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Biophysica, Volume 5, Issue 1 (March 2025) – 4 articles

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12 pages, 4448 KiB  
Investigation of Interactions Between the Protein MPro and the Vanadium Complex VO(metf)2∙H2O: A Computational Approach for COVID-19 Treatment
by Camila A. Tavares, Eduardo F. Benedito, Taináh M. R. Santos, Rodrigo M. Santos and Teodorico C. Ramalho
Biophysica 2025, 5(1), 4; - 31 Jan 2025
Viewed by 288
Since 2020, the attention of the scientific community has been focused on the overwhelming COVID-19 pandemic, the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus that has affected populations worldwide. The alarming number of deaths and the severity of the symptoms have driven studies aimed [...] Read more.
Since 2020, the attention of the scientific community has been focused on the overwhelming COVID-19 pandemic, the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus that has affected populations worldwide. The alarming number of deaths and the severity of the symptoms have driven studies aimed at combating this disease. One of the key components in the development of this disease is the protein MPro, responsible for the replication and transcription of the virus, making it an excellent biological target in research efforts seeking an effective treatment for the disease. Furthermore, studies have shown that vanadium complexes, such as bis(N′,N′-dimethylbiguanide)oxovanadium (IV), VO(metf)2∙H2O, exhibit highly promising effects for the treatment of COVID-19. This molecule contains a ligand known as metformin, which also holds a prominent place as a potential agent in the treatment of this disease due to its antiviral properties. Therefore, an investigation into the interactions between these two systems (MPro+Vanadium Complex and MPro+Metformin) is pertinent given the significance of these two molecules. Thus, computational studies such as molecular docking and classical molecular dynamics are considered advantageous, assisting in this comparative study, as well as providing a deeper understanding of the interactions that occur within each of them. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Feature Papers in Biophysics)
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14 pages, 5097 KiB  
Pig and Cow Blood During Cold Storage in CPDA-1 Solution: Hematology and Fluid Behavior
by Ursula Windberger and Andreas Sparer
Biophysica 2025, 5(1), 3; - 21 Jan 2025
Viewed by 587
Nature equipped red blood cells (RBCs) with diverse mechanical properties, which makes it possible to examine blood with different RBC properties (size, shape, aggregability, deformability). We investigated whether the shelf life of cow blood (stiff RBCs, low aggregability) is longer compared with pig [...] Read more.
Nature equipped red blood cells (RBCs) with diverse mechanical properties, which makes it possible to examine blood with different RBC properties (size, shape, aggregability, deformability). We investigated whether the shelf life of cow blood (stiff RBCs, low aggregability) is longer compared with pig blood (deformability/aggregability comparable to human) due to a delay in RBC clustering and decomposition. Blood was drawn from conscious pigs and cows in their familiar environment to reduce stress and stored 30 days at +7 °C. RBCs remained intact in cow samples whereas pig samples became hemolytic after day 20. White blood cells and platelets decreased with similar percentages in both species. Hematocrit (HCT) decreased due to RBC shrinking in bovine samples and due to RBC decay in porcine samples. Blood viscosity increased in both species although HCT decreased. In porcine samples, shear thinning decreased progressively, indicating a gradual loss of sample cohesion with storage. Yield stress and storage modulus decreased with hemolysis. In HCT-native cow samples, shear thinning, yield stress, and storage modulus showed high intraindividual variability, but the mean values did not change over the time course. In HCT-adjusted (38%) cow samples, solidification occurred after day 7, followed by a reduction in cohesion and shear thinning until the end of storage. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Feature Papers in Biophysics)
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14 pages, 2341 KiB  
Gibbs Free Energy and Enthalpy–Entropy Compensation in Protein Folding
by María J. Benítez and Juan S. Jiménez
Biophysica 2025, 5(1), 2; - 13 Jan 2025
Viewed by 579
The thermodynamic study of protein folding shows the generation of a narrow range of ΔG° values, as a net result of large changes in the ΔH° and TΔS° values of the folding process. The obvious consequence of this narrow range of values is [...] Read more.
The thermodynamic study of protein folding shows the generation of a narrow range of ΔG° values, as a net result of large changes in the ΔH° and TΔS° values of the folding process. The obvious consequence of this narrow range of values is that a linear enthalpy–entropy relationship, showing apparent enthalpy–entropy compensation (EEC), is clearly observed to be associated with the study of protein folding. Herein, we show the ΔH°, TΔS°, and ΔG° values for a set of 583 data from protein folding processes, at various temperatures, as calculated by using the Gibbs–Helmholtz equations. This set of thermodynamic data was calculated from the melting temperature (Tm), the melting enthalpy (ΔHm), and the change in heat capacity (ΔCp°) values, all of them associated with the heat-induced protein unfolding processes and included in the ProTherm Data Base. The average values of enthalpy (ΔH°av), entropy (TΔS°av), and free energy (ΔG°av) for the folding process were calculated within the range of temperature from 0 °C to the average value of Tm. The values and temperature dependency of TΔS°av within this temperature range are practically equal to those corresponding to ΔH°av, while ΔG°av remains small and displaying a curve with a minimum at about 10 °C and a value of ΔG° = −30.9 kJ/mol at the particular temperature of 25 °C. The large negative value of TΔS°av, together with the also large and negative value of ΔCp°av, suggests large conformational changes and important EEC, thus causing the small average value of ΔG° for protein folding, which is enough to guarantee both protein stability and molecular flexibility to allow for adaptation to the chemical potentials of the environment. Our analysis suggests that EEC may be the quantum-mechanical evolutive mechanism to make functional proteins adaptative to environmental temperature and metabolite concentrations. The analysis of protein folding data, compared with those of protein–ligand interaction, allows us to suggest strategies to overcome EEC in the design of new drugs. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Feature Papers in Biophysics)
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16 pages, 1427 KiB  
Keeping Cells Alive in Microscopy
by Herbert Schneckenburger and Christoph Cremer
Biophysica 2025, 5(1), 1; - 6 Jan 2025
Viewed by 424
Light microscopy has emerged as one of the fundamental methods to analyze biological systems; novel techniques of 3D microscopy and super-resolution microscopy (SRM) with an optical resolution down to the sub-nanometer range have recently been realized. However, most of these achievements have been [...] Read more.
Light microscopy has emerged as one of the fundamental methods to analyze biological systems; novel techniques of 3D microscopy and super-resolution microscopy (SRM) with an optical resolution down to the sub-nanometer range have recently been realized. However, most of these achievements have been made with fixed specimens, i.e., direct information about the dynamics of the biosystem studied was not possible. This stimulated the development of live cell microscopy imaging approaches, including Low Illumination Fluorescence Microscopy, Light Sheet (Fluorescence) Microscopy (LSFM), or Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM). Here, we discuss perspectives, methods, and relevant light doses of advanced fluorescence microscopy imaging to keep the cells alive at low levels of phototoxicity. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Live Cell Microscopy)
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