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Thermo, Volume 2, Issue 1 (March 2022) – 7 articles

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6 pages, 200 KiB  
Chemical Thermodynamics—A Practical Wonderland
by Rubin Battino and Trevor M. Letcher
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 84-89; - 21 Mar 2022
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 3087
Chemical thermodynamics is frequently thought of as being a hard subject and quite abstract. In fact, it is one of the most practical of subjects when you consider that the field of chemical engineering (responsible for endless useful applications) is effectively applied chemical [...] Read more.
Chemical thermodynamics is frequently thought of as being a hard subject and quite abstract. In fact, it is one of the most practical of subjects when you consider that the field of chemical engineering (responsible for endless useful applications) is effectively applied chemical thermodynamics. In this essay, examples of these applications are given, especially with respect to sustainability. The essay first considers the limits of thermodynamics and the constraints put on it in terms of the rigorous definitions of the principal function’s energy, entropy, and Gibbs energy. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers of Thermo in 2022)
10 pages, 2336 KiB  
A Brief Review of the Applications of Selected Thermal Analysis Methods to 3D Printing
by Ignazio Blanco
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 74-83; - 7 Mar 2022
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 4057
The last few years have been characterized by the development of 3D printing technology; in parallel, many analytical techniques have been proposed for this new technology to favor its development and commercialization. In this short review, I verify how thermal analysis, which I [...] Read more.
The last few years have been characterized by the development of 3D printing technology; in parallel, many analytical techniques have been proposed for this new technology to favor its development and commercialization. In this short review, I verify how thermal analysis, which I have always dealt with, can help this technology. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is not a novel technology; however, considering the variety of possibility it offers to printing, as well as the fact that, in the first decade of this century, companies designed their printer machines to print with a limited selection of materials, the potential of this technology is still very large. At this stage, both industry and academy need more information to better develop 3D printing technology, and thermal analysis can absolutely help them to reach this goal. Full article
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18 pages, 11760 KiB  
Understanding Separation Mechanisms of Monoatomic Gases, Such as Kr and Xe, via DD3R Zeolite Membrane Using Molecular Dynamics
by Bandar J. Bashmmakh, Xiaoyu Wang, Cynthia J. Jameson and Sohail Murad
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 56-73; - 23 Feb 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3032
Noble gas fission byproducts, such as Kr and Xe, are generated within nuclear power reactors are currently being discharged into the atmosphere. This practice has a major economic drawback because of the high value associated with some of these gases. The separations of [...] Read more.
Noble gas fission byproducts, such as Kr and Xe, are generated within nuclear power reactors are currently being discharged into the atmosphere. This practice has a major economic drawback because of the high value associated with some of these gases. The separations of these gases are economically prohibitive because of the high energy requirement associated with cryogenic distillation. Zeolites, nanoporous materials suitable for gas separation processes, have exhibited high selectivity for such separations. We have used nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) to investigate the separation performance of DD3R framework zeolitic membrane. The effects of pressure, temperature, and pure vs. mixture gas feed conditions are studied in this work to understand and explain, at the molecular level, the mechanisms of these (Kr/Xe) separations. Our studies have shown that the DD3R membrane shows promise for high selectivity ratios of Kr over Xe. MD runs show agreement with experimental trends of the permeation of Kr/Xe pure and mixed gases using DD3R zeolite with high separation factor. Despite the absence of Xe complete permeation through the membrane because of MD timescale limitations, our results are sufficient to describe the mechanisms of these separations. Full article
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17 pages, 4282 KiB  
Implicit Equation for Photovoltaic Module Temperature and Efficiency via Heat Transfer Computational Model
by Reza Hassanian, Morris Riedel, Asdis Helgadottir, Nashmin Yeganeh and Runar Unnthorsson
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 39-55; - 21 Feb 2022
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 5921
This paper evaluates the photovoltaic (PV) module operating temperature’s relation to efficiency via a numerical heat transfer model. The literature reports that higher PV module operating temperatures impact PV module efficiency. There are dozens of explicit and implicit equations used to determine the [...] Read more.
This paper evaluates the photovoltaic (PV) module operating temperature’s relation to efficiency via a numerical heat transfer model. The literature reports that higher PV module operating temperatures impact PV module efficiency. There are dozens of explicit and implicit equations used to determine the PV module operating temperature. However, they are not universal, and for each application, it is necessary to insert a correction coefficient based on the environment and boundary conditions. Using a numerical method covering a more comprehensive range of PV module operation conditions to estimate a global equation, this study considers the solar radiation flux, Gt, solar ray direction with respect to the ground level, γ, convective heat transfer coefficient, h, tilt angle, β, ambient temperature, Ta, PV power output, Ppv, PV panel efficiency, η, and environmental properties. The results match the extant empirical work and related literature. PV module efficiency is found to have a linear relationship to the PV module operating temperature via a numerical heat transfer model corresponding to the well-known PV module. It specifies that heat transfer convection changes with PV module tilt angle, causing PV module operating temperature effects. It also represents the PV module operating temperature variations with ambient temperature and solar flux, like those reported in the literature. Full article
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24 pages, 781 KiB  
Thermodynamic Modeling of the Uranium–Tellurium System: Estimation of the Uncertainties by a Bayesian Approach
by Christine Guéneau, Eva Lawrence, Thierry Klein and Fabrice Gamboa
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 15-38; - 16 Feb 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3049
Under irradiation, the formation of fission products in the (U,Pu)O2 fuel with time has a substantial effect on its chemistry. In particular, migration of the most volatile fission products (Cs, Te, I, Mo) from the center to the periphery of the fuel [...] Read more.
Under irradiation, the formation of fission products in the (U,Pu)O2 fuel with time has a substantial effect on its chemistry. In particular, migration of the most volatile fission products (Cs, Te, I, Mo) from the center to the periphery of the fuel pellet is induced by the large radial thermal gradient. To predict the thermodynamic properties of the irradiated fuel, thermodynamic modeling of the complex multi-component (Cs-I-Te-Mo)–(U-Pu)–O system is performed using the CALPHAD method. In this work, the thermodynamic assessment of the U–Te sub-system is performed. The literature review reveals a lack of experimental data as well as scattering and inconsistency of some of the data. In particular, no thermodynamic data exist on the liquid. From this review, input thermodynamic and phase diagram data are carefully selected. The Gibbs energy functions are then adjusted by fitting these data. An overall good agreement is obtained with all the selected data except for the enthalpy of formation for UTe which is underestimated by 13% by our model. This could be due to an inconsistency between the enthalpy of formation and vapor pressure data. In a second step, the uncertainties on the thermodynamic parameters and their propagation on the calculated thermodynamic and phase diagram data are estimated using a Bayesian approach. The analysis shows that there are too many parameters (22) for too few data points (120 points). The uncertainties are thus large on some of the calculated data. Moreover the inconsistency of some of the data and the lack of thermodynamic data for the liquid makes the model uncertain. New experimental data such as heat capacity, enthalpy of formation for the compounds, and chemical potentials or activities for the liquid phase would improve the reliability of our model. Measurements of phase diagram data in the U–UTe2 region are also required. However this work provides the first detailed uncertainty analysis of the U–Te CALPHAD model. Moreover our approach, contrary to other Bayesian methods, provides an analytical posterior probability distribution and analytical credible intervals for the calculated thermodynamic quantities. It also speeds up the simulation of the uncertainty estimations on the phase diagram. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Thermodynamics and Nuclear Materials)
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1 pages, 217 KiB  
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Thermo in 2021
by Thermo Editorial Office
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 14; - 26 Jan 2022
Viewed by 1810
Rigorous peer-reviews are the basis of high-quality academic publishing [...] Full article
13 pages, 3303 KiB  
Thermal Conductivity Determination of Ga-In Alloys for Thermal Interface Materials Design
by Parker Maivald, Soumya Sridar and Wei Xiong
Thermo 2022, 2(1), 1-13; - 29 Dec 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 5148
Thermal interface material (TIM) that exists in a liquid state at the service temperature enables efficient heat transfer across two adjacent surfaces in electronic applications. In this work, the thermal conductivities of different phase regions in the Ga-In system at various compositions and [...] Read more.
Thermal interface material (TIM) that exists in a liquid state at the service temperature enables efficient heat transfer across two adjacent surfaces in electronic applications. In this work, the thermal conductivities of different phase regions in the Ga-In system at various compositions and temperatures are measured for the first time. A modified comparative cut bar technique is used for the measurement of the thermal conductivities of GaxIn1−x (x = 0, 0.1, 0.214, 0.3, and 0.9) alloys at 40, 60, 80, and 100 °C, the temperatures commonly encountered in consumer electronics. The thermal conductivity of liquid and semi-liquid (liquid + β) Ga-In alloys are higher than most of the TIM’s currently used in consumer electronics. These measured quantities, along with the available experimental data from literature, served as input for the thermal conductivity parameter optimization using the CALPHAD (calculation of phase diagrams) method for pure elements, solution phase, and two-phase region. A set of self-consistent parameters for the description of the thermal conductivity of the Ga-In system is obtained. There is good agreement between the measured and calculated thermal conductivities for all of the phases. Due to their ease of manufacturing and high thermal conductivity, liquid/semi-liquid Ga-In alloys have significant potential for TIM in consumer electronics. Full article
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