Metaverse-Based Evacuation Training: Design, Implementation, and Experiment Focusing on Earthquake Evacuation
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Earthquake
2.2. Fire
2.3. Other Disasters
3. Design
3.1. Requirements
3.1.1. Three-Dimensional Virtual World Faithful to the Real World
3.1.2. Realistic Earthquake-Caused Situations
3.1.3. Nonplayable Characters
3.1.4. Reflection-on-Action
3.2. Evacuation Training Model
3.2.1. Phase
- (1)
- Normal Time
- (2)
- Emergency Time
- (3)
- Reflection Time
3.2.2. Stage
- (1)
- Concrete Experience
- (2)
- Reflective Observation
- (3)
- Abstract Conceptualization
- (4)
- Active Experimentation
4. Implementation
4.1. Method
4.1.1. Buildings 3D-Modeled from Actual Blueprints and Avatars Generated from Face Images
4.1.2. Scenario-Based Expression of Earthquake-Caused Situations
- (1)
- Earthquake Occurrence
- Arbitrary. This mode allows the administrator to generate an earthquake at an arbitrary timing by pressing a designated key on the host computer.
- Preset. This mode allows the administrator to set the date and time to generate an earthquake in advance.
- Real-world earthquake. This mode constantly monitors emergency earthquake information issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and generates an earthquake in the virtual world immediately after a real earthquake satisfying “JMA seismic intensity ≥ 4” (the default condition) occurs in Japan. For reference, 41 big earthquakes satisfying the default condition occurred in Japan in 2023. Based on this frequency, Metavearthquake would be activated approximately once every 9 days (the default condition could be changed to set more infrequency).
- (2)
- Earthquake Shakes
- (3)
- Expression Methods of Earthquake-Caused Situations
- 3D Model Allocation. According to the selected scenario, 3D models expressing earthquake-caused situations are allocated in the virtual world immediately after the earthquake occurs. All models do not move from the initial positions; however, flame, smoke, and injured persons (NPCs) repeat small motions at the position. Each model is given a location (x, y, z coordinate), rotation (x, y, z quaternion), and scale (x, y, z proportion from standard size).
- Narrative Presentation. According to the selected scenario, digital contents (e.g., text, audio, and image) are superimposed onto the screen when an MP enters preset locations or when designated times have passed since the ET phase began. The preset locations and MPs’ destinations (i.e., safe places) are defined as Unity box colliders set in the virtual world. In addition, narratives can be expressed in structures, as shown in Figure 5. Each narrative comprises one or more scenes corresponding to locations in the virtual world and designated times in the ET phase. Each scene comprises one or more cuts corresponding to digital content. For example, a structured narrative that an MP looks at a no-entry warning (text) in front of a non-earthquake-resistant building but enters the building and then hears someone’s loud scolding (audio) will make the MP recognize the importance of accepting such a warning.
4.1.3. NPC Movement Based on TUs’ Traveling Data
4.1.4. Reflection-on-Action Support by Evacuation Replay
4.2. User Interface
4.2.1. Scenario Creation Tool
- 3D Model Allocator. This tool enables a scenario creator (administrator) to enter the virtual world and allocate 3D models intuitively from the first-person view using a VR headset and controllers. More concretely, the scenario creator designates a location with a laser-pointer metaphor and allocates a selected 3D model at the location while adjusting its size and rotation (Figure 7a) [54].
- Narrative Editor. This tool enables the scenario creator to edit a narrative storyline and digital content through text and pulldown components (Figure 7b). The scenario creator can control the narrative storyline by setting conditions. An example of a condition is that Scene-4 is unvisitable if Scene-3 has not been visited.
4.2.2. VR Application
- (1)
- NT Phase
- (2)
- ET Phase
- (3)
- RT Phase
5. Experiment
- RQ1. How do subjects (TUs) behave in the ET phase?
- RQ2. What emotions do subjects have in the ET phase?
- RQ3. What training effects are introduced in the ET phase?
- RQ4. Do subjects accept Metavearthquake?
5.1. Settings
5.1.1. Subjects
- Group A (N = 10). Subjects were notified that an earthquake would occur in Tokudiverse with the definitive words, “You encounter an earthquake during your test play”. It was predicted that they would be mentally ready for the earthquake occurrence and aware of the necessity of evacuation.
- Group B (N = 10). Subjects were notified that an earthquake would occur in Tokudiverse with the vague words, “You may encounter an earthquake during your test play if unlucky”. It was predicted that they may be mentally ready for the earthquake occurrence and estimate the necessity of evacuation. The subjects can be regarded as the majority of TUs, who have already encountered or heard about a sudden earthquake in Tokudiverse.
- Group C (N = 10). Subjects were not notified that an earthquake would occur in Tokudiverse. In other words, they suddenly encountered the earthquake without being mentally ready for the earthquake’s occurrence.
5.1.2. Scenario and NPCs
5.1.3. Procedure
- The subject was requested to play darts for a while.
- An experimenter (Tokudiverse administrator) activated Metavearthquake when the subject was concentrating on the play; the subject transitioned from the NT phase to the ET phase. (See Section 3.2.1 for details on the ET phase.)
- A fire alarm started ringing inside the building and kept ringing during the ET phase. This earthquake-caused situation indicated that the subject had to exit the building to escape from the fire.
- The subject decided whether to evacuate. Note that the experimenter never instructed evacuation.
- The ET phase lasted for 20 min. If they exited the building within 20 min, the subject was recognized as a successful evacuee. During the ET phase, the subject’s traveling data were recorded. The time and distance from the moment the shakes stopped to the moment the subject exited the building were measured as the evacuation time and distance, respectively. In addition, the subject was videotaped to record utterance, and the screen was captured.
- After the ET phase, the subject filled out a postquestionnaire.
5.2. Results
5.2.1. Evacuation Behaviors
5.2.2. Emotions
5.2.3. Training Effects
5.3. Discussion
5.3.1. Evacuation Behaviors
- RQ1. How do subjects (TUs) behave in the ET phase?
5.3.2. Emotions
- RQ2. What emotions do subjects have in the ET phase?
5.3.3. Training Effects
- RQ3. What training effects are introduced in the ET phase?
5.3.4. Summary
- RQ4. Do subjects accept Metavearthquake?
5.4. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- ETM: Evacuation Training in the Metaverse
- NT: Normal Time
- ET: Emergency Time
- RT: Reflection Time
- TU: Tokudiverse User
- MP: Metavearthquake Participant
- CE: Concrete Experience
- RO: Reflective Observation
- AC: Abstract Conceptualization
- AE: Active Experimentation
- E-Time: Evacuation Time
- E-Dist: Evacuation Distance
- TSLLR: Time Spent Leaving Lecture Room
- SS: Self-evaluation Score
- NoA: Number of Awarenesses
Appendix B
- Name
- Age
- Sex: “Male”, “Female”, or “I avoid answering”.
- “Do you have VR experience?”: “Yes” or “No”
- “Do you know what metaverse is?”: “Yes” or “No”
- “What kind of VR (including metaverse) did you experience?”
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Situation | Screenshot | Situation | Screenshot |
Flame (and scattered furniture) | Smoke (covering stairs) | ||
Debris (concrete pieces and metal pipes) | Debris (collapsed wall) | ||
Injured (unconscious or severe) | Injured (stupor in wheelchair) |
Group A (N = 10) | Group B (N = 8) | Group C (N = 8) | ANOVA | |
E-Time | 176.8 s (64.8 s) | 148.6 s (40.7 s) | 222.0 s (109.9 s) | F (2, 23) = 1.88, p = 0.175 |
E-Dist | 483.9 m (161.7 m) | 415.6 m (125.1 m) | 518.8 m (107.4 m) | F (2, 23) = 1.19, p = 0.320 |
TSLLR | 42.6 s (11.5 s) | 37.5 s (11.3 s) | 80.6 s (57.8 s) | F (2, 23) = 4.10, p = 0.029 |
Group A (N = 10) | Group B (N = 10) | Group C (N = 10) | Kruskal–Wallis Test | |
Fear | 3.5 (21.20) | 3 (14.45) | 2 (10.85) | χ2 (2) = 7.60, p = 0.022 |
Anxiety | 4 (17.30) | 3.5 (15.50) | 3.5 (13.70) | χ2 (2) = 0.92, p = 0.630 |
Frustration | 4 (18.30) | 4 (14.25) | 4 (13.95) | χ2 (2) = 1.76, p = 0.412 |
Confusion | 4 (15.05) | 4 (16.50) | 4 (14.95) | χ2 (2) = 0.24, p = 0.886 |
Enjoyment | 3 (14.90) | 4 (16.10) | 4 (15.50) | χ2 (2) = 0.10, p = 0.950 |
Group A (N = 10) | Group B (N = 8) | Group C (N = 10) | ANOVA | |
SS | 70.5 (13.42) | 57.5 (26.72) | 43.0 (15.67) | F (2, 25) = 5.35, p = 0.011 |
Group A (N = 10) | Group B (N = 10) | Group C (N = 10) | Kruskal–Wallis Test | |
NoA | 2 (11.00) | 2.5 (18.50) | 2.5 (17.00) | χ2 (2) = 4.73, p = 0.093 |
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Mitsuhara, H. Metaverse-Based Evacuation Training: Design, Implementation, and Experiment Focusing on Earthquake Evacuation. Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2024, 8, 112.
Mitsuhara H. Metaverse-Based Evacuation Training: Design, Implementation, and Experiment Focusing on Earthquake Evacuation. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 2024; 8(12):112.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMitsuhara, Hiroyuki. 2024. "Metaverse-Based Evacuation Training: Design, Implementation, and Experiment Focusing on Earthquake Evacuation" Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8, no. 12: 112.
APA StyleMitsuhara, H. (2024). Metaverse-Based Evacuation Training: Design, Implementation, and Experiment Focusing on Earthquake Evacuation. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 8(12), 112.