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Comparing Methods for Pyrite Surface Area Measurement Through Optical, Aqueous, and Gaseous Approaches

Samantha Macchi
Martin Nemer
Melissa M. Mills
Melissa L. Meyerson
Hans W. Papenguth
John H. Taphouse
5 and
Noah B. Schorr
Power Sources R&D, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Energy, Multi Phase, Soft Matter R&D, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Nuclear Waste Disposal Research & Analysis, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Materials Characterization & Performance, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Battery Design & Development, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 30 October 2024 / Revised: 24 December 2024 / Accepted: 28 December 2024 / Published: 13 January 2025


Accurate surface area data are imperative for the development of meaningful property–function relationships. Nitrogen gas (N2) adsorption/Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) surface area analysis is a widely used technique for surface area characterization of materials because of straightforward sample preparation, automation, and low cost. However, iron disulfide (FeS2) does not typically exhibit quantifiable N2 monolayer formation in BET measurements. FeS2 has been applied in fields such as batteries, catalysis, and adsorption, all of which would benefit from techniques that reliably assess surface area (SSA) of the active material. To address this, we evaluated FeS2 samples by combining alternative surface characterization techniques to quantify SSA. Ten different FeS2 samples from various manufacturers are characterized via BET, laser diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, non-contact profilometry, and liquid dye adsorption. Compared to BET, which resulted in a wide range of SSAs between 0.049–1.213 m2 g−1, liquid dye adsorption was found to be accurate for pyrite samples at low sample masses (<50 mg), with SSA values between 0.99–10.20 m2 g−1. Using an optical characterization approach, which combined particle size and surface roughness data, we readily estimated SSA of the particles and found these values correlated linearly with liquid adsorption but not BET values. This work serves to help researchers choose a more fitting method for examining low surface area materials like FeS2 and can easily be applied to other minerals for quantitative and qualitative surface area comparisons.

1. Introduction

The specific surface area (SSA) of a material is a key parameter in surface energy and chemical transport processes. Thus, accurate SSA measurements are fundamentally important in research and industrial applications such as catalysis, energy, and medicine [1,2]. One of the most widely used techniques for determining SSAs is gas adsorption, specifically the Brunauer–Emmet–Teller (BET) method [3,4]. However, there are instances when the BET method will not always yield an accurate surface area. This occurs when the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)-defined adsorption isotherm shape is Type III, V, or indeterminate [5,6]. Type III isotherms are indicative of weak interactions between adsorbent and adsorbate, leading to incomplete monolayer formation [5]. This isotherm shape, while uncommon, is often representative for the surfaces of iron disulfide (FeS2) [7].
Iron disulfide is available commercially as a naturally occurring or synthetic mineral (pyrite) and is useful in various research areas such as catalysis, wastewater treatment (adsorption), and energy storage [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. These applications rely on surface interactions between the active solid material and the interacting media, typically a solution. Owing to the wide applicability and abundance of FeS2, the specific surface area of FeS2 has been extensively reported. However, isothermal sorption curves and sample masses are seldom reported alongside BET data for FeS2 [8,9,15,16,17,18,19,20]. When isotherms are shown, they most often resemble an IUPAC Type III curve, of which the BET equation is not suitable for accurate SSA determination [5,7,21]. Type III isotherms have also been reported for synthetic FeS2 nanoparticles, which should intrinsically have higher SSAs [22]. Additionally, Kr gas (typically used for low SSAs) has been used for BET determination of pyrite SSA, with similar results [23]. For natural and synthetic pyrite, a wide range of SSA values from 0.36–18.32 m2 g−1 have been reported [16]. Due to unreported masses used for BET experiments, there is no way to determine if mass loadings lead to discrepancies in the reported SSAs of pyrites. Increasing the mass may improve the quality of adsorption isotherm data of low surface area materials, but is a tactic not always feasible in a research setting. Thus, there exists a need for a simplistic and accurate method to determine the surface area of materials with low SSAs and nonideal interactions with gas adsorbates.
One alternative method to assess the surface area of a sample is estimation from particle size and morphology. The distribution of particle diameters is determinable by many different techniques, such as laser diffraction (LD), dynamic light scattering (DLS), electron microscopy (EM), and scanning probe microscopy, to name a few. For scattering techniques like LD and DLS, diameters are calculated based on an equivalent spherical volume to the measured particle [24]. For non-spherical particles, the calculated diameters are skewed compared to the actual particle size [25]. Alternatively, microscopic imaging methods allow for the determination of the shape, morphology, and surface texture of the particles. For mineral samples, particulates tend to be hetero-disperse in terms of their size and shape, which complicates analysis [26]. If particle size data are used to estimate surface area, some assumptions regarding particle geometry are required. Also, these methods do not account for the additional surface area produced by particle roughness or porosity. Certain magnitudes of surface roughness and texture are quantifiable with a profilometer. Combining the results of multiple surface characterization techniques produces a more holistic particle analysis (size, shape, texture).
Additionally, liquid phase probe molecules can be used to characterize the surface of particles. While they are less common, methylene blue (MB) or ethylene glycol monoethyl ether (EGME) adsorption can be used to determine SSA. Both techniques have been shown to linearly correlate to BET SSA for samples with ideal N2 monolayer adsorption (Type II and IV) [27,28,29]. EGME has been primarily used for SSA determination of soils, but has not been widely adopted due to accuracy concerns for certain sample types [29]. Adsorption experiments with MB have been used to determine the SSA of many types of materials including chalcogenides and other minerals [29,30,31]. This methodology has been shown to be especially useful for less reactive chalcogenides such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and FeS2 but has not been demonstrated for comparing inhomogeneous FeS2 particles from multiple sources. This method is relatively straightforward to perform and requires minimal equipment and materials (<50 mg sample powder). While reliable, liquid adsorption takes considerably more time to perform compared to LD, DLS, or profilometry. Additionally, for materials which can partially dissolve in water (e.g., gypsum, salts), determining an SSA with adequate accuracy is difficult [32]. Thus, the ability to utilize surface properties of FeS2 obtained through microscopy and/or light scattering techniques to accurately estimate SSA is of high merit.
In this work, ten unique pyrite or fool’s gold (FeS2) powders from different vendors were analyzed via various methods to accurately determine their surface characteristics. Two direct measurements of SSA (MB and N2 adsorption) were performed and compared to SSAs that were estimated from LD, SEM, and profilometry. Separately acquired particle size and surface roughness data were combined in an effort to more accurately determine surface areas of FeS2. The SSAs derived from MB adsorption and combined optical approaches were linearly correlated, indicating that this combined methodology can be utilized to accurately compare particle surface areas.

2. Experimental

2.1. Materials

Ten FeS2 samples were procured from seven different vendors and were used as received. All but one sample are naturally occurring. MB was purchased from Fisher Scientific as a 1% stock solution. Vertrel™ XF was purchased from Miller-Stephenson (Los Angeles, CA, USA).

2.2. N2 Adsorption/BET

A Micromeritics Tristar 3000 (Norcross, GA, USA) with FlowPrep was used to perform N2 adsorption measurements at an analysis temperature of 77 K. Prior to analysis, samples were degassed under nitrogen at 60 °C for 24 h to remove any moisture. The analysis method includes a free space measurement with helium to accurately account for sample volumes and collection of over 30 partial pressure values for SSABET calculation. SSABET values were calculated between 0.04–0.35 p/p0.

2.3. Laser Diffraction

LD particle size distribution (PSD) data were acquired with a Malvern Mastersizer 3000 (Westborough, MA, USA). Samples were prepared in a small volume wet dispersion in Vertrel™ XF carrier fluid (refractive index = 1.33). A non-spherical analysis mode was utilized to calculate PSDs. Values are reported as an average of five scans. Estimation of particle geometric surface area (GSA) was calculated using Equation (1).
GSA = 6/ρd
where ρ is sample density (5 g/cm3 for FeS2) and d is the representative diameter of the sample particles in cm.

2.4. Scanning Electron Microscopy/Particle Image Analysis

Back scattered and secondary electrons were generated with a 10.00 kV accelerating voltage with a Zeiss Gemini SEM 500 (Oberkochen, Germany) variable pressure field emission scanning electron microscope. SEM images were processed using freely available ImageJ (Version 1.54) software. Images with at least 500 well-separated particles were chosen for analysis except for sample 3, whose image contained 91 particles due to large particle size. Images were converted to binary 2D projections and outliers less than ten pixels were removed prior to particle analysis routine. Circle equivalent diameter (CED) was calculated from Equation (2).
C E D = 4 A 2 D π 2
where A2D is the particle area from image analysis. Average line roughness (Ra) was calculated from Equation (3),
R a = 1 l 0 l z x d ( x )
where l is the sampling length, z is the grayscale height value.

2.5. Profilometry

Laser scan micrographs were acquired using a 3D laser scanning confocal microscope (VK-X100 series, Keyence Corporation (Osaka, Japan)) at 20× magnification. Data were then evaluated with the software MultiFileAnalyzer (Keyence Corporation, Version Areal surface roughness parameters were calculated, defined according to ISO 25178 [33]. Arithmetical mean height, Sa was calculated using Equation (4).
S a = 1 A A   z ( x , y ) d x d y
where z is lowest and highest point on a single particle. Interfacial area ratio, Sdr was calculated using Equation (5)
S d r = 1 A [ A   1 + ( z x , y x ) 2 + ( z x , y y ) 2 1 d x d y ]
Sdr was combined with GSA of either SEM (Equation (6)) or LD (Equation (7)) to calculate a corrected surface area (CSA) value.

2.6. MB Adsorption

Solutions of MB ranging from 1.0 × 10−6 M to 7.0 × 10−5 M were prepared by diluting from a concentrated 1 × 10−2 M solution. In triplicate, 40 mg samples were massed into 50 mL centrifuge tubes and shaken together with 40 mL MB solutions for 16 h to achieve a concentration of 1 mg mL−1. After 16 h, samples were centrifuged at 3700 rpm for 15 min to separate solid FeS2. Samples of the supernatant were analyzed via UV–Visible absorbance spectrophotometry (Cary 5000, Santa Clara, CA, USA) at a wavelength of 665 nm to determine the final concentration based on a calibration curve according to Beer’s law (Equation (8)).
Absorbance = εbC
where ε is molar absorptivity (M−1 cm−1), b is path length (cm), and C is concentration (M). From the concentration, adsorption capacity (Qe) at equilibrium was obtained:
Q e = C 0 C e V m
where C0 and Ce are initial and equilibrium concentrations, respectively, V is the volume of MB solution (L), and m is the mass of FeS2. By fitting a linear Langmuir model to the isothermal data obtained over a broad concentration range, the maximum adsorption capacity, Qmax, can be determined.
C e Q e = 1 Q m a x C e + 1 Q m a x K
where K (L mol−1) is a constant associated with the energy of adsorption. A plot of Ce versus CeQe−1 allows for the determination of Qmax by taking the reciprocal of the slope. Additionally, SSAMB was determined from Equation (11) [34,35].
S S A M B = N A Q m a x A M B
where NA is Avagadro’s number (6.023 × 1023), and AMB is the cross-sectional area of MB (130 × 10−20 m2).

2.7. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

XPS measurements were taken on a Kratos AXIS Supra operated at a base pressure <2 × 10−9 Torr, using a monochromatic Al Kα X-ray source (λ = 1486.6 eV). Surveys and high-resolution scans for elements of interest were taken on each sample. Spectra were obtained using a pass energy of 160 eV for all surveys and 20 eV for the high-resolution elemental scans, with a step size of 0.1 eV and a large analyzer spot size. XPS data were analyzed using CasaXPS software (Version, 2.3.25) using the Kratos F1s relative sensitivity factors for an X-ray source at 90° and corrected to sp3 C at 285 eV.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. BET

To determine the applicability of BET analysis to the studied FeS2 samples, N2 gas adsorption was performed. Like the literature reports, all FeS2 samples fit a Type III/indeterminate isotherm, indicative of weak adsorbent–adsorbate interactions (Figure 1and Figure S1). The Type III isotherm is identified by an exponential increase in adsorption as relative pressure increases [36]. For each sample, the mass of FeS2 undergoing adsorption was varied from 0.1 to 1 g due to the very low adsorption amount (<5 cm3 g−1 STP). For samples with low surface area, increasing sample size often enhances measurement sensitivity. However, the isotherm type should not change with an increase in sample mass because of consistent adsorption kinetics. Even at masses up to 5 g (sample 1, calculated surface ~1.5 m2) there was no evidence of clear monolayer formation required to calculate an accurate SSA (Figure 1). For sample 1, calculated SSA values trended upward with increased mass (Figure 1), but this is not believed to be attributed to improved measurement accuracy. Additionally, further increasing the mass may reveal the true isotherm shape by enhancing resolution at low partial pressures. However, the BET sample holder in our experimental setup did not allow for additional mass to be added so we considered this a reasonable maximum. Achieving an ideal mass for samples is not always practical; for sample 4 (estimated SSABET of 0.049 m2 g−1), total powder mass to achieve the recommended 1 m2 surface, would be ~20 g. Additionally, literature values show the relative standard deviations of BET SSAs can reach as high as 70% for low surface area samples (<0.1 m2/g, 1–5 g sample mass) [37]. For samples with SSAs exceeding 0.4 m2/g, this value decreases to 5%, making comparisons between sample sets of small SSAs difficult. Because the first six samples showed a Type III isotherm at 1 g sample mass (Figure S1), adsorption data were not taken for the remaining four samples with the expectation of a similar outcome. The collected data and literature SSA values are presented in Table 1, with calculated SSAs ranging from 0.049 to 1.213 m2 g−1. Reported BET SSA values vary from 0.2 to 0.87 for natural pyrites. These values approach the minimum surface area for accurate measurement reproducibility and are within the minimum to maximum value range calculated in this study. The wide range of obtained values shows that either the surface properties of FeS2s vary by orders of magnitude or the BET analysis is unreliable at 1 g for low surface area samples, leading to SSABET deviation.
To determine if discrepancies in SSA values were due to the N2 sorption technique on FeS2s, BET linear plots were generated (Figure S2). Of the six samples, only two exhibited R2 values >0.999. Because of this, there is potential for error in reported values for samples 2–5. To better understand the role of N2 in measurement accuracy, a second adsorption gas, Kr, was used for two samples: one with N2 BET linear fit >0.999 and one <0.999 (sample 1 and 3). Figure S3 shows a comparison of isotherms for sample 1 with the two adsorption gases. Much less Kr was adsorbed than N2, due to the comparatively larger size of Kr. However, in the low-pressure regime, adsorption amounts were consistent between gases. Additionally, a Langmuir isothermal “knee” was much more prominent in the Kr adsorption curve. For sample 3, the calculated value of SSAKr was much lower (0.067 m2/g) compared to N2 (1.100 m2/g), but the calculated SSA was essentially unchanged for sample 1 between N2 and Kr runs. This result indicates that N2 sorption BET cannot be assumed to provide accurate results for all samples in a set of low SSA materials. Whether Kr provides a closer “ground truth” SSA value of FeS2 than N2 is also indeterminate, exemplifying the need to determine surface area though alternative methods.

3.2. Particle Sizing via LD and SEM

To generate a better understanding of variability in pyrite properties, we turned to a variety of analytical techniques. PSDs of FeS2 samples were first determined via LD. This method utilizes light scattering to determine particle size based on angular scattering intensity [40,41]. This technique is a rapid way to determine the PSD of a powder sample. However, in LD the particles’ size is calculated by assuming an equivalent spherical geometry, absent of surface roughness, which does not precisely represent our FeS2 samples. The more a particle shape deviates from spherical, the less accurate LD techniques become. Additionally, LD is quite sensitive to the orientation of the particles when they are measured and, for large aspect ratio particles, is biased towards larger size distributions. Thus, LD particle sizes should be taken as apparent sizes for non-spherical particles. Plots of sample PSDs are shown in Figure 2 and resultant median particle diameter (D50) values are reported in Table 2. Most of the samples exhibit wide PSDs, indicating that those samples are highly hetero-disperse or irregular in size. This was further confirmed by calculating the span, using (D90 − D10)/D50. This parameter describes the heterogeneity of the PSD where a larger number indicates a less monodisperse sample. The span value varies from 1.22–3.14 among samples from various suppliers. Overall, the LD data suggest the studied FeS2s are non-uniform in size and/or non-spherical in shape. Additionally, FeS2 sample properties vary greatly among different vendors, further highlighting the need for simplistic screening of purchased materials. Nonetheless, the spherical GSALD can be estimated using Equation (1). GSALD data from D50 are tabulated in Table 2. These values are 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than SSA values obtained from BET. This is expected due to the assumption of a smooth, spherical surface by LD and has been observed for other materials [29].
SEM was performed to investigate the shape and morphology of the FeS2 samples. From SEM images (Figure 3), the FeS2 samples are seen to have irregular and non-uniform shapes. Additionally, many samples contain small particles which are adherent to the surface of larger particles. These SEM micrographs were used for image analysis to give a more accurate description of particle size compared to LD. However, it must be assumed that the imaged particles were representative of the distribution within the bulk powder.
SEM images (Figure 3) were converted to binary 2D projections (Figure 4B and Figure S4) to provide key parameters such as the 2D projected area (A2D) and the longest dimension (Lmax) of each particle (Figure 4C). The 2D projections were filtered to exclude particles smaller than 10 pixels in diameter to remove small fragments and particles outside of the resolution of shape determination (<1 micron). The circle equivalent diameter (CED) is the most common representation of size for irregular particles and is determined from Equation (2) [41]. Unsurprisingly, the calculated median CED values are smaller than D50 values for all samples (Table 3). This is due to inherent biasing of LD towards larger particles. Aspect ratios (ARs) were also investigated to assess the particles’ deviation from spherical shape. AR is determined by taking the ratio of Lmax and the shortest length, Lmin. For relatively spherical or cubic particles, the aspect ratio should be close to one. Average aspect ratios of the ten samples range from 1.45–1.64, further indicating the FeS2’s degree of deviation from spherical shape. Line roughness, Ra was also determined using ImageJ software and Equation (3). For each FeS2 sample, Ra was averaged over 3 lines on 3 representative particles. An example line and plot profile of sample 4 is shown in Figure 4D,E. The Ra values correlate visually to SEM micrographs of the samples, with the visually smoother particles having a lower value (Figure 4). However, there are inherent issues with determining roughness parameters from SEM micrographs, such as roughness variation from particle to particle and the conversion of grayscale to a height change metric. To quantify the sample roughness more accurately, optical profilometry was employed.

3.3. Profilometry

Non-contact profilometry was used to investigate the areal surface roughness of FeS2 samples. Of particular interest was the arithmetical mean height, Sa, and the developed interfacial area ratio, Sdr. Sa is the extension of Ra to a plane rather than a line and is generally used to express surface roughness as an absolute value. Sa was calculated using Equation (4). Sdr is expressed as a percentage and describes the additional surface area generated by roughness compared to a perfectly flat projected surface (Sdr = 0). Equation (5) was used to calculate the developed interfacial area ratio. Sdr values of the FeS2 samples generally followed a similar trend as Sa, aside from sample 3 and 4 which both exhibited larger Sa values. This is likely due to the large average particle size of these two samples. To relate the particle size and roughness data to the SSA of FeS2 samples, Sdr and median CED were used to calculate a corrected surface area (CSASEM) from Equation (6). For comparison, estimated surface area values from LD particle size were also used similarly to calculate CSALD (Equation (7)). The Sa, Sdr, and CSA values are presented in Table 4. To verify whether these calculated CSA values are meaningful or a representative estimation of surface area, liquid adsorption was performed to obtain an accurate SSA value.

3.4. MB Adsorption

Liquid adsorption with MB dye has been used to study the SSA of many types of materials including FeS2 with good reliability [29,31,34,42]. This technique involves the Langmuir (monolayer) fitting of the adsorption of MB dye onto a sample dispersed in liquid. Absorbance spectrophotometry and Beer’s law (Equation (8) were utilized to determine the concentration of MB dye left in solution after adsorption equilibrium. A calibration curve of MB at various concentrations is given in Figure S5. After equilibrium was reached, adsorption capacity at equilibrium (Qmax) was calculated from Equation (9). Using a Langmuir model, isothermal data were fit over a range of concentrations (Equation (10). Finally, SSAMB was calculated using Equation (11). SSAMB is a measure of the maximum amount of MB molecules adhered to the FeS2 surface. A typical Langmuir isotherm for each sample is shown in Figure S6. SSAMB values for the studied FeS2 samples range from ~1–10 m2 g−1 (Table 5). Standard deviation and goodness of fit (R2, of linear regression of Ce Qe−1 vs. Ce) values vary considerably between samples. To understand the effect of PSD on MB adsorption precision, span values were compared to the relative standard deviation of SSAMB values (Figure S7A) and R2 (Figure S7B). There is no correlation between either of these parameters, indicating PSD does not affect the reproducibility of the liquid MB adsorption method.
Values obtained from MB adsorption are approximately 1–2 orders of magnitude greater than values obtained by BET. This is likely due to the limited interaction of N2 with the FeS2 surface and inability to penetrate internal pores [42]. The liquid MB adsorption results also produce a narrower distribution of values as expected for these particles with similar structures. Values of SSAMB are also close to one order of magnitude greater than CSAs. We hypothesize that this is primarily due to three factors. First, the depth of valleys at the surface of the particles was highly variable and profilometry may not be able to account for the true depth of these areas due to the nature of the measurements (height variability over a plane). Second, adsorption methods (gas or liquid) are able to determine both the internal and external surface area of a sample. Optical techniques are not able to assess internal surface or porosity, and thus calculated SSAs from optical methods should be lower than for adsorption-based methods. Third, the surface area of very fine particles (highest SSA) is included in liquid adsorption but is neglected from optical analyses. The calculated SSAMB values are interpreted to be the most meaningful SSA values of the studied FeS2 samples due to bias and potential errors associated with optical particle sizing methods and lack of monolayer N2 adsorption for sample masses used in BET.
Both GSA and CSA values from SEM and LD data were graphically compared to SSAMB (Figure 5). Neither GSASEM nor GSALD alone linearly correlated to the SSAs obtained from liquid adsorption. However, when corrected for additional surface area generated by roughness, the correlation is much stronger, indicated by an increase in R2 values (Figure 5C,D). The CSALD and CSASEM were also fit parabolically versus SSAMB leading to a better and worse correlation, respectively. (Figures S8 and S9). However, the obtained R2 values of >0.95 is evidence that by coupling particle size and roughness data obtained from optical measurement techniques, the SSA can easily be estimated for a particular sample set. It is also worthy to note that the linear fit of CSALD (Figure 5C) is closer to unity compared to CSASEM (Figure 5D), indicating that CSALD may be a more reliable approach to estimate SSA of FeS2 particles. The authors rationalize this through the ability of LD to sample particles excluded from SEM 2D projections. This is ideal, due to the image processing requirements of SEM, which can be time consuming and suffer from inherent bias.
Importantly, the strong correlation between CSALD and SSAMB means that optical screening is usable to determine relative surface areas among pyrite samples, which cannot be done independently by LD or SEM. Furthermore, the strong correlation between CSALD and SSAMB would allow for determination of SSA from CSALD, given an appropriate calibration curve. That makes this a useful technique for qualitative comparisons and quantitation in cases where BET is not applicable and liquid adsorption may be tedious or unreliable due to sample solubility. Table 6 highlights whether each studied technique for SSA measurement (BET, MB, and optical) provides accurate values in the case of samples with various characteristics (low sample mass, low surface area, water solubility/reactivity, and porosity).

3.5. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Other characteristics such as elemental composition can affect the adsorption process and thus the resultant SSA [43,44,45]. XPS was performed to elucidate differences in surface elemental composition between the samples. Survey scan and narrow scan plots are given in Figures S9 and S10, respectively. Among six samples, the surface elemental compositions of the FeS2s were not identical (Table S1). All samples contained some number of impurities such as oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. Some of the samples contained trace amounts of other impurities like magnesium, silicon, calcium, and copper. However, these impurities likely have little effect on the total adsorption of MB. For example, sample 3 and 6 have dissimilar surface chemistries (lower iron content) but are not outliers in the fits of Figure 5C,D. Narrow scan analysis was performed for sulfur to determine the specific bonding environments at the FeS2 surface (Table S2). Some samples contain a greater percentage of negatively charged sulfate and sulfite which have been shown to enhance electrostatic attractions to cationic MB dye in solution [46]. These differences are likely to influence SSAMB, but samples with higher sulfide and sulfate groups did not have the largest calculated SSAMB. The spontaneous oxidation of FeS2 in the MB solution was also not accounted for, which could cause the correlation between CSA and SSAMB to skew from linearity. To determine potential oxidation effects, XPS was performed on FeS2 samples post MB adsorption (Figure S11). Additional carbon and nitrogen were observed from adsorbed MB on the surface of FeS2, unremoved during washing. The decrease in Fe and S signal also confirmed MB adsorption due to blocking of signal by adsorbed species and is congruent with recent literature [47]. Loss of S signal also correlates to a loss of sulfate surface groups, likely a result of washing. The overall decrease in oxygen containing surface groups indicates exposure to aqueous MB solutions did not promote FeS2 oxidation during the adsorption experiments.

4. Conclusions

In this work we investigated a series of methods to measure the surface area of FeS2. There are three primary conclusions to the study: (1) BET adsorption does not always provide accurate results for low surface area/non-porous samples, (2) MB adsorption has been validated for use with pyrite samples of various sizes/manufacturers, and (3) the combination of particle size and roughness can accurately estimate the SSA of pyrite samples. When using low masses of pyrite (<5 g) N2 BET analysis proved to be ill-suited to determine the SSA, due to weak sorbate interactions. To alleviate this, a method has been developed to combine optical techniques (requiring <50 mg sample mass) to estimate SSA. The corrected surface area values derived from laser diffraction and laser profilometry were found to correlate linearly with the SSA determined by MB liquid adsorption. Surface area determination of FeS2s via MB adsorption has been previously reported as an accurate method; however, this was validated by investigation of elemental changes before and after adsorption via XPS.
The beauty of the combined optical analysis method is that it is agnostic of total surface area, sample size, or water solubility. Additionally, this method is robust and simplistic to perform. The downside of optical analysis is that the SSA values determined are smaller than those determined by either BET or MB. Thus, this technique may be more useful in determining SSA differences between similar samples with a greater accuracy rather than providing a concrete value. This method has the potential to be applied to other types of materials which do not easily form a monolayer of gas adsorbate (other minerals) and may be especially useful for samples with low total surface areas or partial water solubility (gypsum). The demonstrated techniques could additionally be useful in batch screening or quality testing of particle samples in situations where BET or MB may be unavailable. Further expansion of this method should include the development of an algorithmic model which could be used to automate this process for large sample numbers/high throughput of industrial analysis.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: BET isotherm plots for sample 2–5 with 1 g sample mass. Figure S2: Nitrogen sorption BET isotherms of samples 1–6 with fitting results. Figure S3: (A) Adsorption isotherms of sample 1 with N2 and Kr gas and (B) average SSA values from Kr and N2 adsorption for sample 1 and 3. Figure S4: 2D projections from SEM micrograph images of sample 1–10, excluding sample 4 which is shown in main text. Figure S5: Calibration curve of MB in water. Figure S6: (A) Plot of Ce Qe−1 vs. Ce for FeS2 samples 1–10 and (B) resultant SSAMB values. Figure S7: (A) Dependence of relative standard deviation and (B) dependence of goodness of fit (R2) of SSAMB on spanLD. Figure S8: Parabolic fitting of (A) CSALD versus SSAMB, and (B) CSASEM versus SSAMB. The parabolic relationship between CSALD and SSAMB is hypothesized to be due to biasing of larger particles by LD. Figure S9: XPS (A) Survey scan of sample 1 showing binding energy of elements of interest and (B) survey scan of samples 1–6. Figure S10: XPS narrow scans of sulfur of sample (A) 1, (B) 2, (C) 3, (D) 4, (E) 5, (F) 6. Figure S11: Atomic percentages from XPS (A) survey scans and (B) narrow scans of sulfur of sample 1 before and after MB adsorption. The sample was removed via centrifugation followed by 3× wash with DI water and dried under vacuum at 60 °C for 48 h to remove moisture. Table S1: XPS survey scan atomic percentages of elements present in FeS2 samples 1–6. Table S2: XPS relative atomic percentages of surface sulfur-containing functional groups present in FeS2 samples 1–6.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, N.B.S. and J.H.T.; methodology, S.M., M.M.M., M.L.M., M.N. and N.B.S.; software, M.N. and N.B.S.; validation, S.M. and N.B.S.; formal analysis, S.M., M.M.M., M.L.M. and N.B.S.; investigation, N.B.S., J.H.T. and H.W.P.; resources, M.N., N.B.S. and J.H.T.; data curation, S.M. and N.B.S.; writing—original draft preparation, S.M. and N.B.S.; writing—review and editing, S.M., M.M.M., M.L.M. and N.B.S.; visualization, N.B.S. and J.H.T.; supervision, N.B.S. and J.H.T.; project administration, J.H.T.; funding acquisition, J.H.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in this study are included in the article/Supplementary Materials. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


The authors acknowledge Bertha Montoya for assisting with sample preparation and particle size measurements and Bryan Steiner for his help with profilometry measurements.

Conflicts of Interest

This article has been authored by an employee of National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The employee owns all right, title and interest in and to the article and is solely responsible for its contents. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United States Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this article or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The DOE will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.


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Figure 1. BET adsorption isotherms of sample 1 using 0.1 g, 1 g, and 5 g sample masses. SSABET expressed in m2 g−1.
Figure 1. BET adsorption isotherms of sample 1 using 0.1 g, 1 g, and 5 g sample masses. SSABET expressed in m2 g−1.
Sci 07 00008 g001
Figure 2. LD PSD plots of relative intensity versus diameter (µm) shown on a log scale for samples 1–10.
Figure 2. LD PSD plots of relative intensity versus diameter (µm) shown on a log scale for samples 1–10.
Sci 07 00008 g002
Figure 3. SEM images of samples 1–10 (excluding sample 4, shown below in Figure 4A).
Figure 3. SEM images of samples 1–10 (excluding sample 4, shown below in Figure 4A).
Sci 07 00008 g003
Figure 4. Particle analysis of sample 4, showing the (A) backscattered SEM image, (B) binary 2D projection of (A), (C) example cartoon of primary parameters (area, A2D, maximum Feret’s length, Lmax, minimum Feret’s length, Lmin, and circular equivalent diameter, CED), (D) higher magnification image of sample 4 with drawn line, (E) plot profile for line roughness calculation correlating to line drawn in (D).
Figure 4. Particle analysis of sample 4, showing the (A) backscattered SEM image, (B) binary 2D projection of (A), (C) example cartoon of primary parameters (area, A2D, maximum Feret’s length, Lmax, minimum Feret’s length, Lmin, and circular equivalent diameter, CED), (D) higher magnification image of sample 4 with drawn line, (E) plot profile for line roughness calculation correlating to line drawn in (D).
Sci 07 00008 g004
Figure 5. Relationship between SSAMB and (A) GSASEM, (B) GSALD, (C) CSASEM, and (D) CSALD fit with linear regression.
Figure 5. Relationship between SSAMB and (A) GSASEM, (B) GSALD, (C) CSASEM, and (D) CSALD fit with linear regression.
Sci 07 00008 g005
Table 1. SSABET values calculated between 0.04–0.35 p/p0 using 1 g of FeS2 compared to reference values.
Table 1. SSABET values calculated between 0.04–0.35 p/p0 using 1 g of FeS2 compared to reference values.
SampleSSABET (m2 g−1)
Ref. [38]0.2–0.5
Ref. [39]0.32
Ref. [29]0.87
Table 2. LD particle size data.
Table 2. LD particle size data.
SampleD50 (µm)SpanGSALD (m2 g−1)
125.98 ± 0.201.370.046
238.32 ±
3112.20 ± 0.401.220.011
488.44 ±
56.17 ±
618.64 ±
713.08 ± 0.202.690.092
819.26 ± 0.101.770.062
920.00 ± 0.061.850.060
1030.40 ± 0.101.440.040
Table 3. Particle size data and roughness from SEM image processing.
Table 3. Particle size data and roughness from SEM image processing.
Sample Median CED (µm) GSASEM (m2 g−1) Average AR Ra (µm)
Table 4. Roughness parameters of FeS2 samples from non-contact profilometry and calculated CSA values using particle size from SEM and LD.
Table 4. Roughness parameters of FeS2 samples from non-contact profilometry and calculated CSA values using particle size from SEM and LD.
Sample Sdr Sa (µm) CSASEM (m2 g−1) CSALD (m2 g−1)
Table 5. SSAMB data and R2 values from the linear regression fit of Equation (10) applied to MB adsorption data.
Table 5. SSAMB data and R2 values from the linear regression fit of Equation (10) applied to MB adsorption data.
Sample SSAMB (m2 g−1) R2
13.39 ± 0.140.9867
21.37 ± 0.130.9438
31.31 ± 0.050.9871
40.99 ± 0.050.9837
59.84 ± 0.470.9792
64.47 ± 0.150.9773
710.20 ± 0.140.9961
81.58 ± 0.070.9579
92.24 ± 0.110.9556
103.55 ± 0.150.9638
Table 6. Conditions which allow for accurate SSA determination regarding studied method.
Table 6. Conditions which allow for accurate SSA determination regarding studied method.
Method Low Sample Mass Low Surface Area Water Soluble/Reactive Internal Pores/Volume
BETSometimes (large SSA)Sometimes (large mass)YesYes
MB adsorptionYesYesNoYes
Optical methodsYesYesYesNo
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MDPI and ACS Style

Macchi, S.; Nemer, M.; Mills, M.M.; Meyerson, M.L.; Papenguth, H.W.; Taphouse, J.H.; Schorr, N.B. Comparing Methods for Pyrite Surface Area Measurement Through Optical, Aqueous, and Gaseous Approaches. Sci 2025, 7, 8.

AMA Style

Macchi S, Nemer M, Mills MM, Meyerson ML, Papenguth HW, Taphouse JH, Schorr NB. Comparing Methods for Pyrite Surface Area Measurement Through Optical, Aqueous, and Gaseous Approaches. Sci. 2025; 7(1):8.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Macchi, Samantha, Martin Nemer, Melissa M. Mills, Melissa L. Meyerson, Hans W. Papenguth, John H. Taphouse, and Noah B. Schorr. 2025. "Comparing Methods for Pyrite Surface Area Measurement Through Optical, Aqueous, and Gaseous Approaches" Sci 7, no. 1: 8.

APA Style

Macchi, S., Nemer, M., Mills, M. M., Meyerson, M. L., Papenguth, H. W., Taphouse, J. H., & Schorr, N. B. (2025). Comparing Methods for Pyrite Surface Area Measurement Through Optical, Aqueous, and Gaseous Approaches. Sci, 7(1), 8.

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