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Improved Conditional Domain Adversarial Networks for Intelligent Transfer Fault Diagnosis

Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Technology (Guilin University of Technology), Education Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin 541006, China
Guangxi Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Rubber Equipment (Guilin University of Technology), Guilin 541006, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2024, 12(3), 481;
Submission received: 9 January 2024 / Revised: 28 January 2024 / Accepted: 31 January 2024 / Published: 2 February 2024
(This article belongs to the Section E1: Mathematics and Computer Science)


Intelligent fault diagnosis encounters the challenges of varying working conditions and sample class imbalance individually, but very few approaches address both challenges simultaneously. This article proposes an improvement network model named ICDAN-F, which can deal with fault diagnosis scenarios with class imbalance and working condition variations in an integrated way. First, Focal Loss, which was originally designed for target detection, is introduced to alleviate the sample class imbalance problem of fault diagnosis and emphasize the key features. Second, the domain discriminator is improved by the default ReLU activation function being replaced with Tanh so that useful negative value information can help extract transferable fault features. Extensive transfer experiments dealing with varying working conditions are conducted on two bearing fault datasets with the effect of class imbalance. The results show that the fault diagnosis performance of ICDAN-F outperforms several other widely used domain adaptation methods, achieving 99.76% and 96.76% fault diagnosis accuracies in Case 1 and Case 2, respectively, which predicts that ICDAN-F can handle both challenges in a cohesive manner.

1. Introduction

Monitoring the operational status of rotating machines has been highly emphasized in the field of engineering, and one of the key issues is the need for timely and effective diagnosis and feedback of faults occurring in the machines [1] to reduce economic losses and potential personal hazards. Deep learning (DL) and measurement technology (MT) have made remarkable achievements in the recent past; therefore, many scholars have combined these techniques to conduct in-depth research on fault diagnosis (FD) as a practical engineering problem [2,3,4]. The DL-based FD, which allows one to learn complex input-to-output functions directly from data, is considered a promising solution in today’s industrial data volume [5]. It reduces human intervention compared to traditional diagnostic methods that need to be combined with signal processing techniques.
However, a machine in reality often operates under conditions with differences (e.g., speed, temperature, load, etc.), and the application of DL-based FD methods will inevitably produce domain shift phenomena due to these differences, i.e., there is an inconsistent distribution that leads to significant diagnosis performance deterioration between the data that were originally learned and the data that are about to be diagnosed [6], as shown in Figure 1.
Moreover, in most similar studies, the DL-based FD methods would assume that the probability of occurrence is balanced and the same between different data samples, but this is contrary to the situation where the normal state is more in real industrial operation. In other words, as shown in Figure 2, class imbalance can also discredit DL-based FD because the model is inclined to be over-trained by the classes with more data samples, while classes with fewer data samples will be squeezed by the decision boundary [7]. Thus, there is an urgent need to study FD methods that are closer to real-world scenarios where there are working differences and data class imbalance.
It has been widely reported that many scholars in the field of FD have also realized the limitations of the above DL and achieved exciting research results using the transfer learning (TL) approach. In TL-based FD methods, data with distributional differences are divided into source and target domains and attempt to eliminate the differences between the two domains as much as possible during model training to accomplish domain adaptation (DA). DA aims to map the data to a common feature space and then extracts the transferable features that follow similar distributions across the domains [8] and ultimately diagnoses the brand-new data in the target domains. DA is a much-studied TL subtopic, and in the recent past, its research focus has been centered on two mechanisms: statistical metric-based versus adversarial-based [9].
For the former, representative techniques such as adaptive batch normalization (AdaBN) [10], maximum mean difference (MMD) [11], and correlation alignment (CORAL) [12] have been applied to FD. Zhang [13] et al. obtained statistical information in the target domain to be fed back to the global with the help of AdaBN, which narrowed the distributional differences between the rolling bearing data domains and enhanced the effectiveness of FD in different working conditions. Qian [14] et al. relied on MMD and CORAL to transfer high-level representations of different domains to the same region in the subspace to design new paradigm metrics and constructed parameter-sharing CNNs to optimize the difference in distributions obtained by the metrics to cope with the problem of bearing data domain shift in different machines FD. The limitation of these methods, however, is that they require human design or improvement in the measure of distribution distance, but human design can bias the effect of DA between data. In fact, when the distribution characteristics in DA cannot be calculated or are difficult to obtain, model networks that rely on data interpretation cannot be led to learn [15].
The second mechanism, which seems to have gained more attention recently, is inspired by the unique idea of adversarial games derived from generative adversarial networks (GAN) [16] and was initially proposed to be applied in computer vision for generating fake-to-fake images. The adversarial domain adaptation (ADA) strategy focuses more on robustly and adaptively extracting features that are invariant between two domains by constructing a domain adversarial neural network (DANN) [17] rather than just correcting the distribution. Li [18] et al. used DANN to optimize FD under altered operating conditions, without manually designing distance metrics and also achieved good FD results. Furthermore, Long [19] et al. pointed out that the ADA strategy lacks the bundling relationship between search features and classes, which is not conducive to capturing the multimodal structure behind data distribution. Specifically, the marginal distribution is the absolute sole protagonist in ADA, but there is still room for improvement in the conditional distribution in practice. With this in mind, Yu [20] et al. introduced the conditional adversarial domain adaptation (CADA) strategy to their FD task, which uses conditional domain adversarial networks (CDAN) to force the adversarial process to acquire features with intra-class compactness and inter-class separability, and experiments proved that the optimization effect is robust.
Nevertheless, there are two unexplored issues with these excellent works. One is that in the FD process of domain-adaptive DA, the effects of the importance of the class and the number of samples within the class are ignored, and the samples are considered equally important when they enter the network, implying that the fault features are as valuable as the normal features and that the class with a large number of samples will receive more attention. Secondly, in ADA or CADA, domain discriminators often have to be designed more fragile, as a strong discriminator is not conducive to feature extractor (generator) optimization [21]. This will derive the need to rationalize and improve the fragile domain discriminators to obtain more robust and extensive information to guide the DA process.
Responding to the two issues mentioned above, this article proposes a new FD method that improves the CDAN and can be used under different working conditions with class imbalance data, which is referred to as ICDAN-F. Its main contributions are as follows:
  • An improved conditional domain adversarial network model for FD, ICDAN-F, is proposed. Unlike previous methods that focus only on a single challenge, it is able to address both challenges of class imbalance and working condition variation in FD.
  • The innovation is to introduce Focal Loss as a constraint in the training phase of ICDAN-F. This loss function can effectively deal with the problems of class imbalance and feature focus inconsistency, and with low computational cost, it can be easily applied to the network to optimize the FD model.
  • Replacing the ReLU activation function of the domain discriminator in conditional domain adversarial networks with Tanh is another improvement. This modification enables the negative value information to participate in the domain adaptation process and better extracts those metastable fault features that are not affected by changes in working conditions.
  • The feasibility of ICDAN-F and the effectiveness of the improvement are verified by a large number of bearing fault experiments. Compared with similar methods that address similar single challenges, ICDAN-F has an advantage in the accuracy of bearing fault diagnosis. The experimental results show that ICDAN-F can accomplish FD under the intertwining of class imbalance and working condition changes.
For the remaining sections, Section 2 presents the necessary assumptions of this research and the relevant theorems for building our proposed method. Experimental details and analysis of results will be placed in Section 3. Section 4 is a discussion and Section 5 will summarize the whole article.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Problem Definition and Assumptions

It is hoped that enough knowledge for FD can be learned from the existing working condition data (source domain) to be transferred to the data that are available and generates the working condition variation (target domain). To facilitate understanding of the core of this work, some basic assumptions are presented here:
The source data D s = { ( x i s ,   y i s ) } i = 1 N s and target domain data D t = { ( x j t ) } j = 1 N t come from the same device. These two domains are label-consistent, meaning the fault types in the source domain are fully present in the target domain. Additionally, there is an imbalance as fault class data are lower in quantity compared to the normal class.
The source domain samples x s , sample size of N s , are very sufficient subject to learning, i.e., the fault types (labels) y i s can be labeled, and obey a probability distribution C p = P ( x i s ) .
The target domain samples x t and sample size of N t , are recently obtained, and their labels are not yet known, as they are on another distribution C q = Q ( x j t ) , ( C p C q ).
Expect that there is a method to build a neural network model M ( · ) capable of accomplishing the FD task y ^ = M ( x ) of the target domain data without trying to access the labels of the target domain and only via the source domain knowledge already learned.

2.2. Domain Adversarial Neural Network

As previously summarized, DANN has become a popular and powerful method to minimize domain differences by means of adversarial training [22]; it aims to locate a representation space where the two domains are indistinguishable but where samples from the source domain can still be correctly classified. This method is inspired by generative adversarial networks (GANs), which internally generate an adversarial process in which the generator learns to keep confusing the discriminator while the discriminator strives not to be duped and ultimately seeks a Nash equilibrium [23]. DANN is two components simulating a min–max game, where the domain discriminator D is trained to distinguish whether a feature belongs to the source or the target domain, while the other component, the feature generator (extractor) with shared parameters, F, is trained to maximize the loss aiming to fool D. To emphasize, a source classifier C, is required, and the loss of C is minimized in order to guarantee a small classification error.
The structure of DANN is shown in Figure 3. During runtime, the source domain samples are first utilized to calculate L C via cross-entropy (CE) loss as follows:
L C = E x i s , y i s D s c = 1 n c 1 y i s = c log C c F ( x i s )
where n c is the number of classes, C c ( · ) is the likelihood that the classifier C think input is predicted to be class c , F ( x i s ) is the output of the feature extractor F, E is the mathematical expectation, x i s is the i-th sample from source domain, y i s is the label corresponding to it, and 1 is the indicator function. Next, using the limited information about the target domain, the stimulus D identifies the domain labels of the current features as well as directs F to extract domain-invariant features.
The domain label 0 or 1 corresponds to source or target domains, and L D generated by D can be computed according to the binary cross-entropy (BCE) loss as F is continuously directed:
L D = E x i s ~ D s log D F ( x i s ) E x j t ~ D t log 1 D F ( x j t )
where D ( · ) is the likelihood that the computation will be predicted to have domain label 0.
Then, the optimization objective of the whole structure is to expect the total feedback L D A N N to be minimal. Specifically, F and C are updated to shrink L C for better classifications while expanding to constrain F to find domain-invariant features that can lie to D:
L DANN = L C λ D A N N L D
where λ D A N N is a parameter for adjusting weights.

2.3. Conditional Domain Adversarial Network

CADA sought to pull different in-class features closer together separately, reducing conditional distribution differences explicitly, which drove the creation of conditional domain adversarial networks (CDAN) [19]. It aims to ameliorate the problem that exists with the use of DANN: the alignment of feature distributions within the source or target domains may not be secured even when the discriminator has successfully lied.
The structures of the two networks are much the same and have the same overall goal. What is different is that CDAN conditionalizes the classifier prediction during the optimization of the domain discriminator. That is, the inputs to D are now modified according to Equation (4) to receive information containing categories to better align features of the same class, regardless of the domain they come from.
h = F ( x ) C ( F ( x ) )
where is a multilinear mapping operation that captures the multiplicative interaction between the two as well as multimodal information about the distribution. In addition, D will now be guided by Equations (5)–(7) to focus on how to ignore hard-to-identify samples and improve the transferability.
g = C ( F ( x ) )
H ( g ) = c = 1 n c g c log g c
ω ( H ( g ) ) = 1 + e H ( g )
The L D loss needs to be calculated during training as follows:
L D = E x i s ~ D s ω ( H ( g i s ) ) log D ( h i s ) E x j t ~ D t ω ( H ( g j t ) ) log 1 D ( h j t )
There is no change in the optimization of the overall objective:
L C D A N = L C λ C D A N L D

2.4. ICDAN-F for Fault Diagnosis

The structure of the proposed ICDAN-F, which will be used for FD, is demonstrated here, as shown in Figure 4. Completely consistent with the CDAN’s structure, it contains the three components necessary to accomplish unsupervised CADA: the feature generator (extractor) F is served by a convolutional neural network (CNN); behind F is connected the fully connected layer (FC or Linear) acting as the classifier C, and the domain discriminator D is the simplest multilayer perceptron (MLP).
Overall, the optimization computation process is the same as CDAN, with D being used to encourage F to extract domain-invariant features that can be transferred between the two domains. However, improvements are planned to use a new L C = L F o c a l instead of the universal Equation (1), and after exploration, it is determined that the performance of D is enhanced by applying the Tanh activation function. Next, some effort is devoted to elaborating the details of this. Now, the optimization of the overall objective is
L I C D A N - F = L C λ C D A N L D

2.4.1. Focal Loss

Both class imbalance and sample feature emphasis are known to negatively affect the convergence of the network and the final FD performance [24,25]. In one-stage detectors, a similar situation occurs when the potentially more important foreground portion of the detected image is interfered with by a large amount of background, and the candidate proposal contains too many useless and easily classified background samples [26]; this leads to a class sample imbalance that is detrimental to training. Surprisingly, this phenomenon is optimized by Focal Loss [27], where in a bid to guide the training of network model for a detection task, samples are defined as negative and positive due to large or small data, respectively, and try to reduce the proportion of easy example loss, making the model pay more attention to the learning of hard ones [28]. Following the original derivation, the BCE loss function is expanded as in Equation (11):
L BCE = ( y log ( y ^ ) + ( 1 y ) log ( 1 y ^ ) )
where y and y ^ are genuine label values and predicted values, respectively. For a better understanding, the BCE loss will be recast as follows in Equations (12)–(14):
C E ( y ^ , y ) = log ( y ^ ) , y = 1 log ( 1 y ^ ) , o t h e r w i s e
Define a new variable p t :
p t = y ^ , y = 1 1 y ^ , o t h e r w i s e
Now, BCE loss is rewritten to be more concise and clearer:
L B C E = C E ( p t ) = log ( p t )
It is easy to promote multi-classification; the CE loss function expansion for multi-classification is derived as shown in Equation (15):
L C C E = 1 N i = 1 N c = 1 C 1 y i = c log ( p i , c )
where p i , c is the probability matrix that the i -th sample is predicted to be in class c , C is the number of classes, and N is the number of samples.
The CE loss does not distinguish between the samples in terms of difficulty or focus on the presence of imbalance; therefore, focal loss is then tailored to design two parameters, γ and α , to control the impact to be faced:
L Focal = α · ( 1 p t ) γ · L BCE
Similarly, when defining a new variable, p c , Equation (18) is obtained for multi-classification,; the difference is that α is now a vector instead of a number. As previously described, the focal loss will be applied to our method, i.e., L C = L F o c a l .
p c = y ^ 1 , y = 1 y ^ n c 1 , y = n c 1 1 ( y ^ 1 + y ^ 2 + + y ^ n c 1 ) , y = n c
L F o c a l = α 1 p c γ L C C E
where γ is the focal parameter that narrows the weights of easily classified samples, and α is the weight parameter that mitigates the imbalance problem. The setting suggested by the designer is γ = 2 , and α is set freely at a ratio of 3 to 1 for positive and negative samples.
For inaccurately classified samples, the loss is unchanged, and for accurately classified samples, the loss becomes smaller. The network model will focus more on how to classify the samples that harm the network performance better rather than just how to classify by using the information provided by the majority of the samples [29]. Doing so overcomes the bad effects of class imbalance on model training while also learning hard-to-classify samples during training, ultimately boosting the classification of the model.

2.4.2. Feature Extractor

In the proposed method, two CNNs with shared parameters are deemed to constitute the feature extractor as a whole. The popularity of CNNs is largely attributed to their hierarchical feature extraction ability [30], and the core convolutional kernel operation is computed as in Equation (19):
Z k = W k x + b k
where Z k is the k-th nonactivated feature map, W k is the k-th convolution kernel, x is the input feature map of a certain convolution kernel, and b k is the bias.
The details of the CNN paradigm have not been uniformly specified in most studies, and here, we first referred to an excellent comparative survey [31] to gather insights, and then, based on the findings from that study, we conducted a design of experiments to determine the structure and parameters of our feature extractor, F. This ensures that our design aligns with validated research results and exhibits a high level of reliability and utility. As a result, our feature extractor, F, incorporates the optimal structure and parameters derived from the study and our tuning tests. As part of our classification pipeline, we employed the fully connected layer (FC) and Softmax activation function as the classifier, C, to predict the final classification results.
Using larger convolutional kernels as shown in Table 1 (e.g., 15 kernel size) in the first layer helps the network to globally perceive larger local features. Complex and abstract features can be extracted gradually by stacking meticulous convolutional layers (e.g., 3 kernel size). Batch normalization helps to speed up training and stabilize the model, while max-pooling reduces dimensionality and improves translation invariance. A culling layer mitigates overfitting, and a fully connected layer maps features to specific classes using Softmax activation for multi-class classification. These design choices improve performance and generalization.

2.4.3. Domain Discriminator

Domain discriminators D are generally designed to be very simple, which is the consensus feedback from most of the relevant research. A strong discriminator will stop updating the gradient too early, its loss converging quickly to zero; thus, no reliable path for gradient updates to the generator to guide feature generation or feature extraction [32], so the adversarial process will move in a bad direction. Therefore, following the design of some articles [17,19,31,33], a rudimentary MLP is identified initially as the D, and Table 2 has all the details of it but does not use the ReLU activation function as in their design.
Meanwhile, in terms of efficiently updating the parameters to guide the F to extract domain-invariant features, the use of a gradient reversal layer (GRL) is mandatory [23], the principle of which is shown in Equations (21) and (22):
R λ ( x ) = x
d R λ d x = λ I
λ = 2 1 + e ( 10 p ) 1
where I is the matrix to be inverted, and λ is the previously occurring parameter for adjusting weights. The inversion proceeds dynamically with the ratio p of the current iteration to the total iterations.

2.5. Activation Functions

Activation functions (AF) are so essential in neural networks that they allow them to be utilized in more nonlinear problems [34]. Here, we present the computational principles of five AF used in this research.
ReLU [35] is fast and efficient to compute and is now the preferred choice for activating networks. It will directly ignore and assign zero values to negative values, thus helping to alleviate the problem of gradients that tend to vanish, which is one of the reasons why it is so fast [36].
ReLU ( x ) = max { 0 , x }
However, negative values are sometimes meaningful, so there are other AF that refine the negative semi-axis expression of ReLU, such as LeakyReLU [37] and PReLU [38].
L e a k y R e L U ( x ) = α x x < 0 x x 0
where α is the slope parameter, typically taken to be 0.01, which allows for a slight leakage of information from the negative axis rather than zeroing out.
P R e L U ( x ) = α i x i x i < 0 x i x i 0 Δ a i : = μ Δ a i + ϵ E a i
where i is the present channel and α i is an adaptive slope parameter that can receive the learning rate ϵ and momentum μ during training, and this information will determine an adaptive update of task function ε to make the activation more suitable for the nonlinear problem at hand.
Tanh [39] has been widely used in neural networks before the advent of ReLU, and due to its ability to provide enough information upon activation, its suitability for some specific tasks is outstanding even now [40].
T a n h ( x ) = e x e x e x + e x
Mish [41] can be viewed as an extension of Tanh, although the former is more sensitive to information that is around the zero point.
Mish ( x ) = x · Tanh ( ln ( 1 + e x ) )
By looking at the details in Figure 5, ReLU appears as a slanted line passing through the origin, growing linearly when the input is greater than zero, and truncating to zero in the negative region. LeakyReLU introduces a small value of negative slope in the negative region, which makes the curve have a certain output in the negative region. PReLU adapts to adjust the slope in the negative region by learning the parameters, which makes the curve more flexible in the negative region [42]. Its slope in the negative region is greater than LeakyReLU, and this green line will oscillate like a pointer in the third quadrant until it stops learning.
Tanh’s curve shows that it can map values between −1 and 1. It has a higher slope in the region where the input is close to zero, which is good for distinguishing small feature differences, but it will saturate in the region close to the boundary. Mish also has a smooth nonlinearity, with a central localization similar to Tanh’s curve, and performs well in the region close to zero, but Mish becomes smoother in the tails on the negative semi-axis and does not saturate on the positive semi-axis.

2.6. Experimental Data

Two bearing fault case datasets will be used for FD experiments. Data are normalized by μ σ after being divided as samples, and no data enhancement or transformed image operations are applied. The single sample data point length is 1 × 1024. The details of these two datasets are illustrated below.

2.6.1. Case 1

The CWRU dataset [43,44] is widely used to validate FD methods for bearings, and the equipment used to acquire the bearing’s vibration signals is shown in Figure 6. In this case dataset, the faults are artificially synthesized into the bearings employing the EDM technique.
Using 12 kHz drive-end bearing data, the SKF 6205 bearings had nine different single fault types. Each of the three critical components (inner ring, rolling balls, and outer ring) had three fault degrees (0.007, 0.014, and 0.021 inches) in that order. There are also normal bearing data with more adequate signal lengths, so 10 fault types in total. Another key piece of information is that the bearings for each of the 10 fault types were run separately and collected from 4 working conditions, as seen in Table 3.
Table 4 shows the divided Case 1 data samples, which were not overlapped or rotated, and each sample 1 × 1024 long already contains about 2.5 turns of work data. For anyone working condition, there are many more samples of normal types than of a certain fault type, while there even is a slight decrease for some types. These phenomena are consistent with realistic imbalanced data that we are concerned with in our study.
An image of the samples with different fault labels over time is shown in Figure 7, utilizing the Case 1 dataset run by A working condition. It enables further observation of the degrees of similarity or difference between samples.

2.6.2. Case 2

The JNU dataset [45,46], which comes from Jiangnan University, is another experimental case. The sensor PCB MA352A60 with a 50 kHz sampling frequency collected vibration signals from N205 and NU205 bearings during work. Its bearings faults were simulated inner ring breakage (IB), a certain rolling-body breakage (RB), and outer ring breakage (OB); this breakage is the same and slight, caused by man-made wire-cutting. Table 5 shows the key information for this case, with NB meaning a normal bearing that had no damages.
Table 6 shows the data sample division. In this bearing case, the data in the normal class also far exceed the data in any one fault class and are close to the sum of all fault classes data. Figure 8 presents different data samples from the G operating condition run in Case 2.

3. Experiments and Results

In this section, the experiments require some computer hardware with deep learning tools to aid in its achievement. This necessary information is shown in Table 7.
With existing hardware, the right choice of initial learning rate, total iterations, batch size, and optimizer is crucial for optimizing model training convergence speed. After parameter debugging, the initial learning rate is set to 0.001, striking a balance between stability and speed. Generally, 300 iterations are sufficient to reduce overfitting risk and shorten convergence time. A smaller batch size provides more stochastic training and frequent gradient updates, while a larger batch size is limited by hardware memory and slows down convergence. We chose a batch size of 64, considering hardware limitations. The Adam optimizer, combining momentum and adaptive learning rate, is commonly used to achieve faster convergence during training.
The experimental flows of ICDAN-F to accomplish FD are shown in Figure 9.
  • Step 1: Only the samples divided from the source domain data are input into F by batch, and the classified results are predicted by C. L C = L F o c a l is computed to guide F training.
  • Step 2: No samples are input from the target domain until 50 iterations of Step 1. The reason for this is to obtain a pre-trained model that has fully learned the features of source domain samples.
  • Step 3: At the 51st iteration start DA, target domain data during domain adversarial are also fed as samples to the F, which shared parameters.
  • Step 4: Features output by F will be sent to D, identifying whether they belong to the source or target domain and computing L D to feedback GRL. At this point, L C and L D jointly guide the training of domain adversarial, and the continuous updates favor F in extracting domain-invariant and transferable features and D in discriminating domains more robustly.
  • Step 5: After the 150th and 250th iterations, the learning rate is adjusted to 10% and 1% of the initial value, respectively, in an attempt to seek more stable parameter updates.
  • Step 6: Stop parameter updating after the iteration number is 300 and load the never-used target domain samples for testing FD results.
  • Step 7: Output the FD accuracy results for this experiment.

3.1. Experimental Verification for Handling Class Imbalance

Before conducting DA, it is necessary to verify the performance of the proposed ICDAN-F method in handling class imbalance-bearing data. Specifically, the target domain in this section represents the same working conditions as the source domain and is affected by class imbalance. The data are divided according to Table 4, only using samples from working condition C of Case 1. Overall, 70% of the samples are allocated for training the model, while the remaining part is reserved for testing the method’s performance.
After 100 iterations, the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score metrics allow for a detailed analysis of the performance of ICDAN-F in different fault types.
Accuracy = T P + T N T P + F N + T N + F P
precision = T P T P + F P
recall = T P T P + F N
F 1 _ s c o r e = 2 × precision × recall precision + recall
where TP represents the count of true positive predictions, and FN represents the count of False Negative predictions.
As observed in the detailed Table 8 of one specific experiment, ICDAN-F demonstrates favorable performance in handling class imbalance fault data within the same domain. However, it incorrectly diagnoses faults 4 and 9 while accurately identifying other fault types.
Figure 10 clearly reveals the abundance of normal samples. Corresponding to the previous table, one actual fault 9 sample is erroneously diagnosed as fault 4. This observation indicates that while Focal Loss helps alleviate the impact of class imbalance, it is not flawless in its performance in this experiment.
Furthermore, the diagnostic results of ICDAN-F are being analyzed in comparison with existing state-of-the-art methods, with a particular emphasis on mitigating the impact of class imbalance. They utilize the same number of samples and iterations, and the diagnostic results of the methods are shown in Table 9.
The baseline CNN parameters are consistent with Table 1, and there is still room to improve its FD performance in the presence of class imbalance. In contrast to CNN and ICDAN-F, WGANML [48] and MFGAN [49] focus on mitigating the effects of class imbalance via generative training, balancing the number of fault samples before proceeding to FD. The average accuracy results suggest that using a generative approach to the class imbalance problem may lead to more promising results. However, this approach is computationally, time, and resource-intensive. Most importantly, ICDAN-F improves upon the baseline by showing some degree of class imbalance mitigation and only mildly lags behind the top-performing methods. It can be concluded that ICDAN-F is feasible in dealing with class imbalance in FD.

3.2. Experimental Comparison Methods for Domain Adaptation

A brief description of the comparison method we set up to validate the sophistication of our proposed ICDAN-F. Here, it focuses on the process of DA methods, so the parameters previously formulated will not be changed. For all samples, 80% is used for training, and the rest can only be used for testing.
  • Method without DA (NoDA, baseline): Turn off D of DANN, input only N s to train F and C, and load N t tests directly to complete the fault diagnosis on N t data.
  • AdaBN [10]: Similar to NoDA but will use N t to fine-tune the statistics within the batch normalized (BN) layer of the current network according to Equation (32). The fine-tuning is updated as often as every three training iterations.
    d = μ μ j μ j μ j + d k n j σ j 2 σ j 2 n j n j + k + σ 2 k n j + k + d 2 n j k n j + k 2 n j n j + k
    where j is the serial number of the neuron inside BN, n is the total number of samples counted by that neuron, and k, μ, and σ2 are the sample quantity, mean, and variance of this one batch, respectively. μ j and σ j 2 used for the first update will be hypothesized to standard Gaussian distributions. The schematic is shown in Figure 11.
  • CORAL [12]: one of the outstanding metrics used for DA, it specifically turns off the D of CDAN and computes the CORAL loss using y ^ s and y ^ t according to Equations (33)–(35) in an attempt to align the second-order statistics of the distributions C p and C q .
    L C O R A L x s , x t = 1 4 d C s C t F 2
    C s = 1 N s 1 [ x s T x s 1 N s ( 1 T x s ) T ( 1 T x s ) ]
    C t = 1 N t 1 [ x t T x t 1 N t ( 1 T x t ) T ( 1 T x t ) ]
    where | | · | | F are the F-paradigms, N s is the sample amount in this domain, T is the transposition computation, x is the samples in this domain, and d is the absolute value of the output size of C. C s and C t are the covariance matrices of the D s and D t . Expect both L c and L C O R A L to be optimized to be as small as possible. The schematic is shown in Figure 12.
  • DANN [17]: following the previous Section 2.2, a domain adversarial neural network is constructed, where the structure and parameters of both F and D are consistent with the settings within the corresponding tables, but it should be noted that the commonly used ReLU is applied in D instead of Tanh.
  • CDAN [19]: The conditional domain adversarial network constructed here follows the previous Section 2.3. It has the same structure and parameter settings for F and D compared to our proposed ICDAN-F. However, the optimization constraint of CDAN is the cross-entropy loss instead of focal loss, and D internally uses the commonly used ReLU instead of Tanh.

3.3. Experimental Transfer Tasks

All samples divided according to Table 4 and Table 6 will be used for the experiments. By displacing all the working conditions of a certain dataset, 18 transfer tasks are constructed, as shown in Table 10, which are designed to accomplish cross-domain fault diagnosis with fault data plagued by class imbalance.
The first column is the marker for the transfer task, the 1st marker through the 12th marker are associated with the Case 1 dataset, and the rest are for the Case 2 dataset. The second column is the working condition of the source domain data, the third column is the working condition of the target domain data, and the fourth column is the dataset that will be used for this task. Their designations are regular; for example, T1AB is the first task where the source and target data are collected under working condition A (0 HP, 1797 r/min) and working condition B (1 HP, 1772 r/min), respectively.

3.4. Experimental Results

The full results recorded are presented in Table 11 and Table 12. The necessary disclaimer is that to minimize uncertainty to obtain robust results, the final diagnostic accuracies of five identical experiments are averaged and considered to be the experimental result for a task.
For Case 1’s 12 tasks, observation of the results reveals that NoDA shows an average result of 93.18 as the baseline. This indicates that FD across different working conditions faces difficulties when DA is not employed and there is still room for improvement. Overall, the results achieved in the experiment by the five different DA methods used are acceptable as they do improve the domain displacement problem faced, yielding a higher overall average accuracy than the baseline. We included two statistical metric-based DAs, AdaBN and CORAL, but they only bring a slight improvement; they achieved 93.41 and 95.14 average results, respectively. The adversarial-based DA are stunning, with 99.64 and 99.19 average results for the DANN and CDAN methods, respectively, and our ICDAN-F method takes it a step further to achieve the highest of 99.76. ICDAN-F completes FD within Case 1’s eight tasks with perfect performance, which is not possible with other comparison methods. It validates that our improved method is both correct and effective.
For Case 2’s six tasks, all DA methods performed less well than that of Case 1. This is because the differences in working conditions between RPMs are more significant in Case 2 than in Case 1, which makes the effect of statistical metric-based DA unacceptable. The average result of CORAL is 58.37, which is more than 40 less than that of NoDA, and it can be said that CORAL is difficult to metricize and completely fails to meet the DA goal in Case 2. The other four comparison methods worked in general, and similar to Case 1, this time, the adversarial-based DA is also much better. Our method also gives the highest result, 96.76, which is 0.83 and 1.58 higher than DANN and CADN, respectively. It shows that when dealing with FD with large differences in working conditions, ICDAN-F, as an improvement in CDAN, can accomplish FD better and surpass DANN.
The case average results of the two cases after employing different comparison methods for them are shown in Figure 13; there is a significant difference in the accuracy of the case average results between the two cases, which may be due to the different characteristics and task complexity of the two datasets. On the Case 1 dataset, the case results of almost all methods show a high accuracy of more than 90%, but on the Case 2 dataset, the case results of the various methods vary more. This confirms that adversarial-based domain adaptation may be more stable and adaptive.
Figure 14a shows the results for the full range of experimental tasks within Case1. Specifically for some interesting tasks, such as T3AD and T10DA, large differences in working conditions (0 HP, 1797 r/min and 3 HP, 1730 r/min) caused the DA process to be carried out under hard-to-statistical metrics, and AdaBN with CORAL obtained much worse results than DANN and CDAN. However, the latter was formed by our introduction of Focal Loss and improvement in D (discriminator) to create the proposed ICDAN-F. It achieves a performance boost of 2.54 over CDAN in T11DB and a similar improvement of 0.79 over DANN. Furthermore, ICDAN-F demonstrates its advanced nature via consistent enhancements in every task of Case 1. Notably, it achieves the only fully correct FD result in T6BD, T8CB, and T12DC, further highlighting its superiority. Perhaps the performance of the adversarial-based DA methods is closer in the FD of Case 2, but in the three difficult tasks, T14EG, T15FE, and T17GE, the results obtained with ICDAN-F are greatly improved, which can attest to our advantage.
For the T17GE task, as shown in Figure 15, T-SNE reduces the dimension of the output feature vector to achieve visual results [50]. It is used to demonstrate competitive methods and the sparsity of the final diagnostic features in experiments [51].
Correspondingly, a red point in the figures represents features extracted for one sample with fault type NB and fault label 10, while similar corresponds to IB and 11 in green, RB and 12 in blue, and OB and 13 in purple. We use red circles to mark noteworthy places within the figure where, without using any DA method, as shown in Figure 15a, the three features belonging to NB10, IB11, and RB12, after inputting the network, overlap heavily and are indistinguishable. It implies that the FD of these three types of samples is very terrible.
After employing a more advanced adversarial-based DA method, DANN succeeds in keeping NB10 clustered and away from IB11 and RB12, and there is only a small amount of overlap in the visualization features of IB11 and RB12. CDAN behaves similarly to DANN, but it brings the intra-class features closer together, which is why the clustering centers of IB11 or RB12 in Figure 15c are farther apart than in Figure 15b.
The proposed ICDAN-F drives the different intra-class features all closer together, and by looking at Figure 10d can see that NB10 appears closer together compared to the previous two figures. In addition, IB11 and RB12 begin to appear perfectly separated rather than partially overlapping connections, thanks to our addition of Focal Loss, which can focus on class imbalance and emphasize the effects of the different sample features.

4. Discussion

As previously described, a proper improvement in the domain discriminator (D) may have a positive impact on the DA process, which in turn enhances the FD results. Here, we keep the structural parameters and make improvements to D using some different activation functions (AF). However, the AF of its output layer is not changed, and it will always be sigmoid since the output of D is formulated between 0 and 1. We quantitatively experimented with the five specific tasks of interest in the previous subsection for ICDAN-F. The discussion here reviews some of the exploratory processes that were carried out before determining the final ICDAN-F, and Table 13 shows the results of the FD experiments it yielded after improving D using different AF.
A more visual line graphical approach is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the improvement in D by using Tanh instead of ReLU, see Figure 16. Nowadays, in prevalent neural networks in which ReLU will be used as the default AF, it is necessary to consider ReLU as a baseline for the discussion. Remarkably, in these five specific tasks, CDAN obtained an AVG result of 93.92 (see Table 11 and Table 12), and after comparing it with the baseline, we can tell that Focal Loss has single-handedly improved the FD performance to 95.34.
When ReLU was used as the AF for D, good results were presented for these five specific tasks, with an AVG result of 95.34. When LeakyReLU was used for improvement, the AVG result was 94.41, at which point we conjectured that perhaps D should not activate weak negative-axial information in FD tasks involving domain adversarial DA, which would make the FD result worse. Further, another AF that can activate negative semi-axial information by learning gradient orientation was used in D, that is, PReLU, and a result of 94.05 was obtained after the experiment. It seems that our conjecture was correct: the FD result was again weakly decreased after using the more expressive PReLU.
However, the turning point was when we employed Mish as the AF for improved D and obtained an experimental result of 94.67 that was superior to LeakyReLU and PReLU. At this point, we turned to the idea that activated negative-axis information does not inevitably harm the FD results, e.g., Mish still activated the negative-axis information, and it obtained better results than the last two AFs. It is well known that Mish’s activation expression on the negative axis is smoother rather than linear, and perhaps this is its advantage.
Inspired by this, we then additionally chose Tanh to improve D, which is another smooth AF. We obtained a result of 96.54, which is an improvement of 1.20 compared to ReLU. We established that improving D by using Tanh is an approach that can outperform the baseline results, and it is certainly not the only way to improve D. But the experiments we have discussed verify that some of the negative information that flows into D is useful, and the use of a similar smoother AF may be able to improve the performance of D, which in turn leads to more satisfying FD results.

5. Conclusions

This article presents the ICDAN-F as a novel improvement to the conditional domain adversarial network for effective fault diagnosis in the presence of class imbalances and variations in working conditions. The proposed ICDAN-F incorporates Focal Loss as one of the guiding optimization constraints and leverages the Tanh activation function to improve the domain discriminator. In addressing the class imbalance, ICDAN-F exhibits a slightly inferior performance compared to two other exceptional generative solutions for fault diagnosis. Experimental results on two bearing fault datasets demonstrate the superiority of ICDAN-F over five other widely adopted domain adaptation methods, achieving fault diagnosis accuracies of 99.76 and 96.76 in Case 1 and Case 2, respectively. Furthermore, experiments verify that employing smoother activation functions, such as Tanh, enhances the discriminator’s efficacy in achieving favorable fault diagnosis outcomes. A comparison between the pre-improvement (CDAN) and post-improvement (ICDAN-F) shows a substantial enhancement in fault diagnosis performance; the latter is able to address both challenges of class imbalance and working condition variation. However, it should be noted that the assessment of ICDAN-F is conducted under the assumption of label-consistent scenarios, where the source and target domains possess the same fault types. Further investigations are required to explore label-inconsistent fault diagnosis methods that can accommodate scenarios where the target domain exhibits different fault types compared to the source domain.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.Q. and J.P.; methodology, H.Q.; software and formal analysis, H.Q. and J.L.; resources, J.P. and F.H.; writing—original draft preparation, H.Q.; writing—review and editing, J.P. and F.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The sources of the data used in this article are publicly available and linked in References.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
FDFault diagnosis
DLDeep learning
TLTransfer learning
CNNConvolutional neural network
DADomain adaptation
GANGenerative adversarial network
ADAAdversarial domain adaptation
DANNDomain adversarial neural network
CADAConditional adversarial domain adaptation
CDANConditional domain adversarial network
FFeature extractor in neural network
CClassifier in neural network
DDomain discriminator in neural network
FCFully connected layer
MLPMultilayer perceptron
ReLU Rectified linear unit
LeakyReLULeaky rectified linear unit
PReLUParametric rectified linear unit
TanhHyperbolic tangent function
MishA self-regularized non-monotonic neural activation function called Mish
SKFSvenska Kullager-Fabriken
EDMElectrical discharge machining
AVGThe average
T-SNET-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
The list of symbols to be emphasized in this manuscript:
D s Data from the source domain D t Data from the target domain
x i s The i-th sample in the D s x j t The j-th sample in the D t
y i s The label of the i-th sample x i s N t The total number of samples from the D t
N s The total number of samples from the D s Q ( x j t ) The probability distribution followed by the target domain
P ( x i s ) The probability distribution followed by the source domain L C The classifier loss according to cross-entropy loss
L D The domain discriminator loss according to binary cross-entropy loss in DANN L D The domain discriminator loss in CDAN
L C The classifier loss according to focal loss


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Figure 1. Adverse effect of domain shift.
Figure 1. Adverse effect of domain shift.
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Figure 2. Decision squeeze from class imbalance.
Figure 2. Decision squeeze from class imbalance.
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Figure 3. Structure of the DANN.
Figure 3. Structure of the DANN.
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Figure 4. Structure of the CDAN or the ICDAN-F.
Figure 4. Structure of the CDAN or the ICDAN-F.
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Figure 5. Image of the activation functions.
Figure 5. Image of the activation functions.
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Figure 6. The CWRU equipment for collecting faults data.
Figure 6. The CWRU equipment for collecting faults data.
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Figure 7. Changes in samples with different fault labels over time (Case 1 A).
Figure 7. Changes in samples with different fault labels over time (Case 1 A).
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Figure 8. Changes in samples with different fault labels over time (Case 2 G).
Figure 8. Changes in samples with different fault labels over time (Case 2 G).
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Figure 9. The experimental flows.
Figure 9. The experimental flows.
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Figure 10. The confusion matrix of ICDAN-F.
Figure 10. The confusion matrix of ICDAN-F.
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Figure 11. Schematic of the AdaBN.
Figure 11. Schematic of the AdaBN.
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Figure 12. Schematic of the CORAL.
Figure 12. Schematic of the CORAL.
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Figure 13. Case average results.
Figure 13. Case average results.
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Figure 14. FD results on all tasks: (a) tasks attributed to Case 1; (b) tasks attributed to Case 2.
Figure 14. FD results on all tasks: (a) tasks attributed to Case 1; (b) tasks attributed to Case 2.
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Figure 15. T-SNE visualized the separation of diagnostic features of different methods: (a) NoDA (baseline); (b) DANN; (c) CDAN; (d) ICDAN-F.
Figure 15. T-SNE visualized the separation of diagnostic features of different methods: (a) NoDA (baseline); (b) DANN; (c) CDAN; (d) ICDAN-F.
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Figure 16. Results of different AFs on five specific tasks.
Figure 16. Results of different AFs on five specific tasks.
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Table 1. Parameters of the feature extractor and the classifier.
Table 1. Parameters of the feature extractor and the classifier.
LayerParameter Setting 1Output SizeActivation Function
Conv_1_F k = 15, s = 1, p = 0 16 × 1010-
BatchNormal_1_F-16 × 1010ReLU
Conv_2_F k = 3, s = 1, p = 032 × 1008-
BatchNormal_2_F-32 × 1008ReLU
MaxPooling_1_F k = s = 232 × 504-
Conv_3_F k = 3, s = 1, p = 064 × 502-
BatchNormal_3_F-64 × 502ReLU
Conv_4_Fk = 3, s = 1, p = 0128 × 500-
BatchNormal_4_F-128 × 500ReLU
AdaptiveMaxPooling_1_Fout = 4128 × 4-
Linear Layer_1_Fin = 512, out = 256256ReLU
Dropout_1_Fo = 0.5256-
Linear Layer_2_Fin = 256, out = 256256ReLU
Dropout_2_Fo = 0.5256-
Linear Layer_2_Cin = 256, out = 1010Softmax
1 In Parameter Setting, “k” is kernel size, “s” is stride, “p” is padding, “in/out” is in/out features size, and “o” is odds of being dropped. In addition, the output size of C depends on the number of fault types being diagnosed.
Table 2. Parameters of the domain discriminator.
Table 2. Parameters of the domain discriminator.
LayerParameter Setting 1Output SizeActivation Function
Linear Layer_1_Din = 256, out = 10241024Tanh
Dropout_1_Do = 0.51024-
Linear Layer_2_Din = 1024, out = 10241024Tanh
Dropout_2_Do = 0.51024-
Linear Layer_2_Din = 1024, out = 11Sigmoid
1 In Parameter Setting, “in/out” is in/out feature size, and “o” is odds of being dropped.
Table 3. Case 1 differences in working conditions.
Table 3. Case 1 differences in working conditions.
Working Condition MarkerABCD
Motor Load and Approx. Speed 10 HP, 1797 r/min1 HP, 1772 r/min2 HP, 1750 r/min3 HP, 1730 r/min
1 Load zone centered at 6:00.
Table 4. Case 1 experimental data.
Table 4. Case 1 experimental data.
Fault TypeFault Degree (Inches)Fault LabelWorking Condition
Normal/0235 1470475475
ORF 20.0073120120115120
1 The value here indicates that the number of normal-type samples labeled 0 in working condition A is 235. 2 The fault location of the ORF is very close to the load center.
Table 5. Case 2 key information.
Table 5. Case 2 key information.
Working Condition MarkerEFG
Approx. Speed600 r/min800 r/min1000 r/min
Bearing Type and FaultsN205: NB, OB, RB
NU205 1: IB
N205: NB, OB, RB
NU205: IB
N205: NB, OB, RB
NU205: IB
1 N or NU does not affect their identical properties, only the way the parts are separated.
Table 6. Case 2 experimental data.
Table 6. Case 2 experimental data.
Fault TypeFault Degree (mm)Fault LabelWorking Condition
NB/101465 114651465
IB0.3 × 0.2511485485485
RB0.5 × 0.1512490490490
OB0.3 × 0.2513490490490
1 The value here indicates that the number of NB data samples labeled 10 in working condition E is 1465.
Table 7. Necessary information for experiments.
Table 7. Necessary information for experiments.
Computer HardwareDeep Learning ToolsTraining Settings
CPU—Intel(R) Core(TM)
System—Windows 10Initial Learning Rate—0.001
Language—Python 3.8 Total Iterative Epochs—300
Framework—PyTorch [47] 2.0.1Batch Size—64
Table 8. Detailed analysis of the proposed ICDAN-F.
Table 8. Detailed analysis of the proposed ICDAN-F.
Fault Type LabelPrecision Recall F1_Score
Table 9. The diagnostic results of the SOTA methods under class imbalance.
Table 9. The diagnostic results of the SOTA methods under class imbalance.
ReferenceWhether to Generate Fault SamplesAverage Accuracies (%) 1
CNN (Baseline)No98.95
WGANML [48]Yes99.89
MFGAN [49]Yes100
ICDAN-F (Ours)No99.74
1 The accuracies of five replicate experiments are considered as one average accuracy.
Table 10. Experimental transfer tasks.
Table 10. Experimental transfer tasks.
Task MarkersSource DomainTarget DomainData
T1ABA (0HP, 1797 r/min)B (1HP, 1772 r/min)Case 1
T2ACAC (2HP, 1750 r/min)Case 1
T3ADAD (3HP, 1730 r/min)Case 1
T4BABACase 1
T5BCBCCase 1
T6BDBDCase 1
T7CACACase 1
T8CBCBCase 1
T9CDCDCase 1
T10DADACase 1
T11DBDBCase 1
T12DCDCCase 1
T13EFE (600 r/min)F (800 r/min)Case 2
T14EGEG (1000 r/min)Case 2
T15FEFECase 2
T16FGFGCase 2
T17GEGECase 2
T18GFGFCase 2
Table 11. Experimental results of Case 1.
Table 11. Experimental results of Case 1.
MethodNoDAAdaBN [10]CORAL [12]DANN [17]CDAN [19]ICDAN-F
T1AB98.85 199.7795.6599.91100.00100.00
Case 1 AVG93.1893.4195.1499.6499.1999.76
1 The value of 98.85 in the table represents the average accuracy result of five repetitions of the experiments is 98.85 percent.
Table 12. Experimental results of Case 2.
Table 12. Experimental results of Case 2.
MethodNoDAAdaBN [10]CORAL [12]DANN [17]CDAN [19]ICDAN-F
Case 2 AVG89.4391.0658.3795.9395.1896.76
Table 13. Experimental results by using different AF to improve D.
Table 13. Experimental results by using different AF to improve D.
Task T3ADCase 1T11DBCase 1T14EGCase 2T15FECase 2T17GECase 2AVG
Tanh (Ours)98.4599.9296.6695.4692.1896.54
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MDPI and ACS Style

Qin, H.; Pan, J.; Li, J.; Huang, F. Improved Conditional Domain Adversarial Networks for Intelligent Transfer Fault Diagnosis. Mathematics 2024, 12, 481.

AMA Style

Qin H, Pan J, Li J, Huang F. Improved Conditional Domain Adversarial Networks for Intelligent Transfer Fault Diagnosis. Mathematics. 2024; 12(3):481.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Qin, Haihua, Jiafang Pan, Jian Li, and Faguo Huang. 2024. "Improved Conditional Domain Adversarial Networks for Intelligent Transfer Fault Diagnosis" Mathematics 12, no. 3: 481.

APA Style

Qin, H., Pan, J., Li, J., & Huang, F. (2024). Improved Conditional Domain Adversarial Networks for Intelligent Transfer Fault Diagnosis. Mathematics, 12(3), 481.

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