Toward Comprehensive Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Based on Ensemble Deep Learning Models
:1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. Problem Statement
1.3. Paper Contribution
- We explore different feature selection techniques to select the optimal features from an AI perspective.
- We study the prediction of CKD from the medical side, working side by side with a medical expert to choose the most affected features from the medical side perspective.
- We choose the optimal feature subset that is selected from an AI perspective and confirmed medically.
- We develop novel stacking ensemble DL based on LSTM, CNN, and GRU in the base learning layer and SVM in the meta layer.
- We train and test the base-learning models based on the CKD dataset with different feature subsets.
- We compare the proposed ensemble model’s performance with other DL models.
- We evaluate models’ performance with standard metrics, such as precision, recall, F score, and accuracy.
- We ensure the superiority of our proposed model outcomes through calculating various evaluation metrics, as well as comparing with the state of the art.
1.4. Paper Organization
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Dataset Description
3.2. Data Preprocessing
- Data encoding: In the utilized dataset, a combination of categorical and numeric features exists. Unfortunately, two feature-selection techniques—ML and DL—perform better with numeric features than categorical ones. Therefore, we utilized the label encoder module in the Scikit-learn library to encode all categorical features.
- Filling missing values: Several statistical methods have been developed to deal with missing data, but it mainly depends on how much data is missing and how important the missing feature is [40]. Classic statistical techniques such as mean, maximum, and mode perform well with a low percentage of missing values (5% to 10%), with increasing percentage of missing values (20–50%); other complex techniques like expectation maximization [41] are appropriate. In our study, this is due to the low percentage of missing values. The feature means are used to impute missing values.
- Removing outliers: Outliers are values that lie far from the normal range of all feature values. It considers a critical problem in building a robust and generalized model [42]. In our current study, all data is analyzed from a statistical point of view to specify the outliers and then ensure the outlier’s values from a medical point of view. All outliers in the utilized data were replaced by feature mean.
3.3. Feature-Selection Methods
- The filter approach tries to rank features based on descriptive and statistical measures. The optimum feature subset selection is based on the ranking of features according to the correlation of each feature with the desired output [45]. The types of filter methods are person correlation, information gain, and mutual information. The chi-squared test compute chi-squared stats between each nonnegative feature and class and calculates the score for each feature. This score is used to select the important features that have the highest score. We used Chi2 [46], a library built in Python. Mutual information (MI) [47] is a nonnegative value that expresses how dependent two random variables are on one another. Higher values indicate greater dependence, and it equals 0 only when two random variables are independent. We used mutual_info_classif() [47], a library built in Python.
- The wrapper approach mainly depends on the performance of the developed model. The core part of the wrapper approach is the utilized algorithm, which tries to find the optimum feature subset that gives the best performance. Initially, the process starts with a few features, and the performance is evaluated [48,49]. This process iterated with the different number of features until reaching the optimal feature subset. Types of wrapper methods include the forward feature selection, backward feature selection, and recursive feature elimination (RFE). By using RFE feature selection, each feature is ranked according to its score in order to help the model select the best features.
- The embedded approach considers part of the training process, and the feature-selection process is an integral part of the classification model [50]. This approach lies between the filter and wrapper approach, as the feature-selection process is made during the model tuning process. Lasso, ridge, and tree-based algorithms (i.e., decision tree, random forest, etc.) are the common ways of embedding feature selection [51]. We used RF, which uses a mean decrease impurity (Gini index) to estimate a feature’s importance.
3.4. The Proposed Model
- The first level is the base learning, in which three optimized pretrained models are included— recurrent neural network (RNN), gated recurrent unit (GRU), and long short-term memory (LSTM)—with one and two hidden layers. Each model is loaded and frozen in all layers without the final layers. Each output probability prediction of the training set and testing set are combined in stacking training and testing stacking, respectively.
- The second level is called the metalearner level. We fuse the optimized base learner from the previous layer, train the SVM as a metalearner by using training stacking, and evaluate by using testing stacking by exploring the stacking ensemble’s role in predicting the final output.
3.4.1. DL Model Architectures
- The RNN is a type of neural network that is best suited for sequence inputs when used with feedforward networks. The neural network will need to be modulated in order to recognize dependencies between data points in sequence data. RNNs can store previous input states or data to create the subsequent output of the [54].
- LSTM is an attention RNN architecture employed in the field of DL. LSTM has feedback connections. It can analyze complete data sequences in addition to single data points. A memory cell, called a “cell state”, which preserves its state over time, plays a crucial role in an LSTM mode. The input gate, forget gate, and output gate are the three gates that regulate the addition and deletion of data from the cell state in the LSTM. New information from the current input that is added to the cell state is controlled by the input gate. The forget gate regulates what data is erased from memory. The output gate conditionally decides what to output from memory [55].
- The gated recurrent unit (GRU) is one of the most common RNN types. GRU uses an identical process as the RNN. GRU creates each recurrent unit to capture dependencies on various time scales. The GRU has gating units that control the information flow within the unit without using specific memory cells [56].
3.4.2. Optimization Methods
- In DL, Keras–Tuner is a scalable, easy-to-use framework for optimizing hyperparameters that deals with the problems associated with hyperparameter search [57]. For optimized DL models, we adapted the number of neurons in layer1 and layer2 for RNN, LSTM, and GRU: range (20,700).
- Grid search with cross-validation is employed to fine tune hyperparameters of SVM: C: [0.1, 1, 10, 100], gamma: [1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001], kernel: [‘rbf’, ‘poly’, ‘sigmoid’].
4. Experiments Results
4.1. Experiment Setup
4.2. Performance Metrics
4.3. Training Parameters
4.4. Feature-Selection Methods
4.4.1. Features Scores by Chi-Squared
4.4.2. Features Scores by Mutual_Info
4.4.3. Features Ranking by RFE
4.4.4. Feature Importance by Tree_Based (RF)
4.5. Performance of Applying DL Models and the Proposed Model with Feature-Selection Methods
4.6. Experimental 1
- For Chi2, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest scores—95.0, 95.59, 95.0, and 95.05, in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively—compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 1, precision by 1.59, recall by 1, and F1 score by 1.05 compared to LSTM Layer2. LSTM Layer2 has the third-highest performance. GRU Layer1 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 86.25, precision = 87.62, recall = 86.25, and F1 score = 85.6.
- For mutual_info, we can see that in the table, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest scores at 99.69, 99.71, 99.69, and 99.69 in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively, compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 2.19, precision by 2.05, recall by 2.18, and F1 score by 2.29 compared to LSTM Layer2. Proposed Layer1 registers the second-highest performance. LSTM Layer2 has the third-highest performance. RNN Layer1 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 93.75, precision = 94.32, recall = 93.75, and F1 score = 93.61.
- For RFE, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest scores at 98.75, 98.79, 98.75, and 98.75 in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively, compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 2.22, precision by 2.39, recall by 2.22, and F1 score by 2.29 compared to RNN-Layer2. RNN Layer2 registers the third-highest accuracy = 96.53, precision = 96.4, recall = 96.53, and F1 score = 96.46. LSTM Layer1 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 91.25, precision = 91.68, recall = 91.25, and F1 score = 91.06.
- For Tree based, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score at 99.38, 99.42, 99.38, and 99.38, respectively, compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 0.92, precision by 0.96, recall by 0.93, and F1 score by 0.92 compared to RNN Layer2. RNN Layer2 achieves the third-highest performance. RNN Layer1 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 96.25, precision = 96.59, recall = 96.25, and F1 score = 96.28.
4.7. Experimental 2
- For Chi2, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest scores 94.9, 94.43, 94.01, and 94.62, in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively, compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 1.5, precision by 0.54, recall by 0.26, and F1 score by 0.94 compared to LSTM Layer2. LSTM Layer2 has the third-highest performance. GRU Layer1 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 89.67, precision = 89.5, recall = 89.93, and F1 score = 89.74.
- For mutual_info, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest scores at 98.75, 98.88, 98.75, and 98.76 in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively, compared to other models. The proposed Layer2 enhanced precision by 1.02, recall by 0.8, and accuracy by 0.87 and F1 score by 0.85 compared to RNN Layer2. RNN Layer2 has the third-highest performance. LSTM Layer2 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 94.83, precision = 94.77, recall = 95.03, and F1 score = 94.9.
- For RFE, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest scores at 96.31, 96.34, 96.23, and 96.28 in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, respectively, compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 0.69, precision by 0.59, recall by 0.61, and F1 score by 0.7 compared to LSTM Layer1. LSTM Layer1 registers the third-highest performance. GRU Layer2 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 92.5, precision = 93.0, recall = 92.5, and F1 score = 92.34.
- For Tree based, Proposed Layer2 achieves the highest accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score at 97.92, 98.19, 97.92, and 97.94, respectively, compared to other models. Proposed Layer2 improved accuracy by 2.89, precision by 3.17, recall by 2.8, and F1 score by 2.87 compared to RNN Layer2. RNN Layer2 achieves the third-highest performance. RNN Layer1 registers the lowest performance accuracy = 93.49, precision = 93.87, recall = 93.12, and F1 score = 93.46.
4.8. Discussion
4.8.1. The Best Models
4.8.2. Comparison with Literature Studies
4.9. Model Explanationabiity
4.9.1. Global Feature Importance (Global Explainability)
4.9.2. Local Explainability
4.10. Medical Side
- Hemoglobin level was previously associated with heart failure, and many studies examined the relation between hemoglobin and kidney diseases and differences in the treatment process, and risks of death. For example, in [61], the authors aggregate the data of 722 adults from health plan records in California, analyze the correlation between hemoglobin level and other kidney functions, and then make the following observations. (i) The death level increased with lower hemoglobin with 95%, and the confidence interval ranged from 1.11 to 1.22 for hemoglobin from 12 to 12.8 g/dL, 94% with CI between 2.18 to 2.44 for hemoglobin (9.0 to 9.9). (ii) Relations are approximately the same for risk of hospitalization. (iii) The outcome of kidney functions significantly changed with hemoglobin level. (iv) This finding has no significant changes with systolic functions. The same is found true in [62].
- Packed cell volume (PVC) also has a significant effect on CKD [63]. In a study that was conducted to investigate the impact of the PVC, as well as reticulocyte count among 96 (62% male and 38% female) subjects aged 24–60 (mean age 35 ± 12.8) with CKD. The PVC calculated the Hawksley microhaematocrit centrifuge (Hawksley, UK). The mean PVC among CKD patients was 33 ± 7.98 among CKD compared to 37 ± 5.11 among control subjects. The difference was statistically significant (p = 0.001) [63].
- Serum creatine (SC) was utilized in a study conducted on 84 patients to determine whether serum creatine could be considered a marker in CKD. They concluded that there is a positive relationship between SC and EKD (p < 0.001) [64].
- In terms of red cells (RC), in the following study [65], the authors examined the relation between blood parameters such as WBC, RBC, and CKD. The study was conducted on patients aged 60–70 years with CKD. The results showed that CKD led to significant decrees in RBC count and lymphocyte count at 83.44%, and 76.1%, as well as a small decrease in platelets, counted at 6.28%, and WBC at 48.73% [66]. Urine tests could also be used to find red blood cells, which are used as an indicator of kidney disease (i.e., stone, cyst, failure, and bladder cancer infection) [67]
- Regarding sugar (SC) and diabetes mellitus (DM) and blood glucose random (BGR), several studies were conducted to study the correlation between diabetes mellitus and kidney disease occurrence [68], the authors concluded with several points as follows. (i) Nephrolithiasis, which is a symmetric disorder with CKD, increased with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Glycemic control could contribute to delaying the progression of CKD. (ii) Dose adjustment among hypoglycemic patients is crucial. (iii) All drugs that are cleared by the kidney (i.e., glyburide) should be taken with caution, whereas other drugs that could be cleared by the liver and such sodium cotransporter (i.e., inhibitors) need to reduce in dose, practically when GFR < 30 mL/min.
- In terms of serum albumin (al), previous studies associate between kidney function decline and albumin. Recently, several studies explored serum albumin as a risk factor for CKD. For example, in [69], authors made a cohort study among CKD aged from 70 to 79, estimating the association through GFR values. The results showed that lower albumin levels were strongly associated with kidney function decline (−0.12 mL/min/1.77 m per year, with a standard deviation of −0.01, −0.020) when the results are divided into quarters. Serum albumin levels < 3.80 g/dL are associated with kidney function decline (ratio 1.59; 1.22–2.27). This increased the risk of CKD incidence (ratio 1.29; 1.03–1.62). Urine albumin and creatinine levels are highly associated with kidney function decline (−0.08 mL/mil/1.72 per year for urine (ACR > 30 mg/g; −0.088 to −0.12) [70].
- In [71], authors explored the relationship between sodium, potassium, and kidney decline functions and concluded with a significant correlation between positum and urea (p = 0.005, r = 0.441). In terms of the correlation between creatine and sodium, it did not show a significant relation (p = 0.890, r = 0.023).
- Blood pressure hypertension considers one of the main causes of kidney diseases as it leads to increased salt sensitivity, sympathetic tone, and upregulation of the aldosterone system [72]. Blood pressure also contributes to decreasing the slow progression of CKD as well as the risk of cardiovascular (CV) diseases [72]. Unless the certain relation between high blood pressure and CKD progression, a considerable debate still exists about optimal blood pressure [73].
- Blood urea considers the main source of nitrogen in a patient’s body, which is filtered by the kidney to pass out through urine [74,75]. The main function of the kidney is to get rid of metabolic waste and maintain water PH. A high amount of urea in the blood significantly affects kidney function and may lead to kidney failure [76].
- In terms of blood edema (PE), it has a relation with kidney failure (AKF). Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is commonly associated with AKF, but edema occurs in septic patients with severe inflammatory response syndrome even without ARF (SIRS) [6].
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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# | Column Name | Abb | D.T | Range | Description |
1 | Age | Age | N | (2 to 90) | Patient’s age in years |
2 | Blood Pressure | PB | N | (50 to 180) | Patient’s blood pressure in mmHG |
3 | Specific gravity | SG | C | (1.025, 10.20, 1.015, 1.010, 1.005) | The ratio between urine density to water density |
4 | Albumin | AL | C | (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | Protein percentage in blood plasma |
5 | Sugar | SU | C | (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) | The sugar level in blood plasma |
6 | Red blood cells | RBC | C | (Abnormal, Normal) | Percentage of red blood cells in blood plasma |
7 | pus cell | PC | C | (Abnormal, Normal) | White blood cells in urine |
8 | Pus cell clumps | PCC | C | (Abnormal, Normal) | Sign of bacterial infection |
9 | Bacteria | BA | C | (Present, Not Present) | Sign of bacterial existence in urine |
10 | Blood glucose random | BGR | N | (22 to 490) | A random test of glucose in the blood in mg/dL |
11 | Blood urea | BU | N | (1.5 to 391) | Percentage of urea nitrogen in blood plasma |
12 | Serum creatine | SC | N | (0.4, 76) | Creatine level in patient muscles in mg/dL |
13 | Sodium | SOD | N | (4.5 to 163) | Sodium mineral level in blood |
14 | Potassium | POT | N | (2.5 to 47) | Potassium mineral level in blood |
15 | Hemoglobin | HEMO | N | (3.1 to 17.8) | Red protein that responsible of transport oxygen in the blood |
16 | Packed cell volume | PCV | N | (9 to 43) | The volume of blood cells in a blood sample |
17 | White blood cell count | WC | N | (2200 to 4800) | Count of white blood cells in cells/cumm |
18 | Red blood cell count | RC | N | (2.1 to 8) | Count of red blood cells in millions/cumm |
19 | Hypertension | HTN | C | (Yes, No) | The condition where there is continuously high pressure in the blood vessels |
20 | Diabetes mellitus | DM | C | (Yes, No) | Impairment in the body’s production or response to insulin, a condition of glucose metabolism that makes it difficult to maintain healthy levels of sugar |
21 | Coronary artery diseases | CAD | C | (Yes, No) | A common heart condition where the main blood channels feeding the heart, have trouble supplying enough nutrients, oxygen, and blood to the heart muscle |
22 | Appetite | APPET | C | (Good, Poor) | The desire to eat food |
23 | Pedal edema | PE | C | (Yes, No) | Swelling of the patient’s body due to an injury or inflammation |
24 | Anemia | ANE | C | (Yes, No) | Insufficient healthy red blood cells to transport appropriate oxygen to the body’s tissues |
25 | Class | Class | C | (CKD, Not CKD) | A positive or negative result in terms of having chronic kidney diseases |
Feature-Selection Methods | Models | Split 80:20 | Split 70:30 |
Number of Units | Number of Units | ||
Chi-Squared | RNN Layer1 | [490] | [330] |
RNN Layer2 | [470, 90] | [430, 150] | |
LSTM Layer1 | [190] | [110] | |
LSTM Layer2 | [250, 230] | [450, 250] | |
GRU Layer1 | [470] | [310] | |
GRU Layer2 | [430, 310] | [330, 260] | |
REF | RNN Layer1 | [170] | [430] |
RNN Layer2 | [310, 150] | [410, 390] | |
LSTM Layer1 | [190] | [170] | |
LSTM Layer2 | [330, 250] | [330, 290] | |
GRU Layer1 | [290] | [150] | |
GRU Layer2 | [250, 120] | [370, 250] | |
mutual_info_classi | RNN Layer1 | [490] | [390] |
RNN Layer2 | [370, 270] | [290, 230] | |
LSTM Layer1 | [490] | [450] | |
LSTM Layer2 | [230, 220] | [150, 150] | |
GRU Layer1 | [330] | [220] | |
GRU Layer2 | [250, 140] | [190] | |
Tree Based | RNN Layer1 | [490] | [190] |
RNN Layer2 | [370, 450] | [90, 90] | |
LSTM Layer1 | [290] | [330] | |
LSTM Layer2 | [310, 250] | [170, 90] | |
GRU Layer1 | [330] | [270] | |
GRU Layer2 | [210, 250] | [230, 220] |
Feature-Selection Methods | Models | Matrix Performance | |||
Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F1-Score | ||
Chi2 | RNN Layer1 | 91.25 | 92.91 | 91.25 | 91.38 |
RNN Layer2 | 92.5 | 92.77 | 92.5 | 92.38 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 88.75 | 89.6 | 88.75 | 88.38 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 94.0 | 94.0 | 94.0 | 94.0 | |
GRU Layer1 | 86.25 | 87.62 | 86.25 | 85.6 | |
GRU Layer2 | 93.75 | 93.89 | 93.75 | 93.68 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 93.75 | 93.74 | 93.75 | 93.73 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 95.0 | 95.59 | 95.0 | 95.05 | |
mutual_info | RNN Layer1 | 93.75 | 94.32 | 93.75 | 93.61 |
RNN Layer2 | 96.25 | 96.46 | 96.25 | 96.21 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 96.5 | 96.66 | 96.5 | 96.51 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 97.5 | 97.66 | 97.5 | 97.51 | |
GRU Layer1 | 95.0 | 95.18 | 95.0 | 95.03 | |
GRU Layer2 | 96.25 | 96.59 | 96.25 | 96.28 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 98.75 | 98.79 | 98.75 | 98.75 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 99.69 | 99.71 | 99.69 | 99.69 | |
RFE | RNN Layer1 | 94.25 | 94.59 | 94.25 | 94.28 |
RNN Layer2 | 96.53 | 96.4 | 96.53 | 96.46 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 91.25 | 91.68 | 91.25 | 91.06 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 95.0 | 95.05 | 95.0 | 94.96 | |
GRU Layer1 | 92.25 | 92.68 | 92.25 | 92.06 | |
GRU Layer2 | 95.0 | 95.37 | 95.0 | 94.92 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 97.5 | 97.66 | 97.5 | 97.51 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 98.75 | 98.79 | 98.75 | 98.75 | |
Tree-based | RNN Layer1 | 96.25 | 96.59 | 96.25 | 96.28 |
RNN Layer2 | 98.46 | 98.46 | 98.45 | 98.46 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 96.25 | 96.59 | 96.25 | 96.28 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 97.79 | 97.79 | 97.77 | 97.78 | |
GRU Layer1 | 97.5 | 97.66 | 97.5 | 97.51 | |
GRU Layer2 | 97.62 | 97.61 | 97.63 | 97.62 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 98.75 | 98.85 | 98.75 | 98.76 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 99.38 | 99.42 | 99.38 | 99.38 |
Feature Selection Methods | Models | Matrix Performance | |||
Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F1-Score | ||
Chi2 | RNN Layer1 | 90.67 | 90.58 | 90.93 | 90.74 |
RNN Layer2 | 91.25 | 91.68 | 91.25 | 91.06 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 92.75 | 92.89 | 92.75 | 92.68 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 93.75 | 93.89 | 93.75 | 93.68 | |
GRU Layer1 | 89.67 | 89.58 | 89.93 | 89.74 | |
GRU Layer2 | 92.7 | 92.72 | 92.74 | 92.73 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 94.13 | 94.15 | 94.12 | 94.13 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 94.9 | 94.43 | 94.01 | 94.62 | |
mutual_info | RNN Layer1 | 96.25 | 96.26 | 96.25 | 96.24 |
RNN Layer2 | 97.88 | 97.86 | 97.95 | 97.91 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 96.08 | 96.08 | 96.06 | 96.07 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 94.83 | 94.77 | 95.03 | 94.9 | |
GRU Layer1 | 93.49 | 93.87 | 93.12 | 93.46 | |
GRU Layer2 | 96.31 | 96.34 | 96.23 | 96.28 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 98.33 | 98.48 | 98.33 | 98.34 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 98.75 | 98.88 | 98.75 | 98.76 | |
RFE | RNN Layer1 | 94.11 | 94.66 | 92.68 | 93.44 |
RNN Layer2 | 94.97 | 95.15 | 94.85 | 94.99 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 95.62 | 95.75 | 95.62 | 95.58 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 95.25 | 95.59 | 95.25 | 95.28 | |
GRU Layer1 | 93.75 | 94.07 | 93.75 | 93.65 | |
GRU Layer2 | 92.5 | 93.0 | 92.5 | 92.34 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 96.20 | 96.28 | 96.20 | 96.28 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 96.31 | 96.34 | 96.23 | 96.28 | |
Tree-based | RNN Layer1 | 94.49 | 94.87 | 94.12 | 94.46 |
RNN Layer2 | 95.03 | 95.02 | 95.12 | 95.07 | |
LSTM Layer1 | 94.83 | 94.77 | 95.03 | 94.9 | |
LSTM Layer2 | 94.38 | 94.62 | 94.38 | 94.3 | |
GRU Layer1 | 93.75 | 94.07 | 93.75 | 93.65 | |
GRU Layer2 | 93.49 | 93.87 | 93.12 | 93.46 | |
Proposed Layer1 | 97.5 | 97.66 | 97.5 | 97.51 | |
Proposed Layer2 | 97.92 | 98.19 | 97.92 | 97.94 |
Ref | FS | Models | Used Dataset | ACC |
[17] | IG | GNB | Private Dataset | 94 |
[18] | NO FS | NB, DT, RF | UCI ML repository | 91 |
[19] | RFE | ensemble model (NB, SVM, MLP, DT ) | UCI ML repository | 94 |
[20] | NO FS | NN SVM | Data aggregated from 50 CKD and 50 control subjects | 89 |
[9] | No FS | Auto encoder & NN | Two Private | 93 |
[21] | No FS | NN | Dataset of 200 subjects aged more than 70 years | 92 |
[22] | Wrapper approach | LR, NN | Private (100 subjects ) | 96 |
[37] | No FS | DNN | 11,140 subjects’ diabetes subjects with CKD | 74.7 |
[26] | RFE | J48 | UCI ML repository | 85.5 |
[28] | No | OCNN | UCI ML repository | 98.75 |
[31] | No | RF | UCI ML repository | 99.75 |
The proposed model | mutual_info | Stacking ensemble | UCI ML repository | 99.69 |
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Alsekait, D.M.; Saleh, H.; Gabralla, L.A.; Alnowaiser, K.; El-Sappagh, S.; Sahal, R.; El-Rashidy, N. Toward Comprehensive Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Based on Ensemble Deep Learning Models. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3937.
Alsekait DM, Saleh H, Gabralla LA, Alnowaiser K, El-Sappagh S, Sahal R, El-Rashidy N. Toward Comprehensive Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Based on Ensemble Deep Learning Models. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(6):3937.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlsekait, Deema Mohammed, Hager Saleh, Lubna Abdelkareim Gabralla, Khaled Alnowaiser, Shaker El-Sappagh, Radhya Sahal, and Nora El-Rashidy. 2023. "Toward Comprehensive Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Based on Ensemble Deep Learning Models" Applied Sciences 13, no. 6: 3937.
APA StyleAlsekait, D. M., Saleh, H., Gabralla, L. A., Alnowaiser, K., El-Sappagh, S., Sahal, R., & El-Rashidy, N. (2023). Toward Comprehensive Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction Based on Ensemble Deep Learning Models. Applied Sciences, 13(6), 3937.