3.2.2. GPS Breakthrough
GPS BTCs from both soil columns are displayed in
Figure 4. Results indicate that GPS mobility in both soils is highly limited due to their high adsorptive capacities, with 3% and 2% of the applied mass recovered in the effluent solution from the Commerce and Sharkey columns, respectively. Although observed breakthrough was very low, GPS mobility in the Commerce soil was greater than that in the Sharkey soil, with peak concentrations ~4% that of the influent solution. In the Sharkey soil, the maximum effluent concentrations were approximately 2% of the influent concentrations. Qualitative differences of GPS mobility in both soils are consistent with trends determined by batch sorption studies, with more limited mobility occurring in a soil with greater GPS affinity. Very low GPS mobility in soils has been well documented in the literature. Monitoring of leachate from 1 m below a field soil over a 2 year period, Kjær et al. [
14] reported complete retention of GPS within the soil column, and Napoli et al. [
48] recovered only an average of about 0.82% of applied GPS from the same depth over the course of a year. Additionally, Al-Rajab et al. [
13] reported less than 0.28% of applied GPS was recovered from a 25 cm soil profile, and Bergström et al. [
12] recovered only 0.009–0.019% of applied GPS in leachate sampled at 90 cm depth over the course of 748 days. As field conditions are inherently variable, results reported from laboratory studies may provide a more direct comparison to results presented here. Using flow rates similar to those used in this study, Candela et al. [
17] observed maximum concentrations of GPS in the effluent from a Spanish surface soil at approximately 1% that of the influent concentration, even though columns were only 2 cm long and 150 pore volumes of GPS solution were applied. Significant breakthrough was observed in this study when flow rates were increased by two orders of magnitude; however, it is unclear whether such rates are realistic in a field setting.
It is noteworthy that GPS breakthrough from both soil columns is rapid with no apparent lag time, suggesting high connectivity in a small proportion of the pores, which allows for a limited fraction of the bulk pore water (and therefore solvated GPS) to move relatively quickly. Therefore, the observed rapid breakthrough is attributed to physical properties of the system rather than chemical properties. These results are in contrast with other GPS laboratory miscible displacement studies. Using a flow rate greater than those employed here and applying a continuous pulse, Magga et al. [
18] reported a lag time of over 35 days before any GPS was detected in the effluent solution despite input concentrations twice those used in the current study. However, columns were 80 cm long and, therefore, the proportion of relatively non-tortuous path lengths is expected to be less. Additionally, analytical methods allowed for a lower limit of detection of 0.75 mg L
−1, so very low breakthrough concentrations may have gone undetected. Similarly, Beltran et al. [
16] observed a lag time of approximately 300 pore volumes before GPS breakthrough was detected, although input concentrations were two orders of magnitude lower than those used in this study. Consistent with our results however, Dousset et al. [
49] observed rapid breakthrough of GPS from vineyard soils with high concentrations of Cu when applying a finite pulse.
3.2.3. Multi-Reaction Transport and Linear Modeling
Measured GPS breakthrough curves along with MRTM and CXTFIT modeling simulations are displayed in
Figure 5, with optimized parameter values and evaluative statistics given in
Table 5. Upon statistical evaluation of several versions of MRTM, a two site multi-reaction model incorporating reversible and irreversible kinetic sites (Equations (6) and (9)) provided the best description of the data. In general, MRTM was able to describe observed data quite well from both soils with r
2 values of 0.97 and 0.90 for the Commerce and Sharkey soils, respectively. Additionally, an ocular assessment of
Figure 5 indicates that the model was able to predict the overall shape of each BTC to a reasonable extent as well. Optimized parameter values indicate an order of magnitude higher rate of mass transfer to the solid phase relative to rates of release, with higher rates of sorption onto irreversible sites for the Sharkey soil and similar rates for the Commerce soil. Since GPS retention in both soils was so high and no extensive tailing occurred, this result is expected.
In general, linear modeling was able to predict the timing and magnitude of the effluent peak to some degree, although peak effluent concentrations were under predicted for both cases. Because the linear model does not account for non-equilibrium release from the solid phase, predicted concentrations in the effluent at the advanced stages of leaching were under predicted. Rates of mass transfer to the conceptual ‘sink’ (values for µ in Equation (3)) were very similar to rate coefficients determined by MRTM, which is expected as mass retention is a dominant mechanism in GPS transport within both soils. Overall, MRTM performed better than linear modeling due to its capability to account for a variety of retention mechanisms.
The MRTM model used in this study is a model that is simpler than those used by Candela et al. [
17] and Magga et al. [
18]. These scientists both employed models consisting of equilibrium and kinetic sites along with first order sinks and were able to describe GPS breakthrough reasonably well. Zhou et al. [
19] also used a two-site non-equilibrium model to describe GPS breakthrough, however the dataset was very small (six points) and only adsorption was considered.
3.2.4. Distribution in the Soil Column
Measured GPS distribution obtained from KOH extractions of column sections along with MRTM and CXTFIT predicted distributions are displayed in
Figure 6. Consistent with what would be expected for a strongly sorbing solute, the majority of the extracted mass is concentrated near the input port. In fact, 76% and 59% of total herbicide extracted from the columns was recovered from the first 2 cm for the Sharkey and Commerce soils, respectively. Larger quantities of retained GPS observed at lower depths in the Commerce column are reflective of greater herbicide mobility in this soil relative to the Sharkey soil. This finding is in agreement with our batch and BTC results. Recovered mass decreases rapidly with depth, with only minimal GPS recovery from the latter half of the columns for both soils. This distribution profile is consistent with those reported by a number of other studies. While conducting a mobility study through undisturbed soil columns, Okada et al. [
47] recovered 68% of applied GPS in the top third of a 15 cm column, where Yang et al. [
50] recovered the majority of GPS and AMPA residues from the upper 2 cm of soil in a field plot study. Landry et al. [
15] reported that although no residual GPS was extracted after a yearlong field study involving agricultural soils in France, residual AMPA was concentrated in the top half of 20 cm profiles. Similar GPS distribution profiles were also described by Al-Rajab et al. [
13], where the vast majority of GPS was extracted from the top 5 cm of a 25 cm profile of all three soils at all seven sampling times used in the study.
The CXTFIT model fails to predict the distribution of retained GPS in either column, with very low estimates of residual mass. This can be attributed to how the parameter
µ is interpreted within the context of Equation (3). As discussed by van Genuchten et al. [
µ is taken as a first-order degradation coefficient when utilizing CXTFIT within the STANMOD software package, and not as a rate coefficient for irreversible retention reactions. Low recovery of applied GPS in the effluent solution is therefore accounted for by relatively large optimized values for
µ. Since this is a degradation rate coefficient, residual GPS within the column is not conserved, but is rather taken as mass lost from the system resulting in very low estimates of residual concentrations. Conversely, MRTM predicts the general shape of the distribution curve well, with greater amounts of residual herbicide located in the portion of the column closest to the inlet. The increased performance of this model relative to that of CXTFIT is due to complete conservation of mass throughout the duration of the numerical simulation. Here, there is no mechanism present to account for degradation and any type of mass ‘sink’ within the system is attributed to irreversible reactions. Although the shape of the distribution is approximated to a high degree, MRTM results in a somewhat over-prediction of measured residues, the reason for which is twofold. Extraction efficiencies from the soil are expected to be less than 100%, so measured residual GPS will automatically be less than what actually exists. Additionally, degradation of solid phase GPS is expected, the consequence of which being that mass loss due to biological activity is unaccounted for by MRTM, which will bias predictions higher than the actual amount of residual herbicide. Further effort to modify this model such that degradation is accounted for by the incorporation of various biological functions would improve estimates of residual mass. It is important to note that extraction data is not included in the model optimization procedure, and therefore, the ability of MRTM to estimate the general shape of GPS distribution within the soil profile further lends to the mechanistic validity of the model.
Discrepancies between modeled and measured results brought about by extraction inefficiencies and degradation can be handled by normalizing both data sets based upon calculated center of mass (COM) of GPS in the column, the results of which are given in
Table 6. In order to do this, it must be assumed that extraction efficiency and rate of degradation from each column section is the same. The validity of these assumptions is uncertain, as it was determined in a separate study that degradation rates are dependent upon sorbed phase concentrations in the Commerce soil and that no clear trend was evident in the Sharkey soil (Unpublished results). In addition, extraction efficiencies from soil with differential sorbed phase concentrations are expected to be different, as extraction from soils with low sorbed phase concentrations will most likely be lower due to GPS association with higher affinity sites. Yet, this assumption may be valid for the Sharkey soil, as there was a more homogenous distribution of reactive site affinities (Freundlich
n closer to 1), whereas the effect of differential extraction efficiencies will be greater in the Commerce soil due to a more heterogeneous distribution of reactive site affinities. However, if it is taken that these assumptions are valid, MRTM over-predicts GPS mobility in the Sharkey soil (predicted COM of 2.29 cm vs. a measured COM of 1.48 cm), and under-predicts the mobility of GPS in the Commerce soil (predicted COM of 2.46 cm vs. a measured COM of 2.64 cm). Additionally, a measured COM deeper in the soil profile for the Commerce soil relative to the Sharkey soil is consistent with observed BTC data and batch sorption results.
As biological degradation of GPS in soils is expected to occur over the time period in which these studies were conducted [
44], efforts were made to quantify the amount of the primary metabolite (AMPA) in the residual extracts. A lack of prolonged measured radioactivity in the effluent solution suggests that the
14C remains associated with the highly reactive phosphonomethyl functional group, indicating that the dominant mechanism of microbial degradation is through the AMPA pathway, consistent with the findings of others [
52]. Assuming that degradation beyond AMPA will result in a metabolite lacking the phosphonomethyl group and, therefore, a compound that will be readily mineralized to
2, all measured radioactivity in the extracting solution is taken to be either GPS or AMPA. As such, fractions of both GPS and AMPA determined via UPLC-MS/MS were applied to concentrations determined by LSC to produce GPS and AMPA distribution profiles displayed in
Figure 7. Again, assuming that rates of degradation are identical throughout the soil profile despite differential solid phase concentrations of GPS, determining the COM of both compounds provides a basis to assess the mobility of AMPA relative to that of GPS in each soil. Calculated COM based on UPLC-MS/MS analyses are given in
Table 7. These results coupled with the above assumption indicate that AMPA is more mobile than GPS in both soils, although to a lesser extent in the Sharkey soil. This is consistent with the findings of Báez et al. [
53], where reported
Kf values for AMPA were lower than those for GPS in six out of eight soils studied. However, these conclusions must be considered carefully, as they are contingent upon the validity of a number of assumptions.