Siamese-GAN: Learning Invariant Representations for Aerial Vehicle Image Categorization
:1. Introduction
2. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
3. Proposed Methodology
3.1. Feature Extraction
3.2. Siamese-GAN Architecture
3.3. Network Optimization
Algorithm. Siamese-GAN. |
Input: Source images: and target images: |
Output: Target class labels |
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Datasets Used for Creating the Cross-Domain Datasets
4.2. Cross-Domain Datasets Description
4.3. Experimental Setup
4.4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Class | Number of Images per Dataset of Size: 224 × 224 Pixels | |||
Toronto | Trento | Vaihingen | Potsdam | |
Trees | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Grass | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Houses | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Bare soil | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Roads | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Cars | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Water | 120 | - | 120 | 120 |
Solar Panels | 120 | 120 | 120 | 120 |
Train Tracks | 120 | 120 | 120 | - |
Total | 1080 | 960 | 1080 | 960 |
Datasets | SVM | NN | Siamese-GAN |
Toronto→Vaihingen | 63.89 | 64.72 | 82.69 |
Toronto→Potsdam | 68.96 | 69.17 | 84.27 |
Toronto→Trento | 68.65 | 70.94 | 91.46 |
Vaihingen→Toronto | 65.64 | 67.41 | 88.98 |
Vaihingen→Potsdam | 61.35 | 65.10 | 88.33 |
Vaihingen→Trento | 61.88 | 71.77 | 91.46 |
Potsdam→Toronto | 72.19 | 70.83 | 92.71 |
Potsdam→Vaihingen | 84.48 | 78.75 | 98.44 |
Potsdam→Trento | 86.55 | 80.24 | 87.62 |
Trento→Toronto | 68.23 | 70.21 | 91.56 |
Trento→Vaihingen | 67.40 | 69.90 | 98.75 |
Trento→Potsdam | 73.57 | 70.83 | 87.86 |
AA [%] | 70.23 | 70.82 | 90.34 |
Datasets | Regularization Parameter | |||||
0 | 0.2 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1 | |
Toronto→Vaihingen | 75.74 | 78.06 | 85.74 | 83.06 | 83.61 | 82.69 |
Toronto→Potsdam | 73.85 | 83.85 | 84.27 | 84.58 | 86.56 | 84.27 |
Toronto→Trento | 73.12 | 91.98 | 92.4 | 91.46 | 92.08 | 91.46 |
Vaihingen→Toronto | 72.96 | 88.24 | 88.52 | 89.16 | 88.06 | 88.98 |
Vaihingen→Potsdam | 67.5 | 88.65 | 87.6 | 88.33 | 88.54 | 88.33 |
Vaihingen→Trento | 78.75 | 84.79 | 92.71 | 92.6 | 91.98 | 91.46 |
Potsdam→Toronto | 76.25 | 91.98 | 91.76 | 92.5 | 93.23 | 92.71 |
Potsdam→Vaihingen | 90.83 | 98.12 | 98.23 | 98.12 | 98.54 | 98.44 |
Potsdam→Trento | 85 | 85.83 | 87.02 | 87.02 | 87.14 | 87.62 |
Trento→Toronto | 76.15 | 91.46 | 91.77 | 92.7 | 91.04 | 91.56 |
Trento→Vaihingen | 87.6 | 98.12 | 98.65 | 98.44 | 98.85 | 98.75 |
Trento→Potsdam | 76.9 | 89.76 | 89.52 | 88.57 | 89.05 | 87.86 |
AA [%] | 77.89 | 89.24 | 90.68 | 90.55 | 90.72 | 90.34 |
Datasets | Mini-Batch Size | |||||
10 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 | |
Toronto→Vaihingen | 74.9 | 78.06 | 86.67 | 93.06 | 91.57 | 82.69 |
Toronto→Postdam | 70.1 | 79.79 | 85.1 | 86.77 | 84.27 | 84.27 |
Toronto→Trento | 71.67 | 83.44 | 90.73 | 93.02 | 85.83 | 91.46 |
Vaihingen→Toronto | 73.15 | 78.98 | 88.8 | 89.44 | 89.07 | 88.98 |
Vaihingen→Postdam | 62.5 | 71.15 | 86.04 | 87.29 | 86.77 | 88.33 |
Vaihingen→Trento | 72.5 | 86.25 | 93.75 | 86.25 | 84.16 | 91.46 |
Postdam→Toronto | 72.81 | 87.29 | 90.52 | 92.19 | 93.02 | 92.71 |
Postdam→Vaihingen | 84.48 | 96.56 | 98.23 | 97.92 | 98.44 | 98.44 |
Postdam→Trento | 72.62 | 83.57 | 89.17 | 88.33 | 87.74 | 87.62 |
Trento→Toronto | 55.63 | 89.48 | 91.04 | 91.46 | 91.46 | 91.56 |
Trento→Vaihingen | 75.83 | 97.7 | 97.19 | 97.5 | 98.75 | 98.75 |
Trento→Postdam | 73.45 | 81.67 | 88.81 | 90.36 | 87.74 | 87.86 |
AA [%] | 71.47 | 84.50 | 90.50 | 91.13 | 89.90 | 90.34 |
Time [minutes] | 15.82 | 8.57 | 4.83 | 3.71 | 3.05 | 2.84 |
Datasets | DAN | CORAL | MIDA | ADDA | Siamese-GAN |
Toronto→Vaihingen | 90.00 | 74.25 | 70.00 | 68.51 | 82.69 |
Toronto→Potsdam | 79.89 | 72.81 | 70.83 | 73.22 | 84.27 |
Toronto→Trento | 88.12 | 83.12 | 66.77 | 72.08 | 91.46 |
Vaihingen→Toronto | 77.59 | 79.35 | 77.50 | 77.87 | 88.98 |
Vaihingen→Potsdam | 91.14 | 81.66 | 81.04 | 76.04 | 88.33 |
Vaihingen→Trento | 82.08 | 77.50 | 75.10 | 69.27 | 91.46 |
Potsdam→Toronto | 88.54 | 72.70 | 76.14 | 75.41 | 92.71 |
Potsdam→Vaihingen | 84.06 | 86.00 | 88.43 | 82.49 | 98.44 |
Potsdam→Trento | 87.14 | 84.28 | 86.04 | 86.91 | 87.62 |
Trento→Toronto | 86.77 | 82.39 | 72.91 | 79.68 | 91.56 |
Trento→Vaihingen | 84.68 | 80.41 | 81.56 | 79.58 | 98.75 |
Trento→Potsdam | 85.83 | 82.26 | 79.76 | 75.71 | 87.86 |
AA [%] | 85.48 | 79.72 | 77.17 | 76.39 | 90.34 |
Time [minutes] | 7.18 | 2.54 | 1.77 | 3.03 | 2.84 |
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Bashmal, L.; Bazi, Y.; AlHichri, H.; AlRahhal, M.M.; Ammour, N.; Alajlan, N. Siamese-GAN: Learning Invariant Representations for Aerial Vehicle Image Categorization. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 351.
Bashmal L, Bazi Y, AlHichri H, AlRahhal MM, Ammour N, Alajlan N. Siamese-GAN: Learning Invariant Representations for Aerial Vehicle Image Categorization. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(2):351.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBashmal, Laila, Yakoub Bazi, Haikel AlHichri, Mohamad M. AlRahhal, Nassim Ammour, and Naif Alajlan. 2018. "Siamese-GAN: Learning Invariant Representations for Aerial Vehicle Image Categorization" Remote Sensing 10, no. 2: 351.
APA StyleBashmal, L., Bazi, Y., AlHichri, H., AlRahhal, M. M., Ammour, N., & Alajlan, N. (2018). Siamese-GAN: Learning Invariant Representations for Aerial Vehicle Image Categorization. Remote Sensing, 10(2), 351.