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Occurrence and Morpho-Molecular Identification of Botryosphaeriales Species from Guizhou Province, China

Asha J. Dissanayake
Ya-Ya Chen
Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon
4 and
Jian-Kui Liu
School of Life Science and Technology, Center for Informational Biology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006, China
Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006, China
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Fungi 2021, 7(11), 893;
Submission received: 26 August 2021 / Revised: 11 October 2021 / Accepted: 18 October 2021 / Published: 22 October 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fungal Biodiversity and Ecology 2.0)


Botryosphaeriales is an important order of diverse fungal pathogens, saprobes, and endophytes distributed worldwide. Recent studies of Botryosphaeriales in China have discovered a broad range of species, some of which have not been formerly described. In this study, 60 saprobic isolates were obtained from decaying woody hosts in southwestern China. The isolates were compared with other species using morphological characteristics, and available DNA sequence data was used to infer phylogenetic analyses based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large subunit rRNA gene (LSU), and translation elongation factor 1-α (tef) loci. Three novel species were illustrated and described as Botryobambusa guizhouensis, Sardiniella elliptica, and Sphaeropsis guizhouensis, which belong to rarely identified genera within Botryosphaeriaceae. Botryobambusa guizhouensis is the second species identified from the respective monotypic genus. The previously known species were identified as Aplosporella hesperidica, Barriopsis tectonae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Diplodia mutila, Di. neojuniperi, Di. pseudoseriata, Di. sapinea, Di. seriata, Dothiorella sarmentorum, Do. yunnana, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, Neofusicoccum parvum, Sardiniella celtidis, Sa. guizhouensis, and Sphaeropsis citrigena. The results of this study indicate that numerous species of Botryosphaeriales are yet to be revealed in southwestern China.

1. Introduction

The Botryosphaeriales are among the most widespread, common, and important fungal pathogens of woody plants. Many are known to exist as endophytes in healthy plant tissues and also as saprobes in dead tree materials. This fungal order has gone through significant revisions, and several new families, genera, and species have been introduced or synonymized over the last decade, mainly on the basis of combined morphological and multiple gene sequence data [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Schoch et al. [10] introduced the order Botryosphaeriales to accommodate the single family Botryosphaeriaceae. In the “Outline of Ascomycetes” [7], nine families (Aplosporellaceae, Botryosphaeriaceae, Melanopsaceae, Phyllostictaceae, Planistromellaceae, Saccharataceae, Septorioideaceae, Endomelanconiopsidaceae, and Pseudofusicoccaceae) were recognized in Botryosphaeriales. Phillips et al. [3] revised the order and accepted Aplosporellaceae, Botryosphaeriaceae, Melanopsaceae, Phyllostictaceae, Planistromellaceae, and Saccharataceae, while Endomelanconiopsidaceae, Pseudofusicoccaceae, and Septorioideaceae were considered as synonyms of Botryosphaeriaceae, Phyllostictaceae, and Saccharataceae, respectively. We followed this last taxonomical revision in our study.
Presently, the order Botryosphaeriales comprises 33 genera [3,9]. Alanomyces and Aplosporella are the only two genera accepted within the family Aplosporellaceae. The family Botryosphaeriaceae currently comprises 22 genera: Alanphillipsia, Barriopsis, Botryobambusa, Botryosphaeria, Cophinforma, Diplodia, Dothiorella, Endomelanconiopsis, Eutiarosporella, Lasiodiplodia, Macrophomina, Marasasiomyces, Mucoharknessia, Neodeightonia, Neofusicoccum, Neoscytalidium, Oblongocollomyces, Phaeobotryon, Sakireeta, Sardiniella, Sphaeropsis, and Tiarosporella [3,9]. Melanopsaceae accommodates only one genus, Melanops, which was supported by several phylogenetic analyses [3,4,11], while Phyllostictaceae includes two genera, Phyllosticta and Pseudofusicoccum [3,4,11]. Planistromellaceae was revised to accommodate Kellermania and Umthunziomyces [3]. Saccharataceae comprises three genera, Pileospora, Saccharata, and Septorioides [3,4].
Botryosphaeriales species cause blight, canker, dieback, and fruit rots on a variety of woody perennials globally [5,12]. In China, infections related to Botryosphaeriales have been described on numerous hosts such as grapes [13,14,15], Caragana arborescens [16], Cercis chinensis [17], Eucalyptus [12], Chinese hackberry [18], blueberry [19,20], forest trees [21,22], and various other woody hosts. Hence, the aim of this study was to characterize the Botryosphaeriales taxa associated with woody hosts in southwestern China based on morphology, DNA sequence data, and phylogeny.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Collection of Specimens, Isolation, Morphology, and Culture Characteristics

From 2017 to 2019, specimens were collected in field investigations of numerous decomposing woody hosts in Fanjing mountain (Tongren District), Forest Park (Chishui District), Huaxi wetland park, Xiaochehe wetland park (Guiyang District), Maolan natural reserve (Libo District), Suiyang broad water nature reserve, and Xingyi Wanfenglin in the Karst region of Guizhou province (Table 1). Samples were placed into ziplock plastic bags, relevant data (location, date, etc.) were documented, and samples were taken into the laboratory.
Morphological observations of conidiomata or ascostromata were carried out using a Motic SMZ 168 series stereomicroscope and photographed using a Nikon E80i microscope-camera system. Tarosoft® Image Framework was used to measure morphological characters as in Liu et al. [23], and images included in figures were processed with Adobe Photoshop cs v. 5. To isolate single spores, the procedure according to Chomnunti et al. [24] was followed. Spores germinated on water agar (WA) for 12–24 h were examined and then transferred to potato dextrose agar (PDA) media (OXOID CM0139). Obtained pure cultures were incubated at 25 °C for two weeks, and colony characteristics and morphology of fungal structures were examined for a total of 60 isolates. According to Rayner [25], colony color was inspected after 5–10 days of progression on PDA at 25 °C. Approximately 20 ascomata/conidiomata, 25 asci, and 50 conidia/ascospores were measured to obtain the mean size/length. Shape, color, and presence or absence of the mucous sheath of conidia/ascospores were also documented.
Herbarium specimens were deposited at the HKAS (Herbarium of Cryptogams, Kunming Institute of Botany Academia Sinica Kunming, China) and GZAAS (Herbarium of Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China), while living cultures were deposited in the CGMCC (China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center in Beijing, China) and GZCC (Guizhou Culture Collection in Guiyang, China) (Table 1).

2.2. DNA Extraction and Molecular Based Amplification

About 10 mg of aerial mycelia were scraped from 5 day-old isolates grown on PDA medium at 25 °C for the extraction of total genomic DNA using an Extraction Kit of Biospin Fungus Genomic DNA (BioFlux®, Hangzhou, China) according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Hangzhou, China). For initial species confirmation, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was sequenced for all isolates. The BLAST tool (, accessed on 14 August 2020) was used to compare the resulting sequences with those in GenBank. After confirmation of Botryosphaeriales species, two additional gene regions coding for translation elongation factor 1-α (tef) and large subunit rRNA gene (LSU) were sequenced as in Dissanayake et al. [5]. The primer pairs and amplification conditions for each of the above-mentioned gene regions are provided in Table 2. A Bio-Rad C1000 thermal cycler was used to conduct the PCR reactions. The resulting PCR products were visualized on a 1% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide under UV light by a Gel DocTM XR Molecular Imager (Bio-Rad, USA). All positive amplicons were sequenced by Shanghai Sangon Biological Engineering Technology and Services Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China).

2.3. Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Analyses

Sequence quality was assured by inspecting the chromatograms using BioEdit v. 5 [29]. Sequences were obtained with both forward and reverse primers, and consensus sequences were obtained using DNAStar v. 5.1 (DNASTAR, Inc.). The sequence data generated in this study have been deposited in GenBank (Table 1).
Reference sequences of ITS, tef, and LSU were retrieved from NCBI GenBank, referring to recent publications [3,4,5,6,9] (Table 3) to conduct phylogenetic analyses. The reference sequences were aligned with the sequences obtained in this study (Table 1) using MAFFT (, accessed on 22 December 2020) [30], then manually adjusted, and phylogenetic relationships were inferred with maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) using procedures provided in detail by Dissanayake et al. [31]. An overview phylogenetic tree for the order Botryosphaeriales was constructed using ITS, LSU, and tef sequence data as some families in Botryosphaeriales (except Botryosphaeriaceae) comprise only ITS and LSU sequences. Separate phylogenetic trees of the diverse genera (Botryosphaeria, Diplodia, Dothiorella, Lasiodiplodia, and Neofusicoccum) were constructed by combining ITS and tef sequences.
Alignments generated in this study were submitted to TreeBASE (, accessed on 18 August 2021). The submission numbers and reviewer access URL for each alignment are provided in Table 4. Taxonomic novelties were submitted to the Faces of Fungi database [32] and Index fungorum (, accessed on 5 August 2021). New species were established based on the guidelines provided by Jeewon and Hyde [33].

3. Results

3.1. Phylogenetic Analyses

Sixty isolates obtained from various decaying woody hosts in various locations in Guizhou province were primarily recognized by colony characteristics, such as abundant greenish black aerial mycelia on PDA medium. The ITS gene region sequences compared with those in GenBank using the BLAST tool exhibited 95–99% similarity to known Botryosphaeriales species, and these closely related known species were included in the phylogenetic analysis. All details of the alignments (ITS, LSU, tef alignment of the overview phylogenetic tree for the order Botryosphaeriales and ITS and tef alignments for the genera Botryosphaeria, Diplodia, Dothiorella, Lasiodiplodia, and Neofusicoccum) are provided in Table 4. The best-scoring RAxML tree (Figure 1) is presented as the MP and BI methods produced trees with topologies similar to those of ML.
Six different phylogenetic trees were constructed for the 60 isolates obtained in this study. Twelve isolates (20% of total isolates) were treated together in an overview phylogenetic tree and seven of them did not cluster with any known Botryosphaeriales species, thus, three novel species were identified based on the morphological and phylogenetic evidence (Figure 1). In this phylogeny, the isolates obtained in the study were clustered with Aplosporella hesperidica (Figure 2), Barriopsis tectonae (Figure 3), Botryobambusa guizhouensis sp. nov. (Figure 4), Sardiniella celtidis (Figure 5), Sardiniella elliptica sp. nov. (Figure 6 and Figure 7), Sardiniella guizhouensis (Figure 8), Sphaeropsis citrigena, and Sphaeropsis guizhouensis sp. nov (Figure 9).
Twenty-three isolates (38.3% of total isolates) belong to the genus Botryosphaeria, and all of them clustered with B. dothidea (Figure 10). Six isolates (10% of total isolates) belong to the genus Diplodia and were identified as Di. mutila, Di. neojuniperi, Di. pseudoseriata, Di. sapinea, and Di. seriata (Figure 11). Two isolates (3.3% of total isolates) were identified as species of Dothiorella (Do. sarmentorum and Do. yunnana, Figure 12), while five isolates (8.3% of total isolates) belong to the genus Lasiodiplodia (L. pseudotheobromae, Figure 13). All twelve isolates (20% of total isolates) of the genus Neofusicoccum were identified as N. parvum (Figure 14).

3.2. Taxonomy

Aplosporella hesperidica Speg., Anal. Soc. cient. argent. 13: 18 (1882) (Figure 2).
Index Fungorum number: IF218239; Facesoffungi number: FoF07830.
Saprobic on decaying wood. Sexual morph: Not observed. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 220–360 × 420–610 µm ( x ¯ = 320 × 550 µm, n = 20), solitary, dark brown, immersed to semi-immersed, erumpent, multiloculate, locules separated by pale brown textura prismatica. Ostiole 60–80 µm diam., central. Peridium 75–150 µm (6–10 cell-layers), outer layers composed of dark brown textura angularis, becoming hyaline towards the inner region. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 6–11 × 2.5–3 µm ( x ¯ = 8 × 2.5 µm, n = 20), holoblastic, hyaline, cylindrical to doliiform, smooth-walled, proliferating percurrently with 1–3 annellations near the apex. Paraphyses 35–95 × 4–8 µm ( x ¯ = 60 × 5 µm, n = 20), wide at the base, 1–3 µm wide in the upper part, hyaline, smooth-walled, septate, branched below. Conidia 17–25 × 10–18 µm ( x ¯ = 20 × 12 µm, n = 50), aseptate, initially hyaline, smooth-walled, broadly ellipsoidal to subcylindrical, with rounded ends, becoming dark brown (black in mass), prominently verruculose before discharge from pycnidia.
Culture characteristics: Conidia germinate on WA within 12 h at room temperature. Colonies on PDA after five days at 25 °C become olivaceous to grey-olivaceous in the center, olivaceous-buff to greenish-olivaceous towards the margin. Aerial mycelium appressed, floccose, white to smoke grey. Colonies flat with undulate edge, 38 mm diameter after two days, reaching the edge of the Petri dish within 10 days.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Tongren District, Fanjing mountain, on decaying woody host, July 2018, Y. Y. Chen, GZAAS 19-1814, living culture GZCC 19-0095.
Notes: Our sample morphologically lines up with the description of Aplosporella hesperidica provided by Spegazzini [34] as it has erumpent, black conidiomata and brown, smooth-walled, oblong conidia with overlapping spore dimensions of 22–25 × 9–11 µm. It is identical to A. hesperidica based on morphology and phylogeny (Figure 1). This is the first time A. hesperidica has been reported in China.
Figure 2. Aplosporella hesperidica (GZAAS 19-1814). (ac) Conidiomata on host surface. (d,e) Vertical hand sections of multiloculate conidiomata. (f,g) Developing conidia attached to conidiogenous cells. (h) Hyaline immature conidium. (ik) Mature brown conidia. (l,m) Five-day-old culture on PDA (OXOID CM0139) from above and below. Scale bars: (d,e) = 100 μm, (fk) = 10 μm.
Figure 2. Aplosporella hesperidica (GZAAS 19-1814). (ac) Conidiomata on host surface. (d,e) Vertical hand sections of multiloculate conidiomata. (f,g) Developing conidia attached to conidiogenous cells. (h) Hyaline immature conidium. (ik) Mature brown conidia. (l,m) Five-day-old culture on PDA (OXOID CM0139) from above and below. Scale bars: (d,e) = 100 μm, (fk) = 10 μm.
Jof 07 00893 g002
Barriopsis tectonae Doilom, L.A. Shuttlew., and K.D. Hyde, Phytotaxa 176: 84 (2014) (Figure 3).
Index Fungorum number: IF808202; Facesoffungi number: FoF09644.
Saprobic on decaying wood. Sexual morph: Ascostromata 286–420 × 258–349 μm ( x ¯ = 350 × 318 µm, n = 20), black, immersed, aggregated or clustered, scattered, multi-loculate, composed of one or up to three globose ascomata in each ascostroma, erumpent through the bark at maturity, discoid to pulvinate or hemispherical, discrete or wide-spreading. Peridium composed of several layers of dark brown-walled cells of textura angularis. Pseudoparaphyses 2.5–3.5 μm wide, hyphae-like, septate, embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Asci 107–154 × 34–41 ( x ¯ = 129 × 36 µm, n = 25), eight-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate to sub-clavate, broad, with a short pedicel and apically rounded with an ocular chamber. Ascospores 31–34 ×14–15 µm ( x ¯ = 32 × 15 µm, n = 50), biseriate, brown to dark brown, aseptate, ellipsoid-oval, inequilateral, slightly curved, widest in the median, ends rounded, light brown in the center, smooth or verrucose, without a gelatinous sheath. Asexual morph: Not observed.
Culture characteristics: Ascospores germinate on WA within 18 h. Colonies growing on PDA reach 2 cm diameter after five days at 25 °C. Effuse, velvety with entire to slightly undulate edge. Blackish green to black.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Libo District, Maolan natural reserve, on decaying woody host, July 2017, Y. Y. Chen, GZAAS 19-1985, living culture GZCC 19-0266.
Notes: In the phylogenetic analysis, an isolate obtained in this study (GZCC 19-0266) was grouped with the ex-type isolate of Barriopsis tectonae (Figure 1) with absolute bootstrap support (ML/MP/BI = 100/100/1.0). This isolate is morphologically similar to Ba. tectonae as of the report by Doilom et al. [35] with erumpent, black ascostromata and overlapping biseriate, brown, aseptate, ellipsoid, thick-walled conidia with overlapping spore dimensions of 29–33 × 13–15 μm ( x ¯ = 30 × 14 μm, n = 30). It is identical to Ba. tectonae based on morphology and phylogeny (Figure 1). We therefore identify our isolate as Ba. tectonae based on phylogenetic analyses, and the isolate is introduced here as a new locality record from Guizhou province, China. This is the first time Ba. tectonae has been reported in China.
Figure 3. Barriopsis tectonae (GZAAS 19-1985). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on wood. (c) Horizontal section of the ascomata. (d,e) Vertical section of ascomata. (f) Peridium. (g,h) Immature asci. (i) Immature and mature asci. (j) Mature asci. (k) Pseudoparaphyses. (lp). Brown ascospores. Scale bars: (d) = 50 μm, (e) = 100 μm, (f) = 50 μm, (gj) = 20 μm, (kp) = 10 μm.
Figure 3. Barriopsis tectonae (GZAAS 19-1985). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on wood. (c) Horizontal section of the ascomata. (d,e) Vertical section of ascomata. (f) Peridium. (g,h) Immature asci. (i) Immature and mature asci. (j) Mature asci. (k) Pseudoparaphyses. (lp). Brown ascospores. Scale bars: (d) = 50 μm, (e) = 100 μm, (f) = 50 μm, (gj) = 20 μm, (kp) = 10 μm.
Jof 07 00893 g003
Botryobambusa guizhouensis Y.Y. Chen, A. J. Dissanayake, and Jian K. Liu., sp. nov (Figure 4).
Index Fungorum number: IF558473; Facesoffungi number: FoF09645.
Etymology: Name refers to the location where the fungus was collected, Guizhou, China.
Holotype: HKAS 112600.
Saprobic on a decaying bamboo. Sexual morph: Ascostromata 218–340 × 210–420 μm ( x ¯ = 275 × 345 μm, n = 20), black, immersed or erumpent, gregarious, uniloculate, locules globose to subglobose, coriaceous. Peridium 36–60 μm, comprises several layers of cells textura angularis, broader at the base, outer layers dark to dark brown and thick-walled, inner layers hyaline and thin-walled. Asci 78–115 × 12–16 μm ( x ¯ = 94.5 × 14.5 μm, n = 25), eight-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate to cylindro-clavate, usually wider at the apex, pedicellate, apically rounded with well-developed ocular chamber. Ascospores 13–22 × 8–11 μm ( x ¯ = 17.5 × 9 μm, n = 50), uniseriate at the base or irregularly biseriate, hyaline, aseptate, ellipsoidal to obovoid, thick-walled, surrounded by distinctive structured mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Not observed.
Culture characteristics: Ascospores germinate on WA within 24 h. Colonies growing on PDA reach a 5 cm diameter after five days at 25 °C. Fast growing; white in the first few days, become grey to green-black after one week. Reverse grey to black, flattened, fairly dense, surface smooth with crenate edge.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Chishui District, Forest Park, on decaying bamboo, July 2019, Y. Y. Chen, 171, (HKAS 112600, holotype); ex-type living culture CGMCC 3.20348; ibid., (GZAAS 20-0718, paratype), living culture GZCC 19-0734.
Notes:Botryobambusa guizhouensis formed a distinct clade with absolute support (ML/MP/BI = 100/100/1.0) and differed from its closely related species Bo. fusicoccum in the concatenated alignment by 7/680 bp in ITS, 4/803 bp in LSU, and 5/479 bp in tef. Morphologically, Bo. guizhouensis differs from Bo. fusicoccum in having longer asci (94.5 × 14.5 μm vs. 60 × 15.5 μm) and larger ascospores (17.5 × 9 μm vs. 11.5 × 6 μm).
Figure 4. Botryobambusa guizhouensis (HKAS 112600, holotype). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on bamboo. (c) Vertical section of ascomata. (d,e) Immature asci. (f,g) Immature and mature asci. (hj) Hyaline, aseptate ascospores enclosed with mucilaginous sheath. Scale bars: (c) = 50 μm, (dg) = 100 μm, (h,i) = 20 μm, (j) = 10 μm.
Figure 4. Botryobambusa guizhouensis (HKAS 112600, holotype). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on bamboo. (c) Vertical section of ascomata. (d,e) Immature asci. (f,g) Immature and mature asci. (hj) Hyaline, aseptate ascospores enclosed with mucilaginous sheath. Scale bars: (c) = 50 μm, (dg) = 100 μm, (h,i) = 20 μm, (j) = 10 μm.
Jof 07 00893 g004
Sardiniella celtidis Dissan., Camporesi and K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers 87: 12 (2017) (Figure 5).
Index Fungorum number: IF552896; Facesoffungi number: FoF02732.
Saprobic on a decaying host. Sexual morph: Ascostromata 210–300 × 275–340 μm ( x ¯ = 270 × 310 μm, n = 20), dark brown to black, globose, immersed in the substrate, partially erumpent at maturity, ostiolate. Ostiole circular, central. Peridium 48–72 μm thick, composed of dark brown thick-walled cells of textura angularis, becoming thin-walled and hyaline towards the inner region. Pseudoparaphyses 3–5 μm wide, thin-walled, hyaline. Asci 62–90 × 26–34 μm ( x ¯ = 78 × 30 μm, n = 20), four- to eight-spored, bitunicate, cylindric-clavate, endotunica thick-walled, with a well-developed ocular chamber. Ascospores 19–27 × 15–18 μm ( x ¯ = 23 × 16 μm, n = 50), 1-septate, irregularly biseriate, dark brown, oblong to ovate, widest in center, straight, moderately thick-walled, surface smooth. Asexual morph: Not observed.
Culture characters: Ascospores germinate on WA within 24 h. Colonies on PDA reach a 2 cm diameter after five days at 25 °C. Mycelium velvety and moderately fluffy with an irregular margin, surface initially white and later turning dark olivaceous from the middle of the colony and dark grey in reverse.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Guiyang city, Xingyi Wanfenglin, on decaying woody host, June 2019, Y.Y. Chen, GZAAS 19-1967, living culture GZCC 19-0248.
Notes: Our sample is phylogenetically identical to Sardiniella celtidis (Figure 1). Only the asexual morph of Sa. celtidis was provided when Hyde et al. [36] introduced this species. Here, we provide the sexual morph of Sa. celtidis.
Figure 5. Sardiniella celtidis (GZAAS 19-1967). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on decaying wood. (c) Peridium. (d,e) Vertical section of ascomata. (f) Immature ascus. (g,h) Mature asci. (i) Pseudoparaphyses. (jl) Brown, one-septate ascospores. (m,n) Five-day-old culture on PDA (OXOID CM0139) from above and below. Scale bars: (ce) = 100 μm, (fl) = 20 μm.
Figure 5. Sardiniella celtidis (GZAAS 19-1967). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on decaying wood. (c) Peridium. (d,e) Vertical section of ascomata. (f) Immature ascus. (g,h) Mature asci. (i) Pseudoparaphyses. (jl) Brown, one-septate ascospores. (m,n) Five-day-old culture on PDA (OXOID CM0139) from above and below. Scale bars: (ce) = 100 μm, (fl) = 20 μm.
Jof 07 00893 g005
Sardiniella elliptica Y.Y. Chen, A. J. Dissanayake, and Jian K. Liu., sp. nov (Figure 6 and Figure 7).
Index Fungorum number: IF558474; Facesoffungi number: FoF09646.
Etymology: Named referring to the shape of the conidiospores.
Holotype: HKAS 112594.
Saprobic on decaying host. Sexual morph: Ascostromata 280–390 × 295–340 μm ( x ¯ = 340 × 310 μm, n = 20), dark brown to black, globose, submerged in the substrate, partially erumpent at maturity, ostiolate. Ostiole circular, central. Peridium 30–48 μm thick, composed of dark brown thick-walled cells of textura angularis, becoming thin-walled and hyaline towards the inner region. Pseudoparaphyses 2–3 μm wide, thin-walled, hyaline. Asci 71–93 × 19–24 μm, ( x ¯ = 86 × 22 μm, n = 25), 4(–8)-spored, bitunicate, cylindric-clavate, endotunica thick-walled, with a well-developed ocular chamber. Ascospores 26–33 × 9–12 μm ( x ¯ = 29 × 11 μm, n = 50), irregularly biseriate, initially hyaline and becoming dark brown, oblong to ovate, widest in center, straight, moderately thick-walled, surface smooth. Asexual morph: Appearing as subepidermal black spots on the substrate with black margins, with circular sunken perforation through the bark. Conidiomata 190–240 × 274–310 µm ( x ¯ = 220 × 290 µm, n = 20), pycnidial, immersed, arranged singly or in small groups within the bark, globose to subglobose, dark brown to black, solitary or gregarious. Ostiole central. Peridium 27–35 µm thick, comprising dark brown to hyaline, multi-layered (3–5 layered), thick-walled cells of textura angularis. Conidiogenous cells lining the inner surface of the conidioma, hyaline, short obpyriform to subcylindrical. Conidia 25–32 × 10–13 µm ( x ¯ = 28 × 12 µm, n = 50), ellipsoid to obovoid, immature conidia hyaline, mature conidia becoming medium to dark brown.
Culture characters: Colonies on PDA reaching a 70 mm diameter after five days at 25 °C. Mycelium velvety and moderately fluffy with an irregular margin. Surface initially white and later turning dark olivaceous from the middle of the colony and dark grey in reverse.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Guiyang District, Huaxi wetland park, on decaying woody host, April 2017, Y.Y. Chen, 18-76 (HKAS 112594, holotype); ex-type living culture CGMCC 3.20349; ibid., Libo District, Maolan natural reserve, July 2017, 19-120 (GZAAS 19-1855, paratype), living culture GZCC 19-0262; ibid., Xingyi Wanfenglin, June 2019, 19-96 (GZAAS 19-1838, paratype), living culture GZCC 19-0245.
Notes: Three isolates of Sardiniella elliptica clustered together with Sa. celtidis, Sa. guizhouensis, and Sa. urbana and formed a well-supported clade representing the genus Sardiniella; thus, it can be recognized as a distinct lineage within Sardiniella. Sardiniella elliptica can be distinguished from the above closely related species based on ITS and tef loci for Sa. celtidis (5/680 bp in ITS, 21/479 bp in tef) and Sa. urbana (5/680 bp in ITS, 8/803 bp in LSU, 27/479 bp in tef). In addition, Sa. elliptica can be morphologically distinguished from other known Sardiniella species based on its aseptate mature ascospores.
Figure 6. Sardiniella elliptica (HKAS 112594, holotype, sexual morph). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on decaying wood. (c) Vertical section of ascomata. (d) Peridium. (e) Pseudoparaphyses. (f) Immature and mature asci. (g) Immature ascus. (h,i) Mature asci. (jl) Immature hyaline ascospores. (mo) Mature, brown, aseptate ascospores. Scale bars: (c) = 100μm, (d) = 50 μm, (eo) = 10 μm.
Figure 6. Sardiniella elliptica (HKAS 112594, holotype, sexual morph). (a,b) Appearance of ascomata on decaying wood. (c) Vertical section of ascomata. (d) Peridium. (e) Pseudoparaphyses. (f) Immature and mature asci. (g) Immature ascus. (h,i) Mature asci. (jl) Immature hyaline ascospores. (mo) Mature, brown, aseptate ascospores. Scale bars: (c) = 100μm, (d) = 50 μm, (eo) = 10 μm.
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Figure 7. Sardiniella elliptica (GZAAS 19-1838, asexual morph). (ac) Conidiomata on host surface. (d) Vertical section of conidiomata. (e) Peridium. (fh) Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. (il) Immature, hyaline conidia. (m) Mature, brown conidia. Scale bars: (d) = 100 μm, (e) = 20 μm, (fm) = 10 μm.
Figure 7. Sardiniella elliptica (GZAAS 19-1838, asexual morph). (ac) Conidiomata on host surface. (d) Vertical section of conidiomata. (e) Peridium. (fh) Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. (il) Immature, hyaline conidia. (m) Mature, brown conidia. Scale bars: (d) = 100 μm, (e) = 20 μm, (fm) = 10 μm.
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Sardiniella guizhouensis Y.Y. Chen, and Jian K. Liu, Phytotaxa 508: 190 (2021) (Figure 8).
Index Fungorum number: IF558352; Facesoffungi number: FoF09647.
Saprobic on decaying wood. Sexual morph: Not observed. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 180–245 × 275–395 µm ( x ¯ = 229 × 330 µm, n = 20), immersed, arranged singly or in small groups within the bark, globose to subglobose, dark brown to black, solitary or gregarious. Ostiole central. Peridium 22–34 µm thick, outer layer composed of pigmented thick-walled cells of textura angularis, inner layer composed of hyaline thin-walled cells of textura angularis (three- to five-layered). Conidiogenous cells 6–11 × 6–7 µm ( x ¯ = 8.5 × 6.5 μm, n = 25), lining the inner surface of the conidioma, hyaline, short obpyriform to subcylindrical. Conidia 21–28 × 10–14 µm ( x ¯ = 24.5 × 12.5 μm, n = 50), ellipsoid to obovoid, immature conidia hyaline, mature conidia becoming medium to dark brown.
Culture characteristics: Conidia germinating on WA within 18 h and producing germ tubes from each septum. Colonies growing on PDA, reaching a diameter of 4 cm after five days at 25 °C, effuse, velvety, with entire to slightly undulate edge. The early stage of the white, later green.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Libo District, Maolan natural reserve, July 2017, GZAAS 19-1948, living culture GZCC 19-0229.
Notes:Sardiniellaguizhouensis was introduced by Chen et al. [37] with both sexual and asexual morphs. One isolate obtained in this study clustered with the ex-type of Sa. guizhouensis (CGMCC 3.19222) in the phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU, and tef sequence data (Figure 1). We identified our collection as Sa. guizhouensis based on morphology and phylogeny.
Figure 8. Sardiniella guizhouensis (GZAAS 19-1809, asexual morph). (a,b) Conidiomata on host surface. (c) Horizontal section of conidiomata. (d) Vertical section of conidiomata. (ei) Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. (jn) Hyaline conidia. Scale bars: (d) = 100 μm, (en) = 10 μm.
Figure 8. Sardiniella guizhouensis (GZAAS 19-1809, asexual morph). (a,b) Conidiomata on host surface. (c) Horizontal section of conidiomata. (d) Vertical section of conidiomata. (ei) Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia. (jn) Hyaline conidia. Scale bars: (d) = 100 μm, (en) = 10 μm.
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Sphaeropsis guizhouensis Y.Y. Chen, A. J. Dissanayake, and Jian K. Liu., sp. nov (Figure 9).
Index Fungorum number: IF558475; Facesoffungi number: FoF09648.
Etymology: Name refers to the location where the fungus was collected, Guizhou, China.
Holotype: HKAS 112084.
Saprobic on decaying wood. Sexual morph: Ascostromata 132–185 × 122–165 µm ( x ¯ = 152 × 145 µm, n = 20), initially immersed under host epidermis, becoming semi-immersed to erumpent, breaking through cracks in bark, gregarious and fused, uniloculate, globose to subglobose, membraneous, ostiolate. Ostiole 43–52 μm high, 30–42 μm wide, central, papillate, pale brown, relatively broad, periphysate. Peridium 28–44 μm wide, broader at the base, comprising several layers of relatively thick-walled, dark brown to black-walled cells arranged in a textura angularis. Pseudoparaphyses hyphae-like, numerous, embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Asci 67–101 × 19–23 µm ( x ¯ = 89 × 20 μm, n = 25), eight-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate to cylindro-clavate, sometimes short pedicellate, mostly long pedicellate, apex rounded with an ocular chamber. Ascospores 20–23 × 7.8–8.3 µm ( x ¯ = 22 × 8 μm, n = 50), overlapping uniseriate to biseriate, hyaline, aseptate, ellipsoidal to obovoid, slightly wide above the center, minutely guttulate, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Not observed.
Culture characteristics: Ascospores germinating on PDA within 18 h. Germ tubes produced from both ends of the ascospores. Fast growing; fimbriate, flat or effuse, dense, convex with papillate surface, reaching the edge of the Petri dish after seven days.
Material examined: China, Guizhou province, Libo District, Maolan natural reserve, on decaying woody host, July 2017, Y.Y. Chen, GZAAS4 (HKAS 112084, holotype); ex-type living culture CGMCC 3.20352; ibid., Xingyi Wanfenglin, on decaying woody host, June 2019, Y.Y. Chen, (GZAAS 19-2892, paratype), living culture GZCC 19-0273.
Notes:Sphaeropsis guizhouensis formed a distinct clade (Figure 1) and is phylogenetically distinct from Sp. eucalypticola (MFLUCC 11-0579) in a clade with absolute support (ML/MP/BI = 100/100/1.0). Sphaeropsis guizhouensis can be distinguished from Sp. eucalypticola based on ITS (3/680 bp), LSU (1/803 bp), and tef (25/479 bp). Sphaeropsis guizhouensis differs from Sp. eucalypticola in having smaller asci (89 × 20 μm vs. 106 × 29 μm) and ascospores (22 × 8 μm vs. 30 × 12 μm).
Figure 9. Sphaeropsis guizhouensis (HKAS 112084, holotype). (ac) Appearance of ascomata on wood. (d,e) Vertical section of ascomata. (f) Peridium. (gj) Immature and mature asci. (k) Pseudoparaphyses. (lp) Hyaline mature ascospores. Scale bars: (d,e) = 50 μm, (f) = 20 μm, (gp) = 10 μm.
Figure 9. Sphaeropsis guizhouensis (HKAS 112084, holotype). (ac) Appearance of ascomata on wood. (d,e) Vertical section of ascomata. (f) Peridium. (gj) Immature and mature asci. (k) Pseudoparaphyses. (lp) Hyaline mature ascospores. Scale bars: (d,e) = 50 μm, (f) = 20 μm, (gp) = 10 μm.
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Figure 10. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Botryosphaeria. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Macrophomina phaseolina (CBS 227.33).
Figure 10. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Botryosphaeria. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Macrophomina phaseolina (CBS 227.33).
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Figure 11. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Diplodia. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Lasiodiplodia theobromae (CBS 164.96).
Figure 11. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Diplodia. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Lasiodiplodia theobromae (CBS 164.96).
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Figure 12. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Dothiorella. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Neofusicoccum parvum (CMW9081).
Figure 12. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Dothiorella. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Neofusicoccum parvum (CMW9081).
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Figure 13. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Lasiodiplodia. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Diplodia mutila (CBS 112553).
Figure 13. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Lasiodiplodia. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Diplodia mutila (CBS 112553).
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Figure 14. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Neofusicoccum. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Dothiorella viticola (CBS 117009).
Figure 14. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS and tef sequences of Neofusicoccum. Bootstrap support values of ML, MP > 75% are shown near the nodes, and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Dothiorella viticola (CBS 117009).
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4. Discussion

This study reports the largest collection of Botryosphaeriales isolates from Guizhou province, China, and is the first attempt to characterize Botryosphaeriales species from various nature reserves in the province. Three new species were described in three rarely observed genera: Botryobambusa (Bo. guizhouensis), Sardiniella (Sa. elliptica), and Sphaeropsis (Sp. guizhouensis). These three genera have few species and have been sporadically isolated worldwide. Apart from these novel species, 15 known species—Aplosporella hesperidica, Barriopsis tectonae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Diplodia mutila, Di. neojuniperi, Di. pseudoseriata, Di. sapinea, Di. seriata, Dothiorella sarmentorum, Do. yunnana, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, Neofusicoccum parvum, Sardiniella celtidis, Sa. guizhouensis, and Sphaeropsis citrigena—were isolated and included in their respective phylogenies.
The genus Aplosporella consists of plant pathogens, saprobes, and endophytes. Though 300 epithets of Aplosporella are registered in Index Fungorum (, accessed in 23 August 2021), only 12 species are accepted within this genus ( Aplosporella hesperidica has been reported in several Asian countries [17,22,38,39,40,41,42], but this is the first time it has been identified in China.
Five species are accepted in the genus Barriopsis [35,43,44,45]. Barriopsis tectonae was introduced by Doilom et al. [35] from a dead Tectona grandis branch collected in Thailand. So far, this species has been reported only from Thailand (, accessed on 25 September 2021), and here we provide a new country report of Ba. tectonae (Figure 3) based on sexual morphological characteristics and molecular evidence.
Botryobambusa is a monotypic genus ( Liu et al. [1] introduced and compared Botryobambusa with other existing genera in Botryosphaeriales. It is thus far only identified from bamboo in Thailand. In this study, two isolates obtained from decaying bamboo in Forest Park, Chishui District in Guizhou province were identified as a novel species (Bo. guizhouensis). The sexual morph of Bo. guizhouensis was distinguished from Bo. fusicoccum by its larger asci and ascospores as well as by molecular phylogeny. Our study shows that the genus can be clearly discriminated from the morphologically similar genus Botryosphaeria by its velvety, hyaline, and sheathed ascospores. Phylogenetically, these two genera are clearly distinct lineages.
Linaldeddu et al. [46] introduced the genus Sardiniella by denoting Sa. urbana as the type species. Hyde et al. [36] introduced the second species in the genus, Sa. celtidis, while Chen et al. [37] introduced the third species, Sa. guizhouensis, reporting a sexual morph of the genus for the first time. In this study, another new species (Sa. elliptica) is described and assigned to the genus with details provided for a previously known species (Sa. celtidis). With morphological and molecular support, here we present the sexual morph report for Sa. elliptica; a newly introduced species in this study (Figure 6 and Figure 7). So far, Sardiniella species are known only from Italy and China (, accessed on 25 September 2021).
Though more than 630 names exist in Sphaeropsis (Index Fungorum, August 2021), only five species are currently accepted [2,3]. In this study, two isolates obtained from decaying woody hosts in Guizhou province were identified as a novel species, Sp. guizhouensis. The sexual morph of Sp. guizhouensis (Figure 9) is distinguished from the other species in this genus by ascospore dimensions. Another previously known species Sp. citrigena was also isolated and included in the phylogenetic analysis.
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Figure 10) and Neofusicoccum parvum (Figure 14) were the most isolated species in this study, consistent with some prior studies [47,48,49,50,51], which indicates the ability of species in these genera to inhabit a variety of plant species and geographic areas globally. Certain Diplodia species occupy extensive host ranges, such as Di. seriata which has been documented on more than 250 hosts [3,5]. In this study, we isolated five Diplodia species (Figure 11): Di. mutila, Di. neojuniperi, Di. pseudoseriata, Di. sapinea, and Di. seriata. Our study revealed two previously known Dothiorella species (Figure 12), Do. sarmentorum and Do. yunnana, for the first time from Guizhou province. Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae is a common and cosmopolitan species on diverse host plants and has been reported from various localities globally. This study revealed five saprobic L. pseudotheobromae isolates (Figure 13) in Guizhou province.
Members of Botryosphaeriales signify a rising risk to agricultural crops and urban and natural forest ecosystems in China. Collecting and identifying Botryosphaeriales isolates from various hosts and locations is required to describe and understand these species. The occurrence and significance of Botryosphaeriales species in various nature reserves has not been investigated at a larger scale so far in Guizhou province. Hence, in this study, we provided a larger collection of Botryosphaeriales isolates and identify them to species level by both morphology and phylogeny. Further studies are needed to explore and gather data on their occurrence, as precise data of the causal agents is essential.

5. Conclusions

We carried out fungal diversity investigations at a large scale in southwestern China and here we provided a report of Botryosphaeriales species isolated from various woody hosts in Guizhou province, China. The identification of 18 Botryosphaeriales species (15 known species and three new species) associated with saprobic woody hosts was revealed.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.-K.L. and Y.-Y.C.; methodology, Y.-Y.C. and A.J.D.; formal analysis, Y.-Y.C. and A.J.D.; resources, Y.-Y.C. and J.-K.L.; data curation, A.J.D., R.C., and J.-K.L.; writing—original draft preparation, A.J.D.; writing—review and editing, A.J.D. and J.-K.L.; supervision, J.-K.L.; project administration, J.-K.L.; funding acquisition, J.-K.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study is supported by the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Karst Science Research Center of Guizhou province (Grant No. U1812401).


We would like to thank Shaun Pennycook (Landcare Research-Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand) for advising on the new fungal names. A.J.D. acknowledges the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China for financial support.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS, LSU, and tef sequences of selected Botryosphaeriales taxa. Bootstrap values of ML, MP >75% are shown near nodes and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species, and novel taxa are in red. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Lecanosticta acicola (LNPV252). The scale bar represents the expected number of nucleotide substitutions per site.
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood tree based on analysis of combined ITS, LSU, and tef sequences of selected Botryosphaeriales taxa. Bootstrap values of ML, MP >75% are shown near nodes and branches in bold indicate BI probabilities >0.95. Isolates obtained in this study are in blue for known species, and novel taxa are in red. Ex-type strains are in bold. The tree is rooted to Lecanosticta acicola (LNPV252). The scale bar represents the expected number of nucleotide substitutions per site.
Jof 07 00893 g001aJof 07 00893 g001b
Table 1. Botryosphaeriales species isolated and characterized in this study. The details of the type species of novel taxa are given in bold. N/A: No sequence available.
Table 1. Botryosphaeriales species isolated and characterized in this study. The details of the type species of novel taxa are given in bold. N/A: No sequence available.
Species NameIsolate NumberLocationDateITSLSUtef
Aplosporella hesperidicaGZCC 19-0095Fanjing mountain, Tongren DistrictJuly 2018MZ781423MZ781490MZ852496
Barriopsis tectonaeGZCC 19-0266Maolan natural reserve, Libo DistrictJuly 2017MZ781424MZ781491MZ852497
Botryobambusa guizhouensisCGMCC 3. 20348Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781425MZ781492MZ852498
GZCC 19-0734Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781426MZ781493MZ852499
Botryosphaeria dothideaGZCC 20-0524Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781435N/AMZ852508
GZCC 20-0525Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781436N/AMZ852509
GZCC 20-0526Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781437N/AMZ852510
GZCC 20-0527Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781438N/AMZ852511
GZCC 20-0528Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781439N/AMZ852512
GZCC 20-0529Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781440N/AMZ852513
GZCC 20-0530Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781441N/AMZ852514
GZCC 20-0531Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781442N/AMZ852515
GZCC 20-0532Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781443N/AMZ852516
GZCC 20-0533Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781444N/AMZ852517
GZCC 20-0534Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781445N/AMZ852518
GZCC 20-0535Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781446N/AMZ852519
GZCC 20-0536Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781447N/AMZ852520
GZCC 20-0537Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781448N/AMZ852521
GZCC 20-0538Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781449N/AMZ852522
GZCC 20-0539Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781450N/AMZ852523
GZCC 20-0540Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781451N/AMZ852524
GZCC 20-0541Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781452N/AMZ852525
GZCC 20-0542Forest Park, Chishui DistrictJuly 2019MZ781453N/AMZ852526
GZCC 20-0543Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781454N/AMZ852527
GZCC 20-0544Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781455N/AMZ852528
GZCC 20-0545Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781456N/AMZ852529
GZCC 20-0546Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781457N/AMZ852530
Diplodia mutilaGZCC 20-0547Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781459N/AMZ852531
GZCC 20-0548Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781460N/AMZ852532
Di. neojuniperiGZCC 19-0191Maolan natural reserve, Libo DistrictJuly 2017MZ781463N/AMZ852533
Di. pseudoseriataGZCC 19-0072Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781461N/AMZ852534
Di. sapineaGZCC 19-0075Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781462N/AMZ852535
Di. seriataGZCC 19-0548Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781458N/AMZ852536
Dothiorella sarmentorumGZCC 19-0092Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781464N/AMZ852537
Do. yunnanaGZCC 19-0175Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781465N/AMZ852538
Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromaeGZCC 19-0162Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781466N/AMZ852539
GZCC 19-0184Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781467N/AMZ852540
GZCC 19-0227Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781468N/AMZ852541
GZCC 20-1575Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781469N/AMZ852542
GZCC 19-0063Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781470N/AMZ852543
Neofusicoccum parvumGZCC 19-0123Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781471N/AMZ852544
GZCC 19-0198Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781472N/AMZ852545
GZCC 19-0218Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781473N/AMZ852546
GZCC 19-2013Maolan natural reserve, Libo DistrictJuly 2017MZ781474N/AMZ852547
GZCC 20-0549Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781475N/AMZ852548
GZCC 20-0550Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781476N/AMZ852549
GZCC 20-0551Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781477N/AMZ852550
GZCC 20-0552Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781478N/AMZ852551
GZCC 20-0553Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781479N/AMZ852552
GZCC 20-0554Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781480N/AMZ852553
GZCC 20-0555Suiyang broad water nature reserveApril 2018MZ781481N/AMZ852554
GZCC 20-0556Xiaochehe wetland park, Guiyang DistrictMay 2017MZ781482N/AMZ852555
Sardiniella celtidisGZCC 19-0248Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781427MZ781494MZ852500
Sa. ellipticaCGMCC 3.20349Huaxi wetland park, Guiyang DistrictApril 2017MZ781429MZ781496MZ852502
GZCC 19-0245Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781431MZ781498MZ852504
GZCC 19-0262Maolan natural reserve, Libo DistrictJuly 2017MZ781430MZ781497MZ852503
Sa. guizhouensisGZCC 19-0229Maolan natural reserve, Libo DistrictJuly 2017MZ781428MZ781495MZ852501
Sphaeropsis citrigenaGZCC 20-0557Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781432MZ781499MZ852505
Sp. guizhouensisCGMCC 3.20352Maolan natural reserve, Libo DistrictJuly 2017MZ781433MZ781500MZ852506
GZCC 19-0273Xingyi WanfenglinJune 2019MZ781434MZ781501MZ852507
Table 2. Details of gene regions, respective primer pairs, primer sequences, and PCR conditions used in the study.
Table 2. Details of gene regions, respective primer pairs, primer sequences, and PCR conditions used in the study.
Gene RegionPrimersSequence 5′-3′Optimized PCR ProtocolsReferences
ITSITS1TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG94 °C: 5 min, (94 °C: 30 s, 55 °C: 50 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 34 cycles 72 °C: 10 minWhite et al. [26]
LSULR0RACCCGCTGAACTTAAGC94 °C: 5 min, (94 °C: 30 s, 54 °C: 50 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 34 cycles 72 °C: 10 minVilgalys and Hester [27]
tefEF1-728FCATCGAGAAGTTCGAGAAGG95 °C: 5 min, (95 °C: 30 s, 58 °C: 30 s, 72 °C: 1 min) × 34 cycles 72 °C: 10 minCarbone and Kohn [28]
Table 3. Botryosphaeriales taxa used in the phylogenetic analysis. The culture collection accession number for the type strains are given in bold. N/A: No sequence available.
Table 3. Botryosphaeriales taxa used in the phylogenetic analysis. The culture collection accession number for the type strains are given in bold. N/A: No sequence available.
Species NameIsolate NumberITSLSUtef
Alanomyces indicaCBS 134264HF563622HF563623AB872219
Aplosporella africanaCBS 121777KF766196EU101380EU101360
A. africanaCBS 121778EU101316EU101381EU101361
A. artocarpiCPC 22791KM006450N/AKM006481
A. ginkgonisCFCC 52442MH133916MH133933MH133950
A. ginkgonisCFCC 89661KM030583KM030590KM030597
A. hesperidicaCBS 732.79KX464083KX464239N/A
A. hesperidicaCBS 208.37JX681069MH867398N/A
A. javeediiCFCC 50054KP208840KP208843KP208846
A. javeediiCFCC 50052KP208838KP208841KP208844
A. macropycnidiaCGMCC 3.17725KT343648N/AKX011176
A. macropycnidiaCGMCC 3.17726KT343649N/AKX011177
A. papillataCBS 121780EU101328EU101383EU101373
A. papillataCBS 121781EU101329EU101384EU101374
A. prunicolaCBS 121167KF766147KF766315N/A
A. prunicolaSTE-U 6326EF564375EF564377N/A
A. sophoraeCPC 29688KY173388KY173482N/A
A. thailandicaMFLU 16-0615KX423536N/AKX423537
A. yalgorensisMUCC511EF591926EF591943EF591977
A. yalgorensisMUCC512EF591927EF591944EF591978
Alanphillipsia aloeicolaCBS 138896KP004444KP004472N/A
A. euphorbiaeCPC 21628KF777140KF777196N/A
Barriopsis fuscaCBS 174.26EU673330DQ377857EU673296
Ba. iranianaIRAN1448CFJ919663KF766318FJ919652
Ba. iranianaIRAN1449CFJ919665N/AFJ919654
Ba. tectonaeMFLUCC 12-0381KJ556515N/AKJ556516
Botryobambusa fusicoccumMFLUCC 11-0143JX646792JX646809JX646857
Bo. fusicoccumMFLUCC 11-0657JX646793JX646810JX646858
Botryosphaeria agavesMFLUCC 11-0125JX646791JX646808JX646856
B. agavesMFLUCC 10-0051JX646790JX646807JX646855
B. corticisCBS 119047DQ299245EU673244EU017539
B. corticisATCC 22927DQ299247EU673245EU673291
B. dothideaCMW8000AY236949DQ377852AY236898
B. dothideaCBS 110302AY259092EU673243AY573218
B. dothideaCMW 25413KF766167KF766332EU101348
B. dothideaGZCC 16-0013KX447675N/AKX447678
B. dothideaGZCC 16-0014KX447676N/AKX447679
B. dothideaCGMCC 3.17722KT343254N/AKU221233
B. dothideaCGMCC 3.17724KT343256N/AKU221234
B. dothideaCGMCC 3.18744KX278002N/AKX278107
B. dothideaCGMCC 3.18745KX278003N/AKX278108
B. dothideaCGMCC3.20094MT327839N/AMT331606
B. dothideaGZCC 19-0186MT327832N/AMT331600
B. dothideaGZCC 19-0188MT327833N/AMT331601
B. fabicercianaCMW27094HQ332197N/AHQ332213
B. fabicercianaCMW27108HQ332200N/AHQ332216
B. fabicercianaMFLUCC 10-0098JX646789JX646806JX646854
B. fabicercianaMFLUCC 11-0507JX646788JX646805JX646853
B. kuwatsukaiCBS 135219KJ433388N/AKJ433410
B. kuwatsukaiLSP5KJ433395N/AKJ433417
B. kuwatsukaiCGMCC 3.18007KX197074N/AKX197094
B. kuwatsukaiCGMCC 3.18008KX197075N/AKX197095
B. qingyuanensisCGMCC 3.18742KX278000N/AKX278105
B. qingyuanensisCGMCC 3.18743KX278001N/AKX278106
B. ramosaCBS 122069EU144055N/AEU144070
B. ramosaCGMCC 3.18739KX277988N/AKX278093
B. ramosaCGMCC 3.18740KX277989N/AKX278094
B. scharifiiIRAN1529CJQ772020N/AJQ772057
B. scharifiiIRAN1543CJQ772019N/AJQ772056
Cophinforma eucalyptiMFLUCC 11-0655JX646801JX646818JX646866
C. mamaneCBS 117444KF531822DQ377855KF531801
Diplodia africanaCBS 120835EF445343N/AEF445382
Di. africanaCBS 121104EF445344N/AEF445383
Di. agrifoliaCBS 132777JN693507N/AJQ517317
Di. agrifoliaUCROK1429JQ411412N/AJQ512121
Di. allocellulaCBS 130408JQ239397JQ239410JQ239384
Di. allocellulaCBS 130410JQ239399JQ239412JQ239386
Di. arengaeMFLU 17-2769MG762771N/AMG762774
Di. bulgaricaCBS 124135GQ923853N/AGQ923821
Di. bulgaricaCBS 124254GQ923852N/AGQ923820
Di. corticolaCBS 112546AY259100AY928051AY573227
Di. corticolaCBS 112549AY259110EU673262DQ458872
Di. crataegicolaMFLU 15-1311KT290244N/AKT290248
Di. cupressiCBS 168.87DQ458893EU673263DQ458878
Di. cupressiCBS 261.85DQ458894EU673264DQ458879
Di. eriobotryicolaBN 21MT587342N/AMT592047
Di. estuarinaCMW41231KP860831N/AKP860676
Di. estuarinaCMW41230KP860830N/AKP860675
Di. fraxiniCBS 136010KF307700N/AKF318747
Di. galiicolaMFLU 15-1310KT290245N/AKT290249
Di. gallaeCBS 213.25KX464092N/AKX464566
Di. malorumCBS 124130GQ923865N/AGQ923833
Di. malorumCBS 112554AY259095N/ADQ458870
Di. mutilaCBS 112553AY259093AY928049AY573219
Di. mutilaCBS 230.30DQ458886AY928049DQ458869
Di. mutilaCBS 121862KX464093N/AKX464567
Di. neojuniperiCPC22753KM006431N/AKM006462
Di. olivarumCBS 121887EU392302N/AEU392279
Di. olivarumCBS 121886EU392297N/AEU392274
Di. pseudoseriataCBS 124906EU080927MH874931EU863181
Di. pseudoseriataCBS 124907EU080922N/AEU863179
Di. pseudoseriataCBS 124931FJ888460MH874935FJ888444
Di. pseudoseriataCBS 124933FJ888478N/AFJ888446
Di. pseudoseriataCBS 140350KX833072N/AKX833073
Di. quercivoraCBS 133852JX894205N/AJX894229
Di. rosulataCBS 116470EU430265DQ377896EU430267
Di. rosulataCBS 116472EU430266DQ377897EU430268
Di. sapineaCBS 393.84DQ458895DQ377893DQ458880
Di. sapineaCBS 109725DQ458896EU673270DQ458881
Di. sapineaCBS 124462GQ923858MH874896GQ923826
Di. sapineaCBS 124134HM036528N/AGQ923851
Di. sapineaCBS 141915KT956270N/AKU378605
Di. scrobiculataCBS 118110AY253292KF766326AY624253
Di. scrobiculataCBS 109944DQ458899EU673268DQ458884
Di. scrobiculataCBS 113423DQ458900EU673267DQ458885
Di. seriataCBS 112555AY259094AY928050AY573220
Di. seriataCBS 119049DQ458889EU673266DQ458874
Di. subglobosaCBS 124133GQ923856N/AGQ923824
Di. tsugaeCBS 418.64DQ458888DQ377867DQ458873
Dothiorella acacicolaCPC26349KX228269KX228320KX228376
Do. acericolaKUMCC 18-0137KY385661N/AKY393212
Do. alpinaCGMCC 3.18001KX499645N/AKX499651
Do. brevicollisCBS 130411JQ239403JQ239416JQ239390
Do. capri-amissiCBS 121763EU101323N/AEU101368
Do. capri-amissiCMW25404EU101324N/AEU101369
Do. casuarinaeCBS 120688DQ846773N/ADQ875331
Do. casuarinaeCBS 120690DQ846774N/ADQ875333
Do. citricolaICMP 16828EU673323N/AEU673290
Do. citricolaICMP 16827EU673322N/AEU673289
Do. dulcispinaeCBS 130413JQ239400JQ239413JQ239387
Do. dulcispinaeCBS 121765EU101300KX464317EU101345
Do. iranicaIRAN1587CKC898231N/AKC898214
Do. juglandisCBS 188.87EU673316DQ377891EU673283
Do. lampangensisMFLUCC 18-0232MK347758N/AMK340869
Do. longicollisCBS 122068EU144054MH874718EU144069
Do. longicollisCBS 122066EU144052KX464311EU144067
Do. magnoliaeCFCC 51563KY111248N/AKY213687
Do. mangifericolaIRAN1584CMT587407N/AMT592119
Do. mangifericolaIRAN1545CKC898221N/AKX464614
Do. mangifericolaCBS 121760KF766227N/AEU101335
Do. mangifericolaCBS 121761EU101293N/AEU101338
Do. monetiMUCC 505EF591920EF591937EF591971
Do. monetiMUCC 507EF591922EF591939EF591973
Do. plurivoraIRAN1557CKC898225N/AKC898208
Do. plurivoraIRAN1537CKC898226N/AKC898209
Do. pretoriensisCBS 130404JQ239405JQ239418JQ239392
Do. pretoriensisCBS 130403JQ239406JQ239419JQ239393
Do. prunicolaIRAN1541EU673313EU673232EU673280
Do. rhamniMFLUCC 14-0902KU246381KU246382N/A
Do. rhamniBN 81MT587399N/AMT592111
Do. santaliMUCC 509EF591924EF591941EF591975
Do. santaliMUCC 508EF591923EF591940EF591974
Do. sarmentorumIMI63581bAY573212AY928052AY573235
Do. sarmentorumCBS 115038AY573206DQ377860AY573223
Do. sarmentorumCBS 128309HQ288218MH876298HQ288262
Do. sarmentorumCBS 128310HQ288219MH876299HQ288263
Do. sarmentorumCBS 141587KX357188N/AKX357211
Do. sarmentorumMFLUCC 17-0242KY797637KY815014KY815020
Do. sarmentorumCBS 115045AY573202AY928053AY573222
Do. sarmentorumCBS 113188AY573198EU673230EU673278
Do. sarmentorumMFLUCC 17-0951MF398891N/AMF398943
Do. sarmentorumCBS 140349KP205497N/AKP205470
Do. sarmentorumCBS 188.87EU673316DQ377891EU673283
Do. sarmentorumIRAN1579CKC898234N/AKC898217
Do. sarmentorumIRAN1585CKC898235N/AKC898218
Do. sarmentorumIRAN1583CKC898236N/AKC898219
Do. sarmentorumIRAN1581CKC898237N/AKC898220
Do. sarmentorumMFLUCC 13-0497KJ742378N/AKJ742381
Do. sarmentorumMFLUCC 13-0196KU234782N/AKU234796
Do. sarmentorumDAR78992EU768874N/AEU768881
Do. sarmentorumDAR78993EU768876N/AEU768882
Do. striataICMP 16824EU673320EU673240EU673287
Do. striataICMP 16819EU673320EU673239EU673287
Do. striataDAR 80992KJ573643N/AKJ573640
Do. styphnolobiiJZB3150013MH880849N/AMK069594
Do. tectonaeMFLUCC 12-0382KM396899N/AKM409637
Do. thailandicaMFLUCC 11-0438JX646796JX646813JX646861
Do. thripsitaBRIP 51876FJ824738N/AKJ573639
Do. ulmaceaCBS 138855KR611881KR611899KR611910
Do. uruguayensisCBS 124908EU080923MH874932EU863180
Do. vinea gemmaeDAR81012KJ573644N/AKJ573641
Do. viticolaCBS 117009AY905554MH874565AY905559
Do. viticolaCBS 117006AY905555EU673236AY905562
Do. viticolaDAR80529HM009376N/AHM800511
Do. viticolaDAR80530HM009378N/AHM800513
Do. yunnanaCGMCC 3.17999KX499643N/AKX499649
Endomelanconiopsis endophyticaCBS 120397EU683656EU683629EU683637
E. microsporaCBS 353.97EU683655KF766330EU683636
Lasiodiplodia americanaCERC1960KP217058N/AKP217066
L. americanaCERC1961KP217059N/AKP217067
L. avicenniaeCMW41467KP860835N/AKP860680
L. avicenniarumMFLUCC 17-2591MK347777MK347994MK340867
L. brasilienseCMM4015JX464063N/AJX464049
L. brasilienseCMM2185KC484800N/AKC481530
L. bruguieraeCMW42480KP860832N/AKP860677
L. chonburiensisMFLUCC 16-0376 N/A
L. cinnamomiCFCC 51997MG866028N/AMH236799
L. citricolaCBS 124707GU945354N/AGU945340
L. citricolaIRAN1521CGU945353N/AGU945339
L. crassisporaCBS 118741DQ103550DQ377901EU673303
L. crassisporaWAC12534DQ103551N/ADQ103558
L. crassisporaCBS 110492EF622086EU673251EF622066
L. crassisporaCBS 121770EU101307N/AEU101352
L. crassisporaCBS 121771EU101308N/AEU101353
L. euphorbicolaCMM3609KF234543N/AKF226689
L. euphorbicolaIBL329KT247490N/AKT247492
L. gilanensisCBS 124704GU945351N/AGU945342
L. gilanensisIRAN1501CGU945352N/AGU945341
L. gilanensisCBS 128311HQ288225N/AHQ288267
L. gilanensisUCD2199MOHQ288226N/AHQ288268
L. gonubiensisCBS 115812AY639595DQ377902DQ103566
L. gonubiensisCBS 116355AY639594EU673252DQ103567
L. gravistriataCMM4564KT250949N/AKT250950
L. hormozganensisCBS 124709GU945355N/AGU945343
L. hormozganensisCBS 124708GU945356N/AGU945344
L. iraniensisCBS 124710GU945346MH874918GU945334
L. iraniensisCBS 124711GU945347N/AGU945335
L. iraniensisCMM3610MT587430N/AMT592142
L. iraniensisCMM0247MT587431N/AMT592143
L. laeliocattleyaeCBS 167.28KU507487N/AKU507454
L. laeliocattleyaeCBS 130992JN814397N/AJN814424
L. laeliocattleyaeCMM3611JN814401N/AJN814428
L. lignicolaCBS 134112JX646797N/AKU887003
L. lignicolaMFLUCC 11-0656JX646797JX646815KU887003
L. lignicolaCGMCC 3.18061KX499889N/AKX499927
L. lignicolaCBS 342.78KX464140N/AKX464634
L. macrosporaCMM3833KF234557N/AKF226718
L. mahajanganaCBS 124927FJ900597N/AFJ900643
L. mahajanganaCBS 124925FJ900595N/AFJ900641
L. mahajanganaIBL352KT154759N/AKT154753
L. mahajanganaCMM1325KT154760N/AKT008006
L. mahajanganaCBS 137785KJ638317N/AKJ638336
L. mahajanganaBL184KJ638318N/AKJ638337
L. mahajanganaMFLUCC 16-0265MH275068MH260301MH412774
L. margaritaceaCBS 122519EU144050N/AEU144065
L. margaritaceaCBS 122065EU144051N/AEU144066
L. marypalmeCMM2275KC484843N/AKC481567
L. marypalmeCMM2271KC484844N/AKC481568
L. mediterraneaCBS 137783KJ638312N/AKJ638331
L. mediterraneaALG36KJ638314N/AKJ638333
L. parvaCBS 456.78EF622083KF766362EF622063
L. parvaCBS 494.78EF622084EU673258EF622064
L. parvaCBS 356.59AY343482N/AEF445396
L. plurivoraCBS 120832EF445362KX464356EF445395
L. plurivoraCBS 121103AY343482KX464357EF445396
L. pontaeCMM1277KT151794N/AKT151791
L. pontaeIBL14KT151794N/AKT151791
L. pseudotheobromaeCBS 116459EF622077EU673256EF622057
L. pseudotheobromaeCBS 447.62EF622081MH869806EF622060
L. rubropurpureaCBS 118740DQ103553DQ377903EU673304
L. rubropurpureaWAC12536DQ103554N/ADQ103572
L. subglobosaCMM3872KF234558N/AKF226721
L. subglobosaCMM4046KF234560N/AKF226723
L. thailandicaCPC22795KJ193637N/AKJ193681
L. thailandicaCGMCC 3.17975KX499879MG321677KX499917
L. thailandicaMFLUCC 18-0244MK347789N/AMK340870
L. theobromaeCBS 164.96AY640255EU673253AY640258
L. theobromaeCBS 124.13DQ458890AY928054DQ458875
L. theobromaeCBS 111530EF622074N/AEF622054
L. theobromaeCAA006DQ458891EU673254DQ458876
L. theobromaeCBS 164.96AY640255EU673253AY640258
L. venezuelensisCBS 118739DQ103547DQ377904EU673305
L. venezuelensisWAC12540DQ103548N/ADQ103569
L. viticolaCBS 128313HQ288227KX098286HQ288269
L. viticolaCBS 128315HQ288228N/AHQ288270
L. vitisCBS 124060KX464148N/AMN938928
Lecanosticta acicolaLNPV252JX901755JX901844JX901639
Macrophomina phaseolinaCBS 227.33KF951627DQ377906KF952000
Neodeightonia palmicolaMFLUCC 10-0822HQ199221HQ199222N/A
N. phoenicumCBS 122528EU673340EU673261EU673309
N. subglobosaCBS 448.91EU673337DQ377866EU673306
Neofusicoccum arbutiCBS 116131AY819720DQ377915KF531792
N. arbutiUW13AY819724N/AKF531791
N. arbutiCBS 117453AY693976DQ377914AY693977
N. arbutiCMW13446DQ306263N/ADQ306264
N. australeCMW6837AY339262KF766367AY339270
N. australeCMW6853AY339263N/AAY339271
N. brasilienseCMM1338JX513630N/AJX513610
N. buxiCBS 116.75KX464164KX464406KX464677
N. cordaticolaCBS 123634EU821898MH874849EU821868
N. cordaticolaCBS 123635EU821903KX464410EU821873
N. cryptoaustraleCMW23785FJ752742N/AFJ752713
N. eucalypticolaCBS 115679AY615141N/AAY615133
N. eucalypticolaCBS 115766AY615143N/AAY615135
N. eucalyptorumCBS 115791AF283686N/AAY236891
N. eucalyptorumCMW10126AF283687N/AAY236892
N. grevilleaeCBS 129518JF951137N/AN/A
N. hellenicumCERC1947KP217053N/AKP217061
N. hongkongensisCERC 2973KX278052MF410096KX278157
N. illiciiCGMCC 3.18311KY350150N/AKY817756
N. kwambonambienseEU821900EU821900N/AEU821870
N. kwambonambienseCMW14140EU821919N/AEU821889
N. lumnitzeraeCMW41469KP860881N/AKP860724
N. luteumCBS 110299AY259091AY928043AY573217
N. luteumCBS 110497EU673311N/AEU673277
N. luteumCMW41365KP860859N/AKP860702
N. macroclavatumCBS 118223DQ093196N/ADQ093217
N. macroclavatumWAC12446DQ093197N/ADQ093218
N. mangiferaeCBS 118532AY615185DQ377921DQ093221
N. mangiferaeCMW7797AY615186N/ADQ093220
N. mediterraneumCBS 121718GU251176MH874696GU251308
N. mediterraneumCBS 121558GU799463N/AGU799462
N. mediterraneumCBS 113083KX464186KX464465KX464712
N. mediterraneumCBS 113089KX464199N/AKX464727
N. microconidiumCERC 3497KX278053MF410097KX278158
N. nonquaesitumCBS 126655GU251163MH875645GU251295
N. nonquaesitumPD301GU251164N/AGU251296
N. occulatumCBS 128008EU301030MH876179EU339509
N. occulatumMUCC286EU736947N/AEU339511
N. parvumCMW9081AY236943AY928045AY236888
N. parvumCBS 110301AY259098AY928046AY573221
N. parvumCBS 137504KJ657702N/AKJ657715
N. parvumALG9KJ657704N/AKJ657721
N. parvumMFLUCC 15-0900KY856755N/AKY856754
N. pennatisporumWAC13153EF591925EF591942EF591976
N. pistaciaeCBS 595.76KX464163KX464404KX464676
N. protearumSTE-U 4361AF196295N/AN/A
N. protearumSTE-U 1775AF452539N/AN/A
N. ribisCMW7772AY236935N/AAY236877
N. ribisCBS 121.26AF241177N/AAY236879
N. ribisCBS 124923FJ900607N/AFJ900653
N. ribisCBS 124924FJ900608N/AFJ900654
N. ribisCMW14058EU821904N/AEU821874
N. ribisCMW14060EU821905N/AEU821875
N. sinenseCGMCC 3.18315KY350148N/AKY817755
N. sinoeucalyptiCERC 2005KX278061MF410105KX278166
N. stellenboschianaCBS 110864AY343407KX464513AY343348
N. terminaliaeCBS 125264GQ471802N/AGQ471780
N. ursorumCBS 122811FJ752746MH874765FJ752709
N. viticlavatumCBS 112878AY343381MH874474AY343342
N. viticlavatumCBS 112977AY343380KX464528AY343341
N. vitifusiformeCBS 110887AY343383MH874455AY343343
N. vitifusiformeCBS 110880AY343382KX464475AY343344
N. vitifusiformeCBS 120081DQ923533MN162190KX464682
N. vitifusiformeCBS 121112EF445349N/AEF445391
Oblongocollomyces variabileCBS 121774NR136994KX464536EU101357
O. variabileCMW25420EU101313N/AEU101358
O. variabileCMW25421EU101314N/AEU101359
Phaeobotryon mamaneCPC 12264EU673331DQ377898EU673297
P. mamaneCBS 122980EU673332EU673248EU673298
Sardiniella celtidisMFLUCC 17-981MF443249N/AMF443248
Sa. urbanaBL180KX379677KX379679KX379678
Sa. urbanaBL181KX379680KX379682KX379681
Sa. urbanaCBS 141580KX379674KX379676KX379675
Sphaeropsis citrigenaICMP16812EU673328EU673246EU673294
Sp. citrigenaICMP16818EU673329EU673247EU673295
Sp. eucalypticolaMFLUCC 11-0579JX646802JX646819JX646867
Sp. eucalypticolaMFLUCC 11-0654JX646803JX646820JX646868
Sp. porosaCBS 110496AY343379DQ377894AY343340
Sp. porosaCBS 110574AY343378DQ377895AY343339
Sp. visciCBS 100163EU673324N/AEU673292
Sp. visciCBS 186.97EU673325DQ377868EU673293
Tiarosporella graminis-karooCBS 118718KF531828DQ377939KF531807
Melanops sp.CBS 118.39FJ824771DQ377856FJ824776
M. tulasneiCBS 116805FJ824769KF766365FJ824774
M. tulasneiCBS 116806FJ824770FJ824765KX464644
Phyllosticta citricarpaCBS 102374FJ538313DQ377877FJ538376
P. minimaCBS 111635KF766215EU754194KF766433
P. parthenocissiCBS 111645EU683672DQ377876EU683653
P. podocarpiCBS 111647KF766217KF766383KF766434
Pseudofusicoccum adansoniaeCMW 26147KF766220KF766386N/A
P. ardesiacumCMW 26159EU144060KF766387N/A
P. kimberleyensisCMW 26156EU144057KF766388N/A
Kellermania agavesCPC 21713KF777164KF777217N/A
K. confusaCBS 131723KF766174KF766344KF766405
K. micranthaeCBS 131724KF766179NG042706KF766410
K. plurilocularisCBS 131719KF766181KF766351KF766412
K. yuccifoliorumCBS 131726KF766185KF766355KF766416
Umthunziomyces hagahagensisCPC 29917KY173472KY173561N/A
Neoseptorioides eucalyptiCBS 140665KT950857KT950871KT950882
Saccharata banksiaeCPC 27698KY173449KY173539KY173596
S. daviesiaeCPC 29174KY173450KY173540N/A
S. proteaeCBS 115206KF766226DQ377882GU349030
Septorioides pini-thunbergiCBS 473.91NR145234KF251746N/A
S. strobiCBS 141443KT884699KT884685KT884713
ALG: Personal culture collection of A. Berraf-Tebbal; ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Virginia, USA; BL: Personal collection of B.T. Linaldeddu; BRIP: Culture collection, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, Australia; CAA: Personal culture collection of Artur Alves, Universidade de Aveiro, Portuga; CBS: CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CERC: Culture collection of China Eucalypt Research Centre, Chinese Academy of Forestry, ZhanJiang, GuangDong, China; CFCC: China Forestry Culture Collection Center, Beijing, China; CGMCC: China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center; CMM: Culture Collection of Phytopathogenic Fungi “Prof. Maria Menezes”, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil; CMW: Tree Patholgy Co-operative Program, Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, University of Pretoria, South Africa; CPC: Working collection of P.W. Crous, housed at CBS; DAR: Plant Pathology Herbarium, Orange Agricultural Institute, Forest Road, Orange. NSW 2800, Australia; GZCC: Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences Culture Collection, GuiZhou, China; IBL: Personal culture collection of I.B.L. Coutinho; ICMP: International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants, Landcare Research, Aukland, New Zealand; IMI: International Mycological Institute, CBI-Bioscience, Egham, Bakeham Lane, UK; IRAN: Iranian Fungal Culture Collection, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Iran; KUMCC: Kunming University Culture Collection, Yunnan, China. MFLU: Mae Fah Luang University Herbarium Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; MUCC: Murdoch University Culture Collection, Murdoch, Australia; PD: Culture collection, University of California, Davis, USA; STE-U: Culture collection of the Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa; UCD: University of California, Davis, Plant Pathology Department Culture Collection; UCROK: Culture collection, University of Riverside, California, USA; WAC: Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Plant Pathogen Collection, South Perth, Western Australia.
Table 4. Alignment details and comparison of MP, ML, and BI analyses results of each phylogenetic tree constructed in this study.
Table 4. Alignment details and comparison of MP, ML, and BI analyses results of each phylogenetic tree constructed in this study.
CharacterBotryosphaeriales (Figure 1)Botryosphaeria
(Figure 10)
(Figure 11)
(Figure 12)
(Figure 13)
(Figure 14)
Number of base pairs in each gene region (including the gaps after alignment)ITS (680), LSU (803),
tef (374)
ITS (565),
tef (265)
ITS (551),
tef (331)
ITS (504),
tef (343)
ITS (490),
tef (344)
ITS (549),
tef (253)
Number of isolates obtained in this study122362512
Number of taxa originated from GenBank953249687865
Outgroup taxonLecanosticta aciculaMacrophomina phaseolinaLasiodiplodia theobromaeNeofusicoccum parvumDiplodia mutilaDothiorella viticola
MPTotal number of characters1857830882847834802
Constant characters954690688578592565
Variable/parsimony uninformative characters20475527754107
Parsimony informative characters70470146202192134
Number of parsimonious trees obtained77510101010
Tree length (TL)4199180385725559463
MLFinal likelihood value−22,205.648157−2130.358718−3417.346418−4843.109271−4183.640855−3665.812286
Number of distinct alignment patterns1096212297390293310
Percentage of undetermined characters or gaps26.52%7.31%11.38%21.84%8.52%9.63%
Base frequenciesA0.2234500.2060230.2077600.2103730.2130760.201476
Substitution ratesAC1.2514620.5039120.9820071.3648620.7290241.047005
Gamma distribution rate parameter (alpha)0.2869040.2312760.1742450.2348670.2231970.268848
BI (model of each gene region)ITSSYM+I+GGTR+IGTR+I+GHKY+I+GSYM+I+GGTR+I+G
Tree base ID286902868528686286872868828689
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MDPI and ACS Style

Dissanayake, A.J.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Liu, J.-K. Occurrence and Morpho-Molecular Identification of Botryosphaeriales Species from Guizhou Province, China. J. Fungi 2021, 7, 893.

AMA Style

Dissanayake AJ, Chen Y-Y, Cheewangkoon R, Liu J-K. Occurrence and Morpho-Molecular Identification of Botryosphaeriales Species from Guizhou Province, China. Journal of Fungi. 2021; 7(11):893.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Dissanayake, Asha J., Ya-Ya Chen, Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon, and Jian-Kui Liu. 2021. "Occurrence and Morpho-Molecular Identification of Botryosphaeriales Species from Guizhou Province, China" Journal of Fungi 7, no. 11: 893.

APA Style

Dissanayake, A. J., Chen, Y.-Y., Cheewangkoon, R., & Liu, J.-K. (2021). Occurrence and Morpho-Molecular Identification of Botryosphaeriales Species from Guizhou Province, China. Journal of Fungi, 7(11), 893.

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