3.1. Impact of Moisture on Dry Matter Loss
Excluding storage duration, moisture content was the greatest driver in dry matter loss in this experiment (
Table 2). At a given sample moisture content and storage duration, there were minimal differences in dry matter loss for all warm storage temperatures. Temperatures of 23 °C, 45 °C, and 60 °C reported statistically similar dry matter losses with a general trend in increasing dry matter loss as the storage duration and initial moisture content increased.
Data from the three temperature levels above freezing: 23 °C (73 °F), 45 °C (113 °F), and 60 °C (140 °F), were aggregated to analyze the difference in average dry matter loss for the different moisture content levels (
Table 3). Experimental units with starting moisture contents of 0%, 10%, 15% and 20% showed little to no dry matter loss within 27 days of storage, and those treatments ended with the originally scheduled longest storage duration: 27 days (
Figure 3). The experimental units with 30% and 60% moisture content, after 27 days, measured statistically higher DML than the other four moisture levels. Although statistically different from the lower moistures, the loss was small relative to the amount of dry matter remaining. The tests for these two levels of moisture content were extended to a 54-day storage duration to better understand the trend in loss measured in degrading experimental units. The two combinations continued to show loss throughout the additional storage duration (
Figure 3).
The losses from treatments in which degradation was observed (moisture contents of 30% and 60% at temperatures of 23, 45 and 60°C) did not follow a linear pattern. These moisture treatments, having nearly identical regression lines, were aggregated into a single category. There is a negative correlation between dry matter and time in this data set. The regression fits a quadratic model with an R
2 value of 84.3% (
Figure 4). The resulting regression equation is: % Dry Matter = 99.28 − 0.03402(x) − 0.004279(x)
2 where x refers to days of storage. There were experimental units measuring over 100% dry matter; this is most likely due to measurement error during sample preparation, final dry matter analysis, or a combination of both.
It is impossible for degradation to continue with this model indefinitely. If extrapolated beyond 54 days with the current model, the remaining dry matter reaches zero and becomes negative in 126 days, approximately 4 months. The initial phase of dry matter loss is most critical for supply chain management due to its high cost and feedstock risk associated with degraded material quality. Realistically, dry matter cannot take on a negative value, and if it were to reach zero that would indicate that the remaining experimental unit is entirely water; all components of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and ash have been degraded, or the unit is empty. The early stages of degradation mimic a quadratic model, but to forecast longer storage durations, the model should contain a minimum dry matter restriction. Under the notion of selective degradation, the combined initial concentrations of lignin and ash would be a logical minimum dry matter estimation.
In theory, the consumption of dry matter is most similar to substrate utilization in a microbial growth model. The concept of decomposing microorganisms consuming dry matter in biomass storage could utilize many of the same dependent rate equations (
Table 4). Within this system, microorganisms are growing, enzymes are produced, carbohydrate components of lignocellulose are broken into simple sugar monomers, monomers are consumed by microorganisms, and carbon dioxide is produced. An additional rate equation could be created for the substrate level of dry matter.
Do note that each rate equation becomes extremely complex for degradation of field-stored biomass. In the case of corn stover, substrate uniformity cannot be assumed. Dry matter consists of multiple components, composed of differing monomer structures, some more biodegradable than others. There are relationships among the components that influence the rate of dry matter loss. To accurately model substrate loss it would require at least four individual rate equations. Secondly, the non-homogenous structure of corn stover causes variability within the initial substrate. Finally, material is exposed to various moisture and temperature conditions, and is susceptible to numerous microorganism communities. Unable to be controlled or assumed, these growth influencers, along with substrate concentration would need to be closely monitored to understand the growth rate at any given time. Given the results from this test and these various features of biomass degradation, the resulting kinetics could follow models such as a Monod, logistic, or logarithmic to describe the biodegradation [
11]. In these types of models, substrate utilization starts slow, increases significantly, and then slows down, reaching a minimum value [
3.2. Effect of Temperature on DML
Decomposing microorganisms require a minimum temperature to maintain metabolic rates. If biomass is allowed to freeze, the material will not experience significant dry matter loss. There was no statistical difference measured in the average final dry matter for all moistures that were frozen for 9, 18, or 27 days (
Table 5).
Frozen material aggregated together and averaged 101% final dry matter (
Table 5). Realistically, dry matter cannot increase. This is most likely due to condensation/frost build up on the outside of containers as frozen experimental units hit humid air while taking a final sample weight. After the final weight was measured, units were allowed to thaw in a 5 °C (41 °F) cooler where outside condensation could evaporate. Once thawed, material was taken out of the tube container and whole container, lids, and material were put into a pan to measure the wet weight, then dried and measured for dry weight. The final weight of the unit was based off the slightly higher (due to condensation) frozen measurement, but the MC% was based off the thawed wet and dry weights. This could show a slight increase in dry matter for frozen treatments.
For experimental units with moisture levels promoting degradation (30% and 60%), temperature levels tested above freezing: 23 °C (73 °F), 45 °C (113 °F), and 60 °C (140 °F) did not show a statistical difference in mean final dry matter for the length of storage evaluated in this study, but were statistically lower than the frozen treatments (
Table 6 and
Figure 5).
3.3. Carbohydrate Analysis
Experimental units, dried for dry matter loss analysis, were prepared and sent to an external analytical lab to be analyzed for final carbohydrate structure. Three tests: Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), and Acid Detergent (AD) Lignin were performed to quantify the remaining composition of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The percent composition of hemicellulose was the only component to correspond to the decreasing trend seen with the results of dry matter loss (
Figure 6). Results presented are based on the mass of the degraded sample. Both the composition of cellulose and lignin had no significant change from day zero to day 54 of storage. (
Table 7).
Cellulose and hemicellulose, both sugar-based molecules, are the components currently sought after for bioprocessing. To track those more valuable components, cellulose and hemicellulose are combined to represent the carbohydrate composition (% carbohydrate) within an experimental unit. The fact that these carbohydrates are targeted during dry matter loss creates a dually negative impact on the quality of the feedstock. Not only is there less feedstock to process after storage due to its dry matter loss, but the quality of this feedstock is less because the loss is primarily driven by carbohydrates. For a representative corn stover feedstock experiencing a 30% dry matter loss during storage its concentration of convertible biomass will drop from 70% initially to 57% due to composition changes during storage. The combination of mass loss and convertible sugar loss results in a net mass basis reduction of 42% of total convertible sugars post degradation. The sensitivity of carbohydrate loss during storage is a key driver to ensure that industrial biomass is stored in a dry and protected solution with minimal potential for moisture uptake from rainfall or surface water.