Artificial Intelligence in the Non-Invasive Detection of Melanoma
:1. Introduction
1.1. Artificial Intelligence: Fundamental Principles
1.2. Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
2. Datasets
2.1. ISIC Archive
2.2. HAM10000
2.3. PH2
2.4. DERMOFIT Image Library: Edinburgh Dataset
2.5. BCN20000
2.6. DermQuest
2.7. DermIS
2.8. Asan Dataset
2.10. Fitzpatrick 17k
2.11. SCIN
2.12. SkinCAP
2.13. SLICE-3D Dataset
2.14. Diverse Dermatology Images
2.15. PAD-UFES-20
3. Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Melanoma
3.1. Utilization of Clinical Images
3.2. Utilization of Dermoscopic Images
3.2.1. Distinguishing Melanoma from Benign Lesions
Publication | End-Point | Dataset | Algorithm | Performance |
Masood et al. [51] | Classification (benign/melanoma) | 135 images (Clinical + dermoscopic) 107 for training, 14 for validation 14 for testing. Images were obtained from one clinic in France; the ethnicity and skin types were not specified. | Compared 3 ANN algorithms (RP, L-M, SCG) | SCG: Acc: 91.9% Sen: 92.6% Spe: 91.4% L-M: Acc: 91.1% Sen: 85.2% Spe: 95.1% RP: Acc: 88.1% Sen: 77.8% Spe: 95.1% |
Aswin et al. [65] | Classification (Cancerous/Non-cancerous) | 30 dermoscopic images for training. 50 dermoscopic images for testing. No further information regarding the dataset was provided. | Hybrid Genetic Algorithm + ANN | Acc: 88% |
Xie et al. [66] | Classification (MM/BN) | Dermoscopic images Xanthous race: 240 images (80 MM, 160 BN). Caucasian race: 360 images (120 MM, 240 BN). Images were obtained from a clinic in China. | Proposed: meta-ensemble model of multiple neural network ensembles Ensemble 1: single-hidden-layer BP nets with the same structures Ensemble 2: single-hidden-layer BP nets and fuzzy nets Ensemble 3: double-hidden-layer BP nets with different structures | Xanthous race: Sen: 95% Spe: 93.75% Acc: 94.17% Caucasian race: Sen: 83.33% Spe: 95% Acc: 91.11% |
Marchetti et al. [52] | Classification (MM/BN) | ISBI 2016 challenge dataset [67]: MM: 248 images, BN: 1031 images, Train set: 900 images, Test set: 379 images, Reader study: 100 images (50 MM, 50 BN). | Five methods (unlearned and machine learning) were used to combine individual automated predictions into “fusion” algorithms | Top Fusion Algorithm: Greedy Fusion: Sen: 58% Spe: 92% AUC: 86% Dermatologists: Sen: 82% Spe: 59% AUC: 71% |
Marchetti et al. [53] | Classification (MM/BN/SK) and (biopsy/observation) | ISIC archive [19]: 2750 dermoscopy images (521 (19%) MM, 1843 (67%) BN, and 386 (14%) SK). Training set: 2000 images, Validation: 150 images, Test set: 600 images. | ISBI 2017 Challenge top-ranked algorithm | Algorithm: Sen: 76% Spe: 85% AUC: 0.87 Dermatologists: Sen: 76.0% Spe: 72.6% AUC: 0.74 |
Cueva et al. [68] | Classification (Cancerous/Non-cancerous) | PH2 database [23]: Training set: 30 images (10 MM, 10 common mole, 10 no-common mole). Test set: 201 images (80 common mole, 80 no-common mole, 41 MM). | ANN with backpropagation algorithm | After an analysis of 201 images in the algorithm developed a performance of 97.51% was obtained |
Navarro et al. [69] | Segmentation and registration to evaluate lesion change | ISIC archive [19]: Training set: 2000 dermoscopic images. Validation: 150 dermoscopic images. Test set: 600 dermoscopic images. | Segmentation: LF-SLIC Registration: SP-SIFT | Acc: 0.96 for segmentation |
Yu C. et al. [54] | Classification (melanoma/non-melanoma) | 725 images obtained from two clinics in South Korea. The ethnicity and skin types were not specified. (AM: 350 images, BN: 374 images). Group A: 175 images. AM, 187 images BN. Group B: 175 images. AM, 187 images BN. Training set: Group A images for training Group B. Group B images for training Group A. Test set: Group A images for Group A. Group B images for Group B. | CNN (VCG-16) | Group A: CNN: Sen: 92.57% Spe: 75.39% Acc: 83.51% Expert: Sen: 94.88% Spe: 68.72% Acc: 81.08% Non-expert: Sen: 41.71% Spe: 91.28% Acc: 67.84% Group B: CNN: Sen: 92.57% Spe: 68.16% Acc: 80.23% Expert: Sen: 98.29% Spe: 65.36% Acc: 81.64% Non-expert: Sen: 48.00% Spe: 77.10% Acc: 62.71% |
Abbas et al. [55] | Classification (benign nevus/acral melanoma) | 724 images from Yonsei University, South Korea. The ethnicity and skin types were not specified [54] (350 acral melanoma, 374 benign nevi). 4344 images with data augmentation (2100 acral melanoma, 2244 benign nevi). | Compared three CNN algorithms (Seven-layered deep CNN, ResNet-18, AlexNet) | ResNet-18 Acc: 0.97 AUC: 0.97 AlexNet: Acc: 0.96 AUC: 0.96 Proposed ConvNet Acc: 0.91 AUC: 0.91 |
Fink et al. [56] | Classification (Benign/Malignant) | Training set: >120,000, dermoscopic images and labels. Test set: 72 images (36 combined naevi, 36 melanomas). Images were obtained from three clinics in Germany; the skin types and ethnicity were not specified. | CNN (Moleanalyzer-Pro) based on a GoogleNet Inception_v4 architecture | CNN: Sen: 97.1% Spe: 78.8% Dermatologists: Sen: 90.6% Spe: 71.0% |
Phillips et al. [70] | Classification (MM/dysplastic nevi/other) | Pretrained algorithm Training set (in study): 289 images (36 melanoma lesions; 67 nonmelanoma lesions, 186 control lesions). Test set: 1550 images Images were obtained from three clinics in Germany; the ethnicity and skin types were not specified. | SkinAnalytics (CNN) | The algorithm: İphone 6s image: AUC: 95.8% Spe: 78.1% Galaxy S6 image: AUC: 93.8% Spe: 75.6% DSLR image: AUC: 91.8% Spe: 45.5% Specialists: AUC: 77.8% Spe: 69.9% |
Martin-Gonzalez et al. [71] | Classification (benign/ malignant skin lesion) | Pretrained with 37,688 images from ISIC archive [19] 2019 and 2020. Training set: 339 images (143 MM, 196 BN). Test set: 232 images (55 MM, 177 BN). Test set images were obtained from the clinic in Spain. The images used in the study were of light-skinned patients. | QuantusSKIN (CNN) | AUC: 0.813 Sen: 0.691 Spe: 0.802 Acc: 0.776 |
Brinker et al. [57] | Classification (Melanoma/Nevi) | Training set: 12,378 dermoscopic images from the ISIC dataset [19]. Test set: 100 dermoscopic images (20 MM, 80 Nevi). | ResNet-50 (CNN) | Algorithm: Sen: 74.1% Spe: 86.5% Dermatologists: Sen: 74.1% Spe: 60% |
Giulini et al. [58] | Classification (Melanoma/Nevi) | Over 28,000 dermoscopic images; the ethnicity and skin types of the training set were not specified. CNN test set: 2489 images (344 melanomas, 2155 nevi). Physician test set: 100 images (50 MM, 50 nevi). The test set consisted of images of patients with Fitzpatrick skin types 1–4. | Session 1: Physicians without CNN Session 2: Physicians with CNN | Physicians without CNN Sen: 56.31% Spe: 69.28% Physicians with CNN Sen: 67.88% Spe: 73.72% |
Ding et al. [72] | Classification (Binary: melanoma/non-melanoma and multiclass: benign nevi, seborrheic keratosis or melanoma) | ISIC dataset [19]: Training set: 2000 images (374 MM, 254 SK, 1372 BN). Validation set: 150 images (30 MM, 42 SK, 78 BN). Test set: 600 images (117 MM, 90 SK, 393 BN). | Segmentation: U-Net Classification: Five CNNs (Inception-v3, ResNet-50, Densenet169, Inception-ResNet-v2, and Xception) with SE-block and the neural network for ensemble learning consisting of two local connected layers and a softmax layer | Binary: Inception-v3 Acc: 0.885 AUC: 0.883 ResNet-50 Acc: 0.88 AUC: 0.882 Densenet169 Acc: 0.893 AUC: 0.882 Inception-ResNet-v2 Acc: 0.89 AUC: 0.894 Xception Acc: 0.891 AUC: 0.896 Ensemble Acc:0.909 AUC: 0.911 Multiclass: Inception-v3 Acc: 0.792 AUC: 0.883 ResNet-50 Acc: 0.762 AUC: 0.864 Densenet169 Acc: 0.800 AUC: 0.881 Inception-ResNet-v2 Acc: 0.800 AUC: 0.873 Xception Acc: 0.810 AUC: 0.896 Ensemble Acc: 0.851 AUC: 0.913 |
Yu L. et al. [73] | Segmentation and Classification (Benign/Malignant) | ISIC dataset [19]: Training set: 900 images. Test set: 350 images. | FCRN for skin lesion segmentation and very deep residual network for classification | Segmentation: Sen: 0.911 Spe: 0.957 Acc: 0.949 Classification with segmentation: Sen: 0.547 Spe: 0.931 Acc: 0.855 |
Bisla et al. [74] | Classification (Nevus, SK, MM) | Training set: ISIC dataset [19]: 803 MM, 2107 nevus, 288 SK. PH2 dataset [23]: 40 MM, 80 Nevus Edinburgh dataset. [25]: 76 MM, 331 nevus, 257 SK. Test set: ISIC data sets 600 images (117 MM, 90 SK, and 393 nevus), | Segmentation: Modified U-Net (CNN) Augmentation: de-coupled DCGANs Classification:ResNet-50 | AUC: 0.915 Acc: 81.6% |
Mahbod et al. [59] | Classification (MM/All, SK/All) | ISIC dataset [19]: Training: 2037 dermoscopic images (411 MM, 254 SK, 1372 BN). | Feature Extraction: Pretrained CNNs (AlexNet, ResNet-18 and VGG16) Classification: SVM | AUC: 90.69 |
Bassel et al. [75] | Classification (Benign/Malignant) | ISIC dataset [19]: 1800 images of benign type and 1497 pictures of malignant cancer. Training set: 70% of images (1440 benign, 1197 malignant). Test set: 30% of images (360 benign, 300 malignant). | Model 1:Feature Extraction: ResNet50 Model 2:Feature Extraction: VCG-16 Model 3:Feature Extraction: Xception Classification: Stacked CV model (SVM+NN+RF+KNN) | ResNet Model: Acc: 81.6% AUC: 0.818 VCG-16 Model: Acc: 86.5% AUC: 0.843 Xception Model: Acc: 90.9% AUC: 0.917 |
Ningrum et al. [60] | Classification (Melanoma/benign) | ISIC dataset [19]: 900 images. Training set: 720 images. Validation set: 180 images. Test set: 300 (93 malignant, 207 nonmalignant). | Classification: CNN model for images + ANN model for patient metadata | CNN Acc: 73.69 AUC: 82.4 CNN+ANN Acc: 92.34 AUC: 97.1 |
Nambisan et al. [76] | Segmentation and classification (Melanoma/Benign) | ISIC dataset [19]: Segmentation task: 487 MM images. Classification task: 1000 images (500 MM, and 500 benign (100 images per class from the Actinic keratosis, Melanocytic nevus, Benign keratosis, Dermatofibroma, and Vascular lesion). | Segmentation (Classification dataset+Segmentation dataset (Irregular networks)) U-Net/U-Net++/MA-Net/PA-Net Handcrafted Feature Extraction Classification: Level 0 (without segmentation): DL classification model Level 1 (With segmentation and with level 0 model’s results): Conventional classification model | Conventional Ensemble Acc: 0.793 DL Ensemble Acc: 0.838 EfficientNet-B0 + Conventional Ensemble Acc: 0.862 |
Collenne et al. [77] | Classification (Melanoma/Nevi) | ISIC dataset [19]: (6371 nevi and 1301 melanoma) Training set: 70% of images. Validation set: 10% of images. Test set: 20% of images. | Segmentation: U-Net Classification ANN (for asymmetry features + CNN (EfficientNet) | Handcrafted Model with asymmetry features (ANN): Acc: 79% AUC: 0.87 Sen: 90% Spe: 67% ANN+CNN: Sen: 0.92 Spe: 0.82 Acc: 0.87 AUC: 0.942 |
Hekler et al. [61] | Classification (Melanoma/Nevi) | HAM10000 [22] and BCN20000 [26] datasets: 29,562 images (7794 melanoma and 21,768 nevi). 80% training, 20% validation Test set: SCP2 dataset, 293 melanoma and 363 melanocytic nevi from 617 patients. | ConvNeXT architecture 1. Classification using a single image 2. Classification using multiple real-world images 3. Classification using multiple artificially modified images | Single image approach: Acc: 0.905 ECE: 0.131 Multiview real-world approach: Acc: 0.930 ECE: 0.072 Multiview artificial approach: Acc: 0.929 ECE: 0.086 |
Crawford et al. [62] | Classification (Excision/no excision) | Self-referred patients: The test set consisted of patient images, the majority of whom were of Scottish and Irish descent, mostly Fitzpatrick skin types 1, 2, and 3. | MoleAnalyzer Pro | AI Sen: 64.7% Spe: 75.76% PPV: 40.0% NPV: 89.6% Acc: 73.56% |
3.2.2. Distinguishing Melanoma from Other Skin Cancers
Publication | End-Point | Dataset | Algorithm | Performance |
Esteva et al. [78] | Classification Binary: Keratinocyte carcinoma/SK; melanoma/nevi 3-way: Benign/Malign/Non-neoplastic 9-way: Cutaneous lymphoma and lymphoid infiltrates/Benign dermal tumors, cysts, sinuses/Malignant dermal tumor/Benign epidermal tumors, hamartomas, milia, and growths/Malignant and premalignant epidermal tumors/Genodermatoses and supernumerary growths/Inflammatory conditions/Benign melanocytic lesions/Malignant Melanoma | ISIC [19] and Edinburgh dataset [25] and the Stanford Hospital: 129,450 clinical images, including 3374 dermoscopic images of 757 disease classes Training set: 127,463 images Test set: 1942 images | Google Inception v3 (CNN) | Binary classification (Algorithm AUC) Carcinoma AUC: 0.96 Melanoma AUC: 0.94 Melanoma (Dermoscopic images) AUC: 0.91 3-way classification: Dermatologist 1 Acc: 65.6% Dermatologist 2 Acc: 66.0% CNN Acc: 69.4 ± 0.8% CNN partitioning algorithm Acc: 72.1 ± 0.9% 9-way classification: Dermatologist 1 Acc: 53.3% Dermatologist 2 Acc: 55.0% CNN Acc: 48.9 ± 1.9% CNN partitioning algorithm Acc: 55.4 ± 1.7% |
Rezvantalab et al. [79] | Classification (MM/Melanocytic Nevi/BCC/AKIEC/Benign keratosis/DF/Vascular lesion) | HAM10000 dataset [22]: 10,015 dermoscopic images (1113 MM, 6705 nevi, 514 BCC, 327 AK and intraepithelial carcinoma (AKIEC), 1099 benign keratosis, 115 DF, 142 vascular lesions) PH2 set [23]: 80 nevi, 40 MM Training set: 70% Validation set: 15% Test set: 15% | Compared CNNs for classification: Inception v3/InceptionResNet v2/ResNet 152/DenseNet 201 | AUC (Melanoma) Dermatologist AUC: 82.26 DenseNet 201 AUC: 93.80 ResNet 152 AUC: 94.40 Inception v3 AUC: 93.40 InceptionResNet v2 AUC: 93.20 AUC (BCC) Dermatologist AUC: 88.82 DenseNet 201 AUC: 99.30 ResNet 152 AUC: 99.10 Inception v3 AUC: 98.60 InceptionResNet v2 AUC: 98.60 |
Maron et al. [80] | Classification 2-way: Benign/Malignant 5-way: AKIEC/BCC/MM/Nevi/BKL (benign keratosis, including seborrhoeic keratosis, solar lentigo and lichen planus like keratosis) | Training set: 11,444 images (ISIC Archive [19] and HAM10000 dataset [22]) Test set: 300 test images (60 for each of the five disease classes) (HAM10000 dataset) | CNN (ResNet50) | Two-way classification: CNN AUC: 0.928 CNN Spe: 91.3% Dermatologist Spe: 59.8% Five-way classification: CNN AUC: 0.960 CNN Spe: 89.2% Dermatologist Spe: 98.8% |
Tschandl et al. [81] | Classification (Benign/Malignant) | Training set: 7895 dermoscopic and 5829 close-up images Test set: 2072 dermoscopic and close-up images | Combined convolutional neural network (cCNN) (InceptionResNetV2, InceptionV3, Xception, ResNet50) | cCNN: AUC: 0.695 Sen: 80.5% Spe: 53.5% Human Raters: AUC: 0.742 Sen: 77.6% Spe: 51.3% |
Tschandl et al. [82] | Classification (7-way classification: intraepithelial carcinoma including AK and Bowen’s disease; BCC; benign keratinocytic lesions including solar lentigo, SK, and LPLK; dermatofibroma; melanoma; melanocytic nevi; and vascular lesions) | HAM10000 Dataset [22] Training set: 10,015 dermoscopic images Test set: 1195 images | Top 3 algorithms of the ISIC 2018 challenge [87] | Algorithms (mean): Sen: 81.9% Spe: 96.2% Human readers (mean): Sen: 67.8% Spe: 94.0% |
Haenssle et al. [83] | Classification (Benign/Malignant) Management decision (treatment/ excision, no action, follow-up examination) | Pretrained CNN Test set: 100 images including pigmented/ non-pigmented and melanocytic/non-melanocytic skin lesions Dermatoscopic images were collected from several collaborating dermatologists and the ISIC archive [19]. The ethnicity and skin type of patients from whom images were obtained were not specified | Inception v4/Moleanalyzer Pro (CNN) | CNN Management Decision: Sen: 95.0% Spe: 76.7% Acc: 84.0% AUC: 0.918 CNN Diagnosis (Benign/Malignant) Sen: 95.0% Spe: 76.7% Acc: 84.0% Level 1 Management Decision: Dermatologist: Sen: 89.0% Spe: 80.7% Acc: 84.0% Level 1 Diagnosis (Benign/Malignant) Dermatologist: Sen: 83.8% Spe: 77.6% Acc: 80.1% Level 2 Management Decision: Dermatologist: Sen: 94.1% Spe: 80.4% Acc: 85.9% Level 2 Diagnosis (Benign/Malignant) Dermatologist: Sen: 90.6% Spe: 82.4% Acc: 85.7% |
Hekler et al. [84] | Primary endpoint: Classification to 5 categories (MM/nevus/BCC/AK, Bowen’s disease or squamous cell carcinoma/seborrhoeic keratosis, lentigo solaris or lichen ruber planus) Secondary end-point: Binary classification (Benign/malignant) | HAM10000 Dataset [22] and ISIC dataset [19] Training set: 12,336 dermoscopic images (585 images of AK, Bowen, SCC, 910 images of BCC, 3101 images of seborrhoeic keratosis, lentigo solaris, lichen ruber planus, 4219 images of nevi, 3521 images of MM) | CNN (ResNet50) | Multiclass classification: Physician Acc: 42.94% CNN Acc: 81.59% Physician+CNN Acc: 82.95% Binary classification: Physician: Sen: 66% Spe: 62% CNN: Sen: 86.1% Spe: 89.2% Physician+CNN: Sen: 89% Spe: 84% |
Xinrong Lu et al. [88] | Classification (normal, carcinoma, and melanoma) | HAM10000 dataset [22] Training set: 8012 images (%80) Test set: 2003 images (%20) | Proposed Xception (The ReLU activation function of the model was replaced with the swish activation function) compared with VGG16, InceptionV3, AlexNet and Xception | VGG16: Acc: 48.99 Sen: 53.7 InceptionV3: Acc: 52.99 Sen: 53.99 AlexNet: Acc: 75.99 Sen: 76.99 Xception: Acc: 92.90 Sen: 91.99 Proposed Xception: Acc: 100 Sen: 94.05 |
Mengistu et al. [89] | Classification (BCC, SCC, MM) | DermQuest [27] and Dermnet [90] datasets 235 images (162 images for training and 73 images for testing) | Combined SOM and RBFNN and compared them with KNN, ANN, and naïve-Bayes | Proposed modelAcc: 93.15% KNNAcc: 71.23% ANNAcc: 63.01% Naïve-BayesAcc: 56.16% |
Rashid et al. [91] | Classification (MM/Melanocytic Nevus/BCC/AKIEC/Benign Keratosis/DF/Vascular Lesion) | ISIC dataset [19] Training set: 8000 images Test set: 2000 images | GAN compared with CNN (DenseNet and ResNet-50) | GAN Acc: 0,861 DenseNet Acc: 0.815 ResNet-50 Acc: 0.792 |
Alwakid et al. [92] | Classification (MM/BN/BCC/Vascular lesion/Benign keratosis/Actinic Carcinoma/DF) | HAM10000 dataset [22] 10,015 dermoscopic images Training set: 8029 images Validation set: 993 images Test set: 993 images | Inception-V3, InceptionResnet-V2 | Inception-V3: Acc: 0.897 Spe: 0.89 Sen: 0.90 InceptionResnet-V2: Acc: 0.913 Spe: 0.90 Sen: 0.91 |
Felming-ham et al. [85] | Classification (Benign/Uncertain/Malignant) | Training set: 432,390 images from imaging and teledermatology reporting service (ethnicity and skin types were not specified) Version 1 CNN training set: 77.3% Benign and 22.7% malignant Version 2 CNN training set: 78.0% Benign and 22.0% malignant | Version 1: Plain Convolutional Model for pre-intervention period Version 2: Hierarchical deep learning architecture for postintervention period | CNN-sen: 95.8% CNN-spe: 71.5% Teledermatologist sen: 89.5% Teledermatologist-spe: 71.9% CNN-AUC: 0.837 Teledermatologist-AUC: 0.807 Initial resident management plan-AUC: 0.847 AI-assisted resident management plan-AUC: 0.879 Initial teledermatologist management plan-AUC: 0.821 |
Barata et al. [86] | Classification (MM/BCC/AKIEC/BN/Benign keratinocytic lesions/DF/Vascular lesions) | Training set: HAM10000 dataset 10,015 dermoscopic images Test set: 1511 dermoscopic images; obtained from Austria, Australia, Turkey, New Zealand, Sweden, and Argentina The ethnicity and skin types were not specified | SL Model: ResNet34 Model RL Model: a deep-Q learning model based on a CNN and decides according to the reward system determined by medical experts | Supervised model: Sen (Melanoma): 61.4% Sen (BCC): 79.6% Acc: 77.8% Reinforcement Learning Model: Sen (Melanoma): 79.5% Sen (BCC): 87.1% Acc: 79.2% |
3.3. In Vivo Skin Imaging Devices
3.3.1. RCM
Publication | End-Point | Dataset | Algorithm | Performance |
Kose et al. [94] | Segmentation; detection of artifacts | 117 RCM mosaics; obtained from 7 clinics that collaborated internationally, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | MED-Net; an automated semantic segmentation method | Sensitivity: 82%, Specificity: 93% |
Gerger et al. [95] | Classification; benign nevi vs. melanoma | 408 benign nevi and 449 melanoma images; obtained from one clinic in Austria, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | CART (Classification and Regression Trees) | Learning set: 97.31% of images correctly classified Training set: 81.03% of images correctly classified |
Koller et al. [96] | Classification; benign nevi vs. melanoma | 4669 melanoma and 11,600 benign nevi RCM images; obtained from one clinic in Austria, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | CART (Classification and Regression Trees) | Learning set: 93.60% of the melanoma and 90.40% of the nevi images were correctly classified |
Wodzinski et al. [97] | Classification; benign nevi vs. melanoma vs. BCC | 429 RCM mosaics; obtained through collaboration with two clinics from Italy and Poland, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | a CNN based on ResNet architecture | F1 score for melanoma in test set: 0.84 ± 0.03 |
Kose et al. [98] | Segmentation; six distinct patterns (aspecific, non-lesion, artifact, ring, nested, meshwork) | 117 RCM mosaics; acquired at 4 different clinics in the US and a clinic in Italy, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | an automated semantic segmentation method, MED-Net | Pixel-wise mean sensitivity: 70 ± 11% Pixel-wise mean specificity: 95 ± 2%, respectively, with 0.71 ± 0.09 Dice coefficient over six classes. |
D’Alonzo et al. [99] | Segmentation; “benign” and “aspecific (nonspecific)” regions | 157 RCM mosaics; obtained from 4 different clinics in the US and a clinic in Italy, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | Efficientnet, a deep neural network (DNN) | AUC of 0.969, and Dice coefficient of 0.778 |
Mandal et al. [101] | Classification; Atypical intraepidermal melanocytic proliferation (AIMP) vs. Lentigo Maligna (LM) | 517 RCM stacks (389 LM and 148 AIMP) from 110 patients attended two clinics in Australia, the ethnicity and skin types of patients were not specified | DenseNet169, a CNN classifier | Accuracy: 0.80 F1 score for LM: 0.87 |
3.3.2. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and OCT-like Devices
4. Comparison of AI to Traditional Methods
5. Limitations
5.1. Datasets
5.1.1. Skin Type Diversity
5.1.2. Metadata
5.1.3. Combination of Different Modalities
5.1.4. Rare Subtypes
5.1.5. Diagnostic Method
5.1.6. Image Quality
5.2. Generalizability
5.3. Reliability
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Publication | End-Point | Dataset | Algorithm | Performance |
Nasr-Esfahani et al. [41] | Classification (benign/melanoma) | 170 clinical images that underwent data augmentation to generate 6120 images (80% training, 20% validation). Ethnicity was not specified. | CNN with 2 convolutional layers each followed by pooling layers along with a fully connected layer | Acc: 81% Spe: 80% Sen: 81% NPV: 86% PPV: 86% |
Yap et al. [42] | Classification of melanoma from 5 different types of lesions | 2917 cases with each case containing patient metadata, macroscopic image and dermoscopic images with 5 classes (naevus, melanoma, BCC, SCC, and pigmented benign keratoses). Not specified where images were obtained from or ethnicity of images. | ResNet-50 with embedding networks | Macroscopic images alone AUC: 0.791 Macroscopic and dermoscopy AUC: 0.866 Macroscopic, dermoscopy and metadata AUC: 0.861 |
Riazi Esfahani et al. [43] | Classification (malignant melanoma/benign nevi) | 793 images (437 malignant melanoma and 357 benign nevi). Ethnicity not specified. | CNN | Acc: 88.6% Spe: 88.6% Sen: 81.8% |
Dorj et al. [44] | Classification of melanoma from 4 different skin cancers (actinic keratoses, BCC, SCC, melanoma) | 3753 images (2985 training and 758 testing) including 958 melanoma. Ethnicity not specified. | AlexNet with ECOC-SVM classifier | Acc: 0.942 Spe: 0.9074 Sen: 0.9783 |
Soenksen et al. [45] | Classification across 6 different classes as well as distinguishing SPLs | 33,980 (including backgrounds, skin edges, bare skin sections, low priority NSPLs, medium priority NSPLs and SPLs) (60% training, 20% validation and 20% as testing). Ethnicity not specified. | DCNN with VGG16 Image Net pretrained network as transfer learning | Across all 6 classes AUCmicro: 0.97 Spemicro: 0.903 Senmicro: 0.899 For SPLs AUC: 0.935 |
Pomponiu et al. [46] | Classification (melanoma/benign nevi) | 399 images (217 benign, 182 melanoma) from online image libraries. Ethnicity not specified. | CNN with a KNN classifier | Acc: 0.83 Spe: 0.95 Sen: 0.92 |
Han et al. [30] | Melanoma detection from 12 different skin diseases | Training: 19,938 images from the Asan dataset [29], MED-NODE dataset [31], and atlas site images. Testing: 480 images from Asan and Edinburgh datasets [25]. Asan dataset was composed of mainly an Asian population and Edinburgh and MED-NODE were mainly composed of a Caucasian population. | ResNet152 | Asan AUC: 0.96 Spe: 0.904 Sen: 0.91 Edinburgh AUC: 0.88 Spe: 0.855 Sen: 0.807 |
Liu et al. [47] | Primary: classification among 26 different skin conditions Secondary: classification among a full set of 419 different skin conditions | Training: 64,837 images with metadata. Validation set A: 14,833 images with metadata. Validation set B was used to compare to dermatologists: 3707 images with metadata. Training: 0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native, 11% Asian, 6.8% African American, 43.7% Hispanic, 1.4% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 34% White, 2.2% not specified. Validation A: 0.1% American Indian or Alaska Native, 12.6% Asian, 6.1% African American, 43.4% Hispanic, 1.6% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 31.3% White, 3.9% not specified Validation B: 0.9% American Indian or Alaska Native, 10.1% Asian, 6.3% African American, 42.5% Hispanic, 2% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, 34.2% White, 4% not specified. | DLS with Inception-v4 modules and shallow module | Validation set A for 26 image classification: Acctop1: 0.71 Acctop3: 0.93 Sentop1: 0.58 Sentop3: 0.83 Validation set B for 26 image classification: Acctop1: 0.66 Acctop3: 0.9 Sentop1: 0.56 Sentop3: 0.64 Dermatologists: Acctop1: 0.63 Acctop3: 0.75 Sentop1: 0.51 Sentop3: 0.49 |
Sangers et al. [48] | Classification (low/high risk) | 785 images (418 suspicious, 367 benign). Ethnicity not specified. | RD-174 | Overall app classification Sen: 0.869 Spe: 0.704 Classification for melanocytic lesions: Sen: 0.819 Spe: 0.733 |
Polturu et al. [49] | Classification (non-melanoma/melanoma) | 206 images from DermIS [28] and Derm Quest [27] (87 nonmelanoma and 119 melanoma, 85% used for training and 15% used for testing). Ethnicity not specified. | AutoML was created using a no-code online service platform | Acc: 0.844 Sen: 0.833 Spe: 0.857 |
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İsmail Mendi, B.; Kose, K.; Fleshner, L.; Adam, R.; Safai, B.; Farabi, B.; Atak, M.F. Artificial Intelligence in the Non-Invasive Detection of Melanoma. Life 2024, 14, 1602.
İsmail Mendi B, Kose K, Fleshner L, Adam R, Safai B, Farabi B, Atak MF. Artificial Intelligence in the Non-Invasive Detection of Melanoma. Life. 2024; 14(12):1602.
Chicago/Turabian Styleİsmail Mendi, Banu, Kivanc Kose, Lauren Fleshner, Richard Adam, Bijan Safai, Banu Farabi, and Mehmet Fatih Atak. 2024. "Artificial Intelligence in the Non-Invasive Detection of Melanoma" Life 14, no. 12: 1602.
APA Styleİsmail Mendi, B., Kose, K., Fleshner, L., Adam, R., Safai, B., Farabi, B., & Atak, M. F. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in the Non-Invasive Detection of Melanoma. Life, 14(12), 1602.