Problematizing the Adoption of Formal Methods in the 4IR–5IR Transition
:1. Introduction
1.1. Research Questions (RQs)
- To what extent do 4IR structures, for example, Quality 4.0, lend themselves to mathematical formalism? (RQ1)
- How can traditional 4IR structures be enhanced by 5IR aspects? (RQ2)
- Develop a problematization framework aimed at facilitating the adoption of FMs through 4IR–5IR technologies.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Literature Review
3.1. Formal Methods in Software Engineering
3.1.1. Advantages of Formal Methods
- (1)
- All usernames and password combinations must be unique.
- (2)
- Every user must have a password.
- (all x exists y (y is the password of x)) (a), or
- (exists y all x (y is the password of x)) (b).
3.1.2. Formal Specification Techniques
3.1.3. Challenges of Formal Methods
3.2. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
3.3. The Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR)
3.4. Technology Adoption
3.5. Problematization
4. Results
4.1. Formalizing Quality 4.0
- Competency.Connected = set of X (for use below) Ambiguity #1 (an assumption)
- Competency ≙ Competency.Connected ≙{X.Experience, X.Expertise, X.Appraisal, X.Indivudual}Ambiguity #2 (an assumption)
- Undefined subdivisions below the Structured subcomponent Ambiguity #3
4.2. Towards Quality 5.0
4.3. Problematization Framework for the Adoption of FMs in the 4IR–5IR
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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van der Poll, J.A. Problematizing the Adoption of Formal Methods in the 4IR–5IR Transition. Appl. Syst. Innov. 2022, 5, 127.
van der Poll JA. Problematizing the Adoption of Formal Methods in the 4IR–5IR Transition. Applied System Innovation. 2022; 5(6):127.
Chicago/Turabian Stylevan der Poll, John Andrew. 2022. "Problematizing the Adoption of Formal Methods in the 4IR–5IR Transition" Applied System Innovation 5, no. 6: 127.
APA Stylevan der Poll, J. A. (2022). Problematizing the Adoption of Formal Methods in the 4IR–5IR Transition. Applied System Innovation, 5(6), 127.