The European Space Agency is funding the research and development of
241Am-bearing oxide-fuelled radioisotope power systems (RPSs) including radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and European Large Heat Sources (ELHSs). The RPSs’ requirements include that the fuel’s maximum temperature,
Tmax, must remain
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The European Space Agency is funding the research and development of
241Am-bearing oxide-fuelled radioisotope power systems (RPSs) including radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) and European Large Heat Sources (ELHSs). The RPSs’ requirements include that the fuel’s maximum temperature,
Tmax, must remain below its melting temperature. The current prospected fuel is (Am
1.8. The fuel’s experimental heat capacity,
Cp, is determined between 20 K and 1786 K based on direct low temperature heat capacity measurements and high temperature drop calorimetry measurements. The recommended high temperature equation is
Cp(T/K) = 55.1189 + 3.46216 × 10
2 T − 4.58312 × 10
5 T
−2 (valid up to 1786 K). The RTG/ELHS
Tmax is estimated as a function of the fuel thermal conductivity,
k, and the clad’s inner surface temperature,
Ti cl, using a new analytical thermal model. Estimated bounds, based on conduction-only and radiation-only conditions between the fuel and clad, are established. Estimates for
k (80–100% T.D.) are made using
Cp, and estimates of thermal diffusivity and thermal expansion estimates of americium/uranium oxides. The lowest melting temperature of americium/uranium oxides is assumed. The lowest
k estimates are assumed (80% T.D.). The highest estimated
Tmax for a ‘standard operating’ RTG is 1120 K. A hypothetical scenario is investigated: an ELHS
Ti cl = 1973K-the RPSs’ requirements’ maximum permitted temperature. Fuel melting will not occur.
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