Detection of Novel Objects without Fine-Tuning in Assembly Scenarios by Class-Agnostic Object Detection and Object Re-Identification
:1. Introduction
- Firstly, we demonstrate that training a class-agnostic detector on a sufficiently large and densely labeled dataset is sufficient to generalize well to novel objects. We compare different models and determine which architectures can detect the most novel objects in an assembly scenario while being fast.
- Secondly, we show that an object re-identification approach can be trained on a 3D object reconstruction dataset and utilized to assign novel categories to proposals without the need for fine-tuning. Our experiments indicate that this training approach outperforms the alternative in related work, wherein classification and proposal generation utilize the same detection dataset.
- Thirdly, we incorporate an additional first-filtering step based on object re-identification before applying the class-agnostic detector. This pre-processing step demonstrates considerable potential to accelerate the overall pipeline and enhance the detection performance by reducing the search space of the detector.
2. Related Work
2.1. Handling Novel Categories
2.2. Novel Category Classification without Fine-Tuning
2.3. Few-Shot Object Detection without Fine-Tuning
2.4. Object Re-Identification
2.5. Content-Based Image Retrieval
3. Detection of Novel Objects without Fine-Tuning
3.1. Processing Pipeline
- (I)
- RoI proposal
- (II)
- Class-agnostic detection
- (III)
- Object re-identification
3.2. Region of Interest Proposal
3.2.1. Reason Why This Preprocessing Step Is Necessary
3.2.2. How to Reduce the Search Space
3.2.3. Application of a Re-Identification Model for Feature Similarity Computation
3.2.4. Computation of Similarity Maps
3.2.5. Binarization of Similarity Maps
Why We Need a Shot-Specific Threshold
How to Use Dataset Statistics to Specify a Shot-Specific Threshold for Binarization
3.2.6. Region of Interest Creation, Combination and Refinement
- Most bounding boxes being the same size allows for more efficient batching during inference with the object-detection model without resizing and padding.
- Object detectors tend to struggle on very large images and on very small image crops, finding a suitable middle ground is advantageous.
3.3. Class-Agnostic Object Detection
3.4. Object Re-Identification
How to Learn Discriminative Embeddings
4. Experiments
4.1. Class-Agnostic Detection
4.1.1. Out-of-Domain Detection Test Dataset
Object Annotations
Benchmarks for Detection of Novel Objects
4.1.2. Evaluation Protocol
4.1.3. Implementation Details and Model Training
4.1.4. Model Comparison
4.1.5. Number of Predicted Object Proposals
4.1.6. Ablation Study: Other Factors Affecting Performance
4.2. Object ReID
4.2.1. Training Dataset
- Each object must be present in multiple different images.
- Objects must be labeled in a way that allows for their unique identities to be identified, i.e., object-category-level labels used in object detection and classification are insufficient.
4.2.2. Out-of-Domain ReID Test Datasets
4.2.3. Implementation Details and Model Training
4.2.4. Evaluation and Comparison
4.2.5. Influence Factors on the Re-Identification Pipeline
Data Augmentation
Input Resolution
Embedding Behavior and Dataset Quality
Embedding Dimension
Batch Sampling
Number of Categories in the Training Dataset
Image Backgrounds
Modern Loss Functions
4.3. Entire Processing Pipeline
4.3.1. Evaluation Protocol
4.3.2. Influence of Individual Hyperparameters
4.3.3. Comparison to State-of-the-Art Few-Shot Object Detector
4.3.4. Comparison of Generalization Abilities to Another Assembly Scenario
5. Limitations
6. Conclusions
Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Approach | Permitted Proposals | Recall [%] |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 1000 | 88.6 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 500 | 86.8 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 300 | 85.4 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 100 | 78.4 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 50 | 70.5 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 1000 | 82.9 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 500 | 77.8 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 300 | 67.0 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 100 | 34.9 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 50 | 21.1 |
Approach | Input Size | Recall [%] |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 640 × 640 | 88.6 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 450 × 450 | 85.1 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 320 × 320 | 81.9 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 270 × 270 | 75.1 |
DINO [70] (LVIS) | 224 × 224 | 60.8 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 640 × 640 | 82.9 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 450 × 450 | 82.3 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 320 × 320 | 69.4 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 270 × 270 | 60.3 |
Faster R-CNN [10] (LVIS) | 224 × 224 | 48.7 |
mAP | mAP | |
Validation/Test Dataset | SuperGlobal [66] (CBIR) | Proposed (ReID) |
CO3D validation set [81] (in-domain ReID) | - | |
Oxford+1M (Medium) [64] (in-domain CBIR) | - | |
Paris+1M (Medium) [64] (in-domain CBIR) | - | |
OHO [90] | ||
Google scanned objects [83] | ||
OOD tool dataset. (ours, composed of [6,82,88,89]) |
Horizontal Flip | Vertical Flip | Random Crop | Random Erasing | mAP |
- | - | - | - | |
- | - | - | ✓ | |
✓ | - | - | - | 47.3 |
- | ✓ | - | - | |
- | - | ✓ | - | |
✓ | ✓ | - | - | |
- | ✓ | ✓ | - | |
✓ | - | ✓ | - | |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - |
Resolution | |||
mAP (OOD tool dataset) | 48.1 |
Embedding Size | 2048 | 1024 | 256 |
mAP validation (CO3D dataset) | 89.3 | ||
mAP test (OOD tool dataset) | 40.7 |
C, P | 1, 16 | 4, 4 | 8, 2 | 16, 1 |
mAP (OOD tool dataset) | 44.3 | 44.7 | 45.8 | 46.0 |
Training Dataset | CO3D100 | CO3D75 | CO3D50 |
mAP (OOD tool dataset) | 44.5 | 44.4 | 43.0 |
Parameter | Description | Range |
p | p-quantile determining the similarity threshold , described in Section 3.2.5 | |
a | Test-time augmentation for queries in the form of horizontal flipping when creating similarity maps | {on, off} |
RoI box resolution after combining multiple boxes, described in Section 3.2.6 | ||
RoI box resolution after expanding small boxes, described in Section 3.2.6 | ||
RoI box area threshold, described in Section 3.2.6 | ||
Class-agnostic objectness threshold of object detector | ||
r | Resizing RoIs to a constant size before applying the class-agnostic object detector | {on, off} |
mAP50 | Inference Time | p | a | r | |||||
Operating point A | 40.9 | 0.73 s/image | 1.0 | on | 0.8 | 0.25 | on | ||
Operating point B | 44.8 | 1.05 s/image | 1.0 | on | 0.8 | 0.15 | on |
Mean Average Precision (mAP) | Inference Time (sec/image) | |||||
5 Shots | 10 Shots | 20 Shots | 5 Shots | 10 Shots | 20 Shots | |
DE-ViT, vitl [8] | 20.01 | 16.62 | 13.52 | 1.043 | 1.127 | 1.027 |
DE-ViT, vitb [8] | 18.60 | 14.76 | 11.85 | 1.043 | 0.973 | 0.972 |
ours, operating point A | 15.74 | 18.42 | 20.21 | 0.551 | 0.553 | 0.537 |
ours, operating point B | 26.78 | 32.93 | 35.45 | 1.052 | 1.031 | 1.009 |
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Share and Cite
Eisenbach, M.; Franke, H.; Franze, E.; Köhler, M.; Aganian, D.; Seichter, D.; Gross, H.-M. Detection of Novel Objects without Fine-Tuning in Assembly Scenarios by Class-Agnostic Object Detection and Object Re-Identification. Automation 2024, 5, 373-406.
Eisenbach M, Franke H, Franze E, Köhler M, Aganian D, Seichter D, Gross H-M. Detection of Novel Objects without Fine-Tuning in Assembly Scenarios by Class-Agnostic Object Detection and Object Re-Identification. Automation. 2024; 5(3):373-406.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEisenbach, Markus, Henning Franke, Erik Franze, Mona Köhler, Dustin Aganian, Daniel Seichter, and Horst-Michael Gross. 2024. "Detection of Novel Objects without Fine-Tuning in Assembly Scenarios by Class-Agnostic Object Detection and Object Re-Identification" Automation 5, no. 3: 373-406.
APA StyleEisenbach, M., Franke, H., Franze, E., Köhler, M., Aganian, D., Seichter, D., & Gross, H.-M. (2024). Detection of Novel Objects without Fine-Tuning in Assembly Scenarios by Class-Agnostic Object Detection and Object Re-Identification. Automation, 5(3), 373-406.