Wetland Restoration with Hydrophytes: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Natural and Constructed Wetlands
3. Leader Countries in Wetland Revegetation with Hydrophytes
4. The Scale of Revegetation
5. Procedure Approaches in Revegetation with Hydrophytes
5.1. Seeding
5.2. Planting: Translocations and Production of Hydrophyte Cultures
5.3. Sediment Transfer/Transplantation
6. Selection of Species. Most Commonly Used Species
7. Factors Affecting the Success of Restoration
7.1. Site Selection
7.2. Time Selection
7.3. Herbivory
7.4. Massive Filamentous Algal Development
7.5. Water and Sediment Quality Conditions
8. Evaluation of the Success of Revegetation
9. Final Remarks and Conclusions
- (i)
- Performing research in advance. Experimental out-site (culture room) and on-site (wetland mesocosms) should be planned before starting larger-scale initiatives.
- (ii)
- Selecting suitable wetlands with ecologically suitable revegetation sites. It is very important to consider the clear negative factors which prevent the success of revegetation (herbivory, microalgae and filamentous green algae, etc.). If revegetation is performed in sites with high nutrient and pollutant concentrations, high density of herbivorous fish, very low water transparency, etc., the result will be a total failure [46].
- (iii)
- An increased focus on species biology (including genetics) and ecology. Selecting and obtaining native (and typically occurring in the wetland previous to its degradation) suitable hydrophyte species is fundamental. In the studies reviewed here, the use of floating hydrophyte species has been less generalized than the submerged species. A total of 45 different species of submerged hydrophytes and 14 floating-leaved and free-floating species have been used for revegetation in wetlands (Figure 4). The genus Potamogeton has been used the most among the submerged hydrophytes (in 29% of the occasions), but Myriophyllum spicatum and Hydrilla verticilata have been the two most used species (15% and 13%). The genus Nymphaea has been the most used as a free-floating hydrophyte (36% of occasions), followed by the floating-leaved species of Potamogeton (22%). Introducing highly competitive species (r-strategists) has the risk that they outcompete part of the original vegetation including rare species. However, if the initial aim is to have a large cover of hydrophytes to prevent the growth of phytoplankton, resuspension of the sediment, etc., they can be chosen, and, in a second step, other species, specifically rare species, could be reintroduced in particular sites suitable for them. Although other management actions had been applied (i.e., nutrient and pollutant reductions), species or ecotypes/genotypes with high capacity to tolerate stress conditions should be initially chosen. Potamogeton pectinatus, P. malaianus, and Ceratophyllum demersum can live in contaminated water with heavy metals and other pollutants and remove them [143,144,145,146]. Among charophytes, Chara vulgaris is maybe the best candidate [100,147,148,149]. The selection of species with high allelopathic capacity against phytoplankton and periphyton is a complementary issue (e.g., Myriophyllum spicatum [105], Vallisneria spiralis [107], Ceratophyllum demersum [108], Potamogeton malaianus [109]). P. malaianus also inhibits filamentous algae growth.
- (iv)
- Deciding the appropriate wetland surface area to be potentially planted with hydrophytes. To increase light availability and be sure that clear-water conditions will be maintained, this area should be at least 30–40% of the wetland surface where hydrophytes could grow (this has to be determined in advance, based on wetland morphometry, water column light attenuation, light requirements for growth of the selected species according to their type, such as caulescent or rosette-type angiosperms, charophytes, etc.).
- (v)
- Selecting the appropriated revegetation techniques, considering the seed production and recruitment. The studies reviewed here suggest that sediment transfer is more adequate for temporary wetlands. However, in the cases of transferences from other sites to the target wetland, nature protection aspects and the potential risk of transferring pollutants, fish parasites, pathogens or other undesired species must be considered. Samples of this sediment have to be chemically analyzed to dismiss the presence of different kinds of pollutants and also carefully observed by experts to be sure that no unwanted propagules are present. If nutrient or pollutant contents are high, experimental tests of the sediment suitability by planting test species are recommended.
- (vi)
- Choosing the suitable propagation technique. Seed-based approaches are less expensive and more logistically feasible in treating larger areas than other wetland revegetation techniques. For seeding, densities varying from 11 to 100 seeds/m2 have been used for coastal wetlands. A high number of “transplants” and of adequate length should be selected: around 10 ramets/m2 with lengths of 20–30 cm seem to be the most adequate to be planted (with apical parts) [7,17,45]. The use (or not) of a substrate to plant the prepared cultures in the wetland will depend on the type of the radicular system the hydrophyte develops and the features of the receptor sediment. Hydrophytes, such as M. spicatum, S. pectinata or C. vulgaris, for example, do not need any kind of support substrate. If the sediment is unconsolidated with low cohesive strength—typical for waterbodies with previous phytoplankton dominance—degradable substrates should be used. Planting by hand, although work-intensive, can be achieved by involving volunteers. Mechanical planters might have a great impact on the wetland fauna. When a moderate herbivory pressure on hydrophytes is suspected, protective exclosures should be used in initial trials to determine if the magnitude of this pressure will cause the failure of the revegetation. Protective exclosures can be also used, progressively enlarging them until established hydrophyte stands resistant to herbivory are formed to facilitate submerged macrophyte growth and dispersal.
- (vii)
- Performing long-term monitoring programs to assess the performance and the variability of the restored populations over time. Whole-ecosystem, long-term interventions including most if not all ecosystem processes are desirable to be sure that the restoration result is the expected [61]. Furthermore, for large-scale hydrophyte restoration, the efforts should be in the framework of coordinated interagency programs, to develop, evaluate, and refine the suitable protocols and procedures. All this information will allow modeling the transition to an alternative stable clear macrophyte-dominated state and its future resilience [155].
Conflicts of Interest
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Planted Hydrophyte Species | Plant Origin | Experiment Features | Site (Country) | N/C | Ref. | |
Submerged | Floating-Leaved | |||||
Vallisneria sp. Hydrilla verticillata Potamogeton maackianus | Trapa bicornis Nelumbo nucifera | Not indicated | 800–3000 m2 enclosures in three sublakes | The shallow lake Donghu (China) | N | [44] |
Stuckenia pectinata Potamogeton perfoliatus P. lucens | -- | Collected 80 km south of the lake in ditches and channels | 25 m2 protected and unprotected areas | The shallow lake Engelsholm (Denmark) | N | [45] |
Myriophyllum spicatum Chara contraria | -- | Not indicated | 200 m2 “macrophyte islands” | A shallow lake (Germany) | N | Rott (2005) in [46] |
Hydrilla verticillata, Potamogeton malaianus Vallisneria spiralis Najas marina | -- | Wuli Bay and East Taihu Bay (lake Taihu) | 200 L containers in an outdoor green house | The shallow lake Taihu (China) | N | [47] |
Vallisneria americana | -- | From nursery grown stock in culture ponds at Virginia Inst. Marine Sci. campus; seed pods from beds in Nanjemoy Creek, Maryland; separated seeds | 4 exclosures of 40 m2 (with 2 × 2 m plots inside) | A tidal marsh area at James River (VA, USA) | N | [48] |
M. spicatum S. pectinata Chara hispida Nitella hyalina | -- | From cultures produced in indoors culture room | 54 exclosures of 1 × 1 m | Tancat de la Pipa wetland (Spain) | C | [16] |
P. malaianus M. spicatum H. verticillata V. spinulosa | -- | From lake Taihu and cultivated in outdoor tanks (100 cm diam. 100 cm height) | 15 680-L outdoor tanks (100 cm diam. 100 cm height) | Gonghu bay, lake Taihu (China) | N | [49] |
Elodea canadensis Myriophyllum alterniflorum Ceratophyllum demersum | Potamogeton natans (but appear spontaneously) | Shoot fragments from nearby ponds | 6 10 × 4 m surface-flow constructed semi-natural wetlands | Semi-natural wetlands in agricultural landscape (Sweden) | C | [50] |
Heteranthera dubia | Potamogeton nodosus | Founder colonies from nearby sites | 24 0.9-m diam. ring cages | Dallas Floodway Extension Lower Chain of Wetlands (USA) | C | [51] |
Planted Hydrophyte Species | Surface | Site (Country) | Reference | |
Submerged | Floating-Leaved/Free Floating | (ha) | ||
Chara australis | -- | 1 | Shallow lake Rotoroa (NZ) | [54] |
Ceratophyllum demersum Myriophyllum verticillatum Myriophyllum spicatum | Nymphaea alba | 1.5 and 1.2 | Almenara and Algemesí wetlands (Spain) | [55] |
Potamogeton malaianus Myriophyllum spicatum Potamogeton maackianus Hydrilla verticillata Vallisneria natans | Nymphoides peltata Nymphaea rubra Trapa bicornis *non-native Alternanthera philoxeroides | 10 | Large enclosure in Lake Wuli, northern bay of Lake Taihu (China) | [56] |
Potamogeton cheesemanii Myriophyllum propinquum | Lemna minor | -- | Several wetlands in New Zealand | [39] |
Myriophyllum spicatum Stuckenia pectinata Ceratophyllum submersum | -- | 6 and 8 | Educative and Reserve lagoons, Tancat de la Pipa wetland (Spain) | Sebastián and Peña in [16] |
Ceratophyllum demersum Chara vulgaris Heteranthera dubia Potamogeton illinoensis Potamogeton pusillus Vallisneria americana Zannichellia palustris | Potamogeton nodosus Nelumbo lutea Nymphaea mexicana Nymphaea odorata | >10 | Chain of wetlands at Dallas Floodway Extension (USA) | [57] |
Hydrilla verticillata Vallisneria spinulosa Potamogeton maackianus P. malaianus M. spicatum Ceratophyllum demersum | -- | 5, 8 and 0.4 | Shallow lakes Wuli (isolated bays of lake Taihu), Qinhu and South (China) | [58] |
Vallisneria americana | Potamogeton nodosus/natans Nymphaea odorota | ~18 | Great Lakes wetland area (Canada) | [59] |
P. malaianus M. spicatum H. verticillata V. spinulosa | -- | 0.4 | Gonghu Bay, Lake Taihu (China) | [35] |
Vallisneria denseserrulata Hydrilla verticillata | -- | 12 | One basin of Huizhou West shallow lake (China) | [60] |
Recovered Species | Sediment Origin | Receptor | Site (Country) | Reference |
Chara braunii, Nitella hyalina, Monochoria korsakowii, Nymphoides peltata, Limnophila sessiliflora, Vallisneria denseserrulata, Hydrilla vercillata, Ceratophyllum demersum and five species of Potamogeton | Seed banks from lake-bottom sediments | Lake shores ranging 5300–27,800 m2 (width: 30–60 m). Sediments spread thinly (~10 cm) | Littoral areas of shallow Lake Kasumigaura (Japan) | [89,92] |
(Mostly emergent plants) Myriophyllum spicatum | 0–5 cm deep soil from 1 × 1 plots from different sites | Surface of 55 m2 | Yeyahu wetland natural reserve (China) | [88] |
Callitriche sp., Callitriche truncata, Chara aspera, C. canescens, C. globularis, Ranunculus peltatus, R. trichophyllus, Tolypella glomerata, T. hispanica, Zannichellia obtusifolia, Z. pedicellata | 40 L (from 45 × 45 cm, 3 cm deep) of soil per donor site (5 temporary wetlands) | 50 L of soil on a 4 × 2 m plots at the bottom of each transfer mesocosm | Cassaïre site, Camargue area (France) | [90] |
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Rodrigo, M.A. Wetland Restoration with Hydrophytes: A Review. Plants 2021, 10, 1035. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061035
Rodrigo MA. Wetland Restoration with Hydrophytes: A Review. Plants. 2021; 10(6):1035. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061035
Chicago/Turabian StyleRodrigo, Maria A. 2021. "Wetland Restoration with Hydrophytes: A Review" Plants 10, no. 6: 1035. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061035
APA StyleRodrigo, M. A. (2021). Wetland Restoration with Hydrophytes: A Review. Plants, 10(6), 1035. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10061035