Significant Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Hydrosols from Tropaeolum majus L. Seeds with Multiple Biological Activities
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Identification of Volatile Components in Hydrosols from T. majus Seeds
2.2. Cytotoxic Activity
2.3. Scratch Assay
2.4. Antibacterial Activity
2.5. Bacterial Growth Kinetics
2.6. Antiadhesion Activity
2.7. Antiphytoviral Activity
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Plant Material and Reagents
4.2. Preparation of the Samples and Analyses of Hydrosols
4.3. Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
4.4. Cytotoxic Activity
4.5. Scratch Assay
4.6. Antibacterial Activity
4.7. Antibacterial Susceptibility
4.8. Bacterial Growth Kinetics
4.9. Antiadhesion Assay
4.10. Antiphytoviral Activity Assay
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Volatile Compound in Hydrosols of T. majus | RI | MAE (%) | MHG (%) |
α-Thujene | 924 | 1.71 | 5.25 |
Benzaldehyde | 952 | 9.91 | 1.86 |
Benzene acetaldehyde | 1036 | 0.22 | 0.43 |
Benzyl cyanide (BCN) | 1140 | 15.02 | 65.33 |
Carvone | 1241 | 0.25 | 2.31 |
Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) | 1371 | 62.29 | 17.89 |
Methyl eugenol * | 1403 | 1.59 | 1.11 |
Caryophyllene oxide * | 1581 | 2.51 | – |
Total identification (%) | 93.5 | 94.18 |
T. majus L. HY | Concentration (µg/mL) | % Cell-Free Area | SEM | p Value |
HY isolated using MAE | 5 | 63.40 | 4.69 | p > 0.05 |
HY isolated using MAE | 20 | 61.41 | 6.53 | p > 0.05 |
HY isolated using MHG | 15 | 77.10 | 3.02 | * p < 0.05 |
T. majus Samples | S. aureus ATCC 25,923 | E. coli ATCC 11,229 |
γ/(mg/mL) MIC | γ/(mg/mL) MIC | |
HY isolated using MAE | >0.5 | >0.5 |
HY isolated using MHG | >2 | >2 |
dpi | LLN ± SD | ||
4th | 10.63 ± 0.98 | 0.89 ± 1.08 *** | 0 ± 0.0 *** |
7th | 9.83 ± 1.24 | 1.39 ± 1.16 *** | 0 ± 0.0 *** |
14th | 10.51 ± 1.27 | 1.67 ± 0.92 *** | 0 ± 0.0 *** |
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Vrca, I.; Jug, B.; Fredotović, Ž.; Vuko, E.; Brkan, V.; Šestić, L.; Juretić, L.; Dunkić, V.; Nazlić, M.; Ramić, D.; et al. Significant Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Hydrosols from Tropaeolum majus L. Seeds with Multiple Biological Activities. Plants 2023, 12, 3897.
Vrca I, Jug B, Fredotović Ž, Vuko E, Brkan V, Šestić L, Juretić L, Dunkić V, Nazlić M, Ramić D, et al. Significant Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Hydrosols from Tropaeolum majus L. Seeds with Multiple Biological Activities. Plants. 2023; 12(22):3897.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVrca, Ivana, Blaž Jug, Željana Fredotović, Elma Vuko, Valentina Brkan, Loriana Šestić, Lea Juretić, Valerija Dunkić, Marija Nazlić, Dina Ramić, and et al. 2023. "Significant Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Hydrosols from Tropaeolum majus L. Seeds with Multiple Biological Activities" Plants 12, no. 22: 3897.
APA StyleVrca, I., Jug, B., Fredotović, Ž., Vuko, E., Brkan, V., Šestić, L., Juretić, L., Dunkić, V., Nazlić, M., Ramić, D., Smole Možina, S., & Kremer, D. (2023). Significant Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Hydrosols from Tropaeolum majus L. Seeds with Multiple Biological Activities. Plants, 12(22), 3897.