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Parameter Identification in Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Modules Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms

Dhiaa Halboot Muhsen
Haider Tarish Haider
Yaarob Al-Nidawi
Department of Computer Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad 14022, Iraq
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Designs 2024, 8(6), 119;
Submission received: 21 August 2024 / Revised: 29 October 2024 / Accepted: 5 November 2024 / Published: 12 November 2024


Identifying the parameters of a triple-diode electrical circuit structure in PV modules is a critical issue, and it has been regarded as an important research area. Accordingly, in this study, a differential evolution algorithm (DEA) is hybridized with an electromagnetism-like algorithm (EMA) in the mutation stage to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the DEA. A new formula is presented to adapt the control parameters (mutation factor and crossover rate) of the DEA. Seven different experimental data sets are used to improve the performance of the proposed differential evolution with an integrated mutation per iteration algorithm (DEIMA). The results of the proposed PV modeling method are evaluated with other state-of-the-art approaches. According to different statistical criteria, the DEIMA demonstrates superiority in terms of root mean square error and main bias error by at least 5.4% and 10%, respectively, as compared to other methods. Furthermore, the DEIMA has an average execution time of 27.69 s, which is less than that of the other methods.

1. Introduction

Air pollution and the fluctuation of fossil fuel prices due to political and economic crises around the world are the main problems that affect energy demand. In addition to the aforementioned drawbacks of conventional energy sources, fossil fuels are not abundant or sustainable [1]. Furthermore, energy demand has dramatically increased over time due to urbanized lifestyles. Therefore, finding a new sustainable energy source is a crucial research topic. Solar energy represents one of the most important and promising alternative energy sources [2,3]. Photovoltaic (PV) technology plays an important role in converting solar irradiance into direct-current electricity. The long lifecycle of PV modules and their environmentally friendly features are the main advantages of this technology [4]. In addition, the price of PV modules decreases over time [4]. The main drawback of PV modules is the low efficiency of converting solar energy into electricity [5]. This issue makes the output of PV modules limited, and it also suffers from weather fluctuations. Thus, the modeling of PV modules has to be more accurate to enable project administrators to use an appropriate number of PV modules in order to achieve a reliable and cost-effective PV system. Modeling PV modules significantly depends on the process of estimating the procedure of identifying unknown parameters for equivalent electrical circuits. These parameters are unknown and sensitive to weather conditions. Generally, the estimation of PV module parameters is performed via three approaches: analytical, numerical, and artificial intelligence (AI)-based methods [6]. In analytical methods, a relationship is established between the parameters of the PV module under a standard test condition (STC) and other weather conditions using manufacturer data [7]. The importance of analytical approaches is that they allow the fast and simple calculation of parameters [8]. The main issue with analytical methods is the significant deviation between experimental and simulated performance due to the impact of geographical situations on PV module parameters.
Numerical methods are used to overcome the drawbacks of analytical methods. In numerical methods, all the points of the I-V characteristic curve are used to extract the parameters of a PV module based on an iteration method [9]. Numerical methods offer a more accurate estimation of PV module parameters than analytical methods. The drawback of numerical methods is their requirement of big I-V data curves, and the accuracy of the results is affected by the assumed initial conditions of the parameters [10]. Furthermore, numerical methods need great computational resources. A combination of numerical and analytical methods (a compound method) was presented in [11,12,13] to obtain the benefits of the aforementioned methods. The drawbacks of both analytical and numerical methods still exist in the compound method.
The third type of PV modeling method is based on artificial intelligence (AI). Many research works adopted artificial neural networks (ANNs) for modeling PV modules [14]. ANN-based PV modeling can be represented as a black box that requires a large amount of data on I-V characteristic points. Moreover, it represents a complex, location-dependent modeling method. Due to the reliability and efficiency of metaheuristic algorithms, the latter are extensively used for modeling PV modules [15]. The I-V characteristics of PV modules are nonlinear, so the metaheuristic is an appropriate choice for handling the modeling problem. In the last decade, great research efforts have been devoted to estimating the parameters of the single-diode model (SDM) and double-diode model (DDM) of PV modules using various metaheuristic algorithms. On the other hand, few research works have been devoted to determining the parameters of the triple-diode model (TDM) of PV modules. In [16], the authors utilized an iterative process using the PSO algorithm to estimate PV model parameters and fitting the measured I-V curves to the calculated I-V curves. The series resistance parameter was considered to vary linearly with the load current through the device. The TDM proposed in [16] is compared to the two-diode model, and the findings indicate that the TDM’s performance is better than that of the DDM. Meanwhile, nine unknown parameters of the TDM PV module were extracted via a novel implementation of the coyote optimization algorithm (COA) in [17]. The obtained ideal design variables of the presented COA-TDM were studied against the ideal variables achieved through a whale optimization algorithm (WOA)-based TDM PV model, a genetic algorithm (GA), and simulated annealing (SA) for both modules (KC200GT and MSX-60). The proposed COA-TDM showed optimal design variables that were quite close to those achieved by applying other metaheuristic optimization algorithms for two commercial PV modules.
In [18], a compound of an analytical method and an improved differential evolution algorithm called the IDEA was presented to identify the parameters of the DDM and TDM of PV modules. For both the TDM and DDM, the parameters were partially extracted via an analytical process (seven TDM parameters and five DDM parameters) and by using optimization techniques (both the TDM and DDM have two variables). In [19], a slime mold algorithm (SMA) was presented according to slime mold’s natural oscillation. Based on a unique mathematical expression, the SMA was introduced, and it adapts the weights to collect negative and positive feedback of the slime mold propagation wave. According to the results of [19], the SMA showed better performance for the TDM, DDM, and SDM as compared to other heuristic methods. Transient search optimization (TSO) was proposed in [20]. It is based on a novel competent metaheuristic optimizer and aims to estimate a TDM PV module’s optimal nine parameters. Different companies have applied TSO for a given objective function to identify three PV modules. Accordingly, PV I-V characteristics have been validated by the measured data with regards to different solar radiation values and temperatures. The TSO algorithm has proven its effectiveness as compared to other models, as indicated through the convergence curves. The authors of [21] customized the collected data and mathematical representations of a PV model for different diode numbers (SDM/DDM/TDM). In their study, the optimal parameters of the studied approach were determined according to variants of the fractional chaotic ensemble particle swarm optimizer (FC-EPSO) and other models. The root mean square error (RMSE) is also one of the data sets that has been calculated, assessed, and adapted as an objective function by the proposed algorithm. To justify the superiority of the presented approach, it has been tested against other approaches in the literature. The outcomes in [21] showed the least deviation between the estimated and measured curves with the fastest convergence.
Integrating both computational processes and the Harris hawk optimization (HHO) algorithm is another approach that was presented by the authors in [22]. The target of this model is to determine the parameters of the TDM regarding a PV module. In this work, the authors utilized the standard test condition (STC) datasheet values of the PV modules with a normal operating cell temperature (NOCT). This process is required to analytically examine four parameters while finding the remaining five parameters through the HHO model. Seeking to estimate the parameters, two commercial PV panels were used as the mono-crystalline CS6K280M and multi-crystal KC200GT. The results in [22] proved the efficacy of the presented model by depending on the datasheet values only. Accordingly, it can simply be implemented to find the electrical parameters of any commercial PV panel. In [23], a new optimization method, namely the interval branch and bound algorithm, was introduced and validated for three different parameter estimation models of PV cells (SDM, DDM, and TDM). The outcomes were justified against other available outcomes in the literature regarding the same data set. The behavior of the presented model was examined with regards to convergence speed and resulted in variability as a comparison to metaheuristics. The estimated features of the tested cells for both P-V and I-V have shown to be very similar to the experimental data, and the obtained findings are quite close to other efficient algorithms. In [24], an improved wind-driven optimization (IWDO) model was presented and applied, which calculated the triple-diode parameters of the PV cell model. In order to evaluate the proposed model, the IWDO model was implemented on three PV model techniques, poly-crystalline, mono-crystalline, and thin film. Accordingly, the obtained results were compared with other findings that were collected from other contributions to validate their accuracy. According to the results in [24], the presented algorithm showed superiority over other models in terms of accuracy and convergence speed. The authors in [25] relied on manta ray foraging optimization (MRFO) to find the unknown parameters of PV cells. MRFO was adapted to extract the optimal PV parameters regarding each of the single-, double-, and three-diode algorithms. Based on comparative results among different metaheuristic algorithms and MRFO, the findings proved that MRFO showed a better balance between the experimental and calculated I–V curves.
The authors in [26] proposed an enhanced LSHADE optimization technique called the Chaotic LSHADE (CLSHADE) model. The model was traced to the Lambert W-function that estimates both the TDM and DDM parameters of PV equivalent circuits. The outcomes indicated that the accuracy of the CLSHADE model could be enhanced through adapting the presented solar cell current expressions. The RMSE was calculated according to both the TDM and DDM. The authors in [27] proposed an improved spherical evolution technique that is based on a novel dynamic sine cosine mechanism (DSCSE). The experimental findings indicated the superiority of the DSCSE over other comparative approaches with different models and provided superior outcomes regardless of different temperatures and light intensities. Based on the DE (HDE), a novel heterogeneous mechanism was presented in [28] to identify PV model parameters. Parameter fitting for the DDM, SDM, STP6-120/36 MM, TDM, Photowatt-PWP201 MM, and STM6-40/36 MM were determined by the HDE. The findings indicated the superiority of the HDE regarding the majority of PV techniques. Moreover, the HDE also takes little execution time to conduct its task. Although the HDE showed necessary features, its behavior regarding a few PV models like the TDM and DDM can be further improved. An enhanced model of the slime mold technique was presented in [29]. This model is based on the Lambert W-function (ImSMA_LW) to extract each of the SDM, DDM, and TDM parameters regarding a PV module. According to [29], ImSMA_LW offered compromised results under various scenarios with different conditions.
The contributions of this article can be presented as follows:
  • Nine unknown parameters of the TDM are accurately extracted by using a new differential evolution with integrated mutation per iteration algorithm (DEIMA). The proposed DEIM hybridized the conventional differential evolution algorithm (DEA) and the electromagnetism-like algorithm (EMA). This integration is required to overcome the drawbacks of these algorithms. The attraction–repulsion concept of EMA is utilized to synergize the mutation strategy of the conventional DE algorithm. In the DEIMA, both the EMA and DEA mutation strategies are applied within the same iteration.
  • A novel adaptive formula is proposed to realize an adaptive mutation factor with crossover rate values of the DEA’s mutation strategy. The adaptive technique in this formula is based on the evolution of the fitness function.
  • The results of the proposed PV model are evaluated with regards to the DEIM algorithm and using realistic experimental I-V data of seven different operation conditions. In addition, the outcomes of the proposed DEIMA are compared with other related contributions in the literature using various statistical indices.
The manuscript is structured as follows: the Introduction is presented in Section 1. In Section 2, the triple-diode PV module is clarified and the PV module parameter estimation process is discussed. The proposed DEIMA is highlighted in Section 3. Next, the evaluation criteria that are utilized for evaluating the DEIMA results are presented in Section 4. The results of the proposed DEIMA-based PV method are presented, discussed, and evaluated in Section 5. The conclusions of this contribution and suggestions for future work are drawn in Section 6.

2. PV Modeling Method

This section demonstrates the mathematical representation of the triple-diode PV module. Furthermore, it discusses the parameter estimation process of the TDM-PV module, where it is considered as an optimization problem.

2.1. Triple-Diode PV Module Model

The TDM of the PV module comprises three diodes that are connected in parallel, as shown in Figure 1. The third diode is added into an equivalent electrical circuit of the PV module to simulate the recombination in grain sites and defected regions. The PV current output can be formulated by [22]
I = I p h I o 1 e x p q V + I R S a 1 B T C 1 I o 2 e x p q V + I R S a 2 B T C 1 I o 3 e x p q V + I R S a 3 B T C 1 V + I R S R P
where I and I p h are the PV output current (A) and photogenerated current (A), respectively. I o 1 ,   I o 2 ,   and   I o 3 are the saturation currents (A) that flow in the first, second, and third diodes, respectively. V is the PV output voltage (V); a 1 ,   a 2 ,   and   a 3 are the ideality factors of the first, second, and third diodes, respectively; q , B , and T C are the electron charge (1.60217646E-19C), Boltzman constant (1.3806503E-23J/K), and cell temperature (K), respectively. R S is the series resistor, and R P is the parallel resistor (Ω).
According to Equation (1), there are nine indefinite parameters that should be precisely estimated. As it was stated previously, these parameters are related to weather conditions, specifically the ambient temperature and solar irradiance.

2.2. Problem Formulation

The issue of estimating nine indefinite parameters in the TDM-PV module can be formulated as an optimization problem with nine decision variables and an objective function, as follows:
O F = 1 n i = 1 n f ( I e , V , δ ) 2
f I e , V , δ = I e I
I e is the experimental output current (A) of the PV module. I refers to the PV module’s computed current according to the estimated parameters that were described by vector δ = I p h ,   I o 1 ,   I o 2 ,   I o 3 ,   a 1 ,   a 2 ,   a 3 ,   R S ,   R P . Variable n represents the total number of points in the experimental I-V characteristic curve.

3. DEIMA Optimization Algorithm

The proposed PV modeling method is based on the DEIMA. In addition, this section highlights the strategy of deriving an adaptive formula for both the mutation and crossover rate control parameters of the DEIMA. The DEIMA is a stochastic metaheuristic optimization algorithm, which is initiated by hybridizing the DEA and EMA. The attraction–repulsion concept of the EMA is synergically utilized with the conventional mutation stage of the DEA. The four steps of the DEIMA will be discussed in detail in the following subsections.

3.1. Initialization

The first step of the DEIMA is initializing the D P × N P population, where D P is the number of decision variables and N P refers to the number of individual candidate vectors. It is worth mentioning that each individual vector comprises D P decision variables. The population ( p o p ) can be described as follows:
p o p = x 11 x 12 x 1 N P x 21 x 22 x 2 N P x D P 1 x D P 2 x D P N P
The D P parameters of the i t h individual vector are randomly initiated using Equation (5) and uniformly distributed within the interval of the j t h decision variable X L j ,   X H j , where X L j is the lower boundary and X H j is the upper bounds of the search space.
X j i 0 = X L j i + r a n d × X H j i X L j i
where r a n d is a random number, which is selected randomly in the range of (0, 1).

3.2. Mutation

The proposed DEIMA utilizes two different types of mutation, ( M e and M d ). Both types are used in each iteration and based on the following criterion:
M u t a t i o n   o p e r a t i o n = M e i f   θ l G < ε 1 θ l 0 M d o t h e r w i s e
where θ l 0 and θ l G refer to the l t h standard deviation vectors of the row vectors of the p o p population in the initial and G generations, respectively; l is a random number, which is randomly chosen within the [ 1 ,   D P ] interval; and ε 1 is a constant control parameter with a value belonging to the interval [0, 1] [30]. The ε 1 controls the switch between M e and M d mutation operations within the population. The M d mutation operation is achieved by computing the mutant vector X ^ i G , as follows:
X ^ i G = X ^ r 1 G + F X ^ r 2 G X ^ r 3 G
where X ^ r 1 G , X ^ r 2 G , and X ^ r 3 G are three distinct individual vectors randomly selected from the population. In other words, r 1 , r 2 , and r 3 are distinct indices and belong to the period [ 1 ,   N P ] . F is the mutation control factor having values within [0.5, 1] [31]. It is worth mentioning that the control parameter F and crossover control rate ( C R ) in the crossover step are adaptive in each iteration and are being set by using a novel formula, as follows:
F ,   C R = d ( L 1 + e x p ( k ( w w 0 ) ) + b )
The above formula is based on a sigmoid function, where the maximum value is labeled as the L of a sigmoid function curve and k and w 0 are the steepness of the curve and midpoint of the x-axis sigmoid function, respectively. In the current research work, L , k , and w 0 are set to 1, 12, and 0 values according to many experiments; b and d are constants, which are chosen to maintain F and C R within [0.5, 1], where b is set to 1 and d equals 0.5; and w refers to the random weighted difference between the best objective function value of w and is computed by
w = O F X b e s t G O F X b e s t G 1 r a n d
As it was stated previously, the second part of the mutation is M e . The last operation utilized the total force exerted on X r 1 G by X r 2 G and X r 3 G to compute the mutant vector X i G . The force exerted by any individual vector on another one depends on the charge between them, which is calculated as shown below:
q r 1 r 2 G = O F X r 1 G O F X r 2 G O F X w o r s t G O F X b e s t G
q r 1 r 3 G = O F X r 1 G O F X r 3 G O F X w o r s t G O F X b e s t G
where O F ( X G ) refers to the objective function value of individual vector X in the G t h iteration. X w o r s t G and X b e s t G are the worst and best solution in the G t h iteration, respectively. Consequently, the exerted forces by X r 2 G and X r 3 G on the individual vector X r 1 G are described by [32]
F r 1 r 2 G = ( X r 2 G X r 1 G ) q r 1 r 2 G
F r 1 r 3 G = ( X r 3 G X r 1 G ) q r 1 r 3 G
Then, the resultant force exerted by X r 2 G and X r 3 G on X r 1 G is calculated by
F r 1 G = F r 1 r 2 G + X r 1 r 3 G
Next, the M e mutation operation produces the X i G mutant vector in the G t h iteration and is corresponding to X i G as follows:
X ^ i G = X r 1 G + F α G

3.3. Crossover

In this step, the trial vector of G t h iteration y j , i G is initiated by utilizing both the corresponding target X r 1 G or the mutant X ^ i G vector based on the following formula:
Y j , i G = X ^ j , i G i f   r a n d C R   o r   j = I i X j , i G o t h e r w i s e
where I i is an index number, which is randomly selected from the interval [ 1 ,   D P ] . As was stated in previous subsections, C R is the crossover control rate, which has an adaptive value that is computed by Equation (8). At the end of the crossover step, the element of the trial vector (decision variable) will be checked to determine if one of them violates the boundaries of the corresponding search space. Equation (5) is used to initiate the element of the trial vector when it is an unphysical value.

3.4. Selection

The last step of the DEIMA is the selection step, which chooses between the trial vector and the corresponding individual vector for the G t h iteration, and is described as
X i G + 1 = Y i G i f   O F   Y i G < O F X i G X i G o t h e r w i s e
At the end of the selection step, the individual vector of generation ( G + 1 ) is generated to constitute the new population. Figure 2 illustrates the proposed DEIMA method for estimating the unknown nine parameters of the TDM-PD module.

4. Evaluation Criteria

This research work adapts seven criteria, which are required in the assessment step of the introduced PV modeling method and are compared to other methods. More details about the criteria evaluation are presented in the next subsection.

4.1. Root Mean Square Error ( R M S E )

The R M S E criterion presents the deviation between the computed and experimented points of the I-V characteristic curve along the n-data set, as depicted below:
R M S E = 1 n t = 1 n ( I e t I c t ) 2
where I e t and I c t are the experimental and computed currents at the i t h point of the I-V curve.

4.2. Mean Bias Error ( M B E )

The overall bias error between the computed and experimented I-V characteristic curve is measured by using the M B E formula, as presented below:
M B E = 1 n t = 1 n ( I e t I c t ) 2

4.3. Coefficient of Determination ( R 2 )

R 2 is another criterion that is utilized to assess the accuracy and performance of the proposed PV modeling method. This coefficient explains the degree of ability that a computed I-V curve has to follow the experimental one. It is worth mentioning that the better value of the R 2 criterion should be close to 1. The R 2 is computed by
R 2 = 1 t = 1 n I c t I e t 2 t = 1 n I e t I e ¯ 2
I e ¯ = 1 n t = 1 n I e t

4.4. Average Absolute Error ( A A E )

Absolute error shows the absolute difference between the experimental and calculated currents. The average value of absolute error is computed by finding the average of absolute error over all the points of the I-V curve. The A A E is calculated by
A A E = 1 n t = 1 n I c t I e t

4.5. Deviation of RMSE ( d m )

The evaluation criterion d m refers to the R M S E deviation of each solar irradiance from the mean R M S E as regards the seven operation conditions, and is formulated as
d m = R M S E m R M S E ¯
where R M S E m refers to the R M S E of the m t h solar irradiance (operation condition) and R M S E ¯ is the arithmetic mean of R M S E regarding all operation conditions ( G 1 G 7 ) .     R M S E E ¯ is computed by
R M S E ¯ = 1 r   t = 1 r R M S E t
where r is the total number of operation conditions.

4.6. Standard Test Deviation ( S T D )

Another statistical criterion, S T D , is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed PV modeling method. The S T D value explains the average deviation in the R M S E for the seven operation conditions. The S T D is computed by
S T D = 1 ( r 1 ) m = 1 r ( d m ) 2

4.7. CPU Execution Time (CET)

The required CPU time for executing the DEIMA is the last criterion utilized by the result evaluation process.

5. Results and Discussion

A multicrystalline Kyocera KC120-1 with a 120 Wp capacity PV module is used in this paper for testing the proposed modeling method. The specifications of the aforementioned PV module are tabulated in Table 1.
Seven different operation conditions are used as experimental data to extract the parameters of the PV module. These operation conditions are denoted by G1 to G7, and they are tabulated in Table 2. The first and second columns of Table 2 comprise the solar irradiance and cell temperature of various operation conditions. It is worth mentioning that each operation condition includes various length of experimental I-V data points that were explained in the fourth column of Table 2. It should be noted that the weather condition and operation condition terms are interchangeably used throughout this paper.
A different evolution with an integrated mutation per each iteration is adopted to estimate the unknown TDM parameters. Since the dimension of the PV module optimization problem is 9, then there are 9 decision variables ( D P ). Accordingly, the number of individual solutions will be 10 D [33,34]. The maximum number of iterations ( G m a x ) for the DEIMA and other adapted methods used for comparison is proposed to be 500 as a typical value. This number is based on several trial-and-error tests. According to many operations, the switching control parameter ( ε 1 ) finds that the value of 0.28 is considered as the best performance of the DEIMA. Meanwhile, the mutation factor and crossover rate of the DEIMA are adaptive according to the proposed formula, which was discussed previously.
The search space range of the nine parameters regarding the TDM is based on some addressed values in the literature. The photocurrent, R S , R P , diode saturation currents ( I o 1 ,   I o 2 ,   and   I o 3 ), and diode ideality factors ( a 1 ,   a 2 ,   a n d   a 3 ) are chosen to be [1, 8] A, [0.1, 2] Ω, [100, 5000] Ω, [10−12, 10−5] A, and [1, 2], respectively [35].
The nine parameters of the TDM PV module are estimated according to the DEIMA and are explained in Table 3. According to Table 3, the value of the photocurrent ( I p h ) increases when the solar irradiance increases, which supports the direct relationship between them. Based on the estimated parameters and Newton–Raphson method, the I-V and P-V curves of the TDM PV module under seven different operation conditions can be obtained as illustrated in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively. According to Figure 3 and Figure 4, it can be visually concluded that the I-V and P-V curves obtained by the DEIMA-based PV modeling method are closer to the experimental ones. It is worth mentioning that the experimental I-V and P-V curves of the PV module are irregular due to the error in the I-V generator, which is used in the field to collect the experimental data. It should be noticed that most of the deviation between the computed and experimental currents is concentrated near the vicinity of the maximum power point (MPP), especially at high solar irradiance levels. This happened because the predicted current is higher than the experimental current. Furthermore, the experimental I-V curves of the PV module are irregular.
Figure 5 shows the evolution of the objective function within all of the generations under the seven operation conditions for the DEIMA, which are required to calculate the TDM parameters of the PV module. The presented DEIMA shows fast convergence and minimum objective function values for all operation conditions. It should be noted that the proposed modeling method is based on the DEIMA and exhibits a stable objective function value at the first 20 iterations, which is around 1.1076 s as the average convergence time. The proposed novel formula for adapting F and C R values manage to have fast DEIMA converges and realizes stable performance. The F and C R values are chosen based on the evolution of the objective function, and the F and C R values converge to 0.5 with the progress of DEIMA generations and make the latter work in the exploitation phase. Due to the distinctive exploitation of the DEIMA, the proposed model predicts the optimal parameter values with minimum objective function value. The accurate estimation of nine parameters of the TDM PV module have enabled the production of both I-V and P-V points with more accuracy and closer to the experimental data. Figure 6 shows the effectiveness values of F and C R according to w values.
The time computational complexity of the proposed DEIMA depends on the initialization, the evaluation of fitness functions ( F E ), the update of the solution (mutation and crossover stages), the population size ( N P ), the number of decision variables ( D P ), and the maximum number of iterations (   G m a x ). Thus, the overall computational complexity of the DEIMA can be presented by
O D E I M A = O i n i t i a l i z a t i o n + O f u n c t i o n   e v a l u a t i o n + O m u t a t i o n + O c r o s s o v e r + O s e l e c t i o n = N P 1 + D P +   G m a x F E + 2 D P
In order to highlight the superiority of the proposed PV modeling method based on the DEIMA, a fair comparison with other methods in the literature is presented. The penalty differential evolution algorithm (PDEA) [36], the improved adaptive differential evolution algorithm (IADEA) [31], the electromagnetism-like algorithm (EMA) [37], ImSMA_LW [29], and the ant lion optimizer with Lambert W-function (ALO_LW) [38] are all used as benchmarks for comparison purposes and thus for evaluating the effectiveness of the DEIMA. The PDEA and EMA are utilized for comparison purposes because the proposed DEIM algorithm is a hybridization between them. Thus, the comparison with the PDEA and EMA is important to show the superior performance of the DEIM algorithm, where the latter combines the useful aspects of various algorithms. Furthermore, the models based on the PDEA, EMA, IADE, ALO_LW, and ImSMA_LW algorithms use the same experimental I-V data that were used in the current research work. Therefore, for the sake of transparency and justice, the aforementioned models are used for a comparison with the performance of the DEIM algorithm. In addition, the PDEA, EMA, IADE, ALO_LW, and ImSMA_LW algorithms offer acceptable and accurate PV models according to the literature. The experimental conditions, including the size of the population, maximum number of generations, and search space of the decision variables, for all of the aforementioned methods consider the same metrics for all of the methods to ensure fair comparisons. It should be noted that the mutation factor and crossover rate of the DEIMA and IADEA are dynamically adaptive according to a formula. Meanwhile, the mutation factor and crossover rate of the PDEA are chosen to be 0.5 and 1, respectively [36].
Figure 7 shows the R M S E of the proposed DEIMA and other compared algorithms under seven operation conditions. The proposed DEIMA offers the lowest R M S E values under all of the operation conditions with an average value around 0.06024. The ALO_LW, ImSMA_LW, IADEA, and EMA provided the second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-lowest R M S E values, respectively. Meanwhile, the PDEA exhibited the worst R M S E value as compared to the other methods. The DEIMA presents the lowest M B E as compared to other methods, with an average M B E of 0.00518 over the seven operation conditions, as shown in Figure 8. The PDEA still has the worst M B E values over all of the operation conditions.
Figure 9 shows the determination coefficient of various algorithms as a bar chart. The proposed DEIMA also offers compromised R 2 values, which are close to the value of one over the seven operation conditions. The average R 2 values of the DEIMA, ALO_LW, ImSMA_LW, IADEA, EMA, and PDEA are 0.9923, 0.994, 0.9935, 0.9915, 0.9914, and 0.9885, respectively.
The CPU execution times of the various algorithms are tabulated in Table 4 over seven weather conditions. The average execution time of the DEIMA is around 27.69 s. The DEIMA needs less time to conduct execution as compared to the other methods. Although the algorithms ALO_LW and ImSMA_LW offered promising results in many evaluation criteria, they need a long execution time to compute the optimal TDM parameters of the PV module.
Figure 10 shows the R M S E deviation of each operation condition ( d m ). The DEIMA offers the lowest d m values in the G1, G2, G4, and G7 operation conditions. The EMA joins the proposed DEIMA in the G3, G5, and G6 weather conditions in offering the best d m values. Small d m values prove the capability of the proposed method regarding the effective estimation of PV module parameters. The S T D value can be computed for various methods by using d m over the seven operation conditions. The DEIMA presents 0.0426 as the lowest S T D value, as compared to the IADEA, ALO_LW, EMA, and PDEA with 0.04416, 0.0446, 0.04684, and 0.04937, respectively.
The last criterion used to compare the results of DEIMA with other algorithms is the average absolute error ( A A E ). Figure 11 shows the A A E of the proposed DEIMA and other methods. Based on Figure 10, the DEIMA presents the lowest A A E over the seven operation conditions. It is worth mentioning that the A A E is significantly increased when the operation conditions are changed from G1 to G7. This scenario occurred as the number of I-V points in the data set increased, as was stated in Table 2.
Based on the aforementioned discussions, the radar diagram in Figure 12 can be drawn by scoring each algorithm according to its performance regarding each criterion. It is noticed that the proposed DEIMA is claiming the first score among the other methods for most of the criteria. Meanwhile, the PDEA obtained the last score (6) for most of criteria, except for the CPU execution time.

6. Conclusions

A PV modeling technique based on a hybrid combined optimization algorithm is presented in this paper. The modeling method is utilized to find the unknown parameters of a triple-diode PV module. The proposed algorithm hybridized both the conventional DEA and EMA to obtain the DEIMA. The mutation stage of the DEA is boosted by the attraction–repulsion concept of the EMA. A novel formula is proposed for adapting the mutation factor and crossover rate control parameters for each iteration. The formula uses the sigmoid function and the evolution of fitness function. The proposed mutation factor and crossover rate formula improved the reliability and efficiency of the optimization algorithm. The fitness function is formulated by using the root mean square error between the experimental and computed PV output currents over n -points of the I-V characteristic with regards to seven operation conditions. The operation conditions are chosen with different solar irradiance and ambient temperatures in order to indicate the superiority of the proposed PV modeling method. The outcomes of the DEIMA are validated against other optimization algorithms by evaluating various statistical criteria. According to the results, the DEIMA offered a significant superiority as compared to the other compared methods in terms of accuracy and convergence. The proposed DEIM algorithm is characterized by simple execution, low-complexity computation, and guaranteed convergence. In future work, the authors will focus on using DEIMA-based multi-objective functions to estimate nine parameters of a triple-diode PV module, which will be integrated with a multicriteria decision-making method.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.H.M., H.T.H. and Y.A.-N.; data curation, D.H.M. and H.T.H.; formal analysis, D.H.M., Y.A.-N. and H.T.H.; investigation, D.H.M. and H.T.H.; methodology, D.H.M. and H.T.H.; validation, H.T.H. and Y.A.-N.; writing—original draft preparation, D.H.M., H.T.H. and Y.A.-N.; writing—review and editing, D.H.M., H.T.H. and Y.A.-N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding authors due to copyright issues.


The authors would like to thank Mustansiriyah University ( Baghdad-Iraq for its support in the present work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interest or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


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Figure 1. Electrical equivalent circuit of triple-diode PV module model.
Figure 1. Electrical equivalent circuit of triple-diode PV module model.
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Figure 2. DEIMA-based PV modeling method.
Figure 2. DEIMA-based PV modeling method.
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Figure 3. I-V characteristics of TDM of PV module under seven distinct operation conditions (different colors are experimental I-V data with different solar irradiance and cell temperature).
Figure 3. I-V characteristics of TDM of PV module under seven distinct operation conditions (different colors are experimental I-V data with different solar irradiance and cell temperature).
Designs 08 00119 g003
Figure 4. P-V characteristics of TDM of PV module under seven distinct operation conditions (different colors are experimental P-V data with different solar irradiance and cell temperature).
Figure 4. P-V characteristics of TDM of PV module under seven distinct operation conditions (different colors are experimental P-V data with different solar irradiance and cell temperature).
Designs 08 00119 g004
Figure 5. Fitness function evolution of TDM of PV module parameter estimation using DEIMA under seven operation conditions.
Figure 5. Fitness function evolution of TDM of PV module parameter estimation using DEIMA under seven operation conditions.
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Figure 6. Possible F and CR values regarding w values.
Figure 6. Possible F and CR values regarding w values.
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Figure 7. R M S E of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
Figure 7. R M S E of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
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Figure 8. M B E of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
Figure 8. M B E of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
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Figure 9. R 2 of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
Figure 9. R 2 of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
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Figure 10. The d m of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
Figure 10. The d m of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
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Figure 11. A A E of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
Figure 11. A A E of various optimization algorithms under different operation conditions.
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Figure 12. The radar diagram of various algorithms for different criteria.
Figure 12. The radar diagram of various algorithms for different criteria.
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Table 1. The specifications of Kyocera KC120-1 PV module [32].
Table 1. The specifications of Kyocera KC120-1 PV module [32].
Number of cells connected in series36
Short-circuit current ( I s c )7.45 A
Open-circuit voltage ( V o c )21.5 V
Current at maximum power point ( I m p )7.1 A
Voltage at maximum power point ( V m p )16.9 V
Maximum power at STC ( P m a x )120 WP
Temperature coefficient of I s c   ( α )1.325 mA/K
Temperature coefficient of V o c   ( β )−77.5 mV/K
Table 2. Seven operation conditions and related solar irradiance and cell temperatures.
Table 2. Seven operation conditions and related solar irradiance and cell temperatures.
Length of Data (n)Solar Radiance (W/m2)Cell Temperature (K)
Table 3. The nine estimated parameters of the TDM of the PV module.
Table 3. The nine estimated parameters of the TDM of the PV module.
a 1 1.000041.405441.974681.996081.640651.530821.49762
a 2 1.976601.450381.063831.000951.495541.440841.49754
a 3 1.991441.354641.042201.310401.450001.456711.49766
R S 1.902990.131950.751720.534550.235490.166360.18106
R P 100.00554125.38801195.59178169.22920100.001084798.1068100.00002
I p h 1.000001.000001.957964.428015.059955.186106.27363
I o 1 1.59 × 10−86.695 × 10−108.974 × 10−73.610 × 10−69.966 × 10−69.996 × 10−61.00 × 10−5
I o 2 9.97 × 10−65.555 × 10−62.591 × 10−96.494 × 10−99.948 × 10−69.779 × 10−61.00 × 10−5
I o 3 9.96 × 10−64.180 × 10−71.232 × 10−72.915 × 10−69.692 × 10−69.994 × 10−61.00 × 10−5
Table 4. Execution time of various algorithms under several operation conditions.
Table 4. Execution time of various algorithms under several operation conditions.
AlgorithmOperation ConditionAverage
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MDPI and ACS Style

Muhsen, D.H.; Haider, H.T.; Al-Nidawi, Y. Parameter Identification in Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Modules Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms. Designs 2024, 8, 119.

AMA Style

Muhsen DH, Haider HT, Al-Nidawi Y. Parameter Identification in Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Modules Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms. Designs. 2024; 8(6):119.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Muhsen, Dhiaa Halboot, Haider Tarish Haider, and Yaarob Al-Nidawi. 2024. "Parameter Identification in Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Modules Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms" Designs 8, no. 6: 119.

APA Style

Muhsen, D. H., Haider, H. T., & Al-Nidawi, Y. (2024). Parameter Identification in Triple-Diode Photovoltaic Modules Using Hybrid Optimization Algorithms. Designs, 8(6), 119.

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