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Sci, Volume 2, Issue 1 (March 2020) – 4 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Life began with an enhanced response of prebiotic microsystems to stress. According to the author’s “inversion” concept, the original forms of life on the early Earth could not arise from organic matter simply as a result of the continuous chemical complication of prebiotic macromolecules and microsystems. This gradual chemical evolution had to be combined with continuous high-frequency oscillations of physicochemical parameters (temperature, pressure, etc.) in the parent hydrothermal environment. Oscillations initiated the emergence of induced extremely fast chemical reactions (“stress response”) within microsystems. It was the continuous network of induced reactions that “breathed life” into the lifeless organic matrix. This happened when the reaction of microsystems to external stress became intensified and purposeful. View this paper.
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7 pages, 675 KiB  
Power Laws and Elementary Particle Decays
by Leonardo Chiatti
Sci 2020, 2(1), 17; - 20 Mar 2020
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3189
This study analyzes the correlation between the lifetime and the rest energy of the unstable particle states with a lifetime greater than the zeptosecond (10−21 s), using data available from the Particle Data Group. This set of states seems to be divided [...] Read more.
This study analyzes the correlation between the lifetime and the rest energy of the unstable particle states with a lifetime greater than the zeptosecond (10−21 s), using data available from the Particle Data Group. This set of states seems to be divided into three groups, in each of which the two quantities can be correlated through a remarkably accurate power law. Although this fact does not represent anything new compared to the predictions of the Standard Model, it nevertheless reveals an unexpected order structure in the set of particle decays, emerging from such predictions. Full article
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5 pages, 769 KiB  
Thermodynamic Jump from Prebiotic Microsystems to Primary Living Cells
by Vladimir Kompanichenko
Sci 2020, 2(1), 14; - 13 Mar 2020
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3887
It is proposed that the primary living cells (“probionts”) cannot emerge of organic substance simply by continuous chemical complication of prebiotic macromolecules and microsystems. The complication must be accompanied by the radical thermodynamic transformation (“jump”) of prebiotic microsystems that resulted in the acquired [...] Read more.
It is proposed that the primary living cells (“probionts”) cannot emerge of organic substance simply by continuous chemical complication of prebiotic macromolecules and microsystems. The complication must be accompanied by the radical thermodynamic transformation (“jump”) of prebiotic microsystems that resulted in the acquired ability to extract free energy from the environment and export entropy. This transformation is called “the thermodynamic inversion” The inversion may occur by means of the efficient (intensified) response of the microsystems on the oscillations of physic-chemical parameters in hydrothermal environment. In this case the surplus available free energy within a microsystem, when combined with the informational modality, facilitates its conversion into a new microsystem—a living probiont. It is shown the schematic representation of an oscillating prebiotic microsystem that is transforming into a living probiont. A new kind of laboratory and computational experiments on prebiotic chemistry under oscillating conditions is offered to verify the inversion concept. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Molecules to Microbes)
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1 pages, 244 KiB  
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Sci in 2019
by Sci Editorial Office
Sci 2020, 2(1), 4; - 20 Jan 2020
Viewed by 2919
The editorial team greatly appreciates the reviewers who have dedicated their considerable time and expertise to the journal’s rigorous editorial process over the past 12 months, regardless of whether the papers are finally published or not [...] Full article
18 pages, 3928 KiB  
Assessment of Habitat Change Processes within the Oti-Keran-Mandouri Network of Protected Areas in Togo (West Africa) from 1987 to 2013 Using Decision Tree Analysis
by Aniko Polo-Akpisso, Kperkouma Wala, Ouattara Soulemane, Fousseni Folega, Koffi Akpagana and Yao Tano
Sci 2020, 2(1), 1; - 1 Jan 2020
Cited by 29 | Viewed by 5095
Biodiversity conservation planning is highly important in the current context of global change. Biodiversity conservation can be achieved by understanding changes in land use at the landscape scale. Such understanding is needed to reverse the unprecedented pressure on natural resources that has been [...] Read more.
Biodiversity conservation planning is highly important in the current context of global change. Biodiversity conservation can be achieved by understanding changes in land use at the landscape scale. Such understanding is needed to reverse the unprecedented pressure on natural resources that has been reported by many studies conducted on biodiversity conservation within the Oti-Keran-Mandouri protected areas. Land cover maps reflecting different dates (1987, 2000, and 2013) and depicting different management systems, with overall accuracy ranging from 73% to 79%, were analyzed to understand the processes that lead to habitat degradation within these protected areas. The nature of change, within a given land cover class, was determined by comparing land cover maps on different dates using a decision tree algorithm that compares the number of patches, their areas, and their perimeters at different time periods (T1 and T2). Specifically, two time-periods were considered for this analysis: 1987–2000 and 2000–2013. Croplands and settlements increased at an average of 108.13% and 5.45%, respectively, from 1987 to 2000. From 2000 to 2013, croplands gained from all other land categories and continued to increase at a rate of 11.77% per year, whereas forests and savannas decreased at an annual average rate by 5.79% and 2.32%, respectively. The dominant processes of habitat change from 1987 to 2000 were the creation of forests, dissection of savannas, attrition of wetlands, and creation of croplands. Meanwhile, from 2000 to 2013, there was attrition of forests, as well as attrition of savannas, dissection of wetlands, and aggregation of croplands. In general, from 1987 to 2013, natural habitats regressed and were replaced by croplands; forests, savannas, and wetlands decreased at an average annual percentage 5.74%, 3.94%, and 2.02%, respectively, whereas croplands increased at an average annual rate of 285.39% of their own area. Aggregation, attrition, dissection, and creation were the main habitat change processes identified for the overall period from 1987 to 2013. There was habitat loss in forests and savannas and habitat fragmentation in wetland due to attrition and dissection, respectively. Identifying and understanding habitat change processes would enable the taking of appropriate biodiversity conservation actions. Full article
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