Hybrid Neural Network Models to Estimate Vital Signs from Facial Videos
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background Introduction
1.2. Related Work
2. Dataset Preprocessing
2.1. Image Normalization and Face Detection
2.2. Facial Image Standardization
3. Deep Learning Neural Networks
3.1. Convolutional Neural Network
3.2. Video Vision Transformer
3.3. Recurrent Neural Network
3.4. Hybrid Models
3.5. Nine Neural Network (NN) Models
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Vital Video Dataset Description
- A total of 891 participants (balanced gender/age distribution including all skin tones);
- Uncompressed 1920 × 1200, 30 FPS facial videos (see Figure 1b);
- Synchronized PPG ground truth;
- Blood pressure spot measurement collected during video recording;
- Sex and age recorded.
- i.
- Heart rate (HR): one reading per second in beats per minute, e.g., 72;
- ii.
- Blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2): one reading per second in percentage (≤100%), e.g., 98;
- iii.
- Blood pressure (BP): one reading per second, including systolic pressure and diastolic pressure, in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), e.g., 126/66;
- iv.
- Subject sex: e.g., M;
- v.
- Subject age: e.g., 22;
- vi.
- PPG waveform: 56 readings per second in percentage (not used in this study), e.g., 35;
- vii.
- Subject skin color: labeled as 1 (White)–6 (dark brown/black) according to Fitzpatrick skin types (not used in this study), e.g., 4.
4.2. Nine NN Model Performance
4.3. Score Fusion Performance
4.4. Time Costs of Nine NN Models
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref.\Study | Method | Vital Sign | Dataset (Size) | Result (RMSE) |
[22] | CNN | SpO2 | VIPL-HR (107 subjects) | 1.71% |
[23] | CNN (ResNet-18) | HR | VIPL-HR (107 subjects) | 7.21 |
[24] | video magnification, CNN | HR, SBP, DBP | Private (288 videos) | 5.33, 4.11, 3.75 |
[25] | FFT | RR | Private (unknown size) | 1.01 |
[26] | CNN-SVM | Body temperature | Private (144 subjects) | 0.35 |
(This Study) | Hybrid CNN model | HR, SpO2, SBP, DBP | VVD-Large (891 subjects) [27] | 5.55, 0.87, 4.07, 2.21 |
HMdl_ab: ViViT ⊕ ConvLSTM, 1072.0 M Paras | |||
Layer (Type) | Output Shape | Layer (Type) | Output Shape |
Frame_Input | (30, 288, 256, 3) | ||
Stem: time_distr (Conv2D): (filters, kernel_size, strides) = (64, (4, 4), (4, 4)) | (30, 72, 64, 64) | ||
ViViT (Mdl_a): Tubelet_Embedding: (Conv3D → 30 × 12 × 16 patches) (Conv3D → 30 × 3 × 4 patches) | (360, 768) | ConvLSTM (Mdl_b): (filters, kernel_size, strides) = (128, (3, 2), (3, 2)) | (30, 24, 32, 128) |
Add (Positional_Encoder) | (360, 768) | (256, (2, 2), (2, 2)) | (30, 12, 16, 256) |
8 × Attn_FF: | (512, (2, 2), (2, 2)) | (30, 6, 8, 512) | |
MultiHeadAttention: (heads = 8, key_dim = 64) | (768, (2, 2), (2, 2)) | (30, 3, 4, 768) | |
Feed_Forward_Net: (768 → 3072 → 768) | |||
Add (Attn_FF_Norm) | (360, 768) | ||
Flatten | (276480) | Flatten | (276480) |
Concat | (552960) | ||
6 × Head: | |||
Dense | (256) | ||
Dense | (1) | ||
Concat (Output) | (6) |
HMdl_abc: ViViT ⊕ ConvLSTM ⊕ ResCNN, 1569.2 M Paras | |||
Layer (Type) | Output Shape | Layer (Type) | Output Shape |
Frame_Input | (30, 288, 256, 3) | ||
Stem: time_distr (Conv2D): (filters, kernel_size, strides) = (64, (4, 4), (4, 4)) | (30, 72, 64, 64) | ||
ViViT (Mdl_a): (from Hybrid_Model_1) … | ConvLSTM (Mdl_b): (from Hybrid_Model_1) … | ResCNN (Mdl_c): time_distr (Conv2D): (filters, kernel_size, strides) = (64, (7, 7), (1, 1)) | (30, 72, 64, 64) |
(128, (5, 5), (3, 2)) | (30, 24, 32, 128) | ||
(256, (3, 3), (2, 2)) | (30, 12, 16, 256) | ||
(512, (3, 3), (2, 2)) (768, (3, 3), (2, 2)) | (30, 6, 8, 512) (30, 3, 4, 768) | ||
Flatten (276480) | Flatten (276480) | Flatten | (276480) |
Concat (ViViT, convLSTM, ResCNN) | (829440) | ||
6 × Head: | |||
Dense | (256) | ||
Dense | (1) | ||
Concat (Output) | (6) |
Model\Vital Sign | HR | SpO2 | SBP | DBP | Sex | Age |
ResNet-50, 118.1 M 61,440 | 11.11 (17.16) | 1.54 (1.15) | 9.62 (22.14) | 6.51 (13.95) | 0.06 (0.49) | 6.27 (20.95) |
Xception, 115.4 M 61,440 | 7.90 (15.32) | 1.24 (1.89) | 6.11 (20.74) | 3.86 (12.35) | 0.04 (0.49) | 3.60 (20.81) |
Mdl_a, 552.0 M ViViT: 276,480 | 7.02 (12.14) | 0.99 (1.52) | 6.69 (17.16) | 3.72 (10.10) | 0.02 (0.50) | 4.38 (19.18) |
Mdl_b, 520.0 M ConvLSTM: 276,480 | 7.12 (10.51) | 1.04 (1.19) | 5.92 (15.20) | 3.75 (8.61) | 0.02 (0.50) | 4.40 (17.94) |
Mdl_c, 497.2 M ResCNN: 276,480 | 6.60 (12.61) | 0.90 (1.54) | 5.61 (17.68) | 3.34 (10.72) | 0.01 (0.50) | 3.65 (19.74) |
HMdl_ab, 1072.0 M 552,960 | 6.49 (11.50) | 0.93 (1.35) | 5.18 (16.30) | 3.05 (9.50) | 0.02 (0.50) | 3.01 (18.49) |
HMdl_ac, 1049.1 M 552,960 | 6.33 (12.64) | 0.88 (1.57) | 4.71 (17.91) | 2.80 (10.67) | 0.03 (0.50) | 2.72 (19.68) |
HMdl_bc, 1017.2 M 552,960 | 6.56 (11.37) | 0.97 (1.38) | 4.94 (16.34) | 2.89 (9.55) | 0.02 (0.50) | 3.23 (18.56) |
HMdl_abc, 1569.2 M 829,440 | 6.42 (11.67) | 0.88 (1.43) | 4.84 (16.56) | 2.80 (9.67) | 0.00 (0.50) | 2.56 (18.96) |
Fusion\Vital Sign | HR | SpO2 | SBP | DBP | Sex | Age |
Mean Fusion | 6.18 | 0.87 | 4.65 | 2.70 | 0.01 | 2.60 |
SVM Regr. | 5.86 | 0.98 | 7.66 | 3.86 | 0.09 | 3.52 |
Gradient Boosting | 5.53 | 0.89 | 4.38 | 2.34 | 0.00 | 2.38 |
RF Regr. (100, 40) | 5.55 | 0.87 | 4.07 | 2.21 | 0.00 | 2.30 |
Metric\NN Model | ResNet-50 | Xception | Mdl_a | Mdl_b | Mdl_c | HMdl_ab | HMdl_ac | HMdl_bc | HMdl_abc |
# Parameters | 118.1 M | 115.4 M | 552.0 M | 520.0 M | 497.2 M | 1072.0 M | 1049.1 M | 1017.2 M | 1569.2 M |
# Features | 61,440 | 61,440 | 276,480 | 276,480 | 276,480 | 552,960 | 552,960 | 552,960 | 829,440 |
Training time (s/epoch) | 235 | 256 | 348 | 420 | 396 | 519 | 477 | 566 | 1018 |
Testing time (ms/sample) | 8.3 | 9.3 | 23.5 | 23.5 | 23.5 | 23.5 | 23.5 | 23.5 | 43.1 |
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Zheng, Y. Hybrid Neural Network Models to Estimate Vital Signs from Facial Videos. BioMedInformatics 2025, 5, 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedinformatics5010006
Zheng Y. Hybrid Neural Network Models to Estimate Vital Signs from Facial Videos. BioMedInformatics. 2025; 5(1):6. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedinformatics5010006
Chicago/Turabian StyleZheng, Yufeng. 2025. "Hybrid Neural Network Models to Estimate Vital Signs from Facial Videos" BioMedInformatics 5, no. 1: 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedinformatics5010006
APA StyleZheng, Y. (2025). Hybrid Neural Network Models to Estimate Vital Signs from Facial Videos. BioMedInformatics, 5(1), 6. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedinformatics5010006