From Natural to Artificial: The Transformation of the Concept of Logical Consequence in Bolzano, Carnap, and Tarski
:1. Introduction
2. Carnap and Tarski on Logical Consequence
We say that the sentence X follows logically from the class of sentences K if and only if the class consisting of all sentences of the class K and of the negation of the sentence X is contradictory.
We say that the sentence X follows logically from the sentences of the class K if and only if every model of the class K is at the same time a model of the sentence X.([1], 2.6.1)
3. Carnap and Tarski on Explication
3.1. Explication and Intuitionistic Formalism
The task of making more exact a vague or not quite exact concept used in everyday life or in an earlier stage of scientific or logical development, or rather of replacing it by a newly constructed, more exact concept, belongs among the most important tasks of logical analysis and logical construction. We call this the task of explicating, or of giving an explication for, the earlier concept; this earlier concept, or sometimes the term used for it, is called the explicandum; and the new concept, or its term, is called an explicatum of the old one.([68], pp. 7–8)
Strictly speaking this analogy should not be carried too far. In geometry it was a question of making precise the spatial intuitions acquired empirically in everyday life, intuitions which are vague and confused by their very nature. Here we have to deal with intuitions more clear and conscious, those of a logical nature relating to another domain of science, metamathematics. To the geometers the necessity presented itself of choosing one of several incompatible meanings, but here arbitrariness in establishing the content of the term in question is reduced almost to zero.([75], p. 112)
3.2. Tarski on Adequate and Correct Definition
(1) a true sentence is one which says that the state of affairs is so and so, and the state of affairs indeed is so and so.([51], p. 155)
The concept of following logically belongs to the category of those concepts whose introduction into the domain of exact formal investigations was not only an act of arbitrary decision on the side of this or that researcher: in making precise the content of this concept, efforts were made to conform to the everyday ‘pre-existing’ way it is used. This task was accompanied by the difficulties usual in such situations: the concept of following is not distinguished from other concepts of everyday language by a clearer content or more precisely delimited denotation, the way it is used is unstable, the task of capturing and reconciling all the murky, sometimes contradictory intuitions connected with that concept has to be acknowledged a priori as unrealizable, and one has to reconcile oneself in advance to the fact that every precise definition of the concept under consideration will to a greater or lesser degree bear the mark of arbitrariness.([1], sec. 0)
A characteristic feature of colloquial language (in contrast to various scientific languages) is its universality. It would not be in harmony with the spirit of this language if in some other language a word occurred which could not be translated into it; it could be claimed that ‘if we can speak meaningfully about anything at all, we can also speak about it in colloquial language’. If we are to maintain this universality of everyday language in connexion with semantical investigations, we must, to be consistent, admit into the language, in addition to its sentences and other expressions, also the names of these sentences and expressions, and sentences containing these names, as well as such semantic expressions as ‘true sentence’, ‘name’, ‘denote’, etc. But it is presumably just this universality of everyday language which is the primary source of all semantical antinomies, like the antinomies of the liar or of heterological words.([51], p. 164)
Philosophers who are not accustomed to use deductive methods in their daily work are inclined to regard all formalized languages with a certain disparagement, because they contrast these ‘artificial’ constructions with the one natural language—the colloquial language. […] In my opinion the considerations of § 1 prove emphatically that the concept of truth (as well as other semantical concepts) when applied to colloquial language in conjunction with the normal laws of logic leads inevitably to confusions and contradictions. Whoever wishes, in spite of all difficulties, to pursue the semantics of colloquial language with the help of exact methods will be driven first to undertake the thankless task of a reform of this language. […] It may, however, be doubted whether the language of everyday life, after being ‘rationalized’ in this way, would still preserve its naturalness and whether it would not rather take on the characteristic features of the formalized languages.([51], p. 267)
(F) If in the sentences of the class K and in the sentence X we replace the constant terms which are not general-logical terms correspondingly by arbitrary other constant terms (where we replace equiform constants everywhere by equiform constants) and in this way we obtain a new class of sentences K’ and a new sentence X’, then the sentence X’ must be true if only all sentences of the class K’ are true.
3.3. Tarski on Conceptual Analysis
I do not have the slightest intention to contribute in any way to those endless, often violent discussions on the subject: “What is the right conception of truth?” I must confess I do not understand what is at stake in such disputes; for the problem itself is so vague that no definite solution is possible. In fact, it seems to me that the sense in which the phrase “the right conception” is used has never been made clear. In most cases one gets the impression that the phrase is used in an almost mystical sense based upon the belief that every word has only one “real” meaning (a kind of Platonic or Aristotelian idea), and that all the competing conceptions really attempt to catch hold of this one meaning; since, however, they contradict each other, only one attempt can be successful, and hence only one conception is the “right” one.
We should reconcile ourselves with the fact that we are confronted, not with one concept, but with several different concepts which are denoted by one word; we should try to make these concepts as clear as possible (by means of definition, or of an axiomatic procedure, or in some other way); to avoid further confusions, we should agree to use different terms for different concepts; and then we may proceed to a quiet and systematic study of all concepts involved, which will exhibit their main properties and mutual relations.
3.4. Tarski’s Definition as a Carnapian Explication
[T]he concept of an analytic sentence—in the intention of some contemporary logicians—is to be a precise formal correlate of the concept of tautology as a sentence which “says nothing about the real world”, a concept which to me personally seems rather murky but which played and still plays a prominent role in the philosophical speculations of L. Wittgenstein and almost the whole Vienna Circle.([1], 3.2.1)
If a scientist wants to introduce a concept from everyday life into a science and to establish general laws concerning this concept, he must always make its content clearer, more precise and simpler, and free it from inessential attributes; it does not matter here whether he is a logician concerned with the phrase “if …, then …” or, for instance, a physicist establishing the exact meaning of the word “metal”. In whatever way the scientist realizes his task, the usage of the term as it is established by him will deviate more or less from the practice of everyday language. If, however, he states explicitly in what meaning he decides to use the term, and if he consistently acts in conformity to this decision, nobody will be in a position to object that his procedure leads to nonsensical results.([78], pp. 27–28)
[I]t would turn out to be necessary to treat such concepts as following logically, analytic sentence or tautology as relative concepts which must be related to a definite but more or less arbitrary division of the terms of a language into logical and extra-logical; the arbitrariness of this division would be in some measure a natural reflection of that instability which can be observed in the usage of the concept of following in everyday speech.([1], sec. 3.3.2)
Let me tell you in advance that in answering the question ‘What are logical notions?’ what I shall do is make a suggestion or proposal about a possible use of the term ‘logical notion’. This suggestion seems to me to be in agreement, if not with all prevailing usage of the term ‘logical notion’, at least with one usage which actually is encountered in practice. I think the term is used in several different senses and that my suggestion gives an account of one of them.([77], p. 145)
4. Bolzano and Tarski on Logical Consequence
4.1. Introduction to Bolzano’s Definition
A proposition is formally deducible from a given proposition X if it is deducible when all those parts of X that the logicians do not look upon as belonging to its form are taken as variable.([21], vol. 1, p. 105)
[i]n order to appraise the analytic nature of [these propositions], nothing but logical knowledge is needed, since the concepts which form the invariable part of these propositions all belong to logic.([21], vol. 2, p. 59)
This distinction, I admit, is rather unstable, as the whole domain of concepts belonging to logic is not circumscribed so sharply that controversies could not arise at times.([21], vol. 2, p. 59)
4.2. The Relationship Between Language and Reality
4.3. Demarcation of Logical Constants
4.4. Compatibility of Premises
[T]here are situations—though not in logic itself, but in a field closely related to it, namely the methodology of deductive sciences (cf. Chapter VI)—in which we talk about sentences and the relation of consequence between them, and in which we use such terms as “implies” and “follows” in a different meaning more closely akin to the ordinary one.(p. 31)
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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5 | Note that the rule of infinite induction is different from the ordinary rule of induction, which only has two premises (the base step and the inductive step). |
6 | Tarski adopted the theory of semantic categories in § 4 of [51] (p. 215), but resigned from it in the postscript that was added later on (p. 268ff.). Relatedly, he first rejected the possibility of defining the proper concept of consequence and then recanted ([47], p. 295; [1], E.1). For a discussion on Tarski’s relation to the theory of semantic categories, see [48] (pp. 551, 562–563; n. 4) and [5] (p. 125ff.; secs 5.1.3, 6.1). For the origins of semantic categories in Leśniewski and Husserl, see [52]. |
7 | Carnap also had a third definition of logical consequence and related concepts, based on what he called ‘general syntax’ ([4], sec. 48ff.). This attempt, too, was criticized by Tarski ([1], H). However, even if he did not embrace it as a definition of logical consequence, it may have inspired his criterion of material adequacy ([5], pp. 213–214; cf. note 14 below). |
8 | Tarski’s article is based on a speech given at a congress in Paris in 1935. It was originally published in 1936 in both Polish [59] and German [60]. The German version was translated into English and published in Tarski’s collected papers in 1956 and, again, in 1983, under the title “On the concept of logical consequence” [61]. A new translation from both Polish and German, entitled “On the concept of following logically”, was published in 2002 [1]. I will keep to the established term ‘logical consequence’, but will otherwise rely on the new translation, which I take to be more accurate and authoritative than the old one, the reliability of which was questioned by Tarski himself ([62], pp. xiii–xiv; cf. [1], p. 156). |
9 | To be clear, I am not arguing that Tarski’s use of explication was particularly deliberate or articulate, nor am I here intending to establish that it was due to Carnap’s influence or that Carnap himself classified Tarski’s definition of logical consequence as an explication. For the time being, I am merely suggesting that what Tarski says about his approach and what he actually does in CLC perfectly fits Carnap’s description of explication. |
10 | Tarski remarks that “the common meaning of the word ‘true’—as that of any other word of everyday language—is to some extent vague”, that “its usage more or less fluctuates”, and that every solution of “the problem of assigning to this word a fixed and exact meaning … implies necessarily a certain deviation from the practice of everyday language” ([76], p. 360; cf. [5], pp. 229–232). These remarks are clearly aligned with the opening paragraph of CLC. |
11 | Compare this with what Tarski says about the concept of consequence in CTFL: “When, in everyday life, we say that a sentence follows from other sentences we no doubt mean something quite different from the existence of certain structural relations between these sentences [i.e., syntactic derivability]. In the light of the latest results of Gödel it seems doubtful whether this reduction has been effected without remainder.” ([51], p. 252, n. 1). |
12 | The term ‘adequate’ has an interesting history. Tarski himself chose this term in 1944 [76] to translate the Polish term trafny. Hodges [16] points out that the original term (and its German translation zutreffend) literally means ‘on target’ or ‘accurate’, suggesting extensional correctness. He complains that, although ‘adequate’ (Latin adaequatus) was used in the medieval Aristotelian tradition to express extensional correctness, the sense it has in modern English is “far too vague” for this purpose ([16], pp. 114–115). However, we will see in the next subsection that Tarski rejects Aristotelian attempts at extensional correctness in [76]. For this reason, I think it is plausible that he would have deliberately weakened the sense of the term. |
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14 | Patterson suggests that Tarski’s grounds for this criterion are “straight out of [Carnap’s] Logical Syntax” ([5], p. 213). |
15 | Compare this with Patterson’s distinction between “intuitive adequacy” and “complete intuitive adequacy” in the context of CTFL ([5], p. 124). |
16 | I am grateful to an anonymous referee for drawing my attention to the various everyday concepts and ‘non-classical’ everyday intuitions (see also [19], p. 56; [20], pp. 290–291). There is some evidence that Tarski might have been sensitive to such variation. Already before CLC, Tarski notes that the formalized concept of consequence cannot exhaust the idea of “all purely structural operations, which unconditionally lead from true statements to true statements”, but hesitates whether this idea exhausts the everyday concept ([47], pp. 294–295). It has been suggested that he has the intuitionists in mind when he speaks of the “sceptics” of the formalized concept in CLC ([1], 1.1.6; [20], p. 291). Some indication of non-classical intuitions may also be found in his discussion about less paradoxical alternatives to material implication ([78], pp. 25–28; cf. [20], pp. 290–291) and in his speculation that “we decided for some reasons to weaken our system of logic so as to deprive ourselves of the possibility of deriving every sentence from any two contradictory sentences” ([76], p. 368), although he is here concerned with the syntactic notion of consequence, not the semantic one. |
17 | In the German text [60], Tarski uses the term “murky” (verworren) at the beginning and the term “vague” (vage) in the later passage. |
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20 | Following Bolzano, I loosely speak of variation of ideas in propositions, although I really mean variation of linguistic expressions of ideas in sentences that express propositions (see [81], sec. 6.1). |
21 | Indeed, Carnap [4] uses the very word Ableitbarkeit (along with Ableitung) for his syntactic notion of consequence, but it is his Folge that corresponds to Bolzano’s Ableitbarkeit. To avoid confusion, I prefer to translate Carnap’s Ableitbarkeit as ‘derivability’ (as in [54]) and Bolzano’s Ableitbarkeit as ‘deducibility’ (as in [21]). |
22 | However, it has been speculated that Tarski might have been indirectly influenced by Bolzano through, e.g., Husserl’s Logical Investigations, which is known to have influenced Tarski through his teachers (recall the discussion of semantic categories above) and which includes a passage praising Bolzano ([85], pp. 14–15; cf. [86], sec. 8). |
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24 | According to Tarski, “we must always relate the notion of truth, like that of a sentence, to a specific language; for it is obvious that the same expression which is a true sentence in one language can be false or meaningless in another” ([76], p. 342). The same applies to logical consequence: it simply makes no sense to ask whether some logical consequence holds without specifying the language, just as it makes no sense to ask whether some string of symbols is a sentence without specifying the language. |
25 | To be exact, Tarski uniformly varies every occurrence of a variable term, whereas Bolzano allows for variation of only some occurrences ([83], p. 20). |
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27 | The analogy with the empty set actually applies to Bolzano’s logic of classes. In contrast to the standard set theory of our day, Bolzano does not allow ideas which represent no objects (such as the idea of a round square) to have empty collections as their extensions, but, instead, holds that they have no extensions at all ([86], sec. 4.2). |
28 | For an account of ‘Bolzanian explication’, see [99]. |
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Saario-Ramsay, L. From Natural to Artificial: The Transformation of the Concept of Logical Consequence in Bolzano, Carnap, and Tarski. Philosophies 2024, 9, 178.
Saario-Ramsay L. From Natural to Artificial: The Transformation of the Concept of Logical Consequence in Bolzano, Carnap, and Tarski. Philosophies. 2024; 9(6):178.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaario-Ramsay, Lassi. 2024. "From Natural to Artificial: The Transformation of the Concept of Logical Consequence in Bolzano, Carnap, and Tarski" Philosophies 9, no. 6: 178.
APA StyleSaario-Ramsay, L. (2024). From Natural to Artificial: The Transformation of the Concept of Logical Consequence in Bolzano, Carnap, and Tarski. Philosophies, 9(6), 178.