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Kinases Phosphatases, Volume 2, Issue 4 (December 2024) – 6 articles

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22 pages, 6819 KiB  
COSMC-Regulated O-Glycosylation: A Bioinformatics-Driven Biomarker Identification for Stratifying Glioblastoma Stem Cell Subtypes
by Sara Sadat Aghamiri and Rada Amin
Kinases Phosphatases 2024, 2(4), 391-412; - 22 Dec 2024
Viewed by 580
Glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) are key drivers of relapse, metastasis, and therapy resistance in glioblastoma due to their adaptability and diversity, which make them challenging to target effectively. This study explores the O-glycosylation in differentiating two key GSC subtypes, CD133 and CD44. We [...] Read more.
Glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs) are key drivers of relapse, metastasis, and therapy resistance in glioblastoma due to their adaptability and diversity, which make them challenging to target effectively. This study explores the O-glycosylation in differentiating two key GSC subtypes, CD133 and CD44. We utilized the TCGA dataset of GBM and presented the reproducible bioinformatics analysis for our results. Our profiling showed enriched O-glycosylation signatures in CD44-expressing GBM cells over CD133, with Cosmc, the chaperone for core mucin-type O-glycosylation, significantly upregulated in the CD44-positive group. Moreover, Cosmc was associated with shorter progression-free intervals, suggesting its potential as an indicator of aggressive disease. High Cosmc expression also enriched immune-related pathways, including inflammatory response and antigen presentation, and was associated with presence of myeloid cells, T cells, and NK cells. Additionally, elevated Cosmc correlated with extracellular matrix (ECM) pathways and stromal cell populations, such as perivascular fibroblasts. These findings position O-glycosylation, specially, Cosmc as a promising biomarker for distinguishing GSC subclones, with relevance to immune modulation, and ECM dynamics, identifying it as a potential target for novel GBM therapies. Full article
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12 pages, 3581 KiB  
Biochemical Properties of the Acid Ectophosphatase Activity of Phytomonas serpens Involved in Cell Proliferation
by Luiz Fernando Carvalho-Kelly, Anita Leocadio Freitas-Mesquita, Thaís Souza Silveira Majerowicz and José Roberto Meyer-Fernandes
Kinases Phosphatases 2024, 2(4), 379-390; - 15 Dec 2024
Viewed by 429
Phytomonas is the only kinetoplastid that can parasitize plants, causing economically relevant issues. Phytomonas serpens share similarities with pathogenic trypanosomatids, including surface enzymes that are involved in adhesion to the salivary gland of their experimental host, the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus. Ectophosphatases are [...] Read more.
Phytomonas is the only kinetoplastid that can parasitize plants, causing economically relevant issues. Phytomonas serpens share similarities with pathogenic trypanosomatids, including surface enzymes that are involved in adhesion to the salivary gland of their experimental host, the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus. Ectophosphatases are cell surface enzymes involved in host–parasite interactions that are widely distributed among microorganisms. This work aimed to perform the biochemical characterization of P. serpens ectophosphatase activity, investigating and discussing its possible physiological role. This activity presented an acidic profile, and its kinetic parameters Km and Vmax were calculated as 1.57 ± 0.08 mM p-NPP and 10.11 ± 0.14 nmol p-NP/(h × 108 flagellates), respectively. It was stimulated by cobalt, inhibited by zinc, and insensitive to EDTA, a divalent metal chelator. The inhibitor sodium orthovanadate was able to decrease P. serpens ectophosphatase activity and growth, suggesting its involvement in cell proliferation. Given that P. serpens can uptake inorganic phosphate (Pi) from the extracellular medium, it is likely that its ectophosphatase activity acts together with the transport systems in the Pi acquisition process. The elucidation of the molecular mechanisms involved in this process emerges as a relevant perspective, providing new strategies for controlling Phytomonas infection. Full article
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33 pages, 4009 KiB  
Cyclic Peptides as Protein Kinase Modulators and Their Involvement in the Treatment of Diverse Human Diseases
by Lorena Martínez-Alcantar, Laura Hernández-Padilla, Alma Laura Díaz-Pérez, Lizbeth Guadalupe Villalón-Magallán, Mayra Xóchitl Durán-Maldonado, César Díaz-Pérez, Marlene E. Campos-Morales, Citlali Figueroa-Guzmán and Jesús Campos-García
Kinases Phosphatases 2024, 2(4), 346-378; - 12 Dec 2024
Viewed by 903
Protein kinases (PKs) are an important and very popular family of enzymes that play a vital role in regulating cellular processes via the phosphorylation of targets. Nevertheless, modifications in the expression due to mutations or their dysregulation can lead to diseases, including autoimmune [...] Read more.
Protein kinases (PKs) are an important and very popular family of enzymes that play a vital role in regulating cellular processes via the phosphorylation of targets. Nevertheless, modifications in the expression due to mutations or their dysregulation can lead to diseases, including autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, neurological diseases, and cancers. Cyclic ultra-short peptides are amazing structures with unique properties. The cyclicity of cyclic peptides (CPs) can mimic the interactions between PKs and natural substrates, influencing the enzyme activity essential in health and disease physiology. Our review summarized that interference in the signal transduction mechanism of the PKs by CPs implies the inhibition of substrate phosphorylation at the level of the active site, similar to anti-neoplastic drugs. The remarkable capacity of CPs to interact with targets positions them as promising candidates for developing protein kinase inhibitors in treating diseases. This review offers new insights for CPs in molecular mechanisms, cytotoxicity, target selectivity, and the possibility of designing more effective and safe therapeutic agents. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Human Protein Kinases: Development of Small-Molecule Therapies)
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6 pages, 1197 KiB  
Using In Silico Methods to Identify Protein Tyrosine Kinase A (PtkA) Homolog in Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM)
by Swati Jaiswal and Sanjay Kumar
Kinases Phosphatases 2024, 2(4), 340-345; - 30 Nov 2024
Viewed by 638
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) represent a diverse group of mycobacterial species known for causing opportunistic infections, especially in individuals with underlying health conditions. Unlike Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis, NTM species exhibit different pathogenic characteristics and drug resistance mechanisms, [...] Read more.
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) represent a diverse group of mycobacterial species known for causing opportunistic infections, especially in individuals with underlying health conditions. Unlike Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis, NTM species exhibit different pathogenic characteristics and drug resistance mechanisms, making them increasingly relevant in clinical settings. PtkA is a crucial protein tyrosine kinase that regulates bacterial growth, stress response, and virulence by phosphorylating various substrates in Mtb. Understanding whether PtkA homologs exist in NTM could provide insights into their virulence and resistance mechanisms. In silico approaches, which utilize computational tools for sequence alignment, structure prediction, and functional annotation, offer a powerful means to identify homologous proteins across different species. In this article, we have employed tools like BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), protein structure databases, and the NTM database to identify PtkA homologs in NTM genomes, providing a foundation for further studies. Full article
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25 pages, 14635 KiB  
Representing and Quantifying Conformational Changes of Kinases and Phosphatases Using the TSR-Based Algorithm
by Tarikul I. Milon, Krishna Rauniyar, Sara Furman, Khairum H. Orthi, Yingchun Wang, Vijay Raghavan and Wu Xu
Kinases Phosphatases 2024, 2(4), 315-339; - 8 Nov 2024
Viewed by 753
Protein kinases and phosphatases are key signaling proteins and are important drug targets. An explosion in the number of publicly available 3D structures of proteins has been seen in recent years. Three-dimensional structures of kinase and phosphatase have not been systematically investigated. This [...] Read more.
Protein kinases and phosphatases are key signaling proteins and are important drug targets. An explosion in the number of publicly available 3D structures of proteins has been seen in recent years. Three-dimensional structures of kinase and phosphatase have not been systematically investigated. This is due to the difficulty of designing structure-based descriptors that are capable of quantifying conformational changes. We have developed a triangular spatial relationship (TSR)-based algorithm that enables a unique representation of a protein’s 3D structure using a vector of integers (keys). The main objective of this study is to provide structural insight into conformational changes. We also aim to link TSR-based structural descriptors to their functions. The 3D structures of 2527 kinases and 505 phosphatases are studied. This study results in several major findings as follows: (i) The clustering method yields functionally coherent clusters of kinase and phosphatase families and their superfamilies. (ii) Specific TSR keys are identified as structural signatures for different types of kinases and phosphatases. (iii) TSR keys can identify different conformations of the well-known DFG motif of kinases. (iv) A significant number of phosphatases have their own distinct DFG motifs. The TSR keys from kinases and phosphatases agree with each other. TSR keys are successfully used to represent and quantify conformational changes of CDK2 upon the binding of cyclin or phosphorylation. TSR keys are effective when used as features for unsupervised machine learning and for key searches. If discriminative TSR keys are identified, they can be mapped back to atomic details within the amino acids involved. In conclusion, this study presents an advanced computational methodology with significant advantages in not only representing and quantifying conformational changes of protein structures but also having the capability of directly linking protein structures to their functions. Full article
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9 pages, 501 KiB  
Single-Molecule Analysis of Alkaline Phosphatase
by Douglas B. Craig
Kinases Phosphatases 2024, 2(4), 306-314; - 2 Oct 2024
Viewed by 767
Chemical studies usually consist of measurements made on large ensembles of molecules with data representing average values for the population. It has been shown that individual molecules of a given enzyme have different properties. Large-scale averaging has in the past masked these differences. [...] Read more.
Chemical studies usually consist of measurements made on large ensembles of molecules with data representing average values for the population. It has been shown that individual molecules of a given enzyme have different properties. Large-scale averaging has in the past masked these differences. Alkaline phosphatase has been used as a model to study this enzyme heterogeneity. The catalytic rates of the individual molecules have been found to differ by over 10-fold, and the activation energy of catalysis by more than two-fold. Differences in properties indicate that differences in structure must exist between the molecules. For alkaline phosphatase, the structural differences have been suggested to be differences in glycosylation, differences due to partial proteolysis, and due to some molecules containing mixtures of active and inactive subunits. The determination of the distribution of activities of populations of this enzyme within a sample has also been shown to be a useful tool in diagnostics. This review discusses the advent of single-molecule enzymology and summarizes its use in the study of alkaline phosphatase using capillary electrophoresis, microscopic well assays, and single-molecule tracking. Full article
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