Wetland Construction, Restoration, and Integration: A Comparative Review
:1. Introduction
2. Constructed Wetlands
2.1. CW Properties and Context
2.2. CW Objectives and Design
2.3. CW Performance and Management
2.4. CW Ecosystem Services and Limitations
3. Restored Wetlands
3.1. RW Properties and Context
3.2. RW Objectives and Design
3.3. RW Performance and Management
3.4. RW Ecosystem Services and Limitations
4. Integrated Constructed Wetlands
4.1. ICW Properties and Context
4.2. ICW Objectives, Design, and Performance
4.3. ICW Ecosystem Services and Limitations
5. CW, RW, and ICW: Summary Assessment
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ecosystem Service | Representative CW Performance | Selected Sources |
Provisional | Biomass harvest, microbial fuel cell | [48,68] |
Biomethane, ethanol production | [69] | |
Cultural | Recreational benefits $580 to $9160 USD per hectare | [70] |
Supporting | Regional nutrient and water cycling | [71] |
Regional ecosystem connectivity | [72] | |
Regulating | 73–99% retention of BOD, COD, TSS, TN, TP from wastewater sources | [6,48,50,65] |
45 phyla of bacteria and archaea supported in CW | [48] | |
>600 plant species supported in CW | [63] | |
36 macroinvertebrate taxa; >60 bird species, including species of concern | [73,74,75,76] | |
Stormwater retention | [77] | |
Carbon sequestration 676 g CO2 eq m−2 yr−1 | [48,78] | |
Net GHG emission | [79] |
Ecosystem Service | Representative RW Performance | Selected Sources |
Provisional | 36% greater provisioning services than degraded wetlands | [126] |
Cultural | Recreational benefits >$130,000 USD/ha·yr | [127] |
Supporting | Regional nutrient and water cycling | [128] |
Regional ecosystem connectivity | [128] | |
Regulating | 29–90% retention of BOD, COD, TSS, TN, TP from river water | [117,129] |
Thousands of plant species supported in RW | [11] | |
>30 macroinvertebrate taxa; >180 of bird species, including species of concern | [130,131] | |
Stormwater retention | [77] | |
Carbon sequestration 84 g C m−2 yr−1 | [130] | |
Net GHG emission | [132] |
Ecosystem Service | Representative ICW Performance | Selected Sources |
Provisional | Biomass, freshwater provisioning | [158] |
Cultural | High degree of recreational value | [158] |
Supporting | Regional nutrient and water cycling | [141] |
Regional ecosystem connectivity | [141] | |
Regulating | >90% retention of BOD, COD, TSS, TP, TN from mixed sources | [154,158,161] |
Potential for high plant diversity | [11,63] | |
>17 macroinvertebrate taxa; 27 bird species | [154,156] | |
Stormwater retention | [77] | |
Carbon sequestration ~84 g C m−2 yr−1 | [130] | |
Net GHG emission | [132] |
CW | RWy | RWm | ICW | |
Hydrologic regime | closed | open | open | open |
Ecological Stress | high | low | low | moderate |
Inorganic nutrients | extrabiotic | extrabiotic | intrabiotic | extra/intra |
Dominant life strategy | r | r | r, K | r, K |
Trophic structure | simple | simple | complex | complex |
Habitat heterogeneity | simple | simple | complex | complex |
Nutrient exchange rate | rapid | rapid | slow | moderate |
Role of detritus | low | low | high | high |
Stability | low | low | high | moderate |
Temporal variability | low | high | high | moderate |
Management effort | high | high | low | moderate |
Ecosystem services | narrow | broad | broad | broad |
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Share and Cite
Spieles, D.J. Wetland Construction, Restoration, and Integration: A Comparative Review. Land 2022, 11, 554. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11040554
Spieles DJ. Wetland Construction, Restoration, and Integration: A Comparative Review. Land. 2022; 11(4):554. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11040554
Chicago/Turabian StyleSpieles, Douglas J. 2022. "Wetland Construction, Restoration, and Integration: A Comparative Review" Land 11, no. 4: 554. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11040554
APA StyleSpieles, D. J. (2022). Wetland Construction, Restoration, and Integration: A Comparative Review. Land, 11(4), 554. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11040554