Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Beverages reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: food engineering; agricultural engineering
Interests: food chemistry; analytical methods; HPLC; AAS; food bioactive compounds; elemental composition; chemometrics; food supplements; nutritional value; functional Food
Interests: Food Science and Technology; wine and beverages; fruit juices; stable isotopes; Analytical methods; chemometrics
Interests: wine; wine chemistry; wine technology; polyphenols; aroma; elements; HPLC; GC; sensory analysis of wine
Interests: Fermented foods; alcoholic beverages; wine; beer
Interests: sensory analysis; flavor chemistry; consumer test
Interests: Wine Chemistry; wine technology; polyphenols; metal ions in wine
Interests: food and beverage fermentation; kinetic of microbial growth; bioreactors modeling; beer production; yeast fermentation processes; wine and beer fermentation; bioengineering of beverages; immobilized cells; beer with immobilized cells
Interests: food science; food/ beverage chemistry; flavor chemistry; sensory science; experimental design; statistical analysis; hop/ botanical chemistry; brewing
Interests: wine; malolactic fermentation; food fermentation; bioactive compounds; bioethanol; beer
Interests: enology; wine; grape-derived products; fermentation; phenolic composition; chromatography; mass spectrometry; natural products
Interests: sparkling wines; champagne; bubbles; foam; macromolecules; proteins; wine tasting; sparkling beverages
Interests: food fermentations; yeasts; aromas; flavour; alcoholic beverages; wine; beer; fermented meat products; traditional fermentations; gas chromatography
Interests: food authentication; food contaminants; edible oil characterization; food fraud identification; liquid chromatography; mass spectrometry; bioactive compounds
Interests: food spoilage yeasts; yeast ecology; wine fermentation; wine tasting
2. Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (INSTM), 50121 Firenze, Italy
3. Interdepartmental Research Center BIOGEST-SITEIA, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 42124 Reggio Emilia, Italy
Interests: analytical chemistry; food chemistry; environmental chemistry; stable heavy and light isotopes; geographical traceability of food and processes; food authenticity
Interests: innovation sustainable in the agri-food supply chain; circulary economy; by-product valorization; safety and food quality; food product development; consumer science; sensory analysis; food and beverages analysis. wine; beer; olive oil; vinegars; coffee; tea; grapes; fruits and juiges; pesto sauce; poliphenols; antioxidant compounds; pigments; volatile compounds; Proteins; lipids; furanic compounds
Interests: sensory analysis; consumer attitudes; consumer preferences; projective mapping; check-all-that-apply
2. BIOGEST-SITEIA Interdepartmental Centre, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Piazzale Europa 1, 42124 Modena, Italy
Interests: food technology; food science; agri-food waste valorization; food contaminants; food characterization; volatile compounds analysis; wine; brandy; beer; vinegars; cereals and derived products; analytical chemistry; GC-MS; LC-MS
Interests: food chemistry; natural product chemistry; flavors and flavor stability in foods; flavor release; package scalping; green packaging
Interests: dairy science and technology; fermentation; lactic acid; bacteria; donkey milk; bioactive peptides; probioticsc
Interests: food safety; food fermentation; Applied Microbiology; molecular microbiology
Interests: analytical chemistry; food science; sensory analysis; madeira wine
Interests: high pressure processing technologies in foods; analysis of minor components and contaminants in foods; sensory evaluation of foods; water quality and management
Interests: wine yeast; lactic acid bacteria; spoilage microbes; gene expression; molecular methods; adhesion properties; biofilm; sparkling wine; table olives; fermented food; biogenic amines
Interests: cider; fermented beverages; polyphenols; aroma; quality control; sensory analysis
Interests: wine; beverage; aroma; analytical chemistry; interactions biomolecules
Interests: food chemistry; volatile compounds; aroma; wine and spirits quality; food contaminants; mycotoxins degradation
Interests: chemical and biochemical changes during cheese and yogurt production and preservation; wine oxidation and aroma; oil oxidation, health related properties of yoghurt; cheese, wine; olive oil and other foods; use of bioactive compounds and plants for enrichment of foods
Interests: oenology research; lipid yeast; lactic acid bacteria; Alcoholic fermentation; Malolactic fermentation