state i, the duration is multiplied by the hourly fuel consumption of the vehicles involved in the sweeping activity (two brooms and a total of TN trucks).
- Fuel consumption in liters () due to sweeping activity is calculated by summing the fuel usage from all sweeping states during a work shift, as illustrated in Formula (13). For each state j, the duration is multiplied by the sweeping speed to obtain the sweeping distance, which is then multiplied by the fuel consumption per kilometer swept for each vehicle involved.
- Fuel consumption in liters () due to moving between sweeping zones is calculated by summing the fuel usage from all moving states during a work shift, as illustrated in Formula (14). For each state k, the duration is multiplied by the moving speed to obtain the distance traveled, which is then multiplied by the fuel consumption per kilometer for each vehicle involved in the activity.
- The fuel consumption in liters () due to truck movement for unloading is calculated by summing the fuel usage from all moving states related to unloading during a work shift as illustrated in the Formula (15). For each movement for unloading t, the duration is multiplied by the assumed moving speed of 50 km/h to determine the distance traveled, which is then multiplied by the truck’s fuel consumption per kilometer.
For the CSS
3.4. Sensitivity Analysis
4. Results and Interpretations
4.1. Simulation Results
- GHG emissions: Under a one-truck collector scenario, the innovative system emits 29.5 kg CO2-eq per ton collected, compared to 46.8 kg CO2-eq for the conventional system. Even with two collector trucks, emissions are lower for the innovative system (32.8 kg CO2-eq per ton) compared to the conventional system (54.1 kg CO2-eq per ton).
- Operational performance: Over a simulation run-time of 500 h, the innovative system sweeps greater distances: 715 km (one truck) and 835 km (two trucks) compared to the conventional system’s 545 km.
- The innovative system’s superiority stems from factors like sweeping speed, CR, and overall work efficiency.
- Interestingly, the two-truck scenario does not benefit the conventional system. While its GHG emissions increase significantly, operational performance remains unchanged. In contrast, the innovative system’s improved performance with two trucks is primarily due to eliminating novel broom’s waiting time during the unloading of the sole collector truck.
- CRs also vary between the systems. The conventional system may require multiple passes to effectively sweep an area, leading to a lower CR compared to the innovative system’s single-pass design—a phenomenon observed particularly in urban settings.
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis
4.2.1. Scenarios Design
4.2.2. Performance Indicators Selection
- GHG emissions per ton collected serve as an environmental performance indicator, highlighting the carbon footprint as a crucial aspect of the collected waste material. This metric is used to compare the environmental performance of various sweeping technologies, given its close connection to the transportation sector. This indicator is used in [26] to compare emissions from different transport modes, such as ocean-going vessels, rail, and road transportation by truck.
- Distance swept during a work shift serves as a key indicator of operational performance, closely tied to operational planning and sweeping service contracts. For performance indicators, kilometers swept per shift is chosen as a key metric because it clearly measures operational efficiency and resource allocation in the street sweeping operations. This metric, commonly used for the same activity in cities like Vancouver, San Francisco, and New York, help assess how effectively the fleet is utilized and ensures optimal deployment of sweepers [27].
4.2.3. Results of the Sensitivity Analysis
- Factor Importance
- −
- GHG Emissions
- −
- Distance Swept
- Impact of Truck Configuration
- −
- GHG Emissions
- ▪
- Single vs. Dual Trucks: Across both the ISS and CSS, configurations with two trucks consistently produce higher GHG emissions compared to configurations with one truck. This trend is expected, as doubling the number of trucks naturally increases fuel consumption and emissions.
- ▪
- Payload Capacity (16t vs. 24t): Among configurations with the same number of trucks, those with a higher payload capacity (24t) tend to have slightly elevated emissions compared to the 16t configurations.
- ▪
- ISS vs. CSS Comparison: Overall, the CSS system shows higher GHG emissions across configurations than the ISS system, particularly for the two-truck setups. This indicates that ISS may operate more efficiently, even under similar configurations.
- −
- Distance Covered
- ▪
- Effect of Payload Capacity: Configurations with higher payload capacity (24t) typically cover a slightly greater distance than their 16t counterparts, especially in single-truck configurations. This suggests that trucks with larger payloads may be able to travel further before requiring unloading, potentially optimizing operational efficiency in terms of coverage.
- ▪
- Single vs. Dual Trucks: Two-truck configurations generally cover a greater distance than single-truck setups. However, this increase in coverage comes at a cost of higher emissions. This trade-off implies that while adding more trucks boosts coverage, it also raises environmental impact.
- ▪
- TUD’s Impact: In various configurations, longer TUDs tend to correlate with higher GHG emissions and also impact the distance covered. This suggests that the proximity and accessibility of depots, which affect unloading time, could contribute to emission reduction and improve operational reach.
- Performance Functional Unit
4.2.4. Discussion of Results and Limitations
- Model Assumptions, Limitations, and Performance
- Key Results and Interpretations
- −
- Simulation Results: Over a simulated 500 h period, the innovative sweeping system demonstrates clear environmental and operational advantages over the conventional system in highway scenarios. In terms of GHG emissions, the innovative system using a single 16t collector truck emits 29.5 kg CO2-eq per ton collected, notably lower than the 46.8 kg CO2-eq for the conventional system. Even with two collector trucks, the innovative system maintains an emissions advantage, producing 32.8 kg CO2-eq compared to 54.1 kg CO2-eq for the conventional system. Operationally, the innovative system covers significantly more distance, reaching 715 km with one truck and 835 km with two trucks, while the conventional system covers only 545 km.
- −
- Sensitivity Analysis Results: The sensitivity analysis identifies the relative importance of key factors with a 95% confidence interval—CR, truck configuration, and TUD—revealing their specific impacts on GHG emissions and distance covered in the ISS and CSS. CR has the highest impact on emissions, while truck configuration significantly affects both emissions and operational distance. Knowing that CR and TUD are exogenous factors, the primary focus for further analysis is resource configuration. In terms of truck setup, the ISS with a single 16t configuration shows the lowest emissions per ton, outperforming CSS in both environmental and operational efficiency. Two-truck configurations extend coverage but also raise emissions, highlighting the need to manage a trade-off between operational reach and environmental impact. In the ISS system, performance indicators can degrade in cases where TUD exceeds 60 min for a single 16t truck or 75 min for a single 24t truck, resulting in declines in both operational efficiency and emissions performance.
- −
- The establishment of a functional unit—emissions per kilometer of road swept—supports consistent comparison of the ISS and CSS systems’ environmental performance, with ISS showing a clear emissions advantage. With stable emissions at 3.15 kg CO2-eq per km in a single-truck with 16t payload, ISS demonstrates superior efficiency over CSS, which averages 6.20 kg CO2-eq per km in comparable configurations. On average, across all configurations, the ISS achieves an approximate 45% reduction in GHG emissions compared to CSS. This functional unit also facilitates meaningful benchmarking, providing a basis for evaluating and improving sweeping systems’ environmental impact.
- Actionable Insights for Sweeping
- −
- Optimizing Fleet Management for Sweeping Operations: The configurations identified in the sensitivity analysis provide crucial guidance for optimizing fleet management. Decision-makers can leverage these configurations to balance operational needs with environmental sustainability, selecting setups that enhance efficiency while minimizing GHG emissions. This enables a more data-driven approach to fleet management within the sweeping system.
- −
- Aligning Operational and Environmental Goals: Despite potential conflicts between operational efficiency and environmental objectives, this study shows that both can be jointly achieved by focusing on faster service delivery and effective delay management. Prioritizing configurations that reduce waiting time and optimize sweeping routes allows for meeting service demands while maintaining a lower environmental footprint.
- −
- Enhancing Conventional Sweeping System Performance: For conventional sweeping systems, particularly on highways, reducing waiting times can significantly improve both operational and environmental outcomes. This can be achieved by coordinating the roles of the brooms—for example, alternating between primary sweeping and finishing tasks—to ensure balanced load distribution and reduce delays when one broom becomes full. This approach minimizes interruptions and boosts overall system efficiency.
- −
- Toward Greener Public Procurement in Road Maintenance: This study defines the functional unit as the kilometer of road swept, establishing a basis for quantitative tools that evaluate the environmental impact of road maintenance activities and standardize comparisons across sweeping systems. This approach enables policymakers to identify and prioritize the most energy-efficient services, supporting more sustainable procurement decisions. By providing a functional unit to assess the carbon footprint of spring sweeping, this study reinforces integrating environmental criteria into procurement policies. This encourages the adoption of low-carbon technologies in road maintenance and aligns public procurement with climate goals.
- Comparison with Other Studies
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sweeping systems | |
ISS | Innovative sweeping system |
CSS | Conventional sweeping system |
Parameters | |
SRT | Simulation run-time |
SS (Stochastic) | Sweeping speed |
MS (Stochastic) | Moving speed |
EF | Emission factor |
TN | Truck number as the number of trucks involved in the sweeping activity |
Nw (Stochastic) | Number of waiting states per shift or SRT |
dw (Stochastic) | Duration of a waiting state |
Ns (Stochastic) | Number of sweeping states per shift or SRT |
ds (Stochastic) | Duration of a sweeping state |
Nm (Stochastic) | Number of moving states per shift or SRT |
dm (Stochastic) | Duration of a moving state |
Nu | Number of trucks moving for unloading per shift or SRT |
Fw (Stochastic) | Waiting state frequency |
Fs (Stochastic) | Sweeping state frequency |
Fm (Stochastic) | Moving state frequency |
du (Stochastic) | Duration of a truck moving for unloading |
CR (Stochastic) | Collection rate of sweeping |
Variables | |
Quantity of sweepings collected by the ISS per shift or SRT | |
Quantity of sweepings collected by the CSS per shift or SRT | |
DistSweepISS | Distance traveled in the sweeping states for ISS per shift or SRT |
DistMovISS | Distance traveled in moving states for ISS per shift or SRT |
DistSweepCSS | Distance traveled in sweeping states for CSS per shift or SRT |
DistMovCSS | Distance traveled in moving states for CSS per shift or SRT |
DurWaitISS | ISS waiting duration per shift or SRT |
DurWaitCSS | CSS waiting duration per shift or SRT |
Fuel consumption model | |
FC per hour for the novel broom in the waiting state | |
FC per Km for the novel broom in the sweeping state | |
FC per Km for the novel broom in the moving state | |
FC per hour for the conventional broom in the waiting state | |
FC per Km for the conventional broom in the sweeping state | |
FC per Km for the conventional broom in the moving state | |
FC per hour for the truck in the waiting state (all types of trucks) | |
FC per Km for the truck in the sweeping state (all types of trucks) | |
FC per Km for the truck in the moving state (all types of trucks) | |
FC per Km for the truck in the unloading moving trip | |
GHG Emission Model | |
Total GHG emissions by the ISS per shift or SRT | |
Total ISS GHG emissions resulting from waiting states per shift or SRT | |
Total ISS GHG emissions resulting from sweeping states per shift or SRT | |
Total ISS GHG emissions resulting from moving states per shift or SRT | |
Total ISS GHG emissions resulting from moving of trucks for unloading per shift or SRT | |
Performance indicators | |
Environmental | |
GHG emissions of the ISS per sweepings ton | |
GHG emissions of the CSS per sweepings ton | |
Operational | |
DistSweepISS | ISS distance swept (Km) per shift or SRT |
DistSweepCSS | CSS distance swept (Km) per shift or SRT |
Vehicles | States | Fuel Consumption Models (Liters Diesel/km for Moving and Sweeping States and Liters Diesel/h for Waiting States) | Equation Number | Figure 7 |
Novel broom | Waiting | (1) | ||
Sweeping | (2) | (c) | ||
Moving | (3) | (a) | ||
Conventional broom | Waiting | (4) | ||
Sweeping | (5) | |||
Moving | (6) | |||
Truck | Waiting | (7) | ||
Sweeping | (8) | (d) | ||
Moving | (9) | (b) | ||
Unloading | = | (10) |
Models | Operational and Environmental Performance | Main Simulation Parameters (Average) | |||||
GHG (kg CO2-eq/ton) | Sweepings Collected (tons) | Distance Swept (km) | Sweeping Duration per Work Shift (%) | Avg CR (tons/km) | Avg Sweeping Speed (km/h) | Avg Moving Speed (km/h) | |
ISS One truck | 29.5 | 1870 | 715 | 49.3 | 2.7 | 2.9 | 27.8 |
ISS Two trucks | 32.8 | 2215 | 835 | 57.6 | 2.7 | 2.9 | 27.8 |
CSS One truck | 46.8 | 1244 | 545 | 43.6 | 2.3 | 2.5 | 19.8 |
CSS Two trucks | 54.1 | 1271 | 545 | 43.6 | 2.3 | 2.5 | 19.8 |
Parameters | Values | Unit | Number Scenarios |
CR: Collection rate | 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 | ton/km | 6 |
TUD: Truck unloading duration | 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 | min | 5 |
Truck payload capacity | 16, 24 | tons | 2 |
Sweeping systems | ISS, CSS | - | 2 |
Number of collector trucks | 1, 2 | - | 2 |
Total number of scenarios | 240 |
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Share and Cite
Ben Daya, B.; Audy, J.-F.; Lamghari, A. Real-World Data Simulation Comparing GHG Emissions and Operational Performance of Two Sweeping Systems. Logistics 2024, 8, 120.
Ben Daya B, Audy J-F, Lamghari A. Real-World Data Simulation Comparing GHG Emissions and Operational Performance of Two Sweeping Systems. Logistics. 2024; 8(4):120.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBen Daya, Bechir, Jean-François Audy, and Amina Lamghari. 2024. "Real-World Data Simulation Comparing GHG Emissions and Operational Performance of Two Sweeping Systems" Logistics 8, no. 4: 120.
APA StyleBen Daya, B., Audy, J.-F., & Lamghari, A. (2024). Real-World Data Simulation Comparing GHG Emissions and Operational Performance of Two Sweeping Systems. Logistics, 8(4), 120.