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Proceeding Paper

Wearable Reflectance PPG Optical Sensor Enabling Contact Pressure and Skin Temperature Measurement †

Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 11th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA-11), 26–28 November 2024; Available online:
Eng. Proc. 2024, 82(1), 10;
Published: 26 November 2024


This paper describes the design, realization, and application of a wearable sensor based on the photoplethysmography (PPG) principle supplemented with a force-sensitive resistor and a thermometer for the measurement of contact pressure force and the temperature of the skin at the point where the optical part of the PPG sensor touches the finger. The performed experiments confirmed the essential influence of the applied contact force on the amplitude and ripple of the sensed PPG signal and the stability and precision of heart rate values determined from the PPG wave. Preliminary measurements showed that the response to the applied contact force was principally different for fingers of male and female tested persons, so different scaling and pressure levels were applied in the main experiments. Contrariwise, differences between left and right hands were not significant. The influence of skin temperature changes could be ignored for these measurements due to the short time duration of the PPG signal recording (approx. 1 min).

1. Introduction

It is well known that the actual state of the skin surface including color, temperature, and other factors have an influence on the properties of sensed PPG signals. We developed a wearable PPG sensor with a contact thermometer to carry out measurements of skin temperature. The precision of determined PPG wave features depends on the position of the optical sensor and the contact pressure force exerted in the place of the sensor. Many experimental studies have confirmed that too-low or too-high contact pressure applied on the skin of the finger (wrist) by the worn PPG sensor causes degradation (decrease in the heart pulse amplitude and distortion of the systolic peak wave) of the sensed PPG signal [1,2,3]. The highest amplitude of the PPG signal can be achieved when the contact pressure is equal to the transmural pressure, defined as the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the blood vessel. Higher or lower pressure exerted by the probe leads to decreased amplitude, caused by the collapsing and fluttering of vessel walls [4,5]. Localized physical pressure can be successfully measured by force-sensitive resistors (FSR) [6,7]. Also, tension or deformation sensors working on a similar principle to that of FSR components can be used to measure and monitor heart pulsation on the wrist radial artery as complementary tools to PPG sensors working on an optical principle (typically worn on fingers) [8].
The motivation of the current work was to analyze the influence of adjusted contact pressure force on the quality and temporal features of sensed PPG waves. This paper describes the realization of a wearable PPG sensor with an integrated contact thermometer and an FSR element for contact pressure force measurement. The FSR sensor film was mounted on the surface of the cover box near a hole for the light source and the photodetector. All parts of this sensor were shielded by aluminum boxes to enable its application in the weak magnetic field environment [9]. For different contact forces on a finger, we measured PPG signals to collect a database of PPG wave records. Then, we statistically analyzed the determined PPG wave features to make practical recommendations about setting the contact force, which is important for long-duration measurement experiments using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device, which is our long-term research aim [9].
While our last wearable two-channel PPG sensor [10] incorporated a contact thermo-element for direct temperature measurement during PPG signal sensing, this paper describes the design, realization, and performed first-step measurements of a developed special prototype of a one-channel wearable PPG sensor with an FSR component and a thermometer for the detection and measurement of contact force and the temperature of the skin at the point where the optical part of the PPG sensor touches the finger. Measurements were realized for five different levels of contact force for male and female tested subjects separately. Sensed PPG signal records were then processed to obtain PPG wave parameters (systolic peak amplitude, signal range, and ripple), and HR mean values and their variances were subsequently calculated. The obtained partial and summary results confirmed the essential influence of the applied contact force on the amplitude of the PPG signals, which was also manifested by the increased variance in the HR values. The temperature, which was sensed in parallel during the whole measurement experiment, changed minimallyprobably due to the relatively short time duration of the PPG signal recording (about 1 min per one pressure level). Other PPG wave parameters seemed to be less dependent on the contact force or more affected by other physiological factors.

2. Methods

Determination of Basic PPG Wave Properties

To describe the basic signal properties of the PPG waves in correspondence with the applied contact force during PPG signal sensing, the energetic and statistical parameters were determined. The methodology used to determine the PPG wave properties, including heart rate determination from the PPG wave, is described in more detail in [9,10]. After systolic pulse location, the min/max peak values (LspMIN/LspMAX) and signal offset level (LOFS) were determined. Using the mean signal offset, the absolute PPG signal amplitude was calculated as SAMPL = (LspMAX + LspMIN)/2 − μ LOFS. The bit resolution (ADRES) of the A/D converter used for the digitization of an analog PPG signal could be applied to calculate the relative signal range SRANGE as a percentage as SRANGE = SAMPL/ADRES × 100. Finally, the heart pulse ripple as a percentage was calculated as HPRIPP = (LspMAX − sLpMIN)/LspMAX × 100. The localized peak positions PSYS were subsequently applied to determine the heart cycle periods THP and, using the sampling frequency fS [Hz], heart rate was evaluated as HR = 60 × fS/THP [min−1]. For further comparison, the mean value and the variance HRVAR (as a squared standard deviation) were also calculated.
For the measurement of the contact pressure force based on the FSR component (see the photo in Figure 1a), the voltage divider was usually applied (see the wiring diagram in Figure 1b). There was a non-linear characteristic between the resistance in kilo ohms and the force in grams, as shown in Figure 1c. The output voltage from the voltage divider connected to the A/D convertor was defined as
VOUT = VCC/(1 + R0/R1) [V],
where VCC represents an actual power supply voltage, R0 is the resistance of the FSR component part, and R1 is the pull-down resistor in the voltage divider [11]. An additional capacitor C1 connected parallel with the resistor R1 suppressed the possible peaks induced by the step changes of the force applied on the FSR component, so it practically performed partial integration and smoothing of the output analog signal VOUT.
Using the value VADC obtained after digitalization by the A/D convertor with resolution ADRES, the actual resistance of the FSR component was given by the formula
RFSR = R1 × (VCC/VFSR − 1) [kΩ],
where VFSR = VADC × VCC/ADRES. To express the force in grams, the conductance of FSR part was usually calculated as GFSR = 1/RFSR. When the current RFSR lay in the linear part of the resistance/force conversion characteristics, the final contact force was given by multiplication with the gravitation constant g (enumerated as 0.00980665 to obtain the force expressed in N):
FFSR = GFSR × g [N],
Otherwise, some linearization of the parabolic curve part needed to be applied (see the initial “knee” part of the conversion characteristics in Figure 1c). This step could be performed by proper choice of the pull-down resistor R1 [12].
To map potential temperature changes during the measurement with the time duration tDUR, the linear trend (LT) was calculated from the obtained T1 temperature sequence by the linear least squares fitting technique. The absolute difference ∆T1 between the temperatures T1 taken at the start and end of the measurement was determined. Next, the gradient parameter TGRAD, defined as the ratio T1GRAD = (∆T1/tDUR) [°C/s], was useful for further analysis and comparison. The positive ∆T1 and T1GRAD values represented the rising temperature trend; the negative ones signified the falling trend.

3. Objects, Experiments, and Results

3.1. Description of PPG Sensor Construction and Realization

The developed prototype of a wearable one-channel PPG sensor with a thermometer and FSR component (hereafter called “PPG-1TSF”) consisted of
  • the micro-controller board Adafruit Metro Mini 328 (Adafruit 2590) by Adafruit Industries, Brooklyn, NY, USA, based on the processor ATmega328 by Atmel Company, San Jose, CA, USA working at fCLK = 16 MHz with eight 10 bit A/D converters, including the SPI port, I2C port, and USART to USB converter [13];
  • the bi-directional communication BT module MLT-BT05 by Techonics Ltd., Shenzhen, China;
  • reflectance optical PPG sensors with fully integrated analog interfaces (Pulse Sensor Amped (Adafruit 1093) by Adafruit Industries, Brooklyn, NY, USA);
  • the high-precision I2C thermometer based on the Adafruit MCP9808 temperature sensors [14] by Adafruit Industries, Brooklyn, NY, USA;
  • the Force Sensitive Resistor—Small (Sparkfun SEN-09673) [12] by SparkFun Electronics, Niwot, CO, USA.
The whole sensor was powered via the USB port by the 5 V power bank with a capacity of 2200 mAh. The applied FSR component consisted of a 7.62 mm diameter circular sensing area, enabling the detection and measurement of the force from 0.1 to 1.25 N [12]. To use the conversion characteristics with maximum linearity [11], the resistor R1 value in the voltage divider was finally set to 3.3 kΩ and the filtering capacitor C1 of 6.3 μF was connected in parallel. The integrated thermo-chip MCP9808 enabled the measurement of the temperature from −40 °C to +125 °C, with a typical accuracy of ±0.125 °C [14]. While the analog signal from the optical Pulse Sensor Amped and FSR component were connected directly to the A/D converters of the ATmega328 processor, the values from the MCP9808 thermo-sensor were obtained numerically via the I2C bus interface, both located on the Adafruit Metro Mini 328 board. To enable further measurements in a weak magnetic field environment of the MRI device, the whole PPG sensor consisted of non-ferromagnetic components, and all parts were fully shielded by aluminum boxes against the radiofrequency disturbance—see the photo of the sensor’s assembly in Figure 2a. The optical part of the PPG sensor including the FSR part placed on the surface of the Al shielding box was fixed on the measured finger by a special 12.7 mm wide plastic (polyamide) ribbon with a rack fixing binder [15] for the easy and precise setting of different pressure forces—see a detailed photo in Figure 2b. An illustration photo of the used arrangement for conducting measurements with the PPG-TSF1 sensor is shown in Figure 2c.

3.2. Description of Performed Measurement Experiments

After verifying the sensor’s basic functionality, the practical measurement experiment was performed in normal laboratory conditions. It consisted of the real-time sensing of PPG waves and temperature values with different settings of contact forces (CFs) applied on the skin surface of a sensing finger. The tested person was sitting with both hands laid on a table located in a normal laboratory room without any stimuli during the measurement. The measurement was realized for five levels of the applied force (FL1,…, FL5). The sensor was worn on the left and right index fingers, so there were 20 data records per person in total. Each of the data records with a time duration of 64 sec was sensed using the sampling frequency fS = 500 Hz. In this way, we obtained a small database originated from six non-smoking volunteers (four males M1–M4 and two females F1–F2) with a mean age of 56 years. The collected data records were analyzed to obtain the PPG wave properties and their statistical parameters.
As the signal from the FSR sensor part was not strictly linear, some pulsation in the rhythm of systolic peaks of the PPG wave was present, expressed mainly in the higher levels of the contact force (see an example in Figure 3). So, the mean value and standard deviation of the FFSR signal needed to be determined and used for the evaluation of the obtained results. In addition, preliminary measurements showed that the response to the applied contact force was principally different for fingers of male and female tested persons, so we needed to apply different scaling and force levels. Therefore, the mean CF values in the main measurement experiment were finally set as follows: CFMALE = {0.15, 0.25, 0.45, 0.8, and 1.1 N}, CFFEMALE = {0.20, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, and 0.75 N}—see bar graphs in Figure 4. An example of a collection of five sensed PPG waves with different contact force levels applied for a male person M1 is presented in Figure 5. Table 1 shows corresponding partial results of the determined PPG wave parameters. Figure 6 compares the final results depending on the used hand (left/right and joined both together) for male and female subjects separately.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

The performed measurement experiments confirmed the practical functionality of the developed special prototype of the wearable PPG sensor supplemented with a contact thermometer and FSR sensor film. The chosen type of FSR element appeared to be suitable for our current experimental purpose—to map the response of the contact pressure force applied on the skin at the point where the optical part of the PPG sensor touched the finger. This was demonstrated by significant changes in the PPG signal properties as well as in the stability and accuracy of the subsequently determined HR values.
The preliminary testing showed that principal differences between the fingers of male and female tested persons must be considered in the arrangements and methodology of measurement experiments. Female fingers generally have slightly thinner capillaries, so the pressure effect is manifested in lower levels of contact force in comparison with males. Therefore, we needed to apply different scaling and force levels for males and females and the obtained results must be analyzed and compared separately. Contrary to our expectation, differences in PPG wave properties between left and right hands were not significant (see the summary results in Figure 6).
The temperature sequences sensed in parallel with the PPG and FFSR signals showed minimal changes in T1 values (differences in ∆T, TLT, and TGRAD were close to zero—see the lower graph in Figure 4) due to the relatively short time duration of the performed individual measurements. Hence, the T1 values were not considered or evaluated in the main experiments.
The current measurements were performed in basic experimental conditions, and the contact force on the measured skin was incrementally increased in five steps. We plan further investigations into the process of regeneration of the pressed skin after stopping the application of contact force. In this case, a longer time duration for the whole experiment will be applied so that the temperature effect may also be shown. Finally, it will be necessary to perform more measurements to collect a larger database of measured data records, which will allow us to obtain more representative results that can be generalized.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization and methodology, J.P., A.P., and I.F.; data collection, processing, and visualization, J.P.; writing—original draft preparation, J.P. and A.P.; writing—review and editing, A.P.; project administration, J.P.; funding acquisition, J.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was funded by the Slovak Scientific Grant Agency project VEGA2/0004/23.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The need for an institutional review board statement was waived for this study as the authors and their colleagues are from IMS SAS. No personal data were saved; only PPG signals, contact pressure force values, and skin temperatures sensed on fingers were used in this research.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Principle of function and use of force-sensitive resistors: (a) photo of FSR component used in our experiments, (b) typical wiring diagram of a voltage divider accompanied by a filtering capacitor, (c) example of resistance/force conversion characteristics [11].
Figure 1. Principle of function and use of force-sensitive resistors: (a) photo of FSR component used in our experiments, (b) typical wiring diagram of a voltage divider accompanied by a filtering capacitor, (c) example of resistance/force conversion characteristics [11].
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Figure 2. Construction of and measurement with the PPG-TSF1 sensor: (a) photo of complete assembly with a power bank and a fixing plastic ribbon, (b) detail of used plastic ribbon with visible fixing binder tooth system for easy and precise setting of different pressure forces on fingers’ skin, (c) photo of worn sensor ready for measurement.
Figure 2. Construction of and measurement with the PPG-TSF1 sensor: (a) photo of complete assembly with a power bank and a fixing plastic ribbon, (b) detail of used plastic ribbon with visible fixing binder tooth system for easy and precise setting of different pressure forces on fingers’ skin, (c) photo of worn sensor ready for measurement.
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Figure 3. Visualization of practically applied contact force levels (FL1,…, FL5) for male and female tested subjects separately.
Figure 3. Visualization of practically applied contact force levels (FL1,…, FL5) for male and female tested subjects separately.
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Figure 4. Example of 10 k sample PPG wave with parallel measured analog signal FFSR from FSR element: fs = 500 Hz, T1 values taken at 0.2 sec intervals, all signals sensed on the left index finger of the male testing subject M1.
Figure 4. Example of 10 k sample PPG wave with parallel measured analog signal FFSR from FSR element: fs = 500 Hz, T1 values taken at 0.2 sec intervals, all signals sensed on the left index finger of the male testing subject M1.
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Figure 5. Examples of 10 k sample parts of PPG signals sensed on the left hand’s index finger with different contact forces applied while wearing the optical sensor part: fs = 500 Hz, male M1.
Figure 5. Examples of 10 k sample parts of PPG signals sensed on the left hand’s index finger with different contact forces applied while wearing the optical sensor part: fs = 500 Hz, male M1.
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Figure 6. Summary results and bar graphs of selected parameters of PPG signals for (a) SRANGE values, (b) SRIPP values, and (c) HRVAR values for left/right and both hands together: male subjects (upper set of graphs) and female tested persons (lower set).
Figure 6. Summary results and bar graphs of selected parameters of PPG signals for (a) SRANGE values, (b) SRIPP values, and (c) HRVAR values for left/right and both hands together: male subjects (upper set of graphs) and female tested persons (lower set).
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Table 1. Results of determined PPG wave parameters corresponding to the PPG signals presented in Figure 5.
Table 1. Results of determined PPG wave parameters corresponding to the PPG signals presented in Figure 5.
Contact Force LevelLspMIN [-]LspMAX [-]μ LOFS [-]SRANGE [%]SRIPP [%]HRVAR [min−2]CFMEAN
FL170584737838.916.86.460.147 ± 0.007
FL276191336945.716.65.640.245 ± 0.018
FL382597634054.815.43.120.445 ± 0.019
FL468387638838.322.112.10.785 ± 0.025
FL562475640228.117.522.61.082 ± 0.009
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MDPI and ACS Style

Přibil, J.; Přibilová, A.; Frollo, I. Wearable Reflectance PPG Optical Sensor Enabling Contact Pressure and Skin Temperature Measurement. Eng. Proc. 2024, 82, 10.

AMA Style

Přibil J, Přibilová A, Frollo I. Wearable Reflectance PPG Optical Sensor Enabling Contact Pressure and Skin Temperature Measurement. Engineering Proceedings. 2024; 82(1):10.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Přibil, Jiří, Anna Přibilová, and Ivan Frollo. 2024. "Wearable Reflectance PPG Optical Sensor Enabling Contact Pressure and Skin Temperature Measurement" Engineering Proceedings 82, no. 1: 10.

APA Style

Přibil, J., Přibilová, A., & Frollo, I. (2024). Wearable Reflectance PPG Optical Sensor Enabling Contact Pressure and Skin Temperature Measurement. Engineering Proceedings, 82(1), 10.

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