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Proceeding Paper

Improving Internal Combustion Engine Performance through Inlet Valve Geometry and Spray Angle Optimization: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study †

School of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Machines and Applications, 18–20 June 2024; Available online:
Eng. Proc. 2024, 72(1), 6;
Published: 15 October 2024


This study aimed to calculate the impact of inlet valve geometry and spray angle on the performance of internal combustion engines using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. CFD analysis was performed to explore the fuel flow dynamics within a combustion chamber at critical stages, considering factors such as swirl and tumble. This study investigated the role of the intake port’s geometry and spray angles in creating squish and swirl, which is crucial for enhancing combustion efficiency and overall engine performance. The analysis employed the Finite Volume Method (FVM), solved within ANSYS Fluent 2021 software, utilizing the standard k-ε turbulence model. Design Modeler was used for the geometry design and ANSYS Fluent facilitated the CFD analysis of the injection. Four distinct cases were explored to assess engine performance across various designs, examining parameters such as pressure, temperature, and velocity. These performance parameters were evaluated against the existing literature, enabling the identification of optimal configurations. This study identified optimal performance parameters based on the existing literature. The best design was further validated against existing designs under identical boundary conditions. This research demonstrates improved engine performance across all parameters compared to existing values in the literature. This suggests the efficacy of the proposed inlet valve geometry and spray angle configurations in increasing internal combustion engine efficiency.

1. Introduction

One of the most important revolutions in humankind’s history is the invention of the internal combustion engine. In today’s world, engines are the primary devices utilized for converting the heat energy obtained from fossil fuels into useful work. Engines have prevalent applications ranging from electricity generators to jet planes. Since machines were invented, researchers have tried to increase engine efficiency by adopting better engine cycles. In the current era, global warming and environmental pollution intensify problems, threatening living beings’ existence [1].
In the past two centuries, non-renewable sources (fossil fuels) have been extensively used to meet the world’s energy demand. Almost 90% is consumed for transportation and energy generation. Nearly 64.2% of fossil fuels are being used to meet the energy demand. The extensive use of petroleum products is the actual cause of pollution and global warming.
In recent years, due to increases in petroleum consumption and pollution, the usage of more efficient engines has drawn much attention, and governments have begun pushing towards strict regulatory measures. Although scientists like Carnot laid strong theoretical foundations for ideal cycles, Otto, Diesel, etc., real engine technology has always struggled to achieve better efficiency. Thermodynamic processes cannot be performed with 100 percent efficiency due to inherent irreversibility. Ever since the invention of engines, researchers have been making efforts to improve their efficiency.
Chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy in an engine. However, according to the second law of thermodynamics, 100% conversion of heat, i.e., low-grade energy (LGE), into work, i.e., HGE, is never possible due to entropy energy losses. This challenge drives the quest to explore ways to improve the performance of engines. Combustion plays a vital part in enhancing engine efficiency. The combustion of any fuel in an engine involves turbulent mass transfer, heat transfer, radioactive heat transfer, and chemical and physical processes. The geometry of the engine inlet valve port steers all these phenomena. Since an engine’s geometry plays a vital role in enhancing the performance of power generation plants and vehicles, it is an important research subject [2]. On the other hand, we are required to optimize injection by changing different parameters. Researchers can change one design parameter and observe its effect on performance while keeping other parameters constant, following the design.
Many studies have been carried out to simulate a diesel engine to achieve maximum output pressure with less NOx and other pollutants. An engine’s overall efficiency can be enhanced by using the efficient injection and atomization of fuel, which can increase an engine’s overall performance. Generally, CFD is the numerical analysis of fluid motion using several equations, such as mass conservation of fluid, energy conservation, and momentum conservation equations. CFD uses computational instruments to utilize scientific models and strategies to solve complex liquid mechanics and discrete numerical issues [3].
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be used for simulations and to investigate the effect of different geometries on phenomena like swirl, tumble, and wake and vortex formation in a flow field. Computer-based software like ANSYS Fluent 2021, etc., has increased computational speed and theoretically simulates any physical condition. CFD of C.I. engines has been researched over the years. A C.I. engine’s mathematical modeling is undoubtedly complex and, therefore, involves various interacting sub-models. Even today, CFD cannot be used for the absolute value calculation of C.I. engine operational parameters. Since CFD itself is subject to validation research, we will also review this subject matter. The development of the steps involved in CFD is discussed for research conducted on C.I. engines. Brief comparisons of early CFD models and their results versus the latest developments are presented [4].
Many CFD simulations of diesel engines are carried out using different software to study an engine’s various parameters. A study carried out by Zhang et al. aimed to analyze the different geometries of the phenomena of combustion. The behavior of flame movements was studied by using the correlation of the cross method. This method was used to note the combustion motion of the flame and the temperature of burning with high-speed photographs of cylinders in a two-color method. The pumping rate injection nozzle size in relation to the timings of the combustion processes was studied [5].
Ref. [6] investigated the two-intake valve engine and studied the effect of port design on fluid flow. STAR-CD CFD, the k-ԑ model, and the SIMPISO solution algorithm were employed. LDA was used for experimental visualization. When both intake ports were entirely open, if the α angle was increased from 0° to 32 °, there was an increase in tumble. When angle β was increased from 0.5 ° to 32 °, there were small increases in swirl inside the cylinder. When the spray/intake angle was increased and the port was deactivated, this caused many changes in flow patterns. When the port was deactivated and an increase in intake angle caused a change in the flow motion inside the cylinder, this also enhanced swirl and tumble [6].
According to RD Reitz, engine performance is greatly affected by details of the intake flow process and mechanisms. Pressure, heat release, soot, and NOx in different experiments with standard engines showed that CFD results are compatible with experiments. Model experiments can predict soot NO and trade-off trends in a better and more accurate way. However, there is much room for improvement in predicting combustion accuracy with late injection. A model cylinder was created and its interaction with the valve and cylinder walls was studied. Flow rate did not affect the predictions and measurements of the flow, but valve lift did have an effect [7]. Cheng Dent conducted experiments and computational studies to investigate the curve’s effect in the inlet port. Flow patterns were analyzed using STAR-CD CFD code. Surface pressure maps of localized regions were obtained experimentally [8].
C.W. Hong et al. helped design an advanced engine with optimized in-cylinder air motion and controllable turbulence levels to meet strict emission requirements. The analysis comprised a turbulence effect produced by a mixture flow inside the cylinder, direct measurements using simultaneous methods, CFD using KIVA-3, and the k–ε turbulence model. Measurements of integral length with computational length scales showed reasonable similarity in both tendency and magnitude [9]. M. Reeves studied cyclic flow variations and their effect on the burning process. A turnkey, high-speed digital image was used in combination with PIV. This provided a visual of the process. A synchronization scheme allowed the acquisition of hundreds to millions of stream visualization series at the same crank angle, enabling a very detailed visualization [10].
For the investigation of total pressure losses, intake section and variation in the valve lift were examined by Leylek et al. Loss pockets were predicted and identified using mathematics. Details of the prediction for the high valve lift scenario were put forth. The conclusion was that a significant effect occurred in the valve’s clearance; around 30% loss of pressure occurred upstream of the valve clearance section [11]. Using the CFD code, the precision of forecast for air motion and spray properties in a CI diesel engine was evaluated by Bo et al. Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) used compression and intake strokes until the ignition of the fuel to determine the velocity field. The conclusion drawn was that the forecast for the velocities of gases, droplets, and their penetration lengths mostly matched experimental results, but further studies and examinations are required to check the spray modeling results, especially concerning effects on gas temperature and fuel vapor [12].
Chen et al. used STAR-CF version 2.21 to simulate fluid flow for the intake stroke, and the flow was transient. Turbulent flow and boundary layer behavior were explained using the standard k-e model [13]. Auriemma et al. researched in-cylinder measurements with motoring conditions. The parameters of air velocity, which were radial or tangential, were measured for crank angles totaling 95 degrees at the top dead center. Estimations were conducted for shear stress, motion, and integral time by using different averaging methods [14]. Beard et al. studied the fluid flow in a compression ignition engine by carrying out experiments and using computations in tandem. The author modified the KIVA II code to perform simulations and consider the optical piston elasticity due to high pressure [15]. By applying the first law of heat, the leading cause of error in gross heat release estimations was evaluated by authors Brunt and Platts. They found that the leading cause of the error was using an erroneous ratio of heat transfer through the wall and specific heat. The authors then proposed a substitute model for the release of heat called a polytrophic model. A comparison was made using a polytrophic model, with the results obtained through experiments with a direct compression ignition engine [16]. Semin et al. discussed a functional design for direct diesel intake and combustion engines. For this, an upgrade to the CFD approach was examined. The model of Tetrahedron cells was adequate to obtain a corresponding examination of steady-state flow [17].

2. CFD Modeling

Computer simulation of an engine was performed using computational fluid dynamics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is an engineering tool used to simulate complex models using numerical physics and mathematical equations. Its analysis provides detailed information on all useful parameters like velocity, pressure, temperature, AHRR, turbulence, and multiphase flow, which assists experimentation. We can predict the results of a problem using simulations before practical testing. Engine design and modeling is a complex task involving various parameters and equations, as mentioned above. CFD helps in modeling an engine; also, the model can be optimized by analyzing the results under different atmospheric and boundary conditions. Thus, we can predict the real-time behavior of an engine before experimentation [18]. The primary governing equations are the equation of conservation of mass or continuity equation and the conservation of momentum.
ρ t + . ρ v = S m
t ρ v + . ρ v v = p + . τ ̿ + ρ g + F
The standard k-ε turbulence model in ANSYS Fluent has become the workhorse of practical engineering flow calculation. The standard k-ε model is based on model transport equations for turbulence kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (ε). This model assumes that the flow is turbulent and other effects like molecular viscosity are negligible. Therefore, it is only valid for turbulent flows [19]. The transport equations for the standard k-ε model are as follows:
t ρ k + x ρ k u = x j µ + µ t σ k k x j + G k + G b ρ ε Y M + S k
t ρ ε + x ρ ε u = x j µ + µ t σ ε x j + C 1 ε ε k G k + C 3 ε G b C 2 ε ρ ε 2 k + S ε
Turbulent viscosity is expressed as
µ t = ρ C µ k 2 ε
Whereas C1ε, C2ε, Cµ, σ k , and σε are the constants in the equations mentioned above, and their default values are below.
C1ε = 1.44, C2ε = 1.92, Cµ = 0.09, σk = 1.0, σε = 1.3.

3. Simulation Setup

The overall length and the throat area were kept constant in all designs. However, the exit radius was a variable parameter. The proposed geometry of the engine is shown in Figure 1. To reduce the computational time, we used the 60° sector of the engine. The geometrical characteristics used in the CFD simulation are shown in Table 1.
Pre-processing involves the transformation of physical problem statements into software. The type of material, fluid, and boundary conditions were defined as shown in Table 2. The boundary conditions were given according to standards available in the literature to validate any small-scale engine design. The geometry of the engine was cut into a 60° sector to reduce the computational time. The calculation started from the intake valve close (IVC) to a 570-degree crank angle and ended at the exhaust valve open (EVO) 833-degree crank angle. Different parameters were analyzed by varying the spray angle. The boundary conditions at different spray angles were used in the CFD simulation, as shown in Table 2.

4. Results and Discussions

Figure 2 displays static temperature contours for spray angles of 50°, 60°, 70°, and 80°, showing their impact on temperature distribution within the combustion chamber. At 50°, the temperature was highly concentrated near the center, indicating limited heat spread and potential inefficiencies. The 60° angle showed a broader high-temperature region, suggesting improved heat distribution and combustion efficiency. The 70° angle showed an even wider and more balanced temperature spread, facilitating efficient combustion. The 80° angle achieved the most extensive high-temperature coverage, ensuring thorough heat distribution and optimal combustion performance. These results underscore the significance of spray angle optimization in enhancing internal combustion engine efficiency through improved temperature distribution. Figure 3 shows the velocity magnitude contours for fuel sprays at spray angles of 50°, 60°, 70°, and 80°, highlighting the impact on fuel distribution within the combustion chamber. The 50° angle showed a concentrated, narrow spray with lower velocities, suggesting suboptimal fuel–air mixing. At 60°, the spray pattern widened with higher velocities, indicating better mixing and combustion efficiency. The 70° angle achieved balanced penetration and spread, optimizing fuel distribution and mixing for efficient combustion. The 80° angle, with the widest spray and highest velocities, ensured thorough fuel–air mixing and, potentially, the best combustion performance. These results emphasize the critical role of spray angle in enhancing internal combustion engine efficiency through optimized fuel spray dynamics.
Figure 4 illustrates the relationship between penetration length and crank angle for various spray angles (50°, 60°, 70°, and 80°) in an internal combustion engine. The graph demonstrates how different spray angles affected the penetration length of the fuel spray within the combustion chamber. As the crank angle increased, the penetration length varied, showing distinct peaks and troughs for each spray angle. Notably, the spray angle of 80° exhibited the highest penetration length, followed by 70°, 60°, and 50°. This pattern indicated that larger spray angles resulted in greater penetration lengths, which could enhance fuel–air mixing and potentially improve combustion efficiency. The fluctuations in the graph reflect the dynamic interactions between the fuel spray and airflow, influenced by factors such as swirl and tumble motions within the chamber. This analysis underscores the importance of optimizing spray angles to achieve the desired fuel distribution and combustion performance, validating the efficacy of the proposed designs in comparison to existing configurations.

5. Conclusions

In this study, the effect of injection spray angle on the combustion and overall performance of a diesel engine was investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The data for the model were sourced from the existing literature, and the CFD model was developed accordingly. Based on the analysis of the simulation results, the following conclusions are drawn:
The in-cylinder pressure started increasing as the spray angle was increased from 50° to 70°. Beyond 70°, further increases in the spray angle resulted in a slight decrease in in-cylinder pressure. These results indicate that optimizing an engine’s overall efficiency requires jointly optimizing the spray angle and the combustion chamber’s shape.
As the spray angle increased from 50° to 80°, there was a corresponding rise in the cylinder’s temperature.
At a spray angle of 80°, fuel penetration was higher compared to other cases. The penetration length increased as the spray angle was increased from 50° to 80°.
The lowest amount of unburnt fuel was observed at a spray angle of 70°, while other angles resulted in higher levels of unburnt fuel.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.A.; methodology and visualization, M.N.; investigation, M.N.; resources and validation, M.N. and M.N.; writing—original draft preparation, M.N.; writing—review and editing and supervision, M.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Mesh of a sector of the engine.
Figure 1. Mesh of a sector of the engine.
Engproc 72 00006 g001
Figure 2. Contours of static temperature.
Figure 2. Contours of static temperature.
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Figure 3. Velocity magnitude.
Figure 3. Velocity magnitude.
Engproc 72 00006 g003
Figure 4. Penetration length vs. crank angle.
Figure 4. Penetration length vs. crank angle.
Engproc 72 00006 g004
Table 1. The values of parameters used in CFD simulation.
Table 1. The values of parameters used in CFD simulation.
Geometrical CharacteristicsValues
Combustion simulation typeSector (60°)
Connecting rod length165
Crank radius55
Starting crank angle 570° (IVC)
End crank angle833° (EVO)
Compression ratio15.75
Table 2. Boundary conditions at different spray angles used in CFD simulation.
Table 2. Boundary conditions at different spray angles used in CFD simulation.
Boundary ConditionsValues
Pressure at inlet3.5 bar
Temperature at inlet405 K
Spray location (height) 0.33 mm
Spray location (radius)0.55 mm
Spray angle (case 1)50°
Spray angle (case 2)60°
Spray angle (case 3)70°
Spray angle (case 4)80°
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ahsan, M.; Noman, M. Improving Internal Combustion Engine Performance through Inlet Valve Geometry and Spray Angle Optimization: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study. Eng. Proc. 2024, 72, 6.

AMA Style

Ahsan M, Noman M. Improving Internal Combustion Engine Performance through Inlet Valve Geometry and Spray Angle Optimization: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study. Engineering Proceedings. 2024; 72(1):6.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ahsan, Muhammad, and Mian Noman. 2024. "Improving Internal Combustion Engine Performance through Inlet Valve Geometry and Spray Angle Optimization: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study" Engineering Proceedings 72, no. 1: 6.

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Ahsan, M., & Noman, M. (2024). Improving Internal Combustion Engine Performance through Inlet Valve Geometry and Spray Angle Optimization: Computational Fluid Dynamics Study. Engineering Proceedings, 72(1), 6.

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