Mitigating Voltage Violations in Smart City Microgrids Under Coordinated False Data Injection Cyberattacks: Simulation and Experimental Insights
- Demonstrating the vulnerability of urban energy systems to coordinated cyberattacks targeting the voltage profile through simulation and experimental validations.
- Highlighting the negative impacts of systematic false data injection attacks while taking more than one objective function at a time.
- Enhancing the reliability of smart city energy systems.
- Providing a basis for designing resilient smart grid infrastructures against cyber threats.
1. Introduction
1.1. Background, Definitions, and Motivation
1.2. Literature Review
1.3. Research Gap and Contribution of This Work
- Designing a multi-objective unified framework from attackers’ standpoints to target smart microgrids at the most vulnerable time to undervoltage and overvoltage, resulting in a set of non-dominated solutions (i.e., Pareto-front) to obtain a range of overvoltage and undervoltage rates,
- Experimentally validating the developed framework on a lab-scale smart microgrid, containing wind turbines and PV modules, besides the simulation-based validation to identify the best compromise solution (BCS) between undervoltage and overvoltage.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Developed Framework
2.2. Problem Formulation
2.2.1. Pre-Attack Evaluation to Pinpoint the Most Vulnerable Node
2.2.2. Intentional Voltage Alteration from Attackers’ Standpoint
2.2.3. Independent FDIA Model Leading to Overvoltage
2.2.4. Independent FDIA Model Leading to Undervoltage
2.2.5. Unified FDIA Leading to Voltage Violation
2.2.6. Formulation of the Embedded Multi-Objective Methodology
2.2.7. Assumptions to Be Considered for This Type of Cyberattack
3. Simulation and Experimental Results
3.1. Initialization and Introducing the Case Studies
3.2. Simulation Results on the Modified IEEE 13-Node System
- Single-Attacker Scenarios: MTD alone may suffice by increasing the complexity of identifying vulnerabilities.
- Coordinated Multi-Attacker Scenarios: a layered defense strategy, combining MTD, anomaly detection, and advanced encryption, would be required to counteract synchronized attacks targeting multiple DERs.
- Stealthy FDIAs: AI-based detectors with adaptive learning capabilities can enhance detection accuracy by continuously updating models with real-time system data.
3.3. Experimental Results on the Lab-Scale Microgrid
- Attacker 1 targets the PV panels to cause overvoltage in the microgrid. Further, the attacker manipulates the sensor’s reading associated with the system’s load by injecting only ΔPD, obtained after minimizing objective function (10),
- Attacker 2 targets the wind turbines to cause different rates of undervoltage in the lab-scale microgrid.
3.4. Simulation Results on the Large-Scale 136-Node Distribution System
4. Conclusions and Future Work
- In the simulation-based validation, the percentage of conflict between minimizing the false data vectors and maximizing the rate of voltage violation (e.g., overvoltage, undervoltage, or both) was more than 94% in all simulated scenarios. Hence, such objective functions cannot be aggregated with penalty weights to ensure simultaneous optimization. This is where the significance of solving the problem as a multi-objective optimization problem, providing a set of optimal solutions, comes under the spotlight.
- In the experimental-based validation, although the microgrid experienced rates of overvoltage and undervoltage of, respectively, 17% and 15% after the independent FDIAs, the period of voltage violation was on the minute basis. On the other hand, in the unified cyberattack, the microgrid experienced a lower rate of voltage violation (i.e., almost 11%); however, the microgrid was affected for more than 6 h, which significantly reduced the reliability of the microgrid. This is where the importance of the introduced attack framework comes under the spotlight, since the investigated issue can be more noticeable in larger scale microgrids with thousands of end-users.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Attack Phase | Defense Phase | ||
Developed FDIA Targeting Node #11 (i.e., The Most Vulnerable Node to Voltage Deviation) | Moving Target [38] | Deep Learning [39] | |
Overvoltage Based on (15) | 27.6% | 16.6% | 27.6% |
Undervoltage Based on (16) | 39.1% | 21.4% | 39.1% |
Optimal Result | Execution Time (s) to Obtain the Result from the Attackers’ Perspective | ||
Buses Susceptible to Voltage Violation | #21, #30, #36, #78, #91, #115 | 17.22 | |
The Most Vulnerable Bus | #91 | 2.6 | |
Overvoltage (OV) | False Load Data Injected into Smart Meters (kW) | 23.91 | 34.1 |
% of OV | 21.35 | ||
Undervoltage (UV) | False Load Data Injected into Smart Meters (kW) | 21.01 | 33.3 |
% of UV | 21.84 |
Undervoltage (%) | Execution Time (s) | |
Original Attack Scenario | 21.84 | 33.32 |
Targeting a Random Bus within a Set of 10 buses | 18.08 | 35.76 |
Targeting a Random Bus within a Set of 50 buses | 18.21 | 36.11 |
Targeting a Random Bus within a Set of 100 buses | 19.63 | 36.20 |
Targeting a Random Bus within a Set of 136 buses | 19.17 | 36.04 |
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Naderi, E.; Asrari, A. Mitigating Voltage Violations in Smart City Microgrids Under Coordinated False Data Injection Cyberattacks: Simulation and Experimental Insights. Smart Cities 2025, 8, 20.
Naderi E, Asrari A. Mitigating Voltage Violations in Smart City Microgrids Under Coordinated False Data Injection Cyberattacks: Simulation and Experimental Insights. Smart Cities. 2025; 8(1):20.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNaderi, Ehsan, and Arash Asrari. 2025. "Mitigating Voltage Violations in Smart City Microgrids Under Coordinated False Data Injection Cyberattacks: Simulation and Experimental Insights" Smart Cities 8, no. 1: 20.
APA StyleNaderi, E., & Asrari, A. (2025). Mitigating Voltage Violations in Smart City Microgrids Under Coordinated False Data Injection Cyberattacks: Simulation and Experimental Insights. Smart Cities, 8(1), 20.