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Fluids, Volume 2, Issue 1 (March 2017) – 12 articles

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1360 KiB  
Uncertainty Quantification at the Molecular–Continuum Model Interface
by Małgorzata J. Zimoń, Robert Sawko, David R. Emerson and Christopher Thompson
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 12; - 21 Mar 2017
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 4704
Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are widely employed to study transport fluid properties. Observables measured at the atomistic level can serve as inputs for continuum calculations, allowing for improved analysis of phenomena involving multiple scales. In hybrid modelling, uncertainties present in the information transferred [...] Read more.
Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations are widely employed to study transport fluid properties. Observables measured at the atomistic level can serve as inputs for continuum calculations, allowing for improved analysis of phenomena involving multiple scales. In hybrid modelling, uncertainties present in the information transferred across scales can have a significant impact on the final predictions. This work shows the influence of force-field variability on molecular measurements of the shear viscosity of water. In addition, the uncertainty propagation is demonstrated by quantifying the sensitivity of continuum velocity distribution to the particle-based calculations. The uncertainty is modelled with polynomial chaos expansion using a non-intrusive spectral projection strategy. The analysis confirms that low-order polynomial basis are sufficient to calculate the dispersion of observables. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue MNF 2016 Special Issue—Micro/Nanofluids)
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5804 KiB  
The Elder Problem
by John W. Elder, Craig T. Simmons, Hans-Jörg Diersch, Peter Frolkovič, Ekkehard Holzbecher and Klaus Johannsen
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 11; - 21 Mar 2017
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 9783
This paper presents an autobiographical and biographical historical account of the genesis, evolution and resolution of the Elder Problem. It begins with John W. Elder and his autobiographical story leading to his groundbreaking work on natural convection at Cambridge in the 1960’s. His [...] Read more.
This paper presents an autobiographical and biographical historical account of the genesis, evolution and resolution of the Elder Problem. It begins with John W. Elder and his autobiographical story leading to his groundbreaking work on natural convection at Cambridge in the 1960’s. His seminal work published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics in 1967 became the basis for the modern benchmark of variable density flow simulators that we know today as “The Elder Problem”. There have been well known and major challenges with the Elder Problem model benchmark—notably the multiple solutions that were ultimately uncovered using different numerical models. Most recently, it has been shown that the multiple solutions are indeed physically realistic bifurcation solutions to the Elder Problem and not numerically spurious artefacts. The quandary of the Elder Problem has now been solved—a major scientific breakthrough for fluid mechanics and for numerical modelling. This paper—records, reflections, reminiscences, stories and anecdotes—is an historical autobiographical and biographical memoir. It is the personal story of the Elder Problem told by some of the key scientists who established and solved the Elder Problem. 2017 marks the 50 year anniversary of the classical work by John W. Elder published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics in 1967. This set the stage for this scientific story over some five decades. This paper is a celebration and commemoration of the life and times of John W. Elder, the problem named in his honour, and some of the key scientists who worked on, and ultimately solved, it. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Convective Instability in Porous Media)
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3188 KiB  
A Quasi-Mechanistic Mathematical Representation for Blood Viscosity
by Samuel J. Hund, Marina V. Kameneva and James F. Antaki
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 10; - 1 Mar 2017
Cited by 42 | Viewed by 8535
Blood viscosity is a crucial element for any computation of flow fields in the vasculature or blood-wetted devices. Although blood is comprised of multiple elements, and its viscosity can vary widely depending on several factors, in practical applications, it is commonly assumed to [...] Read more.
Blood viscosity is a crucial element for any computation of flow fields in the vasculature or blood-wetted devices. Although blood is comprised of multiple elements, and its viscosity can vary widely depending on several factors, in practical applications, it is commonly assumed to be a homogeneous, Newtonian fluid with a nominal viscosity typically of 3.5 cP. Two quasi-mechanistic models for viscosity are presented here, built on the foundation of the Krieger model of suspensions, in which dependencies on shear rate, hematocrit, and plasma protein concentrations are explicitly represented. A 3-parameter Asymptotic Krieger model (AKM) exhibited excellent agreement with published Couette experiments over four decades of shear rate (0–1000 s-1, root mean square (RMS) error = 0.21 cP). A 5-parameter Modified Krieger Model (MKM5) also demonstrated a very good fit to the data (RMS error = 1.74 cP). These models avoid discontinuities exhibited by previous models with respect to hematocrit and shear rate. In summary, the quasi-mechanistic, Modified-Krieger Model presented here offers a reasonable compromise in complexity to provide flexibility to account for several factors that affect viscosity in practical applications, while assuring accuracy and stability. Full article
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4055 KiB  
Emulsion Flow Analysis of a Sensor Probe for Sustainable Machine Operation
by Sören Sander, Benjamin Glasse, Lucas Grosche, Jose Luis De Paiva, Roberto Guardani and Udo Fritsching
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 9; - 23 Feb 2017
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3814
Working fluids possess several applications in manufacturing processes, for instance lubricants in metals machining. Typical metal working fluids are formulated as oil-in-water emulsions. The maintenance of the physical stability of the working fluid during operation is a key factor for the sustainability of [...] Read more.
Working fluids possess several applications in manufacturing processes, for instance lubricants in metals machining. Typical metal working fluids are formulated as oil-in-water emulsions. The maintenance of the physical stability of the working fluid during operation is a key factor for the sustainability of the relevant process. Therefore, continuous control of the working fluids stability and performance during machine operation is an essential tool for maintenance of the process performance. Turbidity measurement (TM) is a process technique for emulsion stability and quality assessment, where light transmission and absorption of an emulsion system is analyzed. However, for in-process measurement and fluid quality detection during the machine operation by TM, it is necessary to implement a transmission inline sensor into the working fluid flow line. The continuous flow measurement may cause problems for long-term sensor operation regarding, e.g., biofouling of the sensor optical glasses or erroneous measurements due to emulsion droplets segregation effects. In the present investigation, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations have been adapted to obtain the emulsion flow conditions within a typical TM sensor probe, thereby allowing an assessment of the adhesion probability of microorganisms as well as droplet segregation effects. The simulation results indicate some temporal changes of the dispersed phase concentration in the detected emulsion flow. Due to droplet segregation in the emulsion, the flow velocity needs to exceed a certain value for reliable operation. It is shown here that in this flow regime microbiological attachments on the probe surfaces may be sufficiently avoided. A minimum critical flow velocity is derived to avoid biomolecule adhesion and thus durable operation of the sensor. Full article
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6777 KiB  
On the CFD Analysis of a Stratified Taylor-Couette System Dedicated to the Fabrication of Nanosensors
by Duccio Griffini, Massimiliano Insinna, Simone Salvadori, Andrea Barucci, Franco Cosi, Stefano Pelli and Giancarlo C. Righini
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 8; - 18 Feb 2017
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 5063
Since the pioneering work of Taylor, the analysis of flow regimes of incompressible, viscous fluids contained in circular Couette systems with independently rotating cylinders have charmed many researchers. The characteristics of such kind of flows have been considered for some industrial applications. Recently, [...] Read more.
Since the pioneering work of Taylor, the analysis of flow regimes of incompressible, viscous fluids contained in circular Couette systems with independently rotating cylinders have charmed many researchers. The characteristics of such kind of flows have been considered for some industrial applications. Recently, Taylor-Couette flows found an innovative application in the production of optical fiber nanotips, to be used in molecular biology and medical diagnostic fields. Starting from the activity of Barucci et al., the present work concerns the numerical analysis of a Taylor-Couette system composed by two coaxial counter-rotating cylinders with low aspect ratio and radius ratio, filled with three stratified fluids. An accurate analysis of the flow regimes is performed, considering both the variation of inner and outer rotational speed and the reduction of fiber radius due to etching process. The large variety of individuated flow configurations provides useful information about the possible use of the Taylor-Couette system in a wide range of engineering applications. For the present case, the final objective is to provide accurate information to manufacturers of fiber nanotips about the expected flow regimes, thus helping them in the setup of the control process that will be used to generate high-quality products. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Computational Fluid Dynamics)
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2939 KiB  
Surface Quasi-Geostrophy
by Guillaume Lapeyre
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 7; - 16 Feb 2017
Cited by 101 | Viewed by 8948
Oceanic and atmospheric dynamics are often interpreted through potential vorticity, as this quantity is conserved along the geostrophic flow. However, in addition to potential vorticity, surface buoyancy is a conserved quantity, and this also affects the dynamics. Buoyancy at the ocean surface or [...] Read more.
Oceanic and atmospheric dynamics are often interpreted through potential vorticity, as this quantity is conserved along the geostrophic flow. However, in addition to potential vorticity, surface buoyancy is a conserved quantity, and this also affects the dynamics. Buoyancy at the ocean surface or at the atmospheric tropopause plays the same role of an active tracer as potential vorticity does since the velocity field can be deduced from these quantities. The surface quasi-geostrophic model has been proposed to explain the dynamics associated with surface buoyancy conservation and seems appealing for both the ocean and the atmosphere. In this review, we present its main characteristics in terms of coherent structures, instabilities and turbulent cascades. Furthermore, this model is mathematically studied for the possible formation of singularities, as it presents some analogies with three-dimensional Euler equations. Finally, we discuss its relevance for the ocean and the atmosphere. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)
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3832 KiB  
A Reduced Model for Salt-Finger Convection in the Small Diffusivity Ratio Limit
by Jin-Han Xie, Benjamin Miquel, Keith Julien and Edgar Knobloch
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 6; - 30 Jan 2017
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 7314
A simple model of nonlinear salt-finger convection in two dimensions is derived and studied. The model is valid in the limit of a small solute to heat diffusivity ratio and a large density ratio, which is relevant to both oceanographic and astrophysical applications. [...] Read more.
A simple model of nonlinear salt-finger convection in two dimensions is derived and studied. The model is valid in the limit of a small solute to heat diffusivity ratio and a large density ratio, which is relevant to both oceanographic and astrophysical applications. Two limits distinguished by the magnitude of the Schmidt number are found. For order one Schmidt numbers, appropriate for astrophysical applications, a modified Rayleigh–Bénard system with large-scale damping due to a stabilizing temperature is obtained. For large Schmidt numbers, appropriate for the oceanic setting, the model combines a prognostic equation for the solute field and a diagnostic equation for inertia-free momentum dynamics. Two distinct saturation regimes are identified for the second model: the weakly driven regime is characterized by a large-scale flow associated with a balance between advection and linear instability, while the strongly-driven regime produces multiscale structures, resulting in a balance between energy input through linear instability and energy transfer between scales. For both regimes, we analytically predict and numerically confirm the dependence of the kinetic energy and salinity fluxes on the ratio between solutal and thermal Rayleigh numbers. The spectra and probability density functions are also computed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)
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1682 KiB  
Short Note
A Note on the Drag Coefficient of Steady Flow of Non-Newtonian, Power-Law Fluids across Unbounded Two-Dimensional Bodies at Low Reynolds Numbers
by Asterios Pantokratoras
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 5; - 27 Jan 2017
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 8197
The flow of a non-Newtonian, power-law fluid, directed normally to long, two-dimensional horizontal bodies, is considered in the present note. It is found that for low Reynolds numbers ( Re 0.1 ) and a low power-law index (shear-thinning fluids) the drag coefficient [...] Read more.
The flow of a non-Newtonian, power-law fluid, directed normally to long, two-dimensional horizontal bodies, is considered in the present note. It is found that for low Reynolds numbers ( Re 0.1 ) and a low power-law index (shear-thinning fluids) the drag coefficient always obeys the relationship c D = A / Re , whereas at a high power-law index (shear-thickening fluids) the drag coefficient tends to become identical for all bodies irrespective of their cross-section form. Full article
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398 KiB  
On the Three Dimensional Interaction between Flexible Fibers and Fluid Flow
by Bogdan G. Nita and Ryan Allaire
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 4; - 22 Jan 2017
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 4446
In this paper we discuss the deformation of a flexible fiber clamped to a spherical body and immersed in a flow of fluid moving with a speed ranging between 0 and 50 cm/s by means of three dimensional numerical simulation developed in COMSOL [...] Read more.
In this paper we discuss the deformation of a flexible fiber clamped to a spherical body and immersed in a flow of fluid moving with a speed ranging between 0 and 50 cm/s by means of three dimensional numerical simulation developed in COMSOL . The effects of flow speed and initial configuration angle of the fiber relative to the flow are analyzed. A rigorous analysis of the numerical procedure is performed and our code is benchmarked against well established cases. The flow velocity and pressure are used to compute drag forces upon the fiber. Of particular interest is the behavior of these forces as a function of the flow speed and fiber orientation. The Vogel exponents, which characterize the rate of bending of a fiber in a flow, are found for the various configurations examined here and seem to display interesting variations. These exponents are then compared with our previously studied two-dimensional models. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mechanics of Fluid-Particles Systems and Fluid-Solid Interactions)
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267 KiB  
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Fluids in 2016
by Fluids Editorial Office
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 3; - 11 Jan 2017
Viewed by 3073
The editors of Fluids would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following reviewers for assessing manuscripts in 2016.[...] Full article
10755 KiB  
RANS Simulations of Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 0015 Flapped Airfoil
by Sohaib Obeid, Ratneshwar Jha and Goodarz Ahmadi
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 2; - 5 Jan 2017
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 19114
An analysis of 2D subsonic flow over an NACA 0015 airfoil with a 30% trailing edge flap at a constant Reynolds number of 106 for various incidence angles and a range of flap deflections is presented. The steady-state governing equations of continuity [...] Read more.
An analysis of 2D subsonic flow over an NACA 0015 airfoil with a 30% trailing edge flap at a constant Reynolds number of 106 for various incidence angles and a range of flap deflections is presented. The steady-state governing equations of continuity and momentum conservation are solved combined with the realizable k-ε turbulence model using the ANSYS-Fluent code (Version 13.7, ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA, USA). The primary objective of the study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of flow characteristics around the NACA 0015 airfoil as a function of the angle of attack and flap deflection at Re = 106 using the realizable k-ε turbulence model. The results are validated through comparison of the predictions with the free field experimental measurements. Consistent with the experimental observations, the numerical results show that increased flap deflections increase the maximum lift coefficient, move the zero-lift angle of attack (AoA) to a more negative value, decrease the stall AoA, while the slope of the lift curve remains unchanged and the curve just shifts upwards. In addition, the numerical simulations provide limits for lift increment Δ C l and Cl, max values to be 1.1 and 2.2, respectively, obtained at a flap deflection of 50°. This investigation demonstrates that the realizable k-ε turbulence model is capable of predicting flow features over an airfoil with and without flap deflections with reasonable accuracy. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Computational Fluid Dynamics)
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3708 KiB  
Large Eddy Simulation of Pulsatile Flow through a Channel with Double Constriction
by Md. Mamun Molla and Manosh C. Paul
Fluids 2017, 2(1), 1; - 28 Dec 2016
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 5627
Pulsatile flow in a 3D model of arterial double stenoses is investigated using a large eddy simulation (LES) technique. The computational domain that has been chosen is a simple channel with a biological-type stenosis formed eccentrically on the top wall. The pulsation was [...] Read more.
Pulsatile flow in a 3D model of arterial double stenoses is investigated using a large eddy simulation (LES) technique. The computational domain that has been chosen is a simple channel with a biological-type stenosis formed eccentrically on the top wall. The pulsation was generated at the inlet using the first four harmonics of the Fourier series of the pressure pulse. The flow Reynolds numbers, which are typically suitable for a large human artery, are chosen in the present work. In LES, a top-hat spatial grid-filter is applied to the Navier–Stokes equations of motion to separate the large-scale flows from the sub-grid scale (SGS). The large-scale flows are then resolved fully while the unresolved SGS motions are modelled using a localized dynamic model. It is found that the narrowing of the channel causes the pulsatile flow to undergo a transition to a turbulent condition in the downstream region; as a consequence, a severe level of turbulent fluctuations is achieved in these zones. Transitions to turbulent of the pulsatile flow in the post stenosis are examined through the various numerical results, such as velocity, streamlines, wall pressure, shear stresses and root mean square turbulent fluctuations. Full article
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