Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Energies reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: complex economics; petroleum and gas engineering and energy
Interests: bioleaching; mathematical; computer vision; deep learning; leaching
Interests: underground coal gasification; georeactor; gas permeability; tortuosity; porosity; agricultural biogas; polydisperse substrate
Interests: catalysis; biomass and waste plastics utilization; bioproduct
Interests: ceramics; energy storage; nanomaterials; energy; materials; catalyst; carbon; battery; batteries; sol-gel; materials science and engineering; lithium-ion; sodium-ion; solid-state; sodium-sulfur
Interests: nanoparticles; low field NMR; reservoir simulation; reservoir engineering; petroleum engineering
Interests: natural resources; unconventional oil and gas; greenhouse gas; biomass utilization; clean energy processes; heavy oil processing
Interests: fluid machinery key components and machine development; study on the working process of fluid machinery; new energy utilization technology
Interests: high voltage testing; power transmission lines; insulation design
Interests: CO2 geological storage; CO2 EOR; geochemistry; REE; petroleum engineering
Interests: lithium-ion batteries; sodium-ion batteries; potassium-ion batteries; hybrid capacitors; lithium-sulfur batteries; nanomaterial design, preparation and characterization
Interests: numerical wave modelling; coastal engineering and protection and adaptation; ocean renewable energy; hydrodynamics
Interests: reservoir modeling; fracture characterization; reservoir prediction
Interests: combustion; hydrogen energy; chemical reaction kinetics; solid wastes utilization; energy and environmental science
Interests: development of carbon-based catalytic materials and their application in catalytic conversion of syngas (CO+H2), CO2, natural gas or shale gas (main component methane and low Ca; molecular sieves and their application in carbon catalysis
Interests: heat and mass transfer; low-temperature hydrogen; production from solar energy
Interests: forestry; wood industry; environmental science; ammonia emissions; ghg emissions; waste management; renewable energy; animal production; cattle; dairy; forage; economic analysis; energy; construction; agriculture; biomass; ecology
Interests: acoustic logging; sonic logging; rock physics; petrophysics; well logs
Interests: matlab; simulation; automatic control systems; PID controller tuning; programming PLC controllers
Interests: numerical heat transfer; heat transfer enhancement; thermal protection; management and test of high speed aircraft; solar thermal utilization; supercritical CO2 and compacts heat exchangers
Interests: power system stability; peak power reduction; smart grid; batery energy storage systems; renewable energy sources; electric vehicles; lighting technique; electromagnetic compatibility; data engineering
Interests: natural gas engineering; natural gas pipeline transmission; hydrogen pipeline transmission; carbon dioxide pipeline transmission; liquefied natural gas (LNG); LNG storage; LNG transportation; LNG utilization; LNG technology; thermodynamics of hydrocarbons
Interests: simulation; power quality; transport systems; traction power network; electric traction systems; electricity recovery; renewable energy and energy harvesting
Interests: fluid mechanics; computational fluid dynamics; CFD simulation; aerodynamics; numerical simulation; numerical modeling; finite element analysis; modeling and simulation; numerical analysis; process engineering; heat exchanger
Interests: engine; fuel; combustion
Interests: sustainability; management; energy; climate; atmosphere; economies
Interests: automation; control; vision systems; signal analysis; artificial intelligence; theory and application
Interests: wind turbine aerodynamics; remote power systems; wind resource assessment
Interests: electrochemical power sources; lead-acid battery; electrolysis; applied electrochemistry; electroplating; electrochemical methods in recycling
Interests: fire; fire simulations; fire hazard; CFD simulations