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Proceeding Paper

Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs from High-Quality-Factor Silicon Microring Resonator at Near-Zero Anomalous Dispersion †

Muneeb Farooq
Francisco Soares
Francisco Diaz
School of Telecommunication Engineering, University of Vigo, Rua Maxwell s/n, 36310 Vigo, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at 1st International Online Conference on Photonics, 14–16 October 2024; Available online:
Current address: School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin 09, Ireland.
Phys. Sci. Forum 2024, 10(1), 2;
Published: 21 November 2024
(This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 1st International Online Conference on Photonics)


The intrinsic third-order nonlinearity in silicon has proven it to be quite useful in the field of quantum optics. Silicon is suitable for producing time-correlated photon pairs that are sources of heralded single-photon states for quantum integrated circuits. A quantum signal source in the form of single photons is an inherent requirement for the principles of quantum key distribution technology for secure communications. Here, we present numerical simulations of a silicon ring with a 6 μ m radius side-coupled with a bus waveguide as the source for the generation of single photons. The photon pairs are generated by exploring the process of degenerate spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM). The free spectral range (FSR) of the ring is quite large, simplifying the extraction of the signal/idler pairs. The phase-matching condition is considered by studying relevant parameters like the dispersion and nonlinearity. We optimize the ring for a high quality factor by varying the gap between the bus and the ring waveguide. This is the smallest ring studied for photon pair generation with a quality factor in the order of 10 5 . The width of the waveguides is chosen such that the phase-matching condition is satisfied, allowing for the propagation of fundamental modes only. The bus waveguide is pumped at one of the ring resonances with the minimum dispersion (1543.5 nm in our case) to satisfy the principle of energy conservation. The photon pair generation rate achieved is comparable to the state of the art. The photon pair sources exploiting nonlinear frequency conversion/generation processes is a promising alternative to atom-like single-photon emitters in the field of integrated photonics. Such miniaturized structures will benefit future on-chip architectures where multiple single-photon source devices are required on the same chip.

1. Introduction

Compact, efficient, and scalable quantum signal sources are some of the most critical building blocks for quantum information processing and communications [1]. Microrings with nonlinear properties can be integrated with other devices on photonic-integrated platforms to produce single photons via SFWM. This is possible in technologies like SOI, InP, and S i 3 N 4 (see example [2,3,4,5]). Degenerate SFWM occurs when a nonlinear material, described by a third-order susceptibility χ ( 3 ) , is pumped with two photons at energies E p . These photons are then annihilated, and a photon pair referred to as the signal and the idler is created at energies E s and E i , respectively. SFWM is a quantum mechanical process where elastic scattering of the pump photons lead to the generation of an entangled photon pair. The pair of photons generated spontaneously from vacuum noise fluctuations in a nonlinear material exhibit correlations in energy, time, and sometimes polarization [6]. In this paper, we treated degenerate SFWM in the classical way; the details are provided in Section 4.
These materials have their pros and cons in terms of producing single photons; silicon is widely used due to its CMOS compatibility, whereas S i 3 N 4 ring resonators are low-loss but possess a lower nonlinear coefficient than that of silicon. It would be ideal to have a photon pair source on InP because it has the advantage of being a direct bandgap semiconductor. This would allow for the integration of a complete single-photon source into a single chip. InP has a higher χ ( 3 ) than silicon, which eventually leads to a very high two-photon absorption (TPA) coefficient of 14.6 (cm/GW), thus reducing the photon generation efficiency [7]. It is worth mentioning that with a higher χ ( 3 ) , InP ring resonators require an input power about ten times lower than that of silicon. In a few materials with high TPA coefficients, e.g., AlGaAs, the bandgap is tuned with different aluminium concentrations such that the bandgap energy shifts and becomes larger than the two-photon energy at the respective wavelength. This inhibits a two-photon electronic transition in such materials [8]. Both microrings and channel waveguides are possible candidates for the generation of entangled photons. The photon pairs generated in channels are typically extracted using wavelength division multiplexers (WDMs) since they are broadband and lack purity and coherence [9]. The selection of the pump, the signal, and the idler depends particularly on the energy conversation and the type of application. Microring-resonator-based heralded single-photon sources excel in their brightness and do not require any spectral filtering, while channel-based sources possess a higher fabrication tolerance. The present study obtains results from an advanced FDTD algorithm generalized to include physical effects like the Kerr effect that are necessary for modeling a realistic case of nonlinear interaction in a dispersive resonator.


In Section 2, we briefly provide an analytical perspective on the resonant four-wave mixing process. Maxwell’s equations in the time domain are presented and solved numerically for the given geometry. Nonlinearity is incorporated using an electric displacement vector formalism. In Section 3, we describe the device’s structure and the results obtained from the different FDTD and varFDTD implementations. The number of photons generated per second is also quantified. Finally, we present a discussion in Section 4 and a brief conclusion in Section 5.

2. Methods

The evolution of a pulse through near-zero dispersion and a nonlinear medium considering phase matching is given using the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLSE) [10]:
i E ( z , t ) t β 2 2 2 E ( z , t ) t 2 + i α 2 + γ | E ( z , t ) | 2 E = 0 ,
where E is the complex envelope of the electric field, β 2 is the group velocity dispersion (GVD), and α represents the linear losses. γ = 2 π n 2 / λ p A e f f in Equation (1) is the nonlinear coefficient, with n 2 as the nonlinear refractive index of the waveguide material, A e f f as the area of overlap of the mode interaction, and λ p as the pump wavelength. Equation (1) leads to the phase-matching condition, which is essential to SFWM. Considering the degenerate SFWM in ring resonators, we have
Δ β = β 2 p ( Δ ω ) 2 + 2 γ P ,
where Δ β represents the phase mismatch that quantifies the efficiency of four-wave mixing, β 2 p is the GVD at λ p , ( Δ ω ) 2 is the difference in frequency between the pump and the signal/idler wavelengths, and P is the power of the input pump. The two terms in Equation (2) are the linear phase mismatch and an additional phase term accounting for nonlinear phase accumulation related to the Kerr effect. The phase matching is often significantly influenced by nonlinearity: the intensity dependence of refractive indices makes the phase-matching relations intensity-dependent. Ideally, Δ β should be zero, implying that a negative value of the GVD at λ p leads to more efficient phase matching. There are several nonlinear optical processes like Raman scattering, TPA, and free carrier absorption (FCA) that may occur when intense light circulates in the rings (e.g., SOI). We employ SFWM at a low pump power to generate photon pairs and avoid TPA and multi-photon generation [11].

2.1. The Simulation Method

The nonlinear silicon-based microresonator in Figure 1a is used as a reference structure for evaluating the various FDTD and varFDTD simulations. It is a commonly used 220 nm thick silicon waveguide percolated inside silicon dioxide. Figure 1b shows the fundamental TE mode confined in the silicon. The optical mode is calculated using the Finite Difference Eigenmode solver in Lumerical MODE Solutions. The linear losses are very small. The dispersion is incorporated within the linear refractive indices of the materials. In all FDTD algorithms, the time-dependent Maxwell equations are solved [12]. Assuming the time dependence of the electric and magnetic fields is harmonic, i.e., E ( r , t ) = E ( r ) e x p ( i ω t ) and H ( r , t ) = H ( r ) e x p ( i ω t ) , Maxwell’s equations can be written as follows:
Δ × H = D t ,
Δ × E = μ H t ,
where μ is permeability of the medium. Nonlinearity and material dispersion are introduced via the constitutive relation [13]
D ( t ) = ϵ 0 ϵ r + χ ( 3 ) | E ( t ) | 2 E ( t ) ,
where D is the electric displacement vector, ϵ 0 is the vacuum permittivity, ϵ r is the relative permittivity that takes the linear refractive index (the susceptibility to unit order) into account, and χ ( 3 ) is responsible for the nonlinearity. Nonlinearity is considered only in the core region since most of the field is confined there.

2.2. Simulation Parameters

For the mode simulations, the computational area considered is the ring’s cross-section with a bending radius of 6 μ m, with different thicknesses to choose the proper dispersion. In the FDTD analysis, we included part of the substrate, the waveguides (both the ring and the bus), and the silicon dioxide cladding. In these cases, all of the boundaries of the region for calculation were set to be perfectly matched layers. As an excitation field, we launched the TE-polarized fundamental waveguide mode into the bus waveguide. The wavelength-dependent refractive indices of the respective materials were taken from Lumerical’s material library for linear modeling. For the varFDTD models, we included the material dispersion, as well as the nonlinear susceptibility, as in Equation (5), with the value of n 2 being 4.1 × 10 18 ( m 2 /W) [14]. It should be noted that χ ( 3 ) and n 2 are related sd follows [15]:
n 2 = 3 4 n 2 c ϵ 0 χ ( 3 ) ,
where n is the linear refractive index, and c is the velocity of light. To calculate the nonlinear conversion, the wavelengths for the pump and the signal waves are chosen such that they match the resonance frequencies obtained from the linear simulation exactly. The intensity of the signal is considered half that of the pump wave. Time-varying electric fields are detected that include the converted idler, in addition to the signal and the pump.

3. Results

In this section, we discuss the results obtained considering theory and the linear and nonlinear parameters discussed in previously. First, we see the linear behavior of the ring, and then, we incorporate the nonlinearity into the system and generate a new frequency as a consequence of the four-wave mixing.

3.1. The Linear Response

The configuration in Figure 1 shows a silicon-on-insulator structure with dimensions H (thickness of the silicon substrate) = 0.5 μ m; h (thickness of the waveguide) = 220 nm; and r (radius of the ring) = 6 μ m. The gap between the bus and the ring is 270 nm, optimized for a loaded quality factor of nearly 10 5 . The dispersion characteristics of the ring’s cross-section at different ring waveguide widths are shown in Figure 2a. We observed that the dispersion is a very strong function of the waveguide’s width, demanding a very mature fabrication tolerance. The reason for the dispersion sensitivity is the strong modal field confinement and the high difference in the refractive index between the core and cladding. A width of 405 nm is chosen because it has a very low dispersion parameter of 23 (ps/nm/km) at a wavelength of 1543.5 nm, which matches one of the resonances of the ring. It is worth mentioning that the ring should be pumped at this wavelength to generate photon pairs. Figure 2b shows the transmission spectrum of the ring with an FSR of 14.6 nm. The ring must be pumped at 1543.5 nm to generate the other resonant wavelengths in the form of the signal and the idler at λ s = 1528.9 nm and λ i = 1558.1 nm, respectively.

3.2. Four-Wave Mixing and the Photon Generation Rate

Having ascertained the resonances from the linear FDTD simulations, we established varFDTD simulations that included third-order susceptibility χ ( 3 ) . In this case, we pumped the bus waveguide with λ s and λ p and detected an additional wavelength of λ i on the other side of the waveguide. λ i is produced as a result of the four-wave mixing. Figure 3a shows the normalized power spectrum for a maximum electric field of the pump of 6.0 × 10 7 (V/m) and electric field of the signal of 3.0 × 10 7 (V/m), obtained from the varFDTD analysis, including both linear dispersion and the nonlinear refractive index.
The photon generation rate ( R ) , neglecting TPA, is estimated as follows [16]:
R = ( γ 2 π r ) 2 Q v g π ω p r 3 v g 4 π r P 2 ,
where Q is the loaded quality factor, ω p = 2 π c / λ p , and v g 6.8 × 10 7 (m/s) is the group velocity. From the Finite Difference Eigenmode simulations, the fundamental mode propagates with A e f f = 0.17 μ m 2 ; hence, γ can be calculated. It is always good to have tight mode confinement; it leads to a small effective mode area, thus increasing the nonlinear coefficient γ . Figure 3b shows the variation in R with P at low power levels. We observed a generation rate of more than 10 MHz at an input power of 1 mW. The R obtained in InP rings (with r = 24 μ m and Q = 4.2 × 10 4 ) is about 70 kHz at an input power level of 0.022 mW. At higher power levels (>0.022 mW), the large amount of TPA and FCA in InP leads to a decline in the generation rate. The TPA coefficient in silicon is 0.8 (cm/GW) (nearly 18 times lower than that in InP), which reduces the photon absorption considerably at the power levels given [17].

4. Discussion

The dispersion parameter of 23 (ps/nm/km) for λ p at our chosen dimensions is comparable with the anomalous GVD of −0.0254 ( ps 2 /m). This is, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest value of the GVD in silicon rings used for photon generation ever reported in the literature, thus reducing Δ β drastically for a given FSR. It also ensures that the phase matching is retained at low pump powers. It should be noted that the dispersion of the signal and the idler is balanced such that their respective group velocities are nearly the same and the principle of energy conservation is satisfied, i.e., 2 E p = E s + E i , which is crucial for photon pair generation. In the varFDTD simulations, we pumped the signal at half the strength of the pump in order to compare quantum and classical nonlinear optical processes. In reality, degenerate SFWM is a quantum mechanical process in which the pump photons are sufficient to create a signal and an idler. The absence of exciting a signal wavelength in quantum phenomena scales up to exciting a signal with half the power of the pump’s wavelength in classic phenomena [18]. This is a potential way of simulating a quantum process classically. Theoretically, the generation rates attained agree with the previous literature in the given pump power regimes [19].

5. Conclusions

In conclusion, we studied a ring resonator optimized for a high quality factor as a source of photon pair generation considering both linear and nonlinear effects. Parameters like the dispersion and phase matching were optimized and incorporated into Maxwell’s equations to observe four-wave mixing. The classical method was adopted for simulating a quantum process like SFWM. The viability of silicon- and InP-platform-based rings as sources of photon pair generation was reported. Since entangled photon generation can be observed at low pump powers, lasers can be integrated on-chip for this type of application. Applications of these types of microrings could occur in systems demanding high security, like satellite communications. Future developments in this field shall lead to many new devices in integrated quantum information processing, quantum metrology, and sensing.

Author Contributions

M.F., conceptualization; methodology; writing—original draft preparation. F.S., conceptualization and supervision. F.D., resources and project management. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the European project MWP4SPACE under grant agreement number HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-01 N101073138.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data from the simulations can be made available on reasonable request.


We would like to thank David Álvarez Outerelo from the University of Vigo for his help with the software technicalities.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
SFWMSpontaneous four-wave mixing
FSRFree spectral range
TPATwo-photon absorption
GVDGroup velocity dispersion
PGRPhoton generation rate


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Figure 1. Mode characteristics: (a) Silicon ring and bus percolated inside silicon dioxide cladding (cross-section). H = 0.5 μ m. (b) Optical mode profile (magnitude) for a transverse electric (TE) mode in a typical single-mode bent SOI waveguide. The waveguide cross-section is h = 220 nm thick and w = 405 nm wide, with a bent radius r = 6 μ m.
Figure 1. Mode characteristics: (a) Silicon ring and bus percolated inside silicon dioxide cladding (cross-section). H = 0.5 μ m. (b) Optical mode profile (magnitude) for a transverse electric (TE) mode in a typical single-mode bent SOI waveguide. The waveguide cross-section is h = 220 nm thick and w = 405 nm wide, with a bent radius r = 6 μ m.
Psf 10 00002 g001
Figure 2. Ring characteristics: (a) Variation in dispersion for ring cross-section with different waveguide widths. (b) Transmission spectrum at w = 405 nm and gap of 270 nm.
Figure 2. Ring characteristics: (a) Variation in dispersion for ring cross-section with different waveguide widths. (b) Transmission spectrum at w = 405 nm and gap of 270 nm.
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Figure 3. Nonlinear response: (a) Normalized power spectrum from the varFDTD analysis showing the emergence of idler/converted. (b) Variation in R with pump power (logarithmic scale).
Figure 3. Nonlinear response: (a) Normalized power spectrum from the varFDTD analysis showing the emergence of idler/converted. (b) Variation in R with pump power (logarithmic scale).
Psf 10 00002 g003
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MDPI and ACS Style

Farooq, M.; Soares, F.; Diaz, F. Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs from High-Quality-Factor Silicon Microring Resonator at Near-Zero Anomalous Dispersion. Phys. Sci. Forum 2024, 10, 2.

AMA Style

Farooq M, Soares F, Diaz F. Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs from High-Quality-Factor Silicon Microring Resonator at Near-Zero Anomalous Dispersion. Physical Sciences Forum. 2024; 10(1):2.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Farooq, Muneeb, Francisco Soares, and Francisco Diaz. 2024. "Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs from High-Quality-Factor Silicon Microring Resonator at Near-Zero Anomalous Dispersion" Physical Sciences Forum 10, no. 1: 2.

APA Style

Farooq, M., Soares, F., & Diaz, F. (2024). Generation of Entangled Photon Pairs from High-Quality-Factor Silicon Microring Resonator at Near-Zero Anomalous Dispersion. Physical Sciences Forum, 10(1), 2.

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