Learning DOM Trees of Web Pages by Subpath Kernel and Detecting Fake e-Commerce Sites
:1. Introduction
- A generic system design for effective and efficient analysis of tree data with the subpath kernel;
- A detailed application of the subpath kernel to document object model (DOM) trees, an important example of tree data; and
- The remarkably high performance observed in analysis of DOM trees for detecting fake e-commerce sites with the subpath kernel system.
- Web-page contents can provide information at the finest granularity, and the range of features that can be extracted is the widest. The features of hyperlinked URLs [11], linked images [11,12], and embedded executable codes [13] are all extracted from page contents. Distributions of various information such as terms used [14], tag contents [11], contents types [14] and terms’ TF-IDF values [15,16] are also useful features. In exchange, the detailed investigation of web-page contents may cause damages to users’ computers by executing malware included, and features extracted from texts are prone to be language-specific. More importantly, content-based features can be shallow in many cases, that is, it is not difficult for adversaries to alter them so as to circumvent detection.
- The URL of a website can also provide useful information for phishing detection. The features include not only tokens from the URL [15,16,17] but also metadata obtained from external sources such as DNS [15], Google PageRank [15] and Amazon Alexa [14]. Because of the limit of the length of URL strings, the information obtained is also limited. Link redirection and change of web-contents can be an effective circumvention method, as well.
- A blacklist is created in a concentrative manner and specifies URLs of known phishing sites. Since its trustworthiness is high, it is widely used in real services like Google Safe Browsing [18] and eBay Toolbar [7]. Nevertheless, automated crawlers can be easily detected, and also, changing web-contents can easily outdate it. The most significant disadvantage of blacklists is the time difference between discovery of phishing sites and their registration to blacklists. The most significant disadvantage of blacklists is the time difference between discovery of phishing sites and their registration on blacklists.
2. The Data Used in Our Research
2.1. Positive Examples—Fake Sites
2.2. Negative Examples—Authentic Sites
2.3. Partition into a Training and Validation Datasets
3. Similarity Measures for DOM Trees
3.1. Measures Based on Shallow Features
3.2. Measures Based on Deep Features
- Kullback-Leibler divergence is the best known example, but it does not satisfy the axiom of symmetry. The symmetric divergences include Jensen-Shannon divergence, Bhattacharrya distance, Hellinger distance, -norm and Brownian distance. Divergences can be used with distance-based classifiers such as the nearest centroid and k-nearest neighborhood algorithms for classification, and k-means and k-memoid algorithms for clustering.
- A positive definite kernel can be viewed as an inner product operator of some inner product space [28] (reproducing kernel Hilbert space, RKHS). That is, by some mapping , an element can be identified with a vector , and holds. In particular, normalization of yields the well-known cosine similarity.More importantly, by identifying as a subspace of , we can extensively apply many useful multivariate analysis techniques to including PCA for feature extraction, SVM classifier for classification, the kernel k-means algorithm for clustering, and Gaussian process analysis for regression. A positive definite mapping kernel [27], in addition, evaluates spectrum distributions.
3.3. Prior Work on Tree Mapping Kernels
3.3.1. Positive Definite Mapping Kernels
- is positive definite, if k is positive definite.
- is transitive, that is, if and , then the composition is in .
3.3.2. Tree Mapping Kernels
- is a one-to-one partial mapping;
- preserves the generation orders of x and y, that is, , if, and only if, ;
- preserves the generation orders of x and y, that is, , if, and only if, ;
3.3.3. A Comparison of Tree Mapping Kernels
3.4. Conclusion on Kernel Selection
- Linear time algorithms to compute the subpath kernel are known [4,5]. Since the time complexity of computing other tree kernels is mostly of the quadratic order of the size of input trees, this advantage is significant. In particular, this enables real-time detection of fake large-scale DOM trees with thousands of vertices.
- The definition of the subpath kernel is invariant no matter whether trees are ordered or unordered. Although DOM trees are derived as ordered trees, adversaries may change the traversal order of vertices without impacting their logical meaning or layout. Thus, we see that the results by the subpath kernel is secure against the attack of changing the traversal order.
4. The Subpath Kernel
4.1. Efficient Computing of the Subpath Kernel
4.1.1. Extraction of Suffixes
4.1.2. Generation of Least Common Prefix Arrays
4.2. Understanding the Decay Factor
5. The Proposed Method
5.1. The Entire Picture
5.2. Suffixes Extraction
5.3. Gram Matrix Generation
5.4. Hyper-Parameter Optimization
5.5. Prediction
5.6. Comparison in Accuracy Performance
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. A Theory of Positive Definite Kernels
Appendix B. Rooted Ordered Trees
- The root exists such that for any .
- For any , is totally ordered.
Appendix C. Edit Distances for Trees
Appendix C.1. Taï Distance and Its Variations
- Zhang and Shasha [40] proposed an algorithm of-time: X and Y denote rooted ordered trees; , and denote the size (the number of vertices), the width (the number of leaves) and the height (the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf) of X. According to shapes of trees, this varies between and .
- Demaine et al. [50] further optimized this technique and presented an algorithm of -time. Demaine’s algorithm is the fastest in terms of the asymptotic evaluations, but it easily lapses into the worst case. Therefore, the algorithm of Zhang and Shasha in fact outperforms Demaine’s algorithm in many practical cases.
- RTED, an algorithm that Pawlik and Augsten [51] have developed, not only has the same asymptotic complexity as Demaine’s algorithm but also almost always outperforms the competitors in practice.
Appendix C.2. Mappings Associated with Edit Paths
Appendix C.3. The Constrained Distance
Appendix C.4. The Degree-Two Distance
Appendix A. Divergences
Appendix E. Positive Definite Kernels and RKHS
Appendix E.1. Properties of of Positive Definite Kernels
- .
- If , then for any y
- . This inequality is known as the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality.
- determines a distance over . This property is follows from the cosine formula.
- For and , the linear combination is positive definite.
- The product is positive definite.
- For any non-negative integer , the power is positive definite.
- For any polynomial with only positive coefficients, is positive definite.
Appendix B.2. RKHS for Finite Sets
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Suffixes | LCP | |
3 | 1 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 1 |
4,3 | 0 | 0 |
6,4,3 | 0 | 0 |
7,4,3 | 0 | 0 |
8,3 | 2 | 0 |
8,3 | 0 | 1 |
10,24,23,8,3 | 1 | 1 |
10,65,8,3 | 0 | 0 |
13,17,10,65,8,3 | 0 | 0 |
17,10,65,8,3 | 0 | 0 |
23,8,3 | 3 | 0 |
23,8,3 | 0 | 1 |
24,23,8,3 | 4 | 0 |
24,23,8,3 | 0 | 1 |
25,10,24,23,8,3 | 1 | 1 |
25,24,23,8,3 | 5 | 0 |
25,24,23,8,3 | 0 | 0 |
26,25,10,24,23,8,3 | 7 | 1 |
26,25,10,24,23,8,3 | 2 | 1 |
26,25,24,23,8,3 | 6 | 0 |
26,25,24,23,8,3 | 6 | 0 |
26,25,24,23,8,3 | 6 | 0 |
26,25,24,23,8,3 | 0 | 0 |
65,8,3 | −1 | 0 |
Method | Test Dataset | Train | Evaluation | ||||
Authentic | Fake | /Test | Prec. | Recall | F-Score | Acc. | |
Subpath Kernel (100) | 2849 | 3097 | 1/60 | 0.988 | 1.000 | 0.994 | 0.994 |
Subpath Kernel (1000) | 2849 | 3097 | 1/6 | 0.999 | 1.000 | 0.999 | 0.999 |
Whittaker et al. [15] | 1,499,109 | 16,967 | 6/1 | 0.989 | 0.915 | 0.951 | 0.999 |
Cantina [16] | 2100 | 19 | – | 0.212 | 0.89 | 0.342 | 0.969 |
PhishStorm [17] | 48,009 | 48,009 | 9/1 | 0.984 | 0.913 | 0.947 | 0.949 |
PhishShield [37] | 250 | 1600 | – | 0.999 | 0.971 | 0.985 | 0.966 |
Yang et al. [21] | 22,390 | 22,445 | 44/1 | 0.994 | 0.986 | 0.996 | 0.989 |
Sonmez et al. [23] | – | – | – | – | – | – | 0.953 |
Tyagi et al. [38] | – | – | – | – | – | – | 0.984 |
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Share and Cite
Shin, K.; Ishikawa, T.; Liu, Y.-L.; Shepard, D.L. Learning DOM Trees of Web Pages by Subpath Kernel and Detecting Fake e-Commerce Sites. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 2021, 3, 95-122. https://doi.org/10.3390/make3010006
Shin K, Ishikawa T, Liu Y-L, Shepard DL. Learning DOM Trees of Web Pages by Subpath Kernel and Detecting Fake e-Commerce Sites. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. 2021; 3(1):95-122. https://doi.org/10.3390/make3010006
Chicago/Turabian StyleShin, Kilho, Taichi Ishikawa, Yu-Lu Liu, and David Lawrence Shepard. 2021. "Learning DOM Trees of Web Pages by Subpath Kernel and Detecting Fake e-Commerce Sites" Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 3, no. 1: 95-122. https://doi.org/10.3390/make3010006
APA StyleShin, K., Ishikawa, T., Liu, Y.-L., & Shepard, D. L. (2021). Learning DOM Trees of Web Pages by Subpath Kernel and Detecting Fake e-Commerce Sites. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 3(1), 95-122. https://doi.org/10.3390/make3010006