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Thermo, Volume 1, Issue 3 (December 2021) – 4 articles

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15 pages, 2445 KiB  
Ergodic Algorithmic Model (EAM), with Water as Implicit Solvent, in Chemical, Biochemical, and Biological Processes
by Emilia Fisicaro, Carlotta Compari and Antonio Braibanti
Thermo 2021, 1(3), 361-375; - 30 Nov 2021
Viewed by 2653
For many years, we have devoted our research to the study of the thermodynamic properties of hydrophobic hydration processes in water, and we have proposed the Ergodic Algorithmic Model (EAM) for maintaining the thermodynamic properties of any hydrophobic hydration reaction at [...] Read more.
For many years, we have devoted our research to the study of the thermodynamic properties of hydrophobic hydration processes in water, and we have proposed the Ergodic Algorithmic Model (EAM) for maintaining the thermodynamic properties of any hydrophobic hydration reaction at a constant pressure from the experimental determination of an equilibrium constant (or other potential functions) as a function of temperature. The model has been successfully validated by the statistical analysis of the information elements provided by the EAM model for about fifty compounds. The binding functions are convoluted functions, RlnKeq = {f(1/T)* g(T)} and RTlnKeq = {f(T)* g(lnT)}, where the primary linear functions f(1/T) and f(T) are modified and transformed into parabolic curves by the secondary functions g(T) and g(lnT), respectively. Convoluted functions are consistent with biphasic dual-structure partition function, {DS-PF} = {M-PF} ∙ {T-PF} ∙ {ζw}, composed by ({M-PF} (Density Entropy), {T-PF}) (Intensity Entropy), and w} (implicit solvent). In the present paper, after recalling the essential aspects of the model, we outline the importance of considering the solvent as “implicit” in chemical and biochemical reactions. Moreover, we compare the information obtained by computer simulations using the models till now proposed with “explicit” solvent, showing the mess of information lost without considering the experimental approach of the EAM model. Full article
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29 pages, 15024 KiB  
In-Process Monitoring of Temperature Evolution during Fused Filament Fabrication: A Journey from Numerical to Experimental Approaches
by Hamid Reza Vanaei, Mohammadali Shirinbayan, Michael Deligant, Sofiane Khelladi and Abbas Tcharkhtchi
Thermo 2021, 1(3), 332-360; - 27 Oct 2021
Cited by 39 | Viewed by 6593
Fused filament fabrication (FFF), an additive manufacturing technique, unlocks alternative possibilities for the production of complex geometries. In this process, the layer-by-layer deposition mechanism and several heat sources make it a thermally driven process. As heat transfer plays a particular role and determines [...] Read more.
Fused filament fabrication (FFF), an additive manufacturing technique, unlocks alternative possibilities for the production of complex geometries. In this process, the layer-by-layer deposition mechanism and several heat sources make it a thermally driven process. As heat transfer plays a particular role and determines the temperature history of the merging filaments, the in-process monitoring of the temperature profile guarantees the optimization purposes and thus the improvement of interlayer adhesion. In this review, we document the role of heat transfer in bond formation. In addition, efforts have been carried out to evaluate the correlation of FFF parameters and heat transfer and their effect on part quality. The main objective of this review paper is to provide a comprehensive study on the in-process monitoring of the filament’s temperature profile by presenting and contributing a comparison through the literature. Full article
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35 pages, 6321 KiB  
Thermal Properties and Behaviour of Am-Bearing Fuel in European Space Radioisotope Power Systems
by Emily Jane Watkinson, Ramy Mesalam, Jean-François Vigier, Ondřej Beneš, Jean-Christophe Griveau, Eric Colineau, Mark Sierig, Daniel Freis, Richard M. Ambrosi, Dragos Staicu and Rudy J. M. Konings
Thermo 2021, 1(3), 297-331; - 15 Oct 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 4046
The European Space Agency is funding the research and development of 241Am-bearing oxide-fuelled radioisotope power systems (RPSs) including radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and European Large Heat Sources (ELHSs). The RPSs’ requirements include that the fuel’s maximum temperature, Tmax, must remain [...] Read more.
The European Space Agency is funding the research and development of 241Am-bearing oxide-fuelled radioisotope power systems (RPSs) including radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and European Large Heat Sources (ELHSs). The RPSs’ requirements include that the fuel’s maximum temperature, Tmax, must remain below its melting temperature. The current prospected fuel is (Am0.80U0.12Np0.06Pu0.02)O1.8. The fuel’s experimental heat capacity, Cp, is determined between 20 K and 1786 K based on direct low temperature heat capacity measurements and high temperature drop calorimetry measurements. The recommended high temperature equation is Cp(T/K) = 55.1189 + 3.46216 × 102 T − 4.58312 × 105 T−2 (valid up to 1786 K). The RTG/ELHS Tmax is estimated as a function of the fuel thermal conductivity, k, and the clad’s inner surface temperature, Ti cl, using a new analytical thermal model. Estimated bounds, based on conduction-only and radiation-only conditions between the fuel and clad, are established. Estimates for k (80–100% T.D.) are made using Cp, and estimates of thermal diffusivity and thermal expansion estimates of americium/uranium oxides. The lowest melting temperature of americium/uranium oxides is assumed. The lowest k estimates are assumed (80% T.D.). The highest estimated Tmax for a ‘standard operating’ RTG is 1120 K. A hypothetical scenario is investigated: an ELHS Ti cl = 1973K-the RPSs’ requirements’ maximum permitted temperature. Fuel melting will not occur. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Thermodynamics and Nuclear Materials)
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11 pages, 2166 KiB  
Study of Thermodynamic Modeling of Isothermal and Isobaric Binary Mixtures in Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) of Tetrahydrofuran with Benzene (303.15 K) Cyclohexane (333.15 K), Methanol (103 kPa), and Ethanol (100 kPa)
by Leonardo Steyman Reyes Fernández, Eliseo Amado-Gonzaléz and Erik Germán Yanza Hurtado
Thermo 2021, 1(3), 286-296; - 11 Oct 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 5991
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) is an aprotic solvent with multiple applications in diverse areas of chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries with an important impact in chemical waste liquid with other solvents. In this work, 51 available VLE data, for isothermal binary mixtures of THF(1) + [...] Read more.
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) is an aprotic solvent with multiple applications in diverse areas of chemical, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries with an important impact in chemical waste liquid with other solvents. In this work, 51 available VLE data, for isothermal binary mixtures of THF(1) + Benzene(2) and THF(1) + Cyclohexane(2) at 303.15 and 333.15 K, respectively, and isobaric THF(1) + Methanol(2) at 103 kPa and THF(1) + Ethanol(2) at 100 kPa were used in the development of the activity coefficient models. The quality of experimental data was checked using the Herington test. VLE binary data was correlated with models Wilson, NRTL UNIQUAC, and UNIFAC to obtain binary parameters and activity coefficients. The best thermodynamic consistency when conducting the Herington test for the VLE data was found for the THF(1) +Cyclohexane(2) isothermal system and THF(1) + Ethanol(2) isobaric system. The UNIQUAC model for isothermal systems THF(1) + Benzene(2) and THF(1) + Cyclohexane(2), the NRTL model for the isobaric system THF(1) + Methanol(2), and the UNIQUAC model for THF(1) + Ethanol(2) perform better than the other models. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium and Chemical Thermodynamics)
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