Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in Weed Detection and Identification: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
- The convolutional layer extracts features from the image using mathematical filters; the features can be edges, corners, or alignment patterns, which give the output a feature map that serves as input to the next layer.
- The pooling layer reduces the resolution by reducing the dimension of the feature map in order to minimize the computational cost.
- The connection layer sends the feature maps obtained from the previous layer to the fully connected neural network layer, which contains the activation function used to recognize the final image.
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- AlexNet: Developed by [19] in 2012, consists of eight convolutional layers and five fully connected layers, with the deep architecture allowing learning of complex hierarchical features from images. It introduced the effective use of Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu) activation functions, which helped mitigate the gradient fading problem and accelerated training. It won the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) competition, demonstrating the impact of CNNs in computer vision, and is considered one of the most influential architectures in the field. Its main advantage is efficiency in training by using GPUs, allowing faster and more efficient training compared to previous methods. Among its disadvantages is that it requires large datasets to learn the complex hierarchical features of the image; therefore, it is also computationally demanding to train and run.
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- GoogLeNet (Inception): Developed in 2014 by the Google Research team, it introduced the concept of Inception modules with multiple filter sizes in parallel [24]. The modules are complex network structures with multiple convolution operations operating in parallel with different filter sizes. These modules allow the capturing of features at different scales and hierarchies, significantly improving the model’s ability to recognize complex image patterns. One of the most significant advantages is its high performance with fewer parameters than other architectures, making it computationally efficient. In addition, this architecture captures complex features at different scales, which improves its generalization capability and helps to reduce the risk of overfitting in large datasets. As for drawbacks, Inception modules can be complex to implement and understand, making them difficult to use for some developers, and they require large amounts of memory to train and execute, due to their depth and complexity. Although the original GoogLeNet architecture (Inception v1) has been widely used, there have been several versions incorporating improvements; Inception v2 and v3 integrate Batch Normalization techniques, Inception v4 incorporates larger and more complex modules, as well as residual connections inspired by ResNet, and opens the door to versions such as Inception-ResNet and Inception-ResNet v2, improving efficiency and accuracy.
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- VGG: Developed in 2014 by the Visual Graphics Group (VGG) at Oxford University, it is known for its simplicity and depth [25]. It is characterized by its depth and uniform structure, mainly composed of 3 × 3 convolutional layers and 2 × 2 pooling layers, followed by fully connected layers. The VGG architecture can have different configurations, from VGG16 (with 16 layers) to VGG19 (with 19 layers), depending on the number of convolutional layers. As an advantage of VGG, this architecture allows efficient feature extraction at different scales and abstraction levels due to its simple structure of 3 × 3 convolutional layers, and its easy implementation due to its uniform and symmetric architecture. Among the disadvantages of VGG is the computational cost in training and execution, due to the depth and number of parameters; also, the large number of parameters in VGG models can increase the risk of overfitting, especially in small datasets.
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- ResNet (Residual Network): Developed by [26] in 2015, this architecture was highlighted as using residual blocks, which allow the training of very deep networks. The residual blocks are based on facilitating the flow of information by creating a direct connection path (known as “skip connection” or “shortcut connection”) that prevents the gradient from disappearing during training. ResNet has undergone several versions where the number of layers is increased to improve prediction. The main ones are: ResNet-50, ResNet-101, and ResNet-152, variants with different depths, having 50, 101 and 152 layers, respectively. Their main advantage is based on the ability to train deeper networks by their residual connections, which decreases the degradation in performance, in addition to minimizing overfitting and improving the generalization capability of the model, which allows taking full advantage of the power of deep learning. Despite its efficiency, a disadvantage of ResNet is a higher requirement of significant resources in terms of memory and computational power, especially when training very deep architectures.
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- Fast R-CNN: an object detection model introduced in 2015, significantly improving its predecessor’s speed and efficiency, is the R-CNN (Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network) model. It was developed by the Microsoft Research group to address the speed and computational efficiency limitations associated with R-CNN, providing a faster and more practical solution for object detection in images [27]. Fast R-CNN uses a pre-trained CNN network to extract features from the input image. Then, regions of interest (ROIs) are generated using a technique called region proposal (e.g., using algorithms such as Selective Search), and these regions are transformed into a fixed region to be input to the CNN network. Finally, bounding boxes of these proposed regions are classified and fitted using classification and regression layers, respectively [27]. The advantage of Fast R-CNN is the runtime efficiency of using a single CNN network to extract features and perform region classification rather than passing each proposed region through a separate network. A disadvantage is that it may have difficulty detecting small objects, or in cases of object overlap. Likewise, this architecture has variants, such as Mask R-CNN, which adds an additional branch to the network to perform semantic segmentation of objects in the image, object detection, and classification.
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- DenseNet (Densely Connected Convolutional Network): In 2017, proposed by [28], this is notable for its densely connected structure, where each layer is directly connected to all subsequent layers. This dense connectivity can potentially improve information flow and mitigate the problem of gradient fading. It has influenced the design of subsequent architectures and continues to be a popular choice in research and practical implementation in computer vision tasks. Although DenseNet has been used primarily in its original form since its introduction, there have been some proposed extensions and variants, such as DenseNet 121, 169, and 201, each with a different depth. These numbers represent the total number of layers in the network, including convolutional layers, pooling layers, fully connected layers, and normalization layers. The main advantage of DenseNet is the direct flow of information from the input layers to the output layers, facilitating the learning of complex features and the propagation of gradients through the network. In addition, having a direct data flow mitigates the problem of gradient fading, which facilitates the training of deeper networks. As a disadvantage, it has a higher computational cost, mainly in memory, due to its dense connections requiring more training and inference computations.
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- MobileNet: Proposed in 2017 by [29], it is specially designed for implementations on mobile devices and uses lightweight and efficient operations to balance performance and resource consumption. The main feature of MobileNet is its ability to strike a balance between network accuracy and computational efficiency through a series of building blocks called “Depthwise Separable Convolution” that significantly reduce the number of parameters and the amount of computation. The building blocks divide the standard convolution into two separate stages: a depthwise convolution followed by a pointwise convolution; this allows for drastically reduced computational cost without sacrificing too much accuracy [29]. The advantages of MobileNet are computational efficiency and low resource consumption, which makes it ideal for running on resource-constrained devices, such as cell phones and IoT devices. Its main disadvantage is lower accuracy compared to other larger and more complex architectures in certain computer vision tasks. Attempts have been made to improve the architecture by obtaining versions such as MobileNetV2 and MobileNetV3, which improve accuracy and performance.
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- YOLO (You Only Look Once): Developed in 2016 by [30], it is a fast and efficient object detection architecture, as it approaches this task as a regression problem; instead of a separate classification for each region, this feature allows several versions from YOLOv1 up to YOLOv8 in 2023. Starting with the fifth version, released in 2020, known as YOLOv5, this was built on PyTorch [31], maintaining the original YOLO approach of dividing the image into a grid and predicting bounding boxes with class probabilities for each cell. The overall architecture includes convolutional layers, attention layers, and other modern techniques; it is important to mention that this version was developed by the Ultralytics team, not by the original authors. In 2022, the YOLOv6 and YOLOv7 versions were developed, presenting improvements in their architecture and training scheme, and improving object detection accuracy without increasing the cost of inference, a concept known as “trainable feature bags” [32]. Finally, in 2023, YOLOv8 was presented; its improvements included new features, better performance, flexibility, and efficiency. Additionally, it includes improvements for detection, segmentation, pose estimation, tracking, and classification [33].
2. Methods
2.1. Research Question and Review Objectives
- Research question: What are the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures most frequently used for weed detection and what are the most commonly used image acquisition sources for training these CNNs??
- Main Objective: Analyze the different CNN architectures used for weed detection and identify the sources of image acquisition for CNN training.
- Specific Objectives:
- To identify and analyze the most commonly used CNN architectures for weed detection in different crops.
- To determine the image acquisition sources most commonly used in CNN training for weed identification in different forms of production.
2.2. Sources of Information
2.3. Search for Keywords
2.4. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
- The search field is selected where the search is directed through titles, abstracts, and keywords, among others; this is specific to each database:
- In Scopus, “search within Article title, Abstract, Keywords” was established.
- In Web of Science, the search was established in “Topic”; this includes title, abstract, author keywords and keywords plus.
- The date range of the search is the last five years, from 2019 to 2023.
- Document type: “Document type: Article”.
- Excluded are reviews, book chapters, narrative articles, conference or congress articles, unofficial notes or communications, and studies from other areas, such as social, human, biological, chemical, legislative, social and economic impacts.
- Language: “English Language”.
2.5. Search String in Bibliographic Databases
- Scopus: TITLE-ABS-KEY (“weed detection” AND “deep learning” AND “Convolutional Neural Networks”)
- WOS: TS = (“weed detection” AND “deep learning” AND “Convolutional Neural Networks”)
2.6. Initial Search Results
- Initial records: Scopus 104 and WOS 40. Initial results obtained, 144.
- Records eliminated by exclusion criteria: 65 results eliminated and 79 results remained, 61 from Scopus and 18 from WOS.
2.7. Duplicates and Screening
2.8. Additional Records
2.9. Records Excluded
3. Results
3.1. Literature Analysis
3.2. Source of Images for the Training of the CNNs
3.3. CNN Architecture Used
4. Discussion
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- Google Services—NVIDIA Tesla K80
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- NVIDIA GeForce GTX Serie 10, versions 1050, 1050Ti, 1060, 1070 y 1080Ti.
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- NVIDIA GeForce RTX Serie 20, versions 2060, 2070, 2070Ti, 2080, 2080Ti.
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- NVIDIA GeForce RTX Serie 30, versión 3090.
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- NVIDIA Quadro, versions RTX 5000, RTX 8000 y T2000
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- NVIDIA Tesla A100
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- NVIDIA GeForce GT525M
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Reference | CNN Architecture | Source of Image |
1 | [35] | Specifically designed CNN | Database |
2 | [36] | Design-specific CNN with SVM | Digital Camera |
3 | [37] | AlexNet, GoogLeNet and VGGNet | Digital Camera |
4 | [38] | SegNet, UNet, VGG16 and ResNet-50. | Digital Camera |
5 | [39] | CRowNet is based on SegNet and the Hough transform | UAV multi-spectral camera |
6 | [40] | YOLOv3 and YOLOv3-Tiny | Digital Camera |
7 | [41] | ResNet50, VGG16, VGG19, Xception and MobileNetV2. | Digital Camera |
8 | [42] | Mask R-CNN | Digital Camera |
9 | [43] | YOLOv3, Mask R-CNN, and CNN with SVM-HOG (histograms of oriented gradients) | UAV multi-spectral camera |
10 | [44] | YOLO-WEED, based on YOLOv3 | UAV Camera |
11 | [45] | Faster R-CNN and Single Shot Detector (SSD) | UAV Camera |
12 | [46] | CNN-LVQ-specific design based on Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) | UAV Camera |
13 | [47] | YOLOv3, YOLOv3-Tiny and YOLOv3-Tiny-PRN | Digital Camera |
14 | [48] | Faster R-CNN and ResNet50 | Digital Camera |
15 | [49] | Detectron2, EfficientDet, YOLOv5, and Faster R-CNN. | Digital Camera |
16 | [50] | Faster R-CNN, ResNet-101, VGG16 and Yolov3 | UAV Camera |
17 | [51] | VGG-Beet based on VGG16 | UAV multi-spectral camera |
18 | [52] | YOLOv5 and Classic K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, and Decision Algorithms tree | UAV multi-spectral camera |
19 | [53] | Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN | Digital Camera |
20 | [54] | Faster R-CNN and VGG16 | Digital Camera |
21 | [55] | VGG16, ResNet-50 and Inception-V3 | Digital Camera |
22 | [56] | AlexNet vs. VGG-16 | UAV Camera |
23 | [57] | YOLOv4, YOLO- sesame. | Digital Camera |
24 | [58] | VGG16 and ResNet16 | Digital Camera |
25 | [59] | YOLOv3-Tiny | Digital Camera |
26 | [60] | YOLOv5 | Digital Camera |
27 | [61] | Faster R-CNN, SSD, YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny and YOLOv4-tiny | Smartphone |
28 | [62] | Faster R-CNN and ResNet | Smartphone |
29 | [63] | UNet based on ResNet50 | Digital Camera |
30 | [64] | MobileNetV2, ResNet50 | UAV Camera |
31 | [65] | YOLO-v3 and faster R-CNN | Digital Camera |
32 | [66] | Faster R-CNN, ResNet-101, YOLOv4, SSD-Inception-v2, MobileNet, ResNet-50, EfficientDet and CenterNet | Database |
33 | [67] | SSD-MobileNet, SSD-InceptionV2, Faster R-CNN, CenterNet, EfficientDet, RetinaNet and YOLOv4 | Database |
34 | [68] | YOLOv4 and Faster R-CNN. | Digital Camera |
35 | [69] | Mask R-CNN and GAN | Digital Camera |
36 | [70] | Alexnet, GoogLeNet, InceptionV3, Xception | Smartphone |
37 | [71] | VGGNet (16 and 19), GoogLeNet (Inception V3 and V4) and MobileNet (V1 and V2) | Digital Camera |
38 | [72] | VGG, Resnet, DenseNet, ShuffleNet, MobileNet, EfficientNet and MNASNet | UAV Camera |
39 | [73] | AlexNet, GoogLeNet, VGGNet and ResNet | Digital Camera |
40 | [74] | Faster R-CNN | UAV Camera |
41 | [75] | YOLOv5, RetinaNet, and Faster R-CNN | UAV Camera |
42 | [76] | Hybrid CNN, AlexNet, GoogLeNET, VGG-Net, ResNet, and GAN | Digital Camera |
43 | [77] | VGGNet, VGG16, VGG19 and SVM | Database |
44 | [78] | WeedFocusNet based on ResNet152v2 | Database |
45 | [79] | Faster R-CNN and VGG16 | Digital Camera |
46 | [80] | YOLOv7, YOLOv7-m, YOLOv7-x, YOLOv7-w6, YOLOv7-d6s, YOLOv5, YOLOv4 and Faster R-CNN | UAV Camera |
47 | [81] | Inception-V3, VGG-16 and ResNet-50 | Digital Camera |
48 | [82] | YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny | Digital Camera |
49 | [83] | DenseNet, EfficientNet and ResNet | Digital Camera |
50 | [84] | 2D-CNN of specific design | UAV Camera |
51 | [85] | Alexnet, DarkNet53, GoogLeNet, InceptionV3, ResNet50 and Xception | Smartphone |
52 | [86] | Yolov8l, RetinaNet, and GAN | Digital Camera |
53 | [87] | AlexNet and CNN-RF specifies | UAV Camera |
54 | [88] | ResNet-18, YOLOv3, CenterNet, and Faster R-CNN | Smartphone |
55 | [89] | DenseHHO is based on Harris Hawk (HHO), DenseNet-121, and DenseNet-201 optimization algorithms. | UAV Camera |
56 | [90] | AlexNet and AlexNet -SVM | Database |
57 | [91] | YOLOv3, YOLOv3-tiny, YOLOv4 and YOLOv4-tiny | Digital Camera |
58 | [92] | CoFly-WeedDB is based on SegNet, VGG16, ResNet50, DenseNet121, EfficientNetB0 and MobileNetV2 | UAV Camera |
59 | [93] | Xception, VGG (16, 19), ResNet (50, 101, 152, 101v2, 152v2), InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2, MobileNet, MobileNetV2, DenseNet (121, 169, 201), NASNetMobile, NASNetLarge | UAV Camera |
60 | [94] | MobileNetV3 and ShuffleNet | Smartphone |
61 | [95] | YOLOv3, Faster R-CNN, AlexNet, GoogLeNet and VGGNet | Digital Camera |
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García-Navarrete, O.L.; Correa-Guimaraes, A.; Navas-Gracia, L.M. Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in Weed Detection and Identification: A Systematic Review. Agriculture 2024, 14, 568.
García-Navarrete OL, Correa-Guimaraes A, Navas-Gracia LM. Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in Weed Detection and Identification: A Systematic Review. Agriculture. 2024; 14(4):568.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Navarrete, Oscar Leonardo, Adriana Correa-Guimaraes, and Luis Manuel Navas-Gracia. 2024. "Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in Weed Detection and Identification: A Systematic Review" Agriculture 14, no. 4: 568.
APA StyleGarcía-Navarrete, O. L., Correa-Guimaraes, A., & Navas-Gracia, L. M. (2024). Application of Convolutional Neural Networks in Weed Detection and Identification: A Systematic Review. Agriculture, 14(4), 568.