Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Diagnostics reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: refractive surgery; laser correction; myopia; hyperopia; astigmatism; ocular surface; vision; optometry; ophthalmology; visual; eye; dry eye; cornea
Interests: endometriosis; surgery for deep infiltrating endometriosis; gynecological ultrasonography; Gynecological Oncology
Interests: menopause and hysteroscopy; obstetrics; high risk pregnancy; fetal ultrasound
Interests: IBD; gastric cancer; CRC; hepaittis; barrett's; crohn's; ulcerative colitis; CRC screening; gastritis; AMP; GT; H. pylori; esophagus; small bowel; IBS; colon; rectum
Interests: neurology; critical care; neurosurgery; neuroimaging; neuro oncology; neuro immunology; neuro infectious
Interests: neurosurgery; vascular endothelial growth factor; neurodegeneration; Aging; nutrition; telomere
Interests: meta-analysis; statistics; epidemiology
Interests: bioinformatics; computational biology; artificial intelligence; Machine learning; neuroscience; signal processing; Neuroimaging; Medical Imaging; compressive sensing; data analytics; Mathematical biology; deep learning; Image analysis and processing; image informatics; data visualization (2D and 3D); probabilistic and statistical modeling
Interests: RT-qPCR; rnaseq; plant stress; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2
Interests: molecular diagnostic of infectious agents; HPV, STD, H. pylori, STI, molecular biomarker related to GI cancers; cervical cancer; microbiome
Interests: pediatric cancer; breast cancer; ovarian cancer
Interests: endoscopy; endoscopic ultrasound; AMP; ERCP; biliary and the pancreatic disorders
Interests: biosensors; label-free; photonic crystals; surface chemistry; microfluidics; nanotechnology
Interests: surgery; thoracic surgery; lung cancer; digestive cancers
Interests: arrhythmia; electrophysiology; heart rhythm; cardiology; cardiovascular
Interests: lung cancer; chemotherapy; immunotherapy; targeted therapy
Interests: amino acids; asymmetric synthesis; heterocyclic chemistry; peptide synthesis; drug delivery; conjugation chemistry; nucleic acid chemistry; antibiotics; antioxidants; antimalarials; drug conjugates; structure-activity relationship (SAR); fluorescence reso
Interests: Inflammatory Bowel Disease; animal model; ulcerative colitis; Crohn’s Disease; colorectal carcinogenesis; cancer chemiprevention
Interests: biophysics; molecular motor; single-molecule; kinesin; dyneins; microtubule; cytoskeleton; Cellular Transport; diagnostic; DNA sequencing; NGS; biosensor; applied science; Engineering; mechanical engineering; flow-cell; surface science
Interests: preeclampsia; placenta; prostate; cancer; endometrium; endometriosis; bladder cancer; pregnancy; kidney
Interests: medical AI; medical informatics; medical big data; biomedical engineering; detection/classification algorithms; deep learning; machine learning; sleep disorder; biosignal processing; data science
Interests: head and neck surgery; temporomandibular joint disorders; oral, head and neck cancer; head and neck neoplasms; orthognathic surgery; facial plastic surgery; oral surgery
Interests: clinical immunology; mucosal immunology; immunology of GIT; cytokines; diabetes
Interests: alzheimer's disease; sleep disorders; genetics; miRNAs; lncRNA; gene; autism; epilepsy; neurodegenerative disorders; neurological diseases
Interests: alzheimer disease; bioactive natural products; anticancer; antidiabetic agent; genetics; biomarkers; biomaterials; diagnostic; drug development
Interests: terahertz; imaging and spectroscopy; antenna design and testing; free-space microwave and mmwave measurements
Interests: cardiovascular anatomy; peripheral nervous system anatomy; surgical anatomy and technique; arteriogenesis, angiogenesis; gynaecology; history of medicine; teaching, learning; assessment; medical education
Interests: early inflammatory factors detection probes; the antagonistic peptide of the formyl peptide receptor (FPR1) on the surface of the leukocyte membrane-cFLFLF (inflammatory peptide); HSTK (antisense mRN; HPLC purification; quality control; computational chemical genomics screening; development of different animal disease models: cancer model, acute hepatic animal model, inflammation animal model, cardiovascular disease (AMI, myocardial infraction etc.) model, immunosuppressive m; pharmacology or toxicology research; pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics (pk/pd)
2. Center of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Philipps University of Marburg, Baldingerstrasse, 35043 Marburg, Germany
Interests: spinal disorders; spinal injuries; application of artificial intelligence; machine learning
Interests: emergency medicine; oncology; sepsis; resuscitation; cardiology; toxicology; trauma; pulmonology; infectious diseases; pediatrics; neurology; gastroenterology; gynecology; hematology; obstetrics; cell biology; mitochondrial biology