Technological Development and the Labour Market: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Automation in Hungary in the International Comparison?
:1. Introduction: Industrial Revolutions in the Context of the Technical–Technological Paradigm Shift
- Analyses that attempt to predict the job-destroying impact of digitalization in the short and medium term receive the most coverage [11,12,13,14]. The number of calculations, methodologies, and countries studied follow a broad and varied trend, ranging from 9% to 47% of jobs that could be lost due to automation in the next several decades. We will examine this issue in more detail below.
- We also find a substantial body of literature that attempts to capture the impact on the labour market of emerging technologies by tracking shifts in the skill level demand in the labour market rather than focusing on aggregate losses. In this regard, the literature contains two narratives that are partly overlapping and contradictory. The first focuses on educational attainment and the second explores the degree of routine content of work tasks in jobs that will have the highest susceptibility level to automation (i.e., which are most susceptible and at risk). According to the skill-biased technological change (SBTC) theory, the spread of ICT tools will mostly eliminate low-skilled jobs, while higher-skilled jobs will not be affected or will increase directly in numbers [15]. In contrast, the theory of routine-biased technological change (RBTC) states that digital technologies primarily threaten jobs that have a high routine content regardless of whether it is cognitive or manual work as these tasks can be easily codified, programmed, and replaced by algorithms [16]. The first theory is a technology-optimistic scenario in which a general increase in ability levels is implicitly predicted, while the second theory is technology-pessimistic as it envisions a worsening of skill polarization as digital technology advances. Growing employment is expected at the bottom of the occupational hierarchy (jobs requiring manual and empathic-emotional skills but with low prestige) and at the top (jobs requiring high abstraction skills but with high prestige), while in the middle (routine cognitive or manual occupations) hollowing out is considered.
- Faced with the social consequences of technological transition, the most pessimistic theory predicts the immediate end of jobs at least in the sense they have been defined in over recent centuries [3]. This theory is based on the implicit assumption that the number of available jobs is finite, implying that the more jobs that utilize digital technology, the less work there is for people, but the record of the past two decades runs counter to this assumption. Rifkin, who expected a drop in jobs, was mistaken with employment increasing steadily between 1995 and 2015 despite the fact that two serious crises occurred during this period [6] (p. 3). Nonetheless, similar predictions emerge from time to time; for example, some proponents of a universal basic income rely on this assumption.
- Finally, while it receives less coverage, a fourth area of concern is the impact of the digital revolution on working practices and conditions. Longer working hours, increased work intensity, work–life balance disruption, and further softening of conventional employment relationships are all negative consequences of increased job flexibility in this context. In contrast, some researchers argue that digital technology and robots will liberate workers from monotonous and dehumanizing physical work, thus raising the overall intellectual content of the work experience. Both effects are likely to occur; the question is to what extent. Even the earliest studies on platform work emphasize that digital technologies simultaneously allow for digital precariousness to experience substandard working conditions while also allowing highly skilled software engineers to choose when, how much, and what kind of work they want to do based on their own preferences [17].
2. Data and Materials
- Tasks that require perception and manipulation. Programming a task requires a well-structured work environment with a small number of variables. Many of these operations will benefit from these conditions including logistics warehouses, hospitals, stores, factories, and so on. Most of them are, for example, designed to allow wheeled vehicles and thus robots to move freely but this is difficult or impossible in many other cases (e.g., a construction site). Currently, robots are not better than humans at perceiving and dealing with unforeseen, unexpected events.
- Tasks that require creative intelligence. While artificial intelligence and related digital programming can handle many tasks, we have not yet progressed far enough in researching the psychology of creativity to be able to transplant it into automated processes.
- Tasks that require social intelligence. As part of our employment, we are inevitably involved in a variety of situations involving social interactions with our colleagues, clients, and other partners in which we must use a variety of social skills such as negotiation, persuasion, empathy, and care-giving. Although robotics is progressing in this field as well, we are still a long way from mass-producing robots that recognize human emotions and can respond to them appropriately.
3. Results: Susceptibility to Automation in Hungary
4. Discussion: Is There a Cause for Concern?
- The impacts of automation on employment are being assessed under unchanged social and market conditions. Predictions on automation estimate what effects technological advancements will have on the labour market within a decade or two by ensuring that all other variables remain constant in the extrapolation. If in the future robots perform a large portion of human work, communities will naturally react as technology, its work organization, and the overall social environment are evolving together. The same is true of market conditions: As production costs decline, prices will fall, allowing demand to rise, as observed with many commodities in the past. For example, as the textile industry became industrialized in the 19th century, it greatly decreased prices, resulting in increased demand that in turn increased labour demand until the number of textile workers in the United States reached 400,000 by 1940. However, after that, the market became saturated, prices and profitability began to decline, and globalization emerged, as only 20,000 employees remain in this industry today. The automobile and steel industries have experienced similar inverse U-shaped employment effects. In these industries, automation has resulted in a temporary increase in employment, whereas job-destroying effects have only been felt in the long run [25] (pp. 5–7). In this regard, it is important to note not only the elasticity of the demand side of product markets but also the versatility of the supply side of the labour market (i.e., how quickly large numbers of people can respond to changing skill requirements and other labour market demand side automation conditions are important factors [2016]). Factors in determining how fully processes are automated are complex and over-automation is a possibility according to the experience of a German automotive case study [26]; for example, in the case of the family business in question, production processes were automated to the point that the level of flexibility they had previously been able to adapt to the rapidly changing needs of demand was lost. By integrating mechanization with a “clever use of manual human labour”, there was a consensus to reduce the level of automation and return mechanization to the flexibility of the production process [27]). In general, most analyses on the effects of automation on jobs focus exclusively on labour cost reduction, while other positive effects (higher quality, better planning, and more sophisticated logistic systems) are not included. However, they affect changes in demand, for example.
- Previous automation experiences do not apply to the employment effects of digital technologies; instead, something completely new emerges. Past forecasts of the end of the world of work have thus far proven to be premature and the number of workers participating in the globalizing labour market continues to grow. In contrast to previous leaps in technological growth, one of the most important novelties of the industrial revolution is machine learning that opens new dimensions to automation. In any case, history indicates that technological revolutions have not only decreased but also increased the demand for labour.
- The number of jobs that people can perform is finite, indicating that the more we automate, the less job opportunities there are. This argument is closely coupled to the first point concerning when the results of automation are estimated to be constant under all other circumstances. In such conditions, it is still possible to forecast how many jobs technological advancements will save but projecting credible assumptions regarding what new industries will emerge as a result of the growth of digital technology is difficult. It was impossible to foresee how the advent of telegraphy would impact the stock market or even sports betting in the 19th century. We are similarly puzzled as to what new industries will emerge from the current development. According to Perez, the structure of industrial revolutions has caused drastic changes in daily life: it was inconceivable during the Great Depression of the 1930s that most people living in deep urban poverty would drive from their suburban homes to work in just two decades. Instead of the industry-based metropolitan lifestyles of the Victorian era, a suburban lifestyle was developed [28].10 As a result, most automation research largely excludes employment enhancing impacts and focuses exclusively on negative job consequences, which is understandable considering that it is difficult to foresee whether new goods, services, or jobs will arise from social transformations of digital technology in the future.
- Non-automation may also have a destroying effect on employment even more so than automation. There are few better examples of the one-way mechanism of technological determinism than failing to take advantage of the opportunities of automation. Another flaw with automation analyses is that they are unable to predict the job-destroying consequences of businesses that do not take advantage of the efficiency gains provided by technological development.
5. Conclusions: Public Policy Challenges
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Valenduc and Vendramin cite mobile phones as an example of this convergence that has become astonishingly “indispensable” with the simultaneous development of technologies that are not necessarily closely related: GPS, mobile internet, Java programming language, and mobile applications based on it [6] (p. 4), in addition to other hardware (e.g., processors, memories, and lenses). |
2 | It is worth emphasizing partially overlapping concepts. In our interpretation, automation occurs when work tasks previously performed by humans are replaced by machines including robotization when these machines are robots. Finally, digitization refers to the conversion of analogue data to digital data. In this sense, automation is a centuries-old process in production and services with robots as the products of the second half of the 20th century, while digitization is a novelty in recent decades. The extent of technological and social change is caused by the interconnection of these processes. |
3 | Susceptibility to automation is hereinafter referred to as the probability that a certain job or occupation will be performed by machines instead of people within a certain time interval. |
4 | They did so out of coercion as only the OECD-funded Adult Skills and Competence Survey and the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) conducted by Eurofound in Europe allow it to occur every five years. |
5 | FEOR is the Hungarian Standard Classification System for Occupations (Foglalkozások Egységes Osztályozási Rendszere in Hungarian). |
6 | We would like to express our gratitude for their generous support in allowing the list of occupations to be available to us, which has greatly facilitated our work. |
7 | See the translation key published by the CSO (KSH): (accessed on 4 August 2021) |
8 | In one case we deviated from this procedure: Two ISCO occupations were associated with the FEOR code 9310 (Simple industrial occupations: 9311: Mining and quarrying labourers, p = 0.370; and 9329: Manufacturing labourers not elsewhere classified, p = 0.840). In this case, in applying the dominance principle, we used the probability associated with code 9329. |
9 | The 2016 microcensus collected information of about 10% of the population. The large number of items thus allowed for a detailed examination of the occupational structure. For more information on data collection, visit, (accessed on 4 August 2021). |
10 | This is true even if the heavy industrialization during World War II certainly helped this process. In addition, those living in urban poverty who moved to the suburbs often did so because new minority groups were replacing them in the urban areas. This is sometimes called “the white flight” (We are thankful for this comment to Mark McCaffrey.) |
11 | (accessed on 4 August 2021). |
12 | (accessed on 4 August 2021). |
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Country | Automation Susceptibility * | Year of Analysed Data |
Sweden | 53% | N/A |
USA | 45% ** | 2012 |
Hungary | 44% | 2016 |
Finland | 35% | 2011 |
Norway | 33% | 2013 |
Authors | Level of Analysis | Source of Data | Main Findings |
Frey and Osborne (2013) | jobs | US Bureau of Labour Statistics | USA: 47% of jobs are directly susceptible |
Arntz, Gregory, and Zierahn (OECD, 2016) | work task | PIACC, 21 countries | USA: 9% of jobs are susceptible. In OECD-member countries, the extent of susceptibility is between 6% (Korea) and 12% (Germany). |
Nedelkoska and Quintini (OECD, 2018) | work task | PIAAC, 32 countries | USA: 10% of jobs are susceptible. In OECD-member countries, the extent of susceptibility is between 6% (Norway) and 33% (Slovakia). |
McKinsey Global Institute (2017) | employment | US Bureau of Labour Statistics | At 70% probability, 26% of jobs are suseptible, and at 30% probability, 60% of jobs are very susceptible. |
Employment Advisory Council (FR, 2017) | employees | French survey | 10% of jobs are very susceptible |
Dengler and Matthes (DE, 2015) | employment | Federal occupational database (Germany) | 14% of employees are very susceptible |
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Illéssy, M.; Huszár, Á.; Makó, C. Technological Development and the Labour Market: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Automation in Hungary in the International Comparison? Societies 2021, 11, 93.
Illéssy M, Huszár Á, Makó C. Technological Development and the Labour Market: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Automation in Hungary in the International Comparison? Societies. 2021; 11(3):93.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIlléssy, Miklós, Ákos Huszár, and Csaba Makó. 2021. "Technological Development and the Labour Market: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Automation in Hungary in the International Comparison?" Societies 11, no. 3: 93.
APA StyleIlléssy, M., Huszár, Á., & Makó, C. (2021). Technological Development and the Labour Market: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Automation in Hungary in the International Comparison? Societies, 11(3), 93.