1. Introduction
Melamine (cyanuramide, 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine) is a substance that has been known since 1834 [
4] when Justus von Liebig first obtained the product in the reaction of potassium thiocyanate with ammonium chloride. In 1940, it was proposed that melamine could be obtained from urea, and in 1963, a high-pressure method for melamine production was implemented. Melamine is widely used [
8] primarily as a component of formaldehyde-melamine resins, which are used as adhesives and binding materials for plastics, varnishes, and laminates. Melamine is also used as a substrate for the production of its derivatives, such as melem, which are used as additives to materials, e.g., improving their nonflammability. Further thermal treatment can yield g-C3N4, which is used as a semiconductor and also exhibits some photocatalytic properties [
10]. Due to its widespread and common application, melamine production is an extremely important branch of the chemical industry. The complex technological process, i.e., the combination of successive stages, starting from the synthesis of ammonia through the thermal decomposition of urea to melamine, causes difficulties in the production of melamine. A small number of plants producing melamine in Europe and around the world and the growing demand for the product have forced constant increases in terms of technological efficiency, e.g., by increasing the reliability and process safety of melamine installations [
14]. The full understanding of a process based on a thorough analysis of the areas of potential improvement is a common approach to intensifying industrial processes [
15]. On an industrial scale, melamine production is carried out using two independent technologies: high-pressure—noncatalytic and low-pressure—catalytic. These are constantly developing technologies, and their modifications respond to the needs of so-called green chemistry. The value of the global melamine market in 2021 was estimated at USD 1.624 billion, and this market is constantly growing [
The melamine obtained from urea using high-pressure technology is characterized by the high purity of the final product. The reaction is carried out at a pressure of approximately 8 MPa and a temperature of approximately 400 °C and proceeds according to the following equation [
These conditions are optimal and lead to the formation of a small amount of byproducts, which are impurities that are partially removed in the subsequent stages of the process. The heating medium provides the necessary heat, but it may cause a local overheating above the desired reaction temperature in some spots of the reactor, thus resulting in the increased formation of undesired byproducts. The melamine condensation process begins at temperatures above 300 °C and leads to the formation of polycondensates (
Figure 1). It involves the elimination of ammonia. At the process temperature, among the polycondensates, melam stands out as a precursor of highly thermodynamically stable melem, which already forms at 390 °C [
18]. In the process of de-ammonification, melamine is condensed into higher derivatives, i.e., melam, melem, and melon [
21]. The characteristics of the melamine and its’ most common derivatives, are presented in
Table 1.
In a water environment, as observed in the product separation nodes, melamine may undergo subsequent hydrolysis to another byproduct, as observed by industrial processes such as oxoaminotriazines OATs [
In order to ensure the smallest possible amount of polycondensates, a substantial excess of gaseous ammonia is supplied to the reactor, shifting the reaction equilibrium toward melamine. A small amount of polycondensates (less than 1% by weight) is released in the further technological stages. Some of the insoluble byproducts from the group of polycondensates probably crystallize from the solution in the zones where favorable conditions for crystallization are observed. This phenomenon occurs as a result of the supercooling of the native solution in the form of a liquid film on the inner surface of the apparatus walls, leading to its supersaturation, crystallization, and deposit formation. Deposits of an undefined composition are observed during the periodic cleaning of the installation in the production campaign. The crystalline matter deposited in a few zones of the apparatus may periodically cause operating difficulties. The optimization of high-pressure technology is possible primarily by controlling the process conditions to limit side reactions toward undesirable intermediates. It seems that without a significant reconstruction of the apparatus, there are no technical means to control the phenomena of deposition, i.e., to limit the crystallization and segregation of the byproduct deposits in the product purification nodes. On the other hand, any changes in the process conditions prior to implementation require a full and detailed characterization of the insoluble byproducts observed in technological lines. As far as we know, it is very hard to find any scientific papers concerning the large-scale production of melamine. Usually, the research reports focus on strictly controlled lab-scale reactions. Until now, the presence of solid byproducts in the separation node could be explained only through theoretical considerations. Therefore, the aim of the presented research was to determine the physicochemical characteristics of the observed crystalline product. This would allow for a better understanding of the process mechanism, as well as provide a basis for selecting the process or apparatus amendments that are meant to minimize the formation of undesirable intermediates. This, in turn, would allow for an increase in the efficiency of the process, improving its economics and minimizing the negative impact on the natural environment.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sampling
The samples were collected over a two-year period during the maintenance shutdowns of the high-pressure melamine plants of Grupa Azoty, Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A. One of the inspection hatches, where the largest accumulation of deposits accrued, was selected as the sampling site (
Figure 2). Solid samples weighing 100 g each were taken from the center of the manhole. Samples 1_2019_A/B and 1_2020_A/B were taken from a depth of about 3 cm from the manhole cover. Samples 2_2019_A/B and 2_2020_A/B were taken from a depth of about 13–15 cm, and samples 3_2019_A/B and 3_2020_A/B were taken from a depth of about 25 cm.
2.2. Polycondensates Content Determination
In order to determine the content of polycondensates, the samples were washed with 0.1 N sulfuric (VI) acid (analytical grade) to remove melamine. The precipitate was washed with distilled water to separate the urea. The remaining part of the precipitate, consisting of oxyaminotriazines and polycondensates, was washed with a sodium hydroxide solution (analytical grade) to separate oxoaminotriazines (OATs).
2.3. Washing and Determination of the Melamine Content
A sample with a mass of 1.2 g was placed in a 200 mL beaker. A total of 100 mL of distilled water was added to the beaker; then, its contents were heated and kept (without being boiled) at a temperature of about 85 °C until the melamine was completely dissolved. Then, a specified amount of 0.1 N sulfuric acid was added, and then the solution was cooled while constantly stirring. The titration procedure was performed on the Titrino apparatus (Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland). Titration was carried out until the equivalence point was obtained, where the second derivative d2pH/dV2 would be equal to 0. Each analysis was repeated three times.
2.4. Washing and Determination of the Melamine Content
The filtrate, a sample washed with 100 mL of distilled water, was evaporated, and then the evaporation residue was dried at 105 °C until a constant weight was obtained. The urea content in the sample was determined by the gravimetric method.
2.5. OAT Determination
The content of oxoaminotriazines was determined by the gravimetric method by precipitation from the filtrate using a 1% by weight NaOH solution. After intensive stirring, the solution was filtered through a filter membrane. The filtrate was neutralized with a 35% hydrochloric acid solution (analytical grade) to pH 6.0. The sample was allowed to crystallize for 24 h at room temperature. Then, it was washed with water and dried to a constant weight at 105 °C. After cooling, the weight of the precipitate was determined.
2.6. Elemental Analysis
A CHN Vario MACRO analyzer was used for elemental analysis (Elementar Analysesysteme GmbH, Langenselbold, Germany) and was equipped with the Sartorius M2P electronic microbalance (Sartorius, Göttingen, Germany), which enabled the automatic, simultaneous determination of the percentage of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen in the solid samples. The determination was based on the dynamic Dumas combustion method, followed by the chromatographic separation of the gaseous fractions released during combustion (N2, CO2, and H2O), and then they were analyzed using a catarometer. The measurement for each sample was repeated twice.
2.7. ICP-OES
The determination of elements by ICP-OES spectrometry was performed using the Varian 720-ES (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) to determine the low concentrations of the elements in the deposit. The measurements were made using a plasma flow of 15 L/min and a wavelength of 204.598 nm. The results were read with a step of 1 s (the sample was dispensed every 16 s).
2.8. ICP-MS
ICP-MS determination was performed using an Agilent 7700 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) with a power of 1500 W. Measurements were made using plasma flows of 15 L/min and a carrier flow of 1.11 L/min. An ASX-520 autosampler with a 0.5 rpm feed step was used to feed the samples.
2.9. SEM/EDS
The collected samples were analyzed using an EDS X-ray spectrometry. The FEI Quanta 3D FEG microscope (FEI Company, Hillsboro, OR, USA) was equipped with an EDS X-ray spectrometer with a fast Octane Elect Plus detector, which allowed for the precise analysis of the elemental composition, including mapping the elemental distribution. The laboratory was certified for this technique.
2.10. ATR-FTIR
A Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was used to record the spectra. The tests were performed in the mid-infrared spectral range: 4000–500 cm−1. During measurement, the tested sample remained in contact with the analyzing crystal, which is a prerequisite for obtaining spectra of appropriate quality. This requirement was met for the analyzed materials. Infrared radiation IR (incident on the crystal at an angle) is reflected at the interface: crystal/sample and a small part of it also penetrates into the interior of the sample, on average, to a depth of 2–3 µm. The ATR spectra of the surface layer of the tested samples were recorded using the ATR adapter.
2.11. NMR
The deposit samples were prepared for analysis by their complete dissolution in DMSO-D6 (5.5 mg/mL of solvent). Standard 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded using a pulsed superconductivity spectroscope (Varian, 600 MHz, Palo Alto, CA, USA) at 25 °C. The solvent was DMSO-D6 (99.9%). The chemical shifts of the signals were set relative to the internal standard—tetramethylsilane (1H NMR) or relative to the residual solvent signal (13C NMR). During the recording of the 1H NMR spectra, the interval between pulses was d1 = 60 s, with an acquisition time of 2 s. A quantitative 13C NMR spectrum without NOE was recorded using a 30° pulse and d1 = 20 s.
2.12. XRD
The phase composition of the samples was determined using a Seifert 3003TT diffractometer (GE Germany, previously Seifert, Ahrensburg, Germany), equipped with a Cu lamp and a Ni filter. Measurements were made in the range of 5 to 90 degrees 2 Theta in steps of 0.05 degrees.
2.13. Thermogravimetry (TGA)
Mass loss was measured using a moisture analyzer, WPE30S (Radwag, Poland). The measurement was made at a temperature of 102 °C, sampling every 15 s, and the accuracy of measurement was equal to 1 mg. In addition, the mass loss was determined using the DTA/TGA differential thermoanalysis method. The measurement was performed on a TGA 8000 thermogravimetric analyzer (PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA). Initially, the samples were kept for 1 min at 30 °C and were then heated from 30 °C to 600 °C, with a heating step of 5 °C/min and 2 °C/min.
4. Conclusions
The collected samples were subjected to a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis. The repeatability of the results allowed us to conclude that the samples were taken in a representative manner. The dominant components of the deposits are polycondensates, for which the structure is stable and characteristic for each compound and does not depend on deposition location. The composition of the tested samples differs significantly from the composition determined for the representative sample of the main process stream. In particular, it should be noted that, in terms of solids, the amount of polycondensates increased from <2% by weight to 95% by weight, whereas the amount of melamine decreased from more than 90% by weight to about 4% by weight. The results prove the presence of exceptional conditions in terms of the precipitation of practically insoluble polycondensates from the supersaturated solution within the apparatus where samples were collected.
The constant content of melamine, urea, and OATs in the samples allowed for a precise determination of the remaining composition of the deposit. The elemental analysis of CHN and the quantitative ratios of the elements calculated on its basis indicated a high content of melem or melem hydrate. These conclusions were supported by the results of the mass loss analysis and SEM-EDS. Since all melamine derivatives decompose at temperatures above 300 °C, the weight loss should be associated only with the loss of bound water. The SEM-EDS analysis showed the presence of oxygen, which does not occur in melamine particles and their nonhydrated polycondensate derivatives. Images taken using a scanning electron microscope show the crystal structure of the deposit in the form of elongated rods, which is typical of melem hydrate.
The XRD and FTIR analyses finally confirmed the presence of melem hydrate as the dominant component of the deposit. The characteristic values obtained for the tested samples correspond to the results reported in the literature. Individual authors point out some differences in the diffractograms and FTIR spectra as a result of different methods of sample preparation and the presence of impurities. In the case of the results analyzed here, one should take into account the previously mentioned impurities and the technological (nonlaboratory) origin of the samples used for analysis. It is not a material obtained under strictly controlled laboratory conditions from high-purity substrates.
On the basis of the conducted research and the literature survey, the premises indicating that under process conditions, melam becomes an intermediate byproduct that passes into melem are substantiated. Due to the water environment present in the product separation nodes, where the precipitation of insoluble polycondensates is observed, the composition of the tested samples may indicate a mixture of melem, melem hydrate, and their adducts.
As indicated earlier, the optimization of high-pressure technology should be carried out primarily through a modification of the process conditions to limit side reactions towards undesirable intermediates. However, based on the key findings of the performed research, such an approach seems to not be feasible. Changing the process parameters in such a way that the formation of undesirable byproducts is reduced would require a significant lowering of the reaction temperature to below a certain optimum, which would substantially inhibit the main reaction towards melamine [
35], thus reducing industrial process efficiency. Therefore, in our opinion, it would be more favorable to employ the secondary methods that are widely used in crystallization technology, which limits the fouling phenomenon. Firstly, the apparatus in a separation node should be, preferably, redesigned in such a way as to reduce “cold-spots” and “dead zones”, where the intense crystallization of insoluble byproducts may occur. An appropriate arrangement of the hydrodynamic conditions within the stripping column will not affect the overall process efficiency and, simultaneously, will greatly reduce the possibility of crystalline precipitate formation. Secondly, the application of anti-fouling surfaces or polishing the internal surfaces might be considered.