This section presents the optimization framework, which is the main focus of the study, based on FEM and utilizing GA. The results of the process are then presented and discussed.
4.1. Problem Formulation and Optimization Framework
During the design process of a steel connection, the position of the bolts can significantly influence the overall stiffness of the joint [
47]. This observation is supported by the results of the parameter sensitivity analysis, where the influence of the axial distance between bolts was investigated. Additionally, finding the optimal layout to maximize structural performance can be challenging. Therefore, in this part of the study, GA developed using PYTHON programming language was integrated with ABAQUS software to determine the ideal positions and prestressing force of the bolts.
The primary objective was to achieve the highest possible mechanical performance by enhancing both the stiffness and the ultimate load-bearing capacity of the joint. However, it is important to note that during structural design, several other criteria must also be considered and satisfied, such as deformation and plastic strain limitations [
48], as well as various detailing rules. In this research, the regularization of bolt positions and the prestressing force were considered as optimization constraints, as presented later in this section.
To evaluate the structural performance of the previously presented configurations, the objective function, also known as the fitness function and denoted as , was formulated based on the stiffness of the connection and the ultimate force value. Consequently, the stiffness, defined as the ratio of the applied force to the displacement , was calculated for each increment throughout the overall loading history and summarized at the end of the simulation. Additionally, the ultimate force at the final increment was incorporated into the fitness function, alongside the incremental stiffness terms, to determine the fitness number.
In the optimization process, a displacement constraint was imposed, requiring that the displacement at the load level
meets or exceeds the specified ultimate displacement
for the design. Additionally, the Eurocode guidelines for bolt positioning and preload were incorporated into the optimization framework to maintain compliance with design standards [
9]. In this manner, the optimization problem can be formulated as follows:
represents the current iteration number,
denotes the edge distance from the center of the bolt hole,
is the spacing between bolt centers,
is the bolt preload value,
represents the ultimate tensile strength of the bolts, and
is the nominal bolt diameter.
During the optimization process, the design domain was defined based on the constraints represented by Equations (12)–(14). Accordingly, the distance between bolts in the transverse direction was allowed to vary between
discrete steps, while in the longitudinal direction, it ranged from
discrete steps. Additionally, the bolt prestressing force was allowed to range between
and the optimal prestressing value, as specified by Eurocode [
The optimization process was implemented using the PYTHON programming language to develop GA, which was integrated with the ABAQUS software to calculate the fitness value of each individual, based on the mechanical properties. This was achieved by creating a comprehensive PYTHON script that encapsulates all of the key aspects of the proposed FEM model parametrically. During the optimization, a standard bit-string chromosome was used to represent different bolt layouts and prestressing forces. After generating a population, the developed program decodes the chromosomes for ABAQUS, filling predefined parameters with values, and resulting in the creation of individual models. Subsequently, the simulation is conducted, and an additional part of the code processes the results and calculates the fitness based on Equation (10).
Once the fitness value is determined, the aforementioned genetic operators, which are also included in the developed PYTHON program, generate offspring. This process continues until the final generation is reached. The framework is illustrated in
Figure 14. During optimization, the previously presented alternative modeling technique is used to reduce computational time, significantly shortening the overall process duration.
Before starting the optimization, the key characteristics of the GA needed to be defined. In this study, the population size was set to
, which is a commonly used value in similar optimization problems [
35], as it strikes a balance between computational efficiency and solution diversity.
To create the mating pool, tournament selection, as described earlier in this paper, was used due to its simplicity and effectiveness [
49], with a tournament size of
. In this case, the individual with the better fitness between the two competitors is selected as the winner. This tournament size has been shown to improve the likelihood of identifying the global optimum by promoting diversity in the mating pool [
Subsequently, a crossover was performed using the uniform crossover method, as previously introduced in this paper, with a crossover probability of
. By setting the probability to this value, the algorithm strikes a balance between exploration and exploitation, allowing for a reasonable amount of exploration without excessively disrupting the existing solutions. This helps maintain convergence toward the global optimum, as demonstrated in other studies [
Finally, the mutation process involved flipping bits at random positions, governed by the mutation probability. Initially, the mutation probability was set to
and gradually increased with each generation, reaching
in the final generation. This approach allows the algorithm to explore a broader solution space, improving the chances of finding the global optimum [
51], and has been used by other researchers [
34] to improve the optimization process. Additionally, an elitist operator was incorporated, ensuring that the two best solutions from each generation were carried over directly to the next. This strategy is commonly used to maintain solution quality and has proven to be an effective tool during optimization [
4.2. Results and Discussion
This section presents the optimization results. The proposed outcomes demonstrate the efficiency of the developed framework, which is capable of finding an optimal solution in a reduced amount of time due to the use of the previously introduced alternative modeling technique.
The optimization history presented in
Figure 15 shows that the convergence of the maximum fitness values was achieved in the third generation. Additionally, the average values began to stabilize after the fourth generation, remaining within a relatively narrow range.
Upon completion of the optimization, the best and worst individuals, based on the calculated fitness values, were compared to the validated numerical model T1_PL_SH. The proposed framework led to a significant improvement in structural performance, as shown in
Figure 16. A further analysis revealed a
increase in initial stiffness, compared to the original configuration, along with a
improvement in ultimate force. These values are presented in
Table 8, and the optimal layout of bolts are presented in
Figure 17, where the boundaries of the bolt positions are marked based on Eurocode. The optimal prestressing force obtained through the process matched the value specified by Eurocode:
. These results demonstrate that the proposed optimization framework holds significant potential for achieving cost-effective designs, even in the case of large design spaces and nonlinear optimization problems, due to the use of GA, which bypasses the reliance on an assumed starting model.
During the optimization process, plastic strains were not directly minimized, as shown in Equation (10); however, the values were analyzed for further examination. Notably, the maximum plastic strain was also reduced through the optimal distribution of bolts and prestressing force, as illustrated in
Figure 18.