
Journal Browser

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Most Cited & Viewed Papers

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Robust Spike-Based Continual Meta-Learning Improved by Restricted Minimum Error Entropy Criterion
by Shuangming Yang, Jiangtong Tan and Badong Chen
Diffusion Probabilistic Modeling for Video Generation
by Ruihan Yang, Prakhar Srivastava and Stephan Mandt
A Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Brain Tumour Classification
by Mohammed Rasool, Nor Azman Ismail, Wadii Boulila, Adel Ammar, Hussein Samma, Wael M. S. Yafooz and Abdel-Hamid M. Emara
Survey on Self-Supervised Learning: Auxiliary Pretext Tasks and Contrastive Learning Methods in Imaging
by Saleh Albelwi
A Variational Bayesian Deep Network with Data Self-Screening Layer for Massive Time-Series Data Forecasting
by Xue-Bo Jin, Wen-Tao Gong, Jian-Lei Kong, Yu-Ting Bai and Ting-Li Su
Quantum Machine Learning: A Review and Case Studies
by Amine Zeguendry, Zahi Jarir and Mohamed Quafafou
The Free Energy Principle for Perception and Action: A Deep Learning Perspective
by Pietro Mazzaglia, Tim Verbelen, Ozan Çatal and Bart Dhoedt
Homogeneous Adaboost Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms with Reduced Entropy on Balanced Data
by Mahesh Thyluru Ramakrishna, Vinoth Kumar Venkatesan, Ivan Izonin, Myroslav Havryliuk and Chandrasekhar Rohith Bhat
Deep Spatio-Temporal Graph Network with Self-Optimization for Air Quality Prediction
by Xue-Bo Jin, Zhong-Yao Wang, Jian-Lei Kong, Yu-Ting Bai, Ting-Li Su, Hui-Jun Ma and Prasun Chakrabarti
Discrete Memristor and Discrete Memristive Systems
by Shaobo He, Donglin Zhan, Huihai Wang, Kehui Sun and Yuexi Peng
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Fusions of Consciousness
by Donald D. Hoffman, Chetan Prakash and Robert Prentner
Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
by Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane and Michael Levin
Quantum Machine Learning: A Review and Case Studies
by Amine Zeguendry, Zahi Jarir and Mohamed Quafafou
A Survey of Deep Learning-Based Multimodal Emotion Recognition: Speech, Text, and Face
by Hailun Lian, Cheng Lu, Sunan Li, Yan Zhao, Chuangao Tang and Yuan Zong
Residence Time vs. Adjustment Time of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
by Peter Stallinga
CTRL: Closed-Loop Transcription to an LDR via Minimaxing Rate Reduction
by Xili Dai, Shengbang Tong, Mingyang Li, Ziyang Wu, Michael Psenka, Kwan Ho Ryan Chan, Pengyuan Zhai, Yaodong Yu, Xiaojun Yuan, Heung-Yeung Shum and Yi Ma
Testing the Conjecture That Quantum Processes Create Conscious Experience
by Hartmut Neven, Adam Zalcman, Peter Read, Kenneth S. Kosik, Tjitse van der Molen, Dirk Bouwmeester, Eve Bodnia, Luca Turin and Christof Koch
Survey on Self-Supervised Learning: Auxiliary Pretext Tasks and Contrastive Learning Methods in Imaging
by Saleh Albelwi
Natural Language Generation and Understanding of Big Code for AI-Assisted Programming: A Review
by Man-Fai Wong, Shangxin Guo, Ching-Nam Hang, Siu-Wai Ho and Chee-Wei Tan
Competency in Navigating Arbitrary Spaces as an Invariant for Analyzing Cognition in Diverse Embodiments
by Chris Fields and Michael Levin
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Fusions of Consciousness
by Donald D. Hoffman, Chetan Prakash and Robert Prentner
Survey on Self-Supervised Learning: Auxiliary Pretext Tasks and Contrastive Learning Methods in Imaging
by Saleh Albelwi
Quantum Machine Learning: A Review and Case Studies
by Amine Zeguendry, Zahi Jarir and Mohamed Quafafou
The Exergy Losses Analysis in Adiabatic Combustion Systems including the Exhaust Gas Exergy
by Senda Agrebi, Louis Dreßler and Kaushal Nishad
Biology, Buddhism, and AI: Care as the Driver of Intelligence
by Thomas Doctor, Olaf Witkowski, Elizaveta Solomonova, Bill Duane and Michael Levin
To Compress or Not to Compress—Self-Supervised Learning and Information Theory: A Review
by Ravid Shwartz Ziv and Yann LeCun
Chess AI: Competing Paradigms for Machine Intelligence
by Shiva Maharaj, Nick Polson and Alex Turk
Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency: Entropy-Based Perspective
by Feng Liu, Hao-Yang Fan and Jia-Yin Qi
Natural Language Generation and Understanding of Big Code for AI-Assisted Programming: A Review
by Man-Fai Wong, Shangxin Guo, Ching-Nam Hang, Siu-Wai Ho and Chee-Wei Tan
CTRL: Closed-Loop Transcription to an LDR via Minimaxing Rate Reduction
by Xili Dai, Shengbang Tong, Mingyang Li, Ziyang Wu, Michael Psenka, Kwan Ho Ryan Chan, Pengyuan Zhai, Yaodong Yu, Xiaojun Yuan, Heung-Yeung Shum and Yi Ma

Most Cited & Viewed Special Issues

Published: Last 36 months
Avg. Citations Special Issue
Deep Generative Modeling: Theory and Applications
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 11
Image Encryption and Privacy Protection Based on Chaotic Systems
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 17
Quantum Machine Learning 2022
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 11
Wireless Sensor Networks and Their Applications
Guest Editors , , and | Number of Papers: 13
Machine and Deep Learning for Affective Computing
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 11
Entropy in Machine Learning Applications
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 11
Pattern Recognition and Data Clustering in Information Theory
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 10
Entropy in Soft Computing and Machine Learning Algorithms II
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 11
Advances in Quantum Computing
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 25
Information Security and Privacy: From IoT to IoV
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 15
Published: Last 36 months
Views Special Issue
Advances in Quantum Computing
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 25
From Functional Imaging to Free Energy—Dedicated to Professor Karl Friston on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Guest Editors , , Rosalyn Moran, , Axel Constant and Anjali Bhat | Number of Papers: 28
Quantum Machine Learning 2022
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 11
Causality and Complex Systems
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 16
Machine and Deep Learning for Affective Computing
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 11
Image Encryption and Privacy Protection Based on Chaotic Systems
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 17
Advances in Information and Coding Theory
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 20
Information Network Mining and Applications
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 15
Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 17
Deep Learning Models and Applications to Computer Vision
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 13
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