Characterisation of Harmonic Resonance Phenomenon of Multi-Parallel PV Inverter Systems: Modelling and Analysis
:1. Introduction
Organization of the Paper
2. LCL Filter Overview
3. Resonance Introduced by Multi-Parallel Inverter System
3.1. Filters
- The equivalent impedance seen by an individual inverter () is depicted in Figure 5a. For single-inverter operation (), equals to , which is directly proportional to the frequency. However, for a given n (), maximum and minimum impedance points can be identified.
- The frequency response of is depicted in Figure 5b, which represents the diagonal elements of the . When , there is only one resonance point where the resonant frequency is given by . When additional inverters connect, two resonances can be seen where resonant frequencies are given in (13). The peak magnitude of the resonance decreases as the number of inverters (n) increases. In addition to the two peaks, a dip can also be identified, which corresponds to the maximum impedance seen by the inverter in Figure 5a.
- The frequency response of is depicted in Figure 5d, which represents the grid current component of an inverter. Assuming identical inverters, this does not change the total grid current summed up for each inverter. Only one resonance peak can be identified. When the number of inverters increases, the resonant frequency decreases and the magnitude of the resonance peak is damped.
- The frequency spectrum from an individual inverter terminal current does not tally with the frequency spectrum of grid current (summation of each inverter current) according to Figure 5b,d when . Two resonant frequencies for the individual inverter terminal and only one resonant frequency for the grid current.
3.2. Filters
- The equivalent impedance seen by an individual inverter () seen by an individual inverter is depicted in Figure 6a. Similar to the filter, for a single-inverter operation (), equals , which is directly proportional to the frequency. However, for a given n (), unlike filters, only one impedance peak is identified.
- The frequency response of is depicted in Figure 6b, which represents the diagonal elements of the . Only one resonance point can be seen where resonant frequencies are calculated using (15). The resonance peak decreases as n increases. In addition to the peak, a dip can also be identified, which corresponds to the maximum impedance seen by the inverter in Figure 6a.
- The frequency response of is depicted in Figure 6d, which represents the grid current component of an inverter. Only one resonance peak can be identified. With the number of inverters increasing, the resonant frequency decreases and the resonance peak is damped.
- The frequency spectrum of an individual inverter terminal current, tally with the frequency spectrum of the grid current (summation of each inverter current) according to Figure 6b,d.
4. Identifying Resonance Phenomenon with Field Measurements
5. Selection of Filter Components to Obtain Resonance at a Specific Frequency
6. Simulation Results
6.1. Resonance Introduced by Filters
- The harmonic spectrum of the individual inverter and grid current is not identical except where .
- Due to the two resonant points in the inverter current frequency spectrum, it can be approximated as a broadband harmonic emission lying between and .
- The resonant point due to multiple inverters () shifts toward lower frequencies as n increases.
- The inverter current harmonic spectrum provides a broadband resonance spectrum, which is due to the two resonant peaks. On the contrary, the narrowband resonance spectrum is seen in the grid current harmonic spectrum due to the single resonant peak.
6.2. Resonance Introduced by Filters
- The harmonic spectrum of individual inverters and grid current is identical to each other at all times.
- The resonant point due to n inverters () shifts toward lower frequencies as n increases.
- Both inverter current and grid current harmonic spectra provide a narrowband resonance spectrum due to their single resonant peak.
6.3. Impact of Grid Impedance on Resonance
7. Discussion
7.1. Filter Type Identification Based on Measurements
7.2. Comparison of Field Measurements with Developed Model
7.3. Future Works
8. Conclusions
- By measuring the current flowing in both the inverter terminals and the aggregation cable, it is possible to determine the resonant frequency. This process involves connecting the inverters one at a time and then analyzing the frequency spectra to identify the dampening of the resonance peak.
- The similarity between two frequency spectra can be used to identify the type of filter used inside the PV inverter. For filters, both frequency spectra have the same characteristics—one resonant frequency. For filters, both spectra are not identical as the inverter current spectrum contains an additional resonant peak introduced due to the filter components themselves.
- Based on the resonant frequency and the filter type, filter the components that are to be selected. scenario selection is appropriate as n increases the system becomes more complex to derive the components.
- Common core choke id to be considered for fine tuning of the model to replicate the frequency spectrum obtained from measurements.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. LCL Filter Design Procedure
- Design the converter-side inductance () selecting the required current ripple on the converter side according to (A1), where , , and are the maximum allowed current ripple, rated peak current, DC bus voltage and switching frequency, respectively.
- Design the grid-side inductance (), which can either be the converter-side inductance alone or with a combination, which includes the grid inductance. Attention is drawn to the fact that, the resonant frequency of the system is determined by considering grid impedance. Assuming (1) is true, the outer inductance is calculated as a function of , using the index r which is the relation between two inductances as follows.
- Determine the value of filter capacitor based on the amount of reactive power absorption at rated conditions by the inverter as follows,
- Determine the required current ripple reduction at switching frequency to select a suitable value for index r. At switching frequency, transfer functions given in (7) can be re-written as:
- Verify the resonant frequency satisfying the limits in (A8) which can be re-written as follows, where .
- Set the damping to the resonance peak by adding a resistor in series with the filter capacitor (). Damping resistor value can be determined as follows.
- Maintain resonant frequency () at a value between the half of the switching frequency () and ten times that of the nominal frequency () for the safe operation of inverter in order to attenuate switching frequency harmonics and to avoid interference with low-frequency harmonics disturbances.
Appendix B. Two-Inverter System
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Ref | Max. Ripple Current (Converter-Side Inductance) | Attenuation Rate (Grid-Side Inductance) | Filter Capacitance | Remarks |
[20] | – | Ripple current: 33.5% of rated current, capacitor: 15% of the base capacitance | ||
[22] | – | – | Ripple current: 40% of rated current, capacitor: 2% of the base capacitance | |
[23,24] | calculation is different. Divided by 6 instead of 8 | |||
[25] | Single phase rectifier, calculation is different. Divided by 4 instead of 8 | |||
[26] | calculated based on the maximum allowed voltage drop | |||
[27] | 5 mH | 2 mH | 2 F | Maximum allowed ripple current: 4 A. = 10 kHz, P = 4 kW, = 600 V |
Parameter | Symbol | Unit | Value |
DC-link voltage | V | 600 | |
Grid line voltage | V | 400 | |
Grid nominal frequency | Hz | 50 | |
Nominal power | kW | 20 | |
Switching frequency | kHz | 15.8 |
Parameter | Symbol | Unit | Value |
ratio | r | 0.30 | |
Maximum allowed ripple current | k | % | 0.35 |
Maximum reactive power absorption | x | % | 5 |
Minimum converter-side inductance | H | 290 (300) | |
Minimum grid-side inductance | H | 87 (100) | |
Grid inductance (assumed) | H | 50 | |
Maximum filter capacitance | F | 20 (20) | |
resonant frequency | kHz | 4.1 |
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Peiris, K.; Elphick, S.; David, J.; Robinson, D. Characterisation of Harmonic Resonance Phenomenon of Multi-Parallel PV Inverter Systems: Modelling and Analysis. Energies 2025, 18, 443.
Peiris K, Elphick S, David J, Robinson D. Characterisation of Harmonic Resonance Phenomenon of Multi-Parallel PV Inverter Systems: Modelling and Analysis. Energies. 2025; 18(2):443.
Chicago/Turabian StylePeiris, Kasun, Sean Elphick, Jason David, and Duane Robinson. 2025. "Characterisation of Harmonic Resonance Phenomenon of Multi-Parallel PV Inverter Systems: Modelling and Analysis" Energies 18, no. 2: 443.
APA StylePeiris, K., Elphick, S., David, J., & Robinson, D. (2025). Characterisation of Harmonic Resonance Phenomenon of Multi-Parallel PV Inverter Systems: Modelling and Analysis. Energies, 18(2), 443.