2.1. Partitioning Principles
Among the numerous ways in which trait-community relationships can be characterized, there are a few features of general conceptional significance in the assessment of metacommunity structure. One feature is the consistency of relationships in the sense that individuals of the same type are predominantly found in the same community rather than being distributed more or less randomly (or evenly) among communities. Another feature is the consistency of relationships in the sense that individuals of different types predominantly occur in different communities. Speaking of “predominantly” implies that the relationships need not be strictly realized but rather point in the respective direction, and that both could be realized simultaneously and to different degrees.
More concretely, proceed from an undifferentiated metacommunity, where the distribution of types is the same in all communities, and consider frequency changes that leave the overall type distribution and the community sizes (the marginal distributions) unaltered. The assumption of unaltered marginal distributions is crucial, since they define both the absence and presence of differentiation. As a consequence, individuals of some types are no longer evenly distributed over all communities but rather tend to be concentrated in a particular community. In the same manner, individuals of different type that were formerly in the same community may tend to be divided among different communities.
The implied tendencies can be carried further by swapping individuals among communities, such that individuals of one type are brought together (concentrated) in a particular community, while individuals of other types are moved away from this community to fill the gaps in the communities from which the individuals of the one type were taken. The latter step creates additional differences in type composition between the particular community and the other communities. In this way, the marginal distributions are maintained, and division effects are produced as a complementary side effect of concentration. Varying type–community relations without modifying the marginal distributions while considering the implied tendencies is essential to the present approach, which is explicitly modeled in
Section 3.2.
Apparently, these relationships can just as well be considered from the opposite though less familiar perspective, where type is a matter of community affiliation, so that belonging to a particular community requires that an individual be of a particular type. To realize this situation, the members of one community that are not of a particular type are to be removed to other communities, while the gaps thus created are filled with individuals of the particular type that occur in these other communities. The swapping of individuals now implies the concentration of community members to a single type while creating, as a complementary side effect, differences between types for community affiliation.
The above demonstrations can be summarized into the two following principles by which trait-community relationships or associations can be thought to be organized, so as to reveal the basic characteristics of metacommunity structure (adapted from [
- Concentration:
There is a tendency for individuals that hold the same trait state to reside in the same community (trait concentration). Alternatively, individuals belonging to the same community could tend to be of the same type (community concentration).
- Division:
There is a tendency for individuals that hold different trait states to occur in different communities (trait division). Alternatively, individuals belonging to different communities could tend to differ in type (community division).
The term “tendency” is used here in the sense of any (potential) change of general state characteristics in a specified direction. Thus, trait concentration, for example, takes place via the reduction in dispersion of a type over communities, i.e., individuals of the same type that were previously dispersed over several communities tend to gather in the same community. Similarly, trait division takes place via separating individuals of different types from one another, i.e., individuals of different type previously residing in the same community move to different communities.
The corresponding alternatives of community concentration and community division read analogously. The former leads to a reduction in type variability within communities, and the latter implies that the individuals of the same type previously residing in different communities tend to aggregate in the same community (for a provisional characterization of ecological conditions and evolutionary forces relating to community concentration and division, see
Table 1). Obviously, trait concentration and community division have similar consequences, as do community concentration and trait division (the general conceptual relationship between the partitioning principles and their structural significance is detailed for the interested reader in the next section).
To assess the magnitude of a tendency, one at least requires a clear definition of its absence as well as of its maximum realization. The tendency for community division obviously reaches its maximum when all individuals of the same type reside in the same community, so that the communities are completely differentiated for their type compositions. The absence of any division tendency is realized if the same types are equally represented in every community, implying that communities are not differentiated for their type distributions. This obviously mirrors the perception of variation among communities in that with continuing division, the overall type variation is increasingly split between different communities. Measures of this tendency could then be expected to serve the quantification of variation among communities.
The tendency for community concentration reaches its maximum if, within each community, all individuals are of the same type, so that all communities are monomorphic. This includes cases where some communities are monomorphic for the same type and others are completely differentiated. At the other extreme, the complete absence of concentration tendencies implies that community affiliation is not associated with type, so that again, communities are not differentiated for their type distributions. Increasing community concentration tendencies thus imply the loss of type polymorphism and by this accords with the perception of variation or diversity within communities. Indeed, the stronger the concentration tendency, the smaller the representation of the overall type variation within communities is. Appropriate measures of the concentration tendencies could then be expected to be inversely related to amounts of variation within communities.
As a consequence, the notions of variation within and among communities can be independently specified by reference to community concentration and community division tendencies, respectively.
This independence seems to conflict with the widely held idea that variation within and among communities should be complementary with respect to the total variation. This idea underlies the classical analysis of variance (ANOVA), which for diversity analysis corresponds to additive decomposition. A multiplicative decomposition of diversity was derived by Jost [
5] from the premise that diversities are represented as effective numbers, with the independent specification of the within- and between-components. However, the complementarity view in these two examples rests on particular measures of variation and postulates rather than conceptualizes the notion of variation among communities. In contrast, the above deliberations demonstrate without reference to particular measures of variation that both components of variation, within and among, can be conceptualized separately, so that the complementarity postulation can be analyzed for its adequacy. In a general context,
complementarity between two real variables can be conceived to exist if a change in one variable implies a change in the opposite direction of the other variable.
There are obviously many kinds of mathematical relations besides constancy in the sum or product of two variables, that realize this condition. (Note: One of the consequences of strict complementarity between two real variables is that if the two variables are equal at one point in the region of definition, then the two variables retain this same value for all points at which they are equal. Otherwise, a contradiction would result from the definition of complementarity, since changes in one variable within the region would imply a change in the opposite direction of the other variable and thus result in inequality between the variables.)
The dual version of the two community-oriented tendencies of concentration and division, where the community-orientation is replaced by the trait-orientation, simply results from exchanging the roles of community affiliation and trait. As indicated above, it is interesting to note that there is a cross-relationship between the orientations. Thus, the tendencies of individuals from the same community to be of the same type (community-orientation of concentration) entails the tendency for individuals of different type to reside in different communities (trait-orientation of division). Analogously, the trait-orientation of concentration entails the community-orientation of division. The interested reader will find a more comprehensive exposition focusing on the structural significance of the tendencies in the next section.
The opposite implication of the two tendencies, however, has unreasonable consequences. In the case of trait-oriented division, the opposite implication of the tendency “different types in different communities” would be the tendency “different types in the same community.” In the case of trait-oriented concentration, the opposite implication of the tendency “same type in the same community” would be “same type in different communities”. Both situations lead to confusing observations for their extremes, with reduction to a single community in the first case and the uniqueness of all members of a community for the trait in the second case. This reinforces the requirement indicated above that indices for assessment of the tendencies must have lower bounds that express the absence of the tendency.
2.2. A Structural View of Partitioning: Inverse
Equivalence of the Two Partitioning Principles
In essence, structure is any deviation from uniformity. One is thus concerned with a set of objects and a characterization of the objects by a trait, the states of which may vary among the objects. The uniformity of the set is realized if the trait states do not vary among the objects. The presence of variability therefore indicates the existence of structure for the trait, even if only two objects differ in their trait states. There are, of course, many kinds of structure, but all of them realize the above property of non-uniformity. At the other extreme, if all objects differ in their trait states, the structure could be considered to be maximal.
The idea of partitioning variation fits into this basic concept by considering two traits (or variables) for all members of a collection, with the focus on one of the variables as defining by its states a subdivision of the collection (the partitioning variable) and the other specifying variability for the total collection within as well as among the subdivisions. The specification of variability, in turn, requires a frequency distribution over all combinations of values of the two variables (joint distribution). The states of the partitioning variable (the subdivisions) adopt the role of objects which are characterized by the distribution of the other variable within each of the subdivisions. Differences between objects then arise by differences between their associated distributions, so that the partitioning shows no structure (it is uniform) if the distributions are the same among all subdivisions. Distributions can be specified in terms of relative or absolute representations of types (states of the second variable). In the case of absolute representations, differences in the sizes of the subdivisions alone suffice to ascertain the structure for the partitioning.
Metacommunity structure can be conceived from this perspective by considering the community affiliation of individuals as the partitioning variable and characterizing variability among individuals by some other trait of interest. The absence of metacommunity structure is then by definition realized if there are no differences in the trait distribution among communities. Herewith, trait distribution can be specified in terms of relative or absolute frequencies. In the latter case, uniformity and thus the absence of metacommunity structure implies equality of community sizes in addition to equality in relative trait distributions among communities.
Deviations from this state of uniformity necessarily imply that individuals of some types are not evenly distributed over all communities but rather show tendencies to occur preferably in a particular community. This corresponds to the concentration principle for types, for which, as it approaches fullness, all individuals of the same type occur in the same community. Then, communities share no types and are therefore completely differentiated. From a dispersion perspective, an increasing concentration implies that ever fewer individuals of the same type occur in different communities. Uniformity can then also be viewed as the complete dispersion of all types over all communities, and complete differentiation would correspond to the complete absence of dispersion.
Reversing the direction of view by considering types to be the partitioning variable, by analogy, the types are the objects, and each such object is characterized by the distribution of the community membership of the associated individuals. The uniformity of the objects and thus the absence of metacommunity structure is then realized if all objects (types) show the same distribution of community membership. Hence, the presence of structure now shows that members of the same community tend to be of the same type, which corresponds to the concentration principle applied to communities. At the extreme, types are completely differentiated for the community membership of their carriers.
Metacommunity structure can therefore be looked at from two perspectives, one focusing on non-uniformity of communities in their type distributions, and the other focusing on the non-uniformity of types for the distribution of their community affiliations. The non-uniformity of a variable increases with the differences in its states as measured by the distributions of the other variable. The extreme is thus characterized by complete differentiation under both perspectives. Consequently, the presence of metacommunity structure can be stated for the realization of a single principle viewed from opposite directions. This principle focuses on the concentration feature in stating that similarity in one variable implies a tendency towards similarity in the other.
The fact that uniformity under one perspective implies uniformity under the other (as is easily verified) poses the question as to how this symmetry continues for non-uniformity. In other words, the question is how tendencies considered from one perspective translate into the other. Suppose that trait concentration is fully realized in a metacommunity, and consider individuals that differ in their community affiliations. If the latter would imply that the individuals would tend to be of the same type, then this would contradict the trait concentration features, since the identical trait state implies a tendency to occur in the same community. Hence, the trait concentration implies community division, in that difference in community affiliation entails a tendency to differ in type. By the same reasoning in reverse, the community concentration implies trait division. In other words, the concentration and division tendencies are inversely equivalent.
In conclusion, the metacommunity structure has two opposing perspectives, both of which follow the same principle of assessment.
2.3. Two Methods of Quantifying the Effects of the
Partitioning Principles
There are two methods to quantify the tendencies used in specification of the two principles of concentration and division. One method assesses tendencies via the reflection of the two partitioning principles in the frequencies of pairs of individuals. For the concentration tendency, the primary indicators are the frequencies of pairs of individuals that are identical in type and in community affiliation. Analogously, the primary indicators of the division tendency are the frequencies of pairs of individuals that differ in both type and community affiliation. Since the primary indicators of this concept of tendencies are binary relations, this method will be referred to as “relation-based”. It is probably among the most intuitively obvious and most frequently applied.
The second method, which will be termed “diversity-based”, quantifies tendencies by their effects on the numbers of relevant type–community combinations realized among the members of a metacommunity. In the case of the community concentration tendency, the obvious implication is that with increasing tendency, ever more members of the same community will be of the same type, so that the number of types per community necessarily decreases. The primary indicators for this concentration tendency are the effective numbers of types per community, which are directly associated with the notion of “diversity within communities”.
Community division tendencies are more challenging to characterize in terms of the numbers of type–community combinations, since individuals with different community affiliations are to be associated with different types. Such comparisons do not immediately connect to the specification of numbers of combinations that are required from the diversity perspective.
To realize how this connection can be established, recall that the number of different combinations effectively decreases when individuals of the same type that previously resided in different communities are transferred to the same community (as implied by community division tendencies). As such, the spread of a type over several communities is reduced, and the differences in type distribution among communities—and thus the tendency of community division—is increased. Since such transfers do not affect the overall distribution of types, one arrives at the central observation that
for retained overall type distribution, the continuation of community division tendencies decreases the effective number of type–community combinations and by this increases the differentiation among communities.
Observing the frequencies of the various type–community combinations, their “effective” number is specified by the same measures of diversity that are used to specify the effective numbers of types or communities. This establishes commensurability between the levels of variation. To distinguish the combinations of the two characteristics type and community in the assessment of diversity, the term “joint diversity” was suggested. The above demonstrations can then be reworded by stating that, with increasing tendency of community division, the joint diversity decreases relative to the type diversity. Community division and thus differentiation are complete if the joint diversity equals the type diversity. Under the diversity-based method, the primary indicator of community division tendencies is thus specified by the relation between the joint diversity and the type diversity. This observation confirms that the notion of “diversity among communities” can be specified in terms of proper measures of diversity. It thus resolves the problem of establishing commensurability between “diversity among communities” and “diversity within communities”.
Indices that quantify such tendencies usually have values between zero and 1, where the lower bound indicates the complete absence of the tendency and the upper bound is only reached for their full realization. Intermediate index values are required to reflect the direction determined by the primary indicator of the respective tendency. Special attention must be given to the fact that although the primary indicators clearly define the states of the full realization of the tendency, they usually provide no a priori information on the absence of the tendency. The primary indicator of an index of community division, for example, must show when differentiation is absent. A primary indicator that does not assume a unique extremal value in the absence of differentiation would therefore not yield a consistent index of the tendency of community division, unless additional specifications are made.
It will be shown in the following that both the relation-based and the diversity-based methods of quantifying the tendencies of the concentration and division principles illuminate the intrinsic differences between most of the common indices of apportionment and differentiation, as indices of partitioning variation are usually called. Based on these two methods, new indices will be proposed and established indices revisited that directly correspond to the difference between the two tendencies of division and concentration, allowing the consistent ranking of the amounts of variation within and among communities.
Conceptually, apportionment and differentiation are concerned with the distribution of type variation over communities, and this relates to tendencies of community concentration and community division rather than their reverse versions of trait concentration and division. Only the community-orientation will be considered in the sequel if not stated otherwise.
In order to study the problem of complementarity of the two tendencies, i.e., whether they have opposite effects on diversity within and among communities, it is indispensable to compare metacommunities that have the same marginal distributions. Established approaches seem to largely disregard the restriction that complementarity cannot be specified without reference to the marginal distributions, and it is indeed a challenging task to detail the characteristics of joint type–community distributions that are permissible under this restriction. In
Section 3.2, a model of such distributions is presented that explicitly considers the tendencies of the concentration and division and their mixtures for arbitrary but fixed marginal distributions.
2.3.1. Relation-Based Method of Quantifying the Partitioning Principles
The above explanations suggest that the primary indicators of concentration and division tendencies for communities are quantifiable by the probability of sampling two individuals from the same community that are identical in type (concentration) and the probability of sampling two individuals from different communities that differ in type (division). These probabilities will be denoted by and , respectively. The absence of any tendency and thus the absence of differentiation can be characterized by considering the probability of sampling two individuals from the total metacommunity that differ in type, and regarding that holds, with equality only in the absence of differentiation (Note: Specification of the sampling probabilities: frequency of the i-th type, frequency of the j-th community, frequency of the i-th type in the j-th community, frequency of the i-th type in the complement of the j-th community. , , .)
One then arrives at the two following indices with values between zero and one, where a value of zero indicates the absence of differentiation for both indices, and a value of one indicates complete concentration for one index and complete division for the other index [
12]. To maintain the established terminology, the former index is referred to as an index of apportionment (in the sense applied, e.g., in [
13]) and the latter as an index of differentiation:
Here, stands for sampling within the total metacommunity, for sampling within individual communities, and for sampling within an individual community and its respective metacommunity remainder. The normalizations of the two indices ensure that they obey the aforementioned bounds together with their semantic specifications. By the above explanations, (which equals ) and are now the primary indicators of concentration and division, respectively. One thus concludes that increases with the primary indicator of concentration and increases with the primary indicator of division.
The primary indicator of concentration ranges between its minimum of in the absence of differentiation and its maximum of 1 for monomorphism within communities. In accordance with common practice, thus equals the primary indicator normalized by this minimum–maximum interval, i.e., .
The minimum–maximum normalization does not work with the indicator of division, however, since indeed equals 1 for complete differentiation and holds in the absence of differentiation. However, and are not consistently ranked in the sense that does not generally hold. This situation is taken into account for by introducing a quantity that modifies the effect of so as to include the absence of differentiation. The quantity is the primary indicator of concentration.
Even though thus combines the effects of two primary indicators, division and concentration, the index unambiguously prioritizes the division component as explained above. Admittedly, increases when the concentration indicator increases. However, for fixed total type variation, increasing concentration cannot be realized without removing types from one community and adding them to others, i.e., without creating differences among communities. It is thus inappropriate to consider changes in one component and assume that the others are unaffected by the changes. One component can thus affect the other in possibly different directions, and the index can be viewed to summarize the overall differentiation effect. This does not apply to the apportionment index , which is completely focused on the one primary indicator of concentration.
This granted, from the point of view of the partitioning principles, the apportionment index and the differentiation index could be more explicitly addressed as indices of concentration and division, respectively. Conversely, since for given overall type distribution, the minimum and maximum type variation within communities is reached for and , respectively, can be addressed as a measure of variation within communities. Maximum variation within communities () then occurs together with minimum variation among communities (). Minimum variation within communities, however, need not imply maximum variation among communities, since several of the monomorphic communities may be identical in type. This is a first indication that complementarity relationships between the variation within and among communities are not trivial.
Corresponding established indices: Population geneticists will immediately identify
by notation and definition as one of the most popular and long-established indices of (meta)population structure.
, however, is not to be confused with the index of same notation used in [
7], which does not measure differentiation. Community ecologists, in turn, might recognize the relation to problems of partitioning species diversity by noting the resemblance of
- and of
-diversity would then be implied in its additive version by
, so that the relation to
. While this relationship makes sense and mirrors the common representation of
(see, e.g., [
14], p. 66; also called “proportional species turnover”), the multiplicative version of
, i.e.,
, would lead to the relation
, which, however, is meaningless. This becomes obvious by letting communities tend towards monomorphism. In this case,
tends to 1 so that
would increase indefinitely and by exceeding the realized number of communities would completely lose its interpretation as an “effective number of distinct communities”.
has no counterpart in the ecological
does not lend itself to an appropriate ecological interpretation. In other words, the
approach to the partitioning of type variation in metacommunities cannot explicitly address aspects of differentiation (also see, e.g., [
17]). ≫
Other approaches: The above demonstrations should not be confused with an approach taken by Witherspoon et al. [
18], which also rests on the counting pairs of individuals that differ to various degrees within and among populations. In comparing the numbers of pairs among populations and within populations, the authors arrive at a measure
defined as the probability of sampling individuals from different populations that are more similar than individuals sampled independently from the same population. To see the difference in approach, consider the present situation of a discrete trait together with its discrete metric (
for individuals of the same type and otherwise
Using the above notation, one obtains . It follows immediately that if either all populations are monomorphic () or all populations are completely differentiated (). No distinction is thus made between these two extreme structural states. Similarly, in the absence of differentiation, and hold, so that varies between 0 and 0.5 depending on the overall polymorphism in the metapopulation. Finally, cannot be realized, since it would imply that, for sampling without replacement, all members of a population would differ in type () and simultaneously, among populations, all types are identical (), which is a contradiction. Hence, the structural characteristics indicated by remain unclear.≫
2.3.2. Diversity-Based Methods of Quantifying the Partitioning Principles
The following demonstrations and derivations are based on the above explanation of how the partitioning tendencies translate into diversity characteristics. The relevant measures will be denoted by
as the overall type diversity in the metacommunity,
as the type diversity within communities (as some appropriate mean of type diversities within the individual communities), and
as the joint type–community diversity.
, as designation of the smallest value that a diversity measure can realize, indicates the absence of variation (monomorphism). A superscript
e, such as
, will be applied to indicate the effective number corresponding to the underlying diversity measure
, i.e., the diversity effective number. Herewith, recall that, in many cases, the diversity index is itself an effective number (i.e.,
), as are the Rényi-diversities which are also called Hill numbers (Note: Hill numbers [
, for
.) (for more details see [
Furthermore, from the above, , with equality only for complete differentiation, suggests that is primary indicator of community division tendencies in relation to . Any increase in division is thus reflected by a decrease in the joint diversity for the fixed total type diversity.
For both tendencies, division and concentration, the relation
, with equality only in the absence of differentiation, is essential. Its indication of the absence of differentiation plays a particularly significant role in partitioning studies. The validity of this relation for practically all admissible diversity measures was proven by Patil and Taillie [
20] and further generalized by Gregorius [
This fact guarantees that the average type diversity within communities reaches its maximum for the given total type diversity only in the absence of differentiation. It does not, however, imply that the average type diversity decreases with increasing differentiation. This becomes evident by noting that complete differentiation does not specify the minimum of . Instead, the difference of from indicates how close the diversity within communities is to its maximum for the given total type diversity. Hence, the smaller the difference, the smaller the concentration of the total type diversity to communities is. Conversely, the larger the difference, the higher is the concentration. Apart from this, on its own behalf is the primary indicator of concentration tendencies, which decreases with increasing tendency irrespective of the underlying total type diversity.
The ratio itself can be conceived of as measuring how much of the total type diversity is on average represented within the communities. While this is in accordance with general perceptions, it should be realized that, because of the incommensurability of measure, it does not make any explicit statement on “how much of the total type variation is represented among communities”.
To demonstrate the connection of the above diversity-based tendency indicators to the established indices of apportionment and differentiation, recourse will be taken to the generalized representations of these indices for diversity measures, as proposed by Gregorius [
16]. The potential for the construction of further admissible indices that differ from the established variants is demonstrated by including another probably unfamiliar index of differentiation (
where in
, the index
is specified for the effective numbers
of the involved diversity measures
v (and for which
so that
), and
Table 2 summarizes the diversity levels and their ordering. These correspond to the structural states of monomorphism within communities (
), the absence of differentiation (
), and complete differentiation among communities (
), respectively. The absence of concentration/apportionment as well as of division/differentiation is approached as the difference of
declines. The full realization of the tendencies is in turn approached for concentration as the difference of
declines, and for division as the difference of
declines. Differences may (as in
) or may not be specified in additive terms.
Furthermore, for a given
, the value of
signals the absence of differentiation if and only if
. The small graphic insert in
Table 2 calls to attention that the range within which
varies extends from monomorphism to the absence of differentiation, and that the range of
extends from complete differentiation to a differentiation state of maximum joint diversity that need not be generally characterized by complete absence of differentiation. Indeed,
Figure 1 provides an example for Hill numbers of order 2 (Simpson’s index of diversity), where, in the absence of differentiation, the joint diversity is 2.16 and thus is slightly smaller than the maximum joint diversity of 2.27 realized in the computations.
Apportionment—Both apportionment indices directly depend on the primary indicator
) of concentration. Since
, the inequality
holds with equality only in the absence of differentiation and for monomorphism within communities (both indices applied to diversity effective numbers). For the fixed total type diversity, both indices are seen to decrease strictly with increasing diversity within communities, are zero in the absence of differentiation (
, minimum concentration), and assume their maximum value of 1 for a monomorphism in all communities (
, i.e., complete concentration).
increases linearly with the decreasing
(and thus with increasing concentration), and it can therefore be conceived of as indicating the location of
between its bounds
, i.e., between monomorphism within communities and the absence of differentiation (see
Table 2).
The difference between and lies in the representation of the primary indicator, which changes from a linear into a proportional increase with decreasing . In more detail, the linear representation of the concentration indicator is converted into a proportional (convex) representation of the form . As follows immediately from Equations (3a) and (3b), the two apportionment indices result from the minimum–maximum normalization of the representation of the respective primary indicator. The choice between and therefore depends on whether the problem at hand suggests a linear or a proportional representation of relative to and thus of concentration effects.
For both apportionment indices, the absence of differentiation is tantamount to the maximum polymorphism that can be realized within communities under the restriction set by the overall type distribution in the metacommunity. This dual interpretation has given rise to some argument on the usage of apportionment indices. The reason becomes particularly clear for the version
, as it results from the division of
. Since
is an effective number with no upper limit,
approaches a value of zero arbitrarily closely with increasing diversity within communities (for special cases, see, e.g., [
21]). This further emphasizes the characteristic of
as an index of monomorphism (or alternatively
as an index of relative polymorphism) within communities. It also stresses the ambivalence arising when small values of
are only interpreted in terms of small differentiation among communities.
Corresponding established indices: Both
become equal to
, if the former is applied to Simpson’s index as a measure of (relative) diversity, and the latter is applied to Hill numbers of order 2 (which is the effective number of Simpson’s index) as measure of (absolute) diversity. The fact that
approaches zero with increasing diversity (effective number) within communities was called to attention for
by Hedrick [
21] in connection with the availability of methods allowing for the verification of highly polymorphic genetic markers. ≫
Differentiation—The three differentiation indices
indeed conformed to the tendencies of division in that, for fixed total and type diversity within communities, the indices increased strictly with decreasing
and thus with the increasing primary indicator of division tendencies (recall that for fixed total type diversity, the joint diversity decreases with increasing differentiation among communities). The three indices become zero only in the absence of differentiation (again for
) and equal 1 only for complete differentiation (
, i.e., complete division).
, in particular, indicates the location of
between its bounds
, i.e., between the absence of differentiation and complete differentiation (see
Table 2).
A consistent ranking among the three differentiation indices can be derived from Equation (
4b). For this purpose, recall that
holds for not completely differentiated communities,
for differentiated communities,
, and
. The first and second line of Equation (
4b) and multiplication of the denominator and numerator in Equation (
4a) then implies
outside the extreme states of differentiation.
When trying to apply to (relative) diversity measures (such as Simpson’s index), there is a caveat that stems from for these measures. Monomorphism within communities then implies and thus , irrespective of the number of type differences among communities. This would, however, contradict the characteristic of as an index of differentiation. Hence, application of just as must therefore be restricted exclusively to the effective numbers of the diversity measures of interest. This restriction does not hold for , , and .
The difference between the differentiation index and the indices and follows the same characteristic that is realized in the associated apportionment indices and when replacing the primary indicators of concentration by the corresponding indicators of division. Thus, the linear representations of indicators in are replaced by proportional representations in and (with all diversities specified as effective numbers), i.e., , in , and in . The choice between and or therefore depends on whether the problem at hand suggests a linear or a proportional representation of the primary indicators.
Apparently, from the point of view of the partitioning principles, the above diversity-based apportionment and differentiation indices could again be addressed as indices of concentration and division, respectively.
Concerning the normalizations applied in the differentiation indices, they are not of the minimum–maximum type of the representations of the primary indicators. This repeats the situation familiar from the differentiation index , where the limits of the primary indicator of division were not uniquely defined. The same situation applies to the present differentiation indices, within which the primary indicator of division cannot be generally argued to realize an upper bound that indicates the absence of differentiation. (Note: One might be tempted to think that an upper bound for the joint diversity of Hill numbers is realized in the absence of differentiation, where and is the diversity of community sizes. This is not true, as can be seen from the following simple example: , , , . The application of Hill numbers of order two yields and , so that .)
As before, this limitation can be overcome by introducing a quantity that modifies the effect of the indicator so as to include the absence of differentiation. The quantity is again the respective primary indicator of concentration. The explanations of the effect of the concentration indicator on the differentiation index given for apply analogously to the present indices of differentiation.
Corresponding established indices: Jost’s [
8] index
D of differentiation results from the application of
to Hill numbers (of order 2) with equal community sizes, which yields
, where
is the number of communities. The complete differentiation and thus
is then realized if
(sometimes referred to as the “replication principle”). In an earlier paper, Jost [
5] suggested an index (also applied to Hill numbers and equal community sizes) which he called “turnover rate per sample”. It equals
and, in the present notation, reads
. Again,
. The apparent lack of joint diversity in the representation of both of these indices results from the fact that, for Hill numbers and equal community sizes,
16]. ≫