1. Introduction
Transportation networks are vulnerable to natural hazards. The occurrence of hazardous events, such as earthquakes, ground movements, floods, debris flows, or landslides/rockfalls, poses a significant threat to both their integrity and functionality. Important social–economic consequences, as well as human injuries and even fatalities, might be caused due to their potential failure. Therefore, ensuring the integrity of transportation assets is an issue of vital importance, mainly in case of earthquakes.
An integral part of the transportation network is embankments having an essential role in transporting both people and products. Serious damages and even failures have been reported during devastating earthquake events in the past. In 1999, the Düzce Turkey earthquake (Mw = 7.2) caused failures and landslides on the embankments of the E5 highway. The fault rupture crossed the highway in the city of Kaynaşli, as well as several provincial roads [
1]. The 2004 Niigata Chuetsu earthquake (Mw = 6.7) resulted in the large-scale collapse of three embankments [
2]. In the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake (Mw = 8.8), extensive damages occurred on highways due to embankment settlements and failures. Two roadway embankments collapsed due to liquefaction [
3]. According to Zhou et al. [
4], during the earthquakes of the 2015 Illapel, the 2016 Taiwan, and the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi, liquefaction resulted in cracks, settlements, lateral spreading, and failures of embankments. Mason et al. [
5] reported that the 2016 Kaikōura New Zealand earthquake (M7.8) caused extensive damage to highway embankments. The main failure modes observed were pavement surface cracks and deformations, embankment permanent displacements and subsidence, slope displacements and failures, and landslides.
Accounting for the above, the seismic fragility estimation of highway embankments is of great importance for a transportation network, as it is a fundamental component of its risk assessment. Fragility curves represent the probability of an element or a system reaching or exceeding a specific damage state as a function of a seismic intensity level. They express the relationship between a seismic intensity measure and the probability of induced damage.
In recent years, significant research efforts have been made on the fragility assessment of transportation assets, such as bridges [
9], tunnels [
11], road pavements [
13], retaining walls [
16], and slopes [
19], exposed to different hazards. Regarding embankments, the research is relatively confined. An important part of it was focused on investigating the response of embankment due to peak ground acceleration (PGA). In 2009, Towhata et al. [
20] proposed fragility curves for expressway embankments as a function of PGA, using a lognormal distribution function. The dynamic response of highway and railway embankments, as well as cuts, was examined by Argyroudis and Kaynia [
21]. They generated fragility curves using a cumulative lognormal probability distribution function. Fragility curves were expressed in terms of PGA and embankments’ vertical displacements. Yin et al. [
22], as well as Che et al. [
23], examined the influence of retaining walls on expressway embankment fragility. Using incremental dynamic analysis and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, all of them created fragility curves as a function of PGA. In 2019, Oblak et al. [
24] investigated the response of an embankment subjected to earthquake-induced liquefaction via finite difference numerical analyses. Their research focused on the impact of the embankment’s geometry and characteristics of the liquefiable layer on derived fragility curves. Moreover, fragility curves of embankment exposed to liquefaction both with and without the use of liquefaction countermeasures were calculated by Zhou et al. [
4] through nonlinear dynamic numerical analyses. PGA values and the embankment’s crest settlements were chosen as intensity measure and damage index, respectively. Another intensity measure that has been used to develop fragility curves is the peak ground velocity (PGV). In 2010, Maruyama et al. [
2] used damage observations from four earthquake events in Japan. Based on an empirical method, they developed fragility curves for expressway embankments. Those curves estimated the damage distribution along expressways as a function of PGV. In several documents in the international literature, more than one intensity measure was examined for evaluating embankments’ fragility. Among others, Hübner and Mahler [
25] used the lognormal probability distribution method to estimate the seismic fragility of highway embankments with different heights. They calculated an embankment’s displacement by conducting 2D numerical analyses. Also, fragility curves, as a function of both PGA and Arias intensity, were derived. In 2022, Shinoda et al. [
26] investigated the seismic fragility of geosynthetic-reinforced and unreinforced railway embankments in Japan. As part of their work, they executed parametric sensitivity analyses for different embankment heights, angles of friction of the backfill soil, and different values of reinforcement tensile strength. The proposed curves were expressed in terms of PGA, PGV, and Arias intensity. Finally, multiple-hazard fragility analysis in the case of a highway embankment exposed to flooding was carried out by McKenna et al. [
27]. For this purpose, they calculated the vertical displacement of the road’s surface regarding the scour presence and moisture ingress. As per the intensity measure, the percentage of saturated embankment was considered.
The existing research has mainly focused on the derivation of embankments’ seismic fragility curves as a function of PGA, PGV, and Arias intensity. These intensity measures are commonly used to describe the dynamic response of a structure or geostructure subjected to an earthquake event. According to the authors, a research gap has been identified regarding the lack of fragility curves for embankments as a function of permanent displacement due to underlying fault rupture. An underlying fault rupture propagation imposes deformations that result in inelastic behavior of the overlying embankment. It is therefore concluded that seismic fragility analysis of induced deformations due to fault rupture propagation needs to be also treated in terms of inelastic displacements of the embankment. An attempt to address this gap was recently made by Petala et al. [
28] by proposing fragility curves for highway embankments in terms of fault displacement. Based on the previous work of Petala et al. [
28], the present manuscript aims to investigate for the first time the impact of the highway embankment’s geometry, the depth of rupture occurrence, and the underlying sandy soil’s state on the embankment’s seismic fragility to provide a more generalized framework for investigating embankments’ fragility to underlying fault rupture. To accomplish this, the response of three highway embankments of the same typology but with different geometries, due to normal and reverse fault rupture, was calculated through quasi-static parametric numerical analyses using the finite difference software FLAC
2D v7.0 [
29]. Based on a cumulative lognormal probability distribution function, fragility curves were proposed. The maximum vertical displacement of the embankments’ external surface, δy
max, and the fault displacement, d, were considered as the damage indicator and the intensity measure, respectively. All fragility curves were generated for normal and reverse faults, as well as the combination of those fault types (dip-slip fault). In conclusion, the derived fragility curves were compared to already existing ones provided in the literature.
4. Conclusions
The investigation of embankment’s fragility exposed to permanent deformation due to dislocation of underlying fault ruptures is very limited. From the literature review, it is inferred that only one research effort [
28] in this direction has been made in the past. In this work, innovative curves for highway embankments have been generated, with the scope of investigating the impact of embankments’ geometry, depth of fault rupture occurrence, and underlying sandy soil’s state on fragility. The originality of this work is based on the fact that this issue is raised for the first time, as an attempt to provide a significant tool for assessing highway embankments’ fragility due to fault rupture propagation. This research consists of four stages. In the first stage, fragility curves for the three highway embankments were compared to investigate the impact of embankment geometry on their fragility. Next, by selecting one embankment, the effect of the depth at which fault ruptures occur was examined. In the third stage, the fragility of an embankment resting on a sandy layer in two different conditions was examined. Finally, the generated fragility curves were compared with those available in the literature. To accomplish this, three typical highway embankments of the same typology but with different geometry resting on a single-layered soil were examined. It was considered that the single-layered soil can exist in two different conditions (dense and loose), and its depth was 10 m, 20 m, and 30 m. Embankments’ response due to underlying normal and reverse fault rupture propagation was studied through a significant number of quasi-static parametric numerical analyses. Its fragility assessment was accomplished using a cumulative lognormal probability distribution function. The probability of exceedance of a certain damage level was expressed as a function of fault displacement (d) at the bedrock. The maximum permanent vertical displacement of the embankments’ external surface (δy
max), caused by the rupture of all fault types, was chosen as the damage index. Three damage states were adopted, representing minor, moderate, and extensive damage. The fragility curves were generated for both normal and reverse fault ruptures, as well as for the dip-slip disruptions.
The main conclusions derived from this research are summarized as follows:
Normal fault rupture results in a higher probability of exceedance of a specific damage level, while a lower probability is presented for reverse faults. Concerning the dip-slip fault, the probability of exceedance obtains intermediate values.
For each of the three examined typical cross-sections of embankments, the embankment’s geometry does not affect its seismic fragility. Therefore, a representative embankment can be used to assess the fragility of highway embankments exposed to underlying fault ruptures.
The variation in the depth of fault rupture occurrence does not impact the embankment’s fragility.
As per the sandy soil’s condition, a higher probability of exceeding a specific damage level appears in the case of DS. However, the deviation of damage probability for two soil states is less than 7%.
The proposed curves satisfactorily converge with those from the literature.